Hero’s Creed

Chapter 38 - Natural ornaments

  In the wine-filled golden ivory tavern, the dancers on the high platform continuously lifted the skirt angle, teasing the mercenaries and adventurers, leading to a series of whistle.

   Downton concealed his expression and did not interject.

   “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Grand Terrace, otherwise I will have said it already.” Barak’s face was sturdy, but there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

   “The impression you gave me plummeted!” Downton raised his glass, “I don’t like smart guys.”

   “You gave me a very good impression.” Barak grabbed the wooden wine glass and looked directly at Downton’s eyes. “Drinking this glass of wine, you are a friend of the Bloodhoof Warrior Barak!”

   “The word “friend, is it worth the weight of such a glass of wine?” Downton chuckled, then looked at Barak’s solemn expression, condensing his ridiculous tone.

“In my mind, even a glass of water is enough. Never humans and orcs apologize, you are the first!” Barak touched the glass with Downton fiercely, then looked up, muttered, looked up Drink it for the first time.

   The liquor flowed down the corner of Barak’s mouth and passed through his neck, wetting the lapel.

   “Two more glasses of rye beer!” Downton yelled the waiter, groaning in his heart. No wonder, if Barak is too stupid, how could the tribe appoint the important duties of a businessman?

   “Thank you.” Barak wiped away the tears that had just overflowed the corner of his eyes.

   Downton didn’t know that the gem he paid exceeded the price of 30% of the goods, which allowed the children of the tribe to live a good life for two or three months.

The orcs living in the sunset prairie are too poor. Food, salt, iron, and many other materials need to be imported from the human country. The prices of horses, animal skins, and other specialty products they export are very low. We must worry about the prohibition of trade in the human country and the abolition of mutual markets.

  The twelve principalities of the north formed a commercial alliance. There were too many means to deal with these tribes. Even the governor of the southern orcs on the border had to bow their heads, not to mention their humble fish.

“When will you come to Chenwu Town next time? I will have all the materials related to the potion.” Downton had to put down the glass, and Barak’s eyes suddenly became sharp. He couldn’t help but one. Take a breath, “Is this down now?”

   “Three months later.” Barak laughed and patted Downton’s shoulder fiercely. “No problem, even if it’s a high price, I won’t sell it, I will keep it for you.”

   “Did you sell it?” Downton coughed a few times and pushed both glasses of wine to the tauren. He couldn’t get used to it.

   “There are blood of the biped flying dragon, the magic moon silver wolf, the hurricane pterosaur, and the Greta falcon in the tribe. I will bring you if you want.”

Barak did not brag. These are elite-level Warcraft. Their blood is rich in huge magic powers, which can be used to engrave magic scrolls and configure high potions. They are very popular in the human kingdom. They are already waiting for the market. It was bought by the big merchants with supernatural powers.

   There was a slight shock in the magic book. Downton didn’t need to ask, and knew that it was reminding himself to buy it.

   “This is a deposit!” Downton took out five stones and placed them in front of Barak.

   “Don’t, I believe you!” Tauren’s stubborn side broke out. These guys are very bold and simple. Once they have identified friends, they are very heart-wrenching.

   Downton’s “Sorry” made Tauren taste the respect for the first time.

   As a tribal shaman who can communicate with nature, Barak can see that the teenager in front of him is sincere. If such a person cannot make a friend and misses it, he will regret it for a lifetime.

   “You carry blood to Chenwu Town, there is also a great risk, don’t be hypocritical, hurry up and accept, anyway, I am not bad about these gems.”

   Downton knew that Barak’s trip would not be easy. In addition to dealing with as many robbers as possible, soldiers on the border would also extort blackmail. If they saw the high value of the goods, they would also guest robbers.

   is not only a human soldier known as a worm in the west, but also an orc soldier, so this business is full of the smell of killing and blood all year round.

  Balak picked up his glass and filled it in one breath. He was covering his gaffe.

   Five gems, worth more than one hundred thousand gold coins, are worth the goods accumulated by the blood hoof tribe for half a year. He actually delivered it easily because of his promise.

“I’ll try to come back in three months. If it doesn’t show up, you will sell the goods to others!” Looking at Barak’s darkened face and worn armor, Downton sighed and took another handful of gems. There were more than twenty pieces in front of him.

   “What do you mean?” Tauren frowned.

   “Take some armor and weapons to improve combat effectiveness. Even if you die, I don’t want my goods to be robbed.”

  Balak, who had been patient, heard this and finally couldn’t help it. Bean’s tears fell into the glass, and the smashed liquid made a small bubble.

  The tauren knew that Downton said this intentionally, because he didn’t want to put himself in a psychological burden, and felt that he owed his affection.

