Hero’s Creed

Chapter 56 - Spider nest

   “What if I enter the big library when I am injured? Even if the time flow rate is constant, but in total, can you get more treatment in 10 days than in one day?” Downton thought of another possibility.

   “Yes, you can take care of the wounds while reading in the library, but remember that no potions can take effect, you can only use magic to heal the body.”

  Homer finally provided good news.

Almost most healing spells are harmless, but the medicine is different. When the body grows constant, the metabolic activity becomes slow, which also means that the speed of absorption of the medicine is slowed down, which will allow them to accumulate in the body in large quantities, and then Adverse reactions to body and organs.

   “I don’t seem to be a cure magic?” Downton was stunned and immediately annoyed. As a wild paladin, he really didn’t understand how to study the magic in a systematic way. He just sacrificed what he needed in battle.

The three key points of the magic book, the altar in the space of the magic book plane, which has already extinguished the god’s fire, and hundreds of thousands of undead creatures in the dungeon, can only get Downton to obtain the magic through sacrifice, otherwise he can only Can learn step by step like other priests.

   “Did you find out?” Homer quipped, “If you are a paladin who can’t even count as a half-hanger, if you go to secret areas and ruins, any adventure group will not recruit you, and your eyes will not glance at you.”

   “Forget it, learn the magic and wait for the library, let me start the potions course first!” Thinking of owing a lot of cheap **** sacrifices, Downton can only suppress the thought of offering the sacrifice once more.

   “This is the list of books you will study next.”

   The text of the magic flame flashed, forming a dense list of titles, with nearly a hundred copies.

   “Introduction to Pharmaceutics”, “Encyclopedia of Potions of Potions”, “Practical Potions”, “Thousand Kinds of Magic Potions”, “Thousand Commonly Used Medicaments Configuration”…

With a bang, the fist-sized book elf popped out of the air, with a slightly yellowed parchment paper floating in front of him, and a white quill pen.

   “Is there only these?” The book wizard blinked his eyes and asked carefully.

   “Hmm!” Downton nodded.

   As the existence of a comparable encyclopedia, Homer’s experience is too rich, and the list of potions listed for him is definitely the most efficient and the most practical at present.

   “Loan acceptance!”

As the book elf’s voice fell, the quill tapped out of thin air twice, as if it were dipped in ink, and then began to write on parchment paper decorated with redbud flowers, leaving a string of gorgeous magic flame text. .

  Every time a book title is written, it will flash like a star, and then the corresponding book will fly out of the shelf as if it had wings.

  When Celesce woke up, she saw a book like a goose returning from the north, which landed on the table in front of Downton, and piled up several stacks.

   Downton picked up a book and opened the cover. Although the book was not very new, it was well preserved without any signs of damage or folding.

   “After borrowing, please keep the books properly, otherwise you will be punished!”

  After a dozen precautions, with a bang, the book wizard disappeared into the air.

“You read a book, I won’t disturb you anymore, if you have any questions, you can ask me, or a book elf!” The magic book released pen and paper from the war space, and a bottle of ink, and flew to Ceres, “Go, Let’s go to the other side of the reading area.”

   Ceres was unwilling, and was patted on the forehead fiercely by the magic code. After a reprimand, he obediently left.

   Downton’s hand opened the book with a slight tremor. He thought of the time when he was sitting under the oil lamp with his sister as a child and listening to his mother’s reading.

   The quill kissed the parchment paper, making a rusty, fine but full of rhythmic sound, like the tender green buds full of green dreams in the spring, is coming out of the ground.

  Time flies, Downton at his desk, but his posture has never changed.

Looking at Downton, who ate black bread casually and never left the pages of the book, Homer was very pleased. He had seen this state many times in ten days. He was not on a whim, but really wanted to become a big man. Potionist.

   “This kind of concentration and hard work will make you receive a reward for the bumper harvest.” Homer sighed and couldn’t bear to disturb and flew away, let him see the last moment.

Iris’s lively character couldn’t bear to read books quietly, but every time he went to Downton, he saw that he was holding a scroll, learning knowledge, like a statue. The lips of the death banshee had been opened many times, but in the end there was no Disturb him.

   “At least, keep up with Downton’s footsteps!” Ceres, inspired by this scene, began to work hard and secretly made up her mind.

   There are two diligent and hard-working students, Homer is very satisfied, and then strictly took the role of tutor, fully teaching Celace.

   Bang, a bang, the book wizard appeared out of thin air.

   “Your borrowing time has run out, please leave the library within five minutes, otherwise you will be forced to expel and deprive you of the next borrowing.”

  Official business, the book elf will not be impressed by Downton’s efforts.

   “So fast?” Downton stretched a lazy waist, feeling his body was rusty, and his muscles were aching.

  In ten days, Downton left the seats a handful of times, and his body was inevitable. If he wasn’t a magician, he couldn’t stand it.

   Celine held the magic code to her chest with both hands and flew over.

   “Remember to combine work and rest next time, and get up and get active when you are tired.” Homer projected the text, “Let’s go.”

   “Thank you!” Downton closed the book reluctantly, packed the table and thanked the book elf.

   “This is my duty!” Because of Downton’s attitude, the book elf added a rare sentence, “Do you need to borrow books to take away?”

   “You mean, I can take the book out?” Downton froze, then nodded, “I need it.”

“You are an E-level authority, you can borrow a book to take out of the library, but please keep the books well. If damaged, you will be severely punished.” The book wizard added, “The borrowing time depends on the magic stone you pay. .”

   “Help me, borrow this “One Thousand Kinds of Magic Potion”!” Downton has no accidents or complaints about paying the magic stone. There is no free lunch under the sky. This is the simplest reason.

“It’s a good choice. You should memorize all kinds of potions as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can buy fakes and waste gold coins. The key is too shameful.” Although Homer knew this knowledge, it was its, Tang If you can’t remember these, even the door of the potion is not qualified to step in.

   walked out of the library, down the steps, Downton retreated into the study, the Gothic gate behind him shattered into a streamer, and fluttered down.

  Feeling the weight of the book in hand, Downton has an unreal feeling, the power of the magic book is really incredible and powerful.

   “Be prepared, continue to attack the bank, hunt the spiders, and first pay the debts owed.” The magic book has organized the plan.

   Downton walked into the courtyard and looked at the dark dungeon, taking a deep breath, “Homer, arm me and let out the devil!”

   The space for war opened, and six element arms held parts of the ‘Hundred Warriors’ armor, helping Downton to armor, while four ghouls wearing warrior suits stepped out of the light door and stood around.

   One of them was carrying a battle axe to tear the dragon teeth.

  Hanging the warrior dagger on his waist, Downton carried the ogre saber to the central block, where is the largest bank in the underground city of Porosna.

   A stone tablet was erected in front of the bank door, and the family emblem of Hohenzollern was engraved on it. This is the hereditary giant of Saint-Judrania. The name represents wealth, power, and power.

   “I hope the collection in the vault will not let us down.” Downton brandished his saber and hacked the black blood spider surrounded by the demon servants.

   “Why are there so many spiders?” Ceres looked sicker than these war horses, with insects with fierce mouth organs and compound eyes, and felt sick, so she hid far away and said nothing to investigate first.

   centered on the bank, the whole street was covered with white spider webs, and piles of bucket-sized spider eggs were scattered among them.

   Remove the black blood spiders that left the bank lair to hunt, and the rest are scattered scattered on the long street, guarding the spider mother of their ethnic group.

“Don’t worry, move on slowly, these spiders are more difficult to deal with than the fish ghouls.” After discussing with the Codex and Downton, they gave up the method of fire attack. Once they burned, they couldn’t control the fire and didn’t say it~www.mtlnovel .com~ will also attract a large number of undead creatures. If it is mixed with a few high-level creatures, Downton is absolutely dead.

   Of course, the biggest hidden danger is the Robinson trio. If they let the bank notice the bank because of the flames and ransack the vault, then Donton wouldn’t want to get a single hair.

   “Maybe there is legendary weaponry!” Downton got the crossbow, and it was a shot toward the closest spider.

  The crossbow arrow hit the spider, and the blood hit it, and it rushed over quickly.

   Fortunately, there are not many dark animals living in the dungeon, which also means that there is a lack of food, so that the black blood spider community cannot grow, otherwise Downton absolutely dare not play the idea of ​​the Hohenzollern Bank, which has become a spider’s nest.

   Downton shoots arrows continuously, and is always ready to send a ghoul to harass the spider, to ensure that it will not give up chasing, and wait for the corner of the corner, the ready demon servants pounced up fearlessly.

   “It’s still not safe enough, and the efficiency is too slow!” After hacking the spider and collecting the magic core, Downton didn’t worry about it, but calmly thought.

   “What should I do?” Celesis is very dependent on Downton, and she is too lazy to use her brain. She thinks Downton must have a solution.

   “You will know later.” Downton did not disappoint.

  A dark red glowing eye, staring through Downton through a narrow window gap, then spit out the scarlet tongue and licked his lips.

   searched for a long time, and found that Tony of Downton was hiding in a safe house, sleeping on a wooden bed.

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