Hitman x Wives

Chapter 69 69- Face-Off (Part 1)

Chapter 69 Chapter 69- Face-Off (Part 1)

Chapter 69- Face-Off (Part 1)

As Kaya walked through the school, countless students and even teachers were looking at her. They couldn't believe a beauty like her was walking right in front of them.

"Are you… seeing what I'm seeing?" A student asked his friend.

"Yeah… I think I'm gonna go talk to her." The other said with a dazed expression as if he was smitten by lightning.

"The fuck? Look at her, man. She's definitely a big shot! Why would she talk to you?"

"Have you never heard of the quote 'If there is a will, there is a way'? I can catch her attention if I play my cards right. Besides, I'm extremely handsome." The boy then walked toward Kaya without hesitation.

Although most people would feel intimidated by her aura of nobility, but there are always dense exceptions that don't understand such things.

"Hey, there, Miss. How can I help you?"

Kaya's eyes shifted to look at the boy who had a friendly smile on his face and then replied.

"By minding your own business." Her tone was cold as she immediately realized he was trying to hit on her and that alone annoyed her greatly.

Although Kaya knew that she was stunningly beautiful she didn't want anyone to approach her or appreciate her beauty except for her beloved. Every time she remembers how Kai complimented her that day a chill ran down her spine and she felt a hot sensation in her lower abdomen.

Her mind would still fantasize about it a lot whenever she was alone. It almost became an addiction for her that she can't get rid of nor have any intention of doing so.

Anyway, when the student heard the reply, he froze in his place in shock. Although rejection was something he anticipated, he never expected to be slapped in the face like this.

"H-Hey, Miss, please don't misunderstand my intentions. I was just intending to start a…"

"Friendly conversation that has no weird intentions behind it." Kaya finished his words for him and that stunned the guy even more. "Listen here, child. Ignoring the fact that I'm older than you and I don't take an interest in younger boys (mostly), you look like a rotten eggplant put upside down. Have some decency and don't approach people again." She said before turning around and walking away.

The student's face crumbled as he stood there, his mind ceasing from working properly.

His friend approached him quickly with a worried expression. He had heard what the woman said and he knew it was a huge blow to his friend's confidence.

"Hey, man, are you go-" As he was about to ask, his mouth went silent when he saw the boy's expression.

The latter didn't look sad or disheartened but instead was… blushing?

"Hey… Tell me, is it weird that what she said… turned me on?"


"Sorry… that was a weird question to ask." The boy shook his head. At that moment, something inside of him awakened and he was more than ready to explore it to the fullest.


Kaya, meanwhile, reached Class-C's cafe and walked inside. Looking around with a bored expression, one of the maids came close to her.

"Welcome to Class-C's Maid cafe~ Please, from here."

Kaya was then led to one of the tables under the looks of other visitors. Most of the men there were fathers of students that came along with their wives. It was safe to say that their day won't end well.

'Where is Kai? I can't sense his presence here. Does he work in the kitchen? Hmm, knowing him, he would probably choose that job because he doesn't want to deal with people.' Kaya chuckled secretly as she imagined Kai's bored expression as he prepared food faster than all the other students.

At that moment, someone approached Kaya, and that garnered the looks of the people. Their eyes completely shifted from Kaya when this person appeared in the class.

"Oh, look at that maid, she's so beautiful!"

"She looks like she's straight out of a drawing!"

"Hurry, take a pi- Oh, right, they took our phones. Pictures are prohibited here."

This person was none other than Eva. She had decided to also be a maid just to impress Kai when he comes back to the cafe. Although she would've rather worn it in private, she knew that opportunity might not happen.

'Maybe I will show it to him after school? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.' As her mind was deep in thought, she approached a random customer.

"How can I help you tod-" Her voice halted to a screech. Then, she stared at the customer.

"..." The customer stared back.

Then, the two frowned as they thought at the same exact time.

'What the fuck is this bitch doing here?!!'

When Eva and Kaya realized the identity of each other, the classroom's temperature dropped drastically. The two of them glared at each other silently. If it wasn't for the fact that they were surrounded by people, something even worse than glaring would've happened.

"Pfft! You look dashing in those clothes, Miss Maid." Kaya was the first to speak as she mocked Eva.

"This cafe isn't for overly old people, Ma'am. I suggest you visit the hospital instead." Eva retorted as she returned to her professional smile.

"Fufufufu~ to be honest, you might be right. I need a check-up at the hospital. My body feels quite sore after the intense 'training' I had yesterday with him~ He was quite wild, you know? Didn't even let me rest for a few minutes." Kaya's grin widened as she touched her lips and that made Eva's face darken to a horrifying degree.

"You are a big fool to think I will buy that nonsense you're saying."

"Believe what you want, kiddo. Now, serve me just like you were intended to do. I don't have the whole day to waste on you." Kaya said as she looked away.

'Calm down, Eva! She's just a lowly insect that is aiming for my Kai! I don't need to take her seriously. Just calm down…' Eva tried to reason with herself as she knew doing anything extreme will not turn out well especially in a place filled with innocent civilians like the school.

Then, an idea suddenly hit Eva and her face relaxed.

"Sure, Ma'am. What do you want to try?"

"Hmm, a tiramisu and a coffee will do."

"Coming right up~"

Then, Kaya walked to the kitchen and took the order. Then, as she was walking back, her left hand skillfully pulled something from her pocket and emptied it into the dish. It was a white powder that quickly dissolved in the coffee in an instant and vanished.

That powder was a poison known as the 'Angel's Torment'. It was an extremely potent poison that would make the one to consume it get horrible stomach pain and diarrhea. It was so strong that even Origin users fear it a lot.

'A few milligrams of it are capable of destroying the insides of a whale with ease. I put a few grams of it inside the coffee~ This should be fun~' Eva thought as she walked back to Kaya and served her the order.


Looking at the dish, Kaya squinted her eyes as she examined it before she looked up at Eva with a deadpan expression on her face.

"You do realize that I already know you put something in the coffee, right?"

"Oh? My apologies, customer but I do not understand what you're saying~" Eva replied with a professional smile. She deliberately made her voice loud so other customers could hear and look at them.

Kaya noticed that and her face frowned slightly.

'Tsk, this bitch is trying to pressure me into drinking this.'

"Are you perhaps questioning our work ethic, customer? Even though we aren't professional maids or waitresses, we still did our best to make this a great experience for our dead customers. I must respectfully ask you to not question our intentions." Eva asked as she pressured Kaya even harder. She had even changed her face to look quite sad. This made the customers sympathize with her.

"The food is great here."

"Yeah, even the coffee is great!"

"Why is she bullying the Maid? Even though she looks beautiful."

"Does she think she can say anything because she looks gorgeous?"

Whispers spread through the cafe and the center of it was Kaya who was silently being pressured into drinking the coffee.

'Hehehe, now drink that, bitch, and spend the rest of the day in the bathroom.' Eva snickered secretly.

"Sigh, fine, I will play your little game. Just remember that you will regret this greatly." Kaya said in a low tone before she lifted the coffee cup and chugged it down in one gulp under Eva's surprised look.

She just consumed… the whole coffee!!


Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him, the Nyan cat mascot stood outside, advertising the cafe idly.

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