Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 The Little Witch Passed Out Happily! (Subscribe)

Malfoy, who was originally smug, grew his mouth even more after seeing Shelby Manor. The sense of honor brought by being born in the Malfoy family was shattered by the blow of Shelby Manor!

The Malfoy family has a big business and is well-known in the British wizarding world, but compared with the Shelby Manor Malfoy Manor…

No, there is no comparison at all.

This is simply outrageous.

Malfoy lowered his head, rarely putting away his arrogance.

Goyle and Crabbe on the side just sighed that Artel’s home was so big, and then they had nothing else to think about.

What they thought was more, Artel’s house is so big, there must be a lot of food to eat, right?

As the number of people increased, batches of little wizards were also sent to the pool.

After the initial shock, after seeing the party tents by the pool and all kinds of food, the little wizards were only excited.

Penello and Hermione also followed, to prevent the excited little wizards from running around.

If something is broken in the manor, even if Artel doesn’t care, it’s always bad.

At this time, the two faintly felt that they were the hostess of the manor.

Artel waited for a while, Cassandra, Amber and Pansy also came, and Artel was a little surprised by the last guest.

It’s Nagini.

“Not welcome?”

Looking at the somewhat unexpected Artel, Nagini smiled slightly, and she looked at Shelby Manor with a complicated look.

In fact, she has been near the manor for a long time.

After the students’ vacation, Nagini came to Dumbledore’s request to protect him near Shelby Manor.

For convenience, Nagini also changed back into a serpent, and has been living in the woods outside the manor.

During this time, she also deeply understood what the Shelby family was doing.

This is a gangster family!

No wonder Professor McGonagall worries about Shelby coming home from vacation.

She was afraid that Artel would be influenced by the family.

But after this period of observation, Nagini felt that there was no need to worry, because nothing dark ever happened at Shelby Manor.

Nagini followed and observed the guy named Jimmy, and she found that the Shelby family seldom did such terrible things. far.

“How can it be, it’s great that Professor Nagini can come.

Artel and Hermione had a good relationship with Nagini, but she wasn’t actually invited.

Because Hermione felt that all the little wizards came, it would be inconvenient to have a professor.

And if you invite Nagini, you will invite Professor McGonagall, and Professor McGonagall is too serious…

Invited McGonagall, do you want to invite Snape? Do you want to invite Dumbledore?

“It’s basically these people, and the time is running out, Professor Nagini, let’s go first.”5

Artel took a look, and there shouldn’t be anyone coming back.

But to be on the safe side, he still called a little black and gave him a few orders.

Then another Xiao Hei drove a scooter and dragged them to the party location.

Sure enough, after seeing a professor coming, the originally lawless little wizards restrained a lot.

Originally, Malfoy and Harry were already on the bar, and they also planned to break the rules and secretly use the Fire Charm to grill the meat.

Now that Nagini is here, the two naturally dare not mess around.

Artel had a loud speaker and soothing music played on the lawn before, but the little wizards didn’t think it was lively, so Artel replaced it with rock music.

A group of little wizards went crazy, and they were playing around among the tents.

Originally, these were ordinary tents, but after the servants installed them, Artel cast a traceless stretching spell on them, and the space inside was similar to that of a 100-square-meter house. Although there were many young wizards, they could still play.

Harry walked over to a piano and tried pressing a few keys, producing a succession of notes.

“Can you play the piano?”

Zhang Qiu walked to the piano and asked Harry.

The little wizards are full of curiosity about Muggle things, especially the little witches. Under Hermione’s explanation, they already know that this big guy is a musical instrument called a piano.

“I do not know.”

Harry blushed and replied that he thought Zhang Qiu was very beautiful and had an indescribable exotic style.

Zhang Qiu is thirteen years old this year, and she will be in the third grade when school starts again.

He looks more and more like Guli Chongha.

“That’s a pity… I’d really like to hear it.”

Zhang Qiu pursed her lips. She glanced at Artel, who was talking to Nagini, and said:

“Artel should talk, this is his piano…”

…・・ Flowers・ …


Harry felt a little lost, and Hermione, who was showing off all kinds of fun in the manor with Pansy not far away, rolled her eyes when she heard Zhang Qiu’s words.

She also didn’t know if Artel could play the piano, because she had never heard it before. Now that Zhang Qiu said that, she really wanted to hear it.

So Hermione pulled Pansy and found Artel.

Artel does know how to play the piano. He never learned it in his previous life. He learned guitar in his previous life. He also participated in the top ten singers on campus in college and won the first place.

The piano was learned in this lifetime, but only for a short period of time, because the Shelby family wanted to cultivate his temperament.

Playing the piano and learning music can make people’s temperament elegant.

“Please, Artel, play it…”

Hermione shook her arms around Artel.

Artel feels like he is surrounded by Xiao Long Bao ·

“Alright alright.”

Artel smiled helplessly, and Nagini on the side was also looking forward to it. She clapped her hands, and the little wizards fell silent.

Artel went to the piano, sat down, thought about it, and played a Chopin nocturne.

Music knows no borders, and naturally it can also cross the wizarding and Muggle worlds.

If the school song that the little wizards sing at the beginning of the school year can be regarded as music, then Chopin’s Nocturne is the Divine Comedy.

Notes jumped out of Artel’s fingertips and flowed into the hearts of every little wizard.

The little wizards who are full of expectations are completely indulged in the beautiful melody.

Some of the little witches stared blankly at Artel who was sitting in front of the piano, with little stars appearing in their eyes.

“It’s so romantic.”

Except for Hermione and the little wizards who knew something about Muggle culture, most people didn’t know what romance meant.

But that doesn’t stop them from admiring Artel.

Cassandra clasped her hands on her chest and suddenly felt the urge to dance.

“Really… how can I surpass her.”

Cassandra sighed helplessly when she regained her senses. In front of Artel, she no longer had any arrogance.

After an unknown amount of time, Artel’s performance ended, and the little wizards were still immersed in the mood created by the nocturne, unable to extricate themselves, until someone called Pansy passed out, and everyone came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream.

And Pansy…

She didn’t know what kind of fantasy she was immersed in, and she passed out happily.

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