Hero’s Creed

Chapter 59 - Siege tactics

   “Paladin?” Tony’s pupils dilated, almost bloodshot, “It’s impossible, you are a civilian, where did you learn the magic?”

   “Are you in control?” Downton raised his hand, and the glory of Gaia’s endurance and the agility of the jungle’s agility fell on his body, and his combat effectiveness increased.

   Tony was shocked and unable to add, just like seeing a dirty and humble goblin slamming a giant dragon.

“Do you think you can win me this way? I’m a third-order soul.” Tony sighed, squinting his eyes for the first time, and began to look at Downton seriously. He was not a reckless man, especially when he didn’t play in the first round. He prevailed and calmed him down.

   Downton didn’t give Tony time to think.

  The demon servants also came up from all sides, among which the speed of the ninth and tenth wearing the warrior light infantry armor was ok.

   Tony’s left-handed dagger swayed hard. He wanted to block the saber and make a strong attack. However, after the collision, he found that the opponent’s power was great and wanted to change his moves. It was too late.

  Tang Dun took a sharp breath, and his lungs seemed to bulge, following the roar of the giant.

  The huge sound swept over Tony in front of him. His tinnitus roared, causing him to experience a short dizziness, but his rich combat experience made him shield in time.

  Now, three fist-sized soul shields popped out to intercept Downton’s attack.

   Giant beheaded!

  Boom, the saber was like a thunder slashed on the soul shield, directly chopped it out of a dense crack, bounced off, and then split with a second knife, but another shield blocked it.

   Downton hit the giant’s arrow with his left fist, as if with a spear, thumped on Tony’s chest, making him stagger back.

   “How is it possible?” One face was suppressed, and Tony was thrilled. His face was unbelievable. He wanted to fight back, but Downton was faster.

  Boom, the giant magic sword after the giant seal was chopped off quickly, directly blasting Tony’s broken shield, if he dodged fast enough, he was absolutely injured.

   No. 9 and No. 10 were killed, and the claws slammed, even if they couldn’t bite with their helmets, their heads still slammed brutally.

   Tony was so tired of this desperate play that he had to retreat and reorganize the offensive.

   “Grab him and grapple!”

   Downton leaned forward, his legs were strong, and the shells were out of the barrel. He shot Tony’s left side of the body and shot past. The saber in his right hand was cut across and was also avoided.

“But that’s it!” Tony breathed a sigh of relief. The lightning spike was about to start, assassinated No. 9, and he was heavily kicked in the waist. His body fell out of control and hit the four corpses in front of him. ghost.

“Oops, the kid missed on purpose, just to get behind me and intercept the retreat.” Tony was shocked, even though his ability to read battles was poor, but he saw four demon servants scattered and wrapped up, and he understood Downton’s tactical intentions.

   In addition to No. 9 and No. 10, Downton and the other four ghouls are wearing heavy armor and playing against Tony, which definitely has the upper hand.

   Tony was anxious and rushed to number five, trying to kill a passage.

   He is an assassin, good at speed and quick attack, but once trapped, these can not be played out, let alone a leather armor, these guys are not resistant.

  Tony’s dagger was found in the mage tower. It is a superior inferior. Although the enchanting effect disappeared, but after sharpening, the sharpness is still there, and it can penetrate the warrior armor.

   “Go to death!” Tony broke out and stabbed at No. 5’s head, which was the key point of the ghoul, otherwise even if he stabbed the demon servant into a honeycomb, he would be arrested.

  Tony’s nerves were already tense, fighting with all his strength. The five ghouls around him surrounded him. After a little delay, he would be killed.

   Donton didn’t need to guess, he also knew that Tony would attack the head of No.5, and wanted to kill after a single blow, so he saw him pounce on No.5, and when he drew his dagger, he directly directed it to swoop.

Tony’s reaction was unpleasant, his wrist flicked, the dagger changed its course, and still stabbed at the head of the fifth. However, when the dagger just stabbed in, the fifth turned around with all his strength. The huge power even made the dagger capital. Almost got off.

“Damn!” Tony appeared empty before him, but there was another arm stopped, and the ghoul next to him was also approaching. Tony had just accelerated, and a huge magical saber was chopped on his back. A soul shield shattered.

  Most of Tony’s attention was taken away by No. 5 and the ghouls around him, unaware of Downton’s attack, he was hit hard again.

“What martial arts are you practicing? War? No, it should be the adjudication order!” Tony showed fear for the first time. Downton could blow his soul shield on average with two blows, which is also terrible. .

   “Just tell you this dead man, I practiced dragon-order martial arts skills.” Downton was another giant flail, attacked at medium distance, and forced Tony to stand on his feet.

   “Impossible.” Tony instinctively did not believe it, but the power of martial art made him unable to find a reason to rebut.

