Hero’s Creed

Chapter 31 - Royal Apothecary

   “What’s the matter?” Lehman deserved to be a retired soldier who had gone to the battlefield. His eyes glared, and a murderous sentiment filled him.

   “It’s him, I’m here to buy a horse, but he doesn’t have to receive it, you have to fire him!” Matt felt that a poor man like Downton appeared on the horse farm. There was no second reason other than working.

   “Who tells you he is a worker?” Lehman finished, and ignored the fish like Matt, and waved his hand.

   The two servants immediately put the box in front of Downton and opened the lid.

  Huang Chengcheng’s gold coins were piled inside. Under the sunlight, the dazzling luster was flowing, and the postