Hero’s Creed

Chapter 76 - Draw

   In the tavern, the atmosphere of opposition was slightly relaxed because of the appearance of Hannah.

   “Hello, I’m the son of Mayor of Chenwu Town, Li… Sister!” Listor raised his chest, bent down, and posed his best courtesy, saying hello to Hannah.

   Who knew Hannah ignored Liszt, walked straight past him, and stood in front of Downton.

   “The last time you went too hurriedly, let me have no chance to thank you.”

  Hanna is very beautiful, her smile is like a glass of mellow wine, almost makes all the men in the pub drunk, their eyes fall on the breast of the female mage.

   The neckline of the mage’s robe was slightly wider, and some white milk ~ meat was slightly exposed, so a voice of swallowing was drawn.

   Liszt’s expression suddenly became unbearable. No one had dared to ignore him so much. At this moment, he wished to press Hannah on his body immediately and ruin it.

   “No need.” Downton refused.

   “You seem to be having some trouble? Popo, what the **** is going on?” Hannah pretended not to understand the meaning of Downton’s rejection, and asked Vieri.

   “Everyone said, don’t call my nickname in a crowded place.” Vieri murmured and hugged Downton’s shoulder, “This mayor’s son is forcing our friends to serve in labor.”

“Please pay attention to your remarks, not persecution, but just duty.” Liszt looked at Fanny who was behind Hannah with her sleepy eyes, and decided to give in first, and then figure out their origins before making plans. .

As the mayor’s son, Liszt is not a fool. Through clothing, words and deeds, Liszt instinctively feels that these people are not easy to provoke. The other people’s disdainful attitude towards themselves is not pretending to be obvious. People of this status.

   “You are always too polite, I said, what are the requirements, you just mention it.” Hannah’s pretended and familiar Donton glanced at Liszt, “I’ll give him gold coins, exempt from labor.”

   “No.” Liszt refused directly.

   “Don’t trouble, a month of labor, I will do it.” Downton’s wealth is enough to buy the entire morning fog town, but he knows that Liszt is to deal with himself, so the bribe will not work at all.

   After talking about Downton, he didn’t want to beg for mercy quietly, and gave him gold coins, otherwise he would die uncomfortably throughout his life.

   “Downton, don’t be brave, he obviously wants to deal with you.” Fanny in pajamas hugged Downton’s arm, and her chest fell on her. She wouldn’t do it unless Hannah told her to do it.

   “I will report to the dagger mine tomorrow.” Downton pulled Fanny away.

   Because of this action, Little Loli looked Downton carefully, and then looked at Fanny, and said a little bit, wouldn’t it really be Lolita?

   Fanny is not a beauty of Hannah’s series, but compared to the dancer, she is definitely on the next level, but Downton actually pushed him away, making the mercenaries insult.

“Very good, I like your courage, I hope you can still talk to me in the current momentum in a month.” Liszt turned away and walked a few steps, then stopped again, “Yes, I forgot to tell If you can’t hold on, you can come to me at any time and don’t try to die.”

  The words contained a thick threat, and even the fool could hear it. The mercenaries knew that Downton was not convinced, and he would die on the mine in all likelihood.

   “Master, just let him go?” When Liszt came out of the tavern, the servant interjected, “What if the people in the mine are also coveting Downton’s weapons?”

   “That kid has suffered such a loss, do you think you dare to take out your weapons and swagger?” Liszt disdains, “Anyway, there are only a few mine tyrants and supervisors, what are the qualifications to compete with me?”

   “Master wise!” The servant slapped.

“Go, find out the three identities as soon as possible. If it is a miscellaneous fish, I will let them know the consequences of offending me.” Liszt did a lot of murderous and illicit goods, creating several cases of missing persons on the chaotic border, He has too many excuses to get out.

Watching the servants disappear into the dark streets, to inquire about the news, Liszt hurried back to the manor, and soon, a few big men were coming, he had to make sufficient preparations, as long as they were pleased with them, all their status and wealth, all At your fingertips.

   The conflict ended, and the mercenaries sat back, but the noise of the noise did not weaken, and almost all discussed Tang Zheng and his perfect weapon.

   “Everyone, I still have something to do. Let’s go first.” Downton hasn’t raised his foot yet, and Vieri hastened to the front and blocked the way.

   “Friend, we are not malicious.” Vieri emphasized, giving Hanna a wink.

   “If it is a friend, it will not be difficult for the strong.” Downton retorted, sneering.

   “It seems there is a misunderstanding between us?” Hannah grinned hard, explaining hard. She certainly had a way to force Downton to tell the secret of Crow Ridge, but that would cause more problems.

“Hannah, are you insulting my IQ? Or do you mean you are a fool?” Downton hesitated how to get out, and it would definitely not work, not to mention Hannah and Vieri, Fanny alone, I guess both Unbalanced.