   “Put it away, do you want to be robbed?” Downton urged, using his eyes to show Barak attention to the situation around him.

  Several mercenaries have begun to pay attention here. There is no way. The gems are too dazzling. Besides, they just eat this bowl of rice.

  Barak no longer resigned, took a purse from his arms, poured out a string of bracelets, and put the gems in.

   “This is for you.” The Tauren did not allow Downton to refuse at all, and put the bracelet in his hand directly. “That is our big shaman carved with whale wood, which instilled the power of nature.”

The    bracelet is composed of ten marble balls, exuding a fragrance, which makes Downton feel a lot of soberness in an instant.

“Indoctrination of magical energy can activate a war-level magic shield blessed above.” Tauren science, “It also has a refreshing effect, which allows the magician of the legal system to stay in the best for a long time when casting a spell. State, avoid fatigue.”

   This string of bracelets is a fine middle class, and if sold, it is worth 50,000 Kundera.

   “It’s too expensive.” Downton gave the gem only because of his kindness, which could help this downbeat tauren, but he didn’t intend to give him back.

   “Do you think my gift is dirty?”

   Downton shook his head quickly.

   “Bloodhoof Warrior’s gift is only for his best friend!” Barak laughed. “If you feel uncomfortable, please invite me to drink. I haven’t had a drink for a long time.”

   “Enough is enough!” Downton had planned to buy a few small gifts for the dead Banshee Celice, but now with this string of convergence, it saves a lot of things.

  Barak is a very talkative orc, but in a strange human kingdom, he became silent, and now suddenly encountered Downton who did not look down on him, and opened the conversation box, introducing the customs of the setting prairie.

   Downton is definitely a competent listener, always smiling, not impatient, he knows that Tauren needs to vent and talk, but an unintelligent guy interrupted the conversation.

   “Yo, isn’t this our first postman in the West?” Little Grande, surrounded by six fox friends, embraced his chest with both hands, walked vigorously, and sat down directly at the dining table.

  Wang, Wang, and white bear hounds roared towards Downton’s teeth, seeing that the owner did not stop, and boldly put his front legs on the table, biting off the steak on the plate.

   “Orc, what are you doing here?” Little Grande squinted at Barak with a look of contempt. How could he not recognize this tauren who murmured to sell goods to his father.

   “Sell the goods!” Barak sulked, and changed back to that honest orc, making Downton look a little bit at ease.

   “To whom? He?” Little Grande pointed to Downton, and then laughed out loud, “He is a poor man, what can he afford? You are cheated!”

   “Is the orcs stupid? This table is used to feed the Grande’s dogs, and it is more useful than to feed Downton.” The dog legs are very competent and spare no effort to ridicule Downton.

  Bear hunting dogs are worthy of being human pets. They jumped directly onto the table, ate and chewed, and kept roaring towards Downton’s brutality.

   “You’d better get this dead dog down.” Downton stared at Little Grande’s eyes, “Otherwise I would really make it a “dead dog”!”

   “Haha, am I not wrong? It’s you alone?” Little Grande sneered, “A postman, wrong, or a forced postman who has been expelled, what do you have?”

   Little Grande deliberately increased the volume to let the mercenaries and adventurers of the tavern pay attention to this side. He will humiliate Downton in the public and make him lose face.

   “Hey, do you know what this is? The ogre suit is worth 20,000 jindran. You can’t afford it if you are exhausted all your life!”

   Little Grande pulled out his long sword, “Lynx one-handed sword, excellent grade, UU reading www.uukanshu.com 30,000 Kunderan, whichever equipment I throw out, can kill you!”

“beat him!”

   “Neither his mother could recognize him!”

   “Duel, duel!”

  The mercenaries who feared that the world would not mess up screamed, knocked at the dining table with a wine glass, and applauded to cheer them up for a duel, so that the conflict would not be big enough.

   “Huh, a duel? A civilian, and have the courage to fight my second-level soul magician? I beat all his shit.” Xiao Ge Langtai arrogant, arrogant.

   The tauren looked at Downton and found that he was staring at the bear hound, and his right hand touched the tomahawk placed under the table.

“You have to calm down!” Barak quickly persuaded that one was a worthless civilian, and the other was the son of the first businessman in Chenwu Town. The tauren didn’t need to look at it. He also knew that the difference in weight between the two sides was too great. He didn’t want to make new friends. Get into big trouble.

   “A humble orc, how can you interject here, get out, or I will beat you with you!”

Bang, Little Grande grabbed the plate and hit Barak’s face, the fragments jumped and the juice splashed. At this moment, under the attention of everyone in the tavern, crushing the enemy made him feel that his soul should be ascending to heaven Too.

   “Today, I must step on all your dignity!” Little Grande looked at Downton and grinned, “Let you never dare to appear in front of me again!”


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