He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 52: Stubborn

Xue Xiu Yong's voice thunders, "I still can't believe you!-...I will come with you...No- Bring me with you!"

Li Lei clearly show his dislike toward Xue Xiu Yong. A cold and murderous glare glazen Li Lei's eyes. In an instant, people who stood beside Li Lei shudder in fear. Xue Xiu Yong and Andy who stood right in front of Li Lei could feel the immense fear, cold sweat drench down from their forehead and palms. All of them steps back in reflex afraid of Li Lei's anger would brush against them.

As Li Lei was about to part his lips and utter his cold sentence, suddenly he felt a soft clutch on top of his bosom. As if she was in a nightmare, Xiao Yun clutches unconsciously on Li Lei's black suits frowning as she mumbles with a trembling voice, "L-Li Lei...." 

Xiao Yun's voice echoed through their ears-

It sounded very clear! Xiao Yun had just called Li Lei's name!!

Not only them, but Li Lei was also shocked that Xiao Yun had just called his name. His icy ice melted in warmness.

Xue Xiu Yong glance toward Li Lei, 'Did Xiao Yun just called his name? Then...this man is really Xiao Yun's fiancee? And- The CEO of Wang Corporation...Wang Li Lei?!-That Demon King?! '

Andy read Xiu Yong's expression and smiled, "Young master Xue...You've heard it clearly from Xiao Yun's mouth, right?"

Andy could still see the doubts and stubbornness on Xiu Yong's eyes and sighs- 'Can you just shut up?! He's about to eat all of us alive!!'. Suddenly before Andy could continue, Li Lei pull Xiao Yun's phone from Andy's hand before showing it toward Xiu Yong.

Li Lei put down his phone after a few moments and asked, "Do you understand?"

Xue Xiu Yong became agape as he look at Xiao Yun's phone with wide-eyes.

Li Lei gazes softly at Xiao Yun before softly whispering next to her ears, "I'm here Xiao Yun, it's alright let's go home."

Feeling the warmness of the voice Xiao Yun's creases on her forehead eases. Li Lei continues with his walk toward his car, unlike his usual fast steps, Li Lei walk softly in order not to disturb Xiao Yun.

Hyun who had been waiting patiently outside the cafe quickly open the car's door. As Hyun was about to help Li Lei to lay, Xiao Yun, Li Lei stops him from touching Xiao Yun, ordering with a cold voice, "I can do it."

Andy's lips twitch as he watches Li Lei frowning toward the innocent Hyun who was about to touch Xiao Yun and Li Lei with his blunt jealousy.

Inside the car, Li Lei lays Xiao Yun's head on his laps and covers Xiao Yun's body with a soft blanket. Suddenly Xiao Yun grunts and moves forwards, as Xiao Yun's head was about to fall from Li Lei's lap. 

His hand quickly reach toward her head before bringing back her head on top of his lap. Softly, Li Lei caresses her head calming her to sleep. Not long after, once again Xiao Yun grunts from the sore pain on her neck and struggles from the bad position on her neck. 

Li Lei changes his sitting position, took off his suit and fold it into a small square before laying Xiao Yun's head on it while looking at Xiao Yun's expression checking whether she was uncomfortable or not.

Finally, in the right position, Xiao Yun smells a warm fragrant and snuggles toward Li Lei's waist before giving a soft, satisfied laugh.

For some reason, Hyun's and Andy's face turn red as they watch their dainty, soft PDA  from the front car's seat.

Unable to bear any longer with their unconscious flirting, Andy clear his throat loudly before asking Li Lei, "What did you show to that young master of Xue Family? Just by a look and he suddenly back off?...I'm very curious!"

Li Lei took Xiao Yun's phone and show it once again to Andy. What appear before Andy's eyes was Xiao Yun's lock screen with Li Lei's face and hers that was filled by heart stickers along with big handwriting of 'My Love' and 'My fiancee'.

Andy blink twice and gulp...before he continues, "Y-You, why didn't you tell me this earlier? And... how do you know that there's a picture of you on her phone's lock screen?"

Li Lei glance toward him and replied shortly, "You don't need to know that."

Hearing his threatening-like words Andy thought to himself from Li Lei's answer 'You don't need to know that...? Do you mean...It's better if you don't know that...?'

'Just what has this man done?!'

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