   “Boy, you are too rude, do you know the identity of Sister Hanna?” Fanny scolded, in her opinion, Sister Hannah has a face and a family, Downton should just kneel and lick it.

   “Why should I know?” Downton asked blankly, but there was a burst of anger in his heart.

   This is a civilian who has no status. It turns out that talking to yourself is a kind of charity and promotion. There has never been such a moment when Downton longed for rights and changed his situation.

   “You guys are good or bad, big brother, let me go, I’ll get a weapon, let’s kill a blood.” Walnut, like a cat stepped on the tail, sipped a small white tooth and kept flapping.

   “It’s me who took the liberty.” Hannah exhaled, seeing that she couldn’t draw closer to the relationship, she could only do business, “Downton, everyone is a smart person, and my intention, you must know it.”

  Donton scolded, how to save people kindly, but encountered this kind of thing, he has not peeped into the **** of the goddess of luck, why do you toss yourself so much?

“If you share the secrets of Crow Ridge, you will get a generous reward. For a person like Liszt, you only need one sentence, I can let him, or even his family disappear.” Hannah opened the price tag, “Of course, you still own half of the wealth there.”

   “Sister Hanna!” Fanny was anxious, but that was the royal tomb group. Why should Downton be given half? It seemed to her that after catching the kid back, tortured and tortured, he knew everything.

“Don’t be noisy.” Hannah stopped Fanny and looked at Downton sincerely, “Don’t be too busy to refuse, think about it carefully, you are just a civilian, are you qualified to protect your wealth? It’s better to put it’ The value is maximized.”

   Downton did not deny the secret of Crow Ridge. He talked to people like Hannah. The more they talked, the more information they leaked.

   “So, I wish we have a harmonious atmosphere next time we meet.” Hannah turned and left, and Fanny glared Downton and quickly followed.

“Friend, think about it carefully. If you refuse, Hannah’s character will definitely not rob you, but Fanny will definitely know your secrets. Those mercenaries will definitely smell like The **** shark rushed up.” Vieri patted Downton’s shoulder and sang a black face. The threat in the words was clear and audible.

   “What secret?” Little Loli blinked, curious.

   “Let’s go!” Downton picked up Walnut’s rucksack and took her out of the Golden Ivory Tavern.

   “Just let him leave?” On the third floor, Vieri found Hannah standing at the end of the hallway, looking through the window at Downton on the long street, “Will someone else get ahead first?”

   “A teenager who has been a postman since he was twelve years old and only sleeps for a few hours a day to earn money to feed his sister, must have a tough mind. If he does not eat some big losses and destroy his self-esteem and self-confidence, he will never compromise.”

Over the past month, Hannah has heard everything about Downton. He is definitely a hard-working man. If it is not because of the tomb group, she has already started to recruit Downton. This kind of person training can definitely become a family. Help.

  Vieri didn’t speak. He had decided to arrange someone to go to the dagger mine and cause Downton some serious trouble.

“I’m tired, go to bed!” Hannah walked into the bedroom, thinking, it was necessary to arrange for someone to take care of Elaine. This may be a breakthrough, so why not find someone to fake Liszt’s name to deal with Tang What about?

  Hanna knew that she should do this for the family~www.mtlnovel.com~, but the softness in her heart made her want to refuse.

   Standing at the window, Hannah thought of Downton’s black, sincere eyes, and thought of the help he had not asked for in return. If it were not for him, he had already been treated as a lunch by a ghoul.

   “Father, what should I do?” Hannah sighed deeply. On the floor, the moonlight was like water, pouring out a worry.

  The goblin leaned on the horse post and was snoring to sleep, his mouth drooling all over.

   Little Loli untied the belt and tied it to her wrist again, and did not wake up the ‘pet’, so she quickly chased Downton.

   Ah, the goblin made a scream, and was dragged on the ground by Little Loli, waving hurriedly, but couldn’t get up.

   “Master, I… I’m going to die!”

   “Gold coins are also given to you, leave. I have a lot of things to do recently.” Downton squatted and touched the head of Little Loli, and told him, “Don’t sleep outside in town in the evening.”

  Feeling the warmth of Downton’s palm, when the walnut’s nose is sour, his eyes are blurred by tears. How long has it been since he has tasted the concern? She can’t remember for a long time.

   Little Lori cried, but instead let Downton feel at a loss, and quickly wiped her tears, but thought of the leather armor is too hard, and quickly stopped.

   “Walnuts don’t go, Walnuts help you!” Little Loli wiped a snot and tears with her arms, and looked down at Dunton, her childish voice revealed great seriousness.

   “Little Loli, I have found you!” Before Downton answered, a rough voice suddenly sounded.

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