   “Dead!” Downton deliberately stimulated Tony, causing him to lose his calm, which led to misjudgment.

  The ghouls sprinted, and the maggots of the tarsal bone generally chased Tony, and the 9th and 10th took the lead in rounding up.

   “I’m the third-order soul!” Tony yelled, cheering himself, seeing Downton leaning forward and sprinting, he immediately prepared to cut his throat when he rushed past him.

   Downton launched the giant jump, leaping over the top of Tony’s head. After landing, he quickly turned around and the saber struck.

“The same tactics, you never want to use two…times!” Tony just snarled, he was dumbfounded, and got another knife, the soul shield was opened, waiting to be reset, the second knife was cut and cut on the leather armor .

  If you change it to tear dragon teeth, you can end the battle, but Downton uses an ogre saber.

   These days in the dungeon, the Robinson trio also gained something, at least they have changed their equipment, but it is not the same as before.

   Due to Downton’s delay, the ghouls finally gathered around. Tony wanted to rush out of the gap that had never closed, but No. 9 and No. 10 had been under Downton’s command to plug the loophole in advance.

   “Go away!” Tony roared, but he was helpless.

   A warrior’s heavily armored ghoul is like a heavy iron mountain. With the power of Tony, it can’t be shaken at all, and they have excellent defense. They don’t destroy their heads and can’t be killed at all.

  Don’t talk about the constant harassment of No. 9 and No. 10, Tony can’t aim at the attack, just four fists that reloaded the meat shield, he spit blood.

   There is only one soul shield, Tony, who can’t completely defend.

   Downton held the saber and stabbed into the middle of the meat shield. Tony, who was surrounded, had no room to dodge. He could only input magic energy into the ring on his index finger, and opened the final hole card.

   A flash of lightning suddenly burst out, radiating like a tree branch, sweeping the yard.

   The blue arc walked over the armor, but the ghouls only hesitated for half a shot, and resumed the attack before Tony rushed out

   These undead monsters are worthy of the most cost-effective cannon fodder. If they are not directly shocked, they will not cause much damage.

   Uh, uh, uh!

Not only did the two soul shields bounce out, but also the liquid masses that turned from star to star. After lightning exploded them, they crashed on the ring shield activated by Downton, and were finally stopped by the holy armor. No root hair was hurt.

“Second order of the soul? How is this possible?” Looking at Downton’s own killing blow, and looking at the two soul shields representing the second order, Tony’s face was shocked and uneasy, because this one hesitated, He was hit by ghouls in his eyes, and there was a dark green.

   “Why is it impossible?” Downton was also startled and almost turned over in the gutter, so he was a little angry, “Homer, don’t watch it, tear me dragon teeth.”

  The elemental arm had already taken out the battle axe, and he threw it at Downton.

   Downton took it, and activated the power of the giant, and he beheaded to Tony.

  The soul shield blocked it and was directly exploded, then the tomahawk was cut on Tony’s shoulder, and one of his arms was removed.

   The severe pain made Tony crazier and dying.

“Impossible, how could you be promoted from a civilian to a second-level soul in such a short period of time, wouldn’t I have lived on a goblin after all these years of hard work?” Tony actually exaggerated, he was a lazy person. People can’t eat a bit of bitterness.

“I looked down on me at first, and thought I was the disdainful attitude of the lamb to be slaughtered? Take it out, UU reading www.uukanshu.com continue to despise me?” Downton let the ghoul give up an empty, and then attacked with all his strength. .

   Tony has no room to dodge, he can only use his full power to block it, but in the face of Downton, the giant’s power increase, he is like a ants. Even if the dagger is stabbed occasionally, he can’t break Downton’s 100-man Warrior armor.

   Zi, the tomahawk tore the leather armor, leaving a blood stain on Tony’s chest.

   “I’m not reconciled!” The shadow of impending death completely lost Tony’s calmness, rushed to Downton, and then was slashed with an axe on his shoulder, and the slash cut into two pieces.

  Bump, Tony fell to the ground, vomiting blood bit by bite, his eyes began to loosen.

   “I knew early…Tao, at first…I should get rid of you!”

   Tony’s body was full of blood, he was really unwilling, his talent was agility of cats, but in the face of the ghoul’s siege, it did not play out at all.

   “Unfortunately, you understand too late.” Downton raised his axe and cut Tony’s head.

   “Great fight!” Homer Kwazan, at the beginning of the fight, Downton tactically suppressed Tony and controlled the rhythm.

   Tony’s advantages are speed, fast attack, and more magic power. However, under Downton’s ghoul siege tactics and crazy attacks, he has not played at all and can only attack with a scalp.

In the face of five iron cans, Tony, who is also in the melee department but only wearing leather armor and holding a dagger, lost all he could first. If he changed to Homer, he would not reveal his face, but used assassination. .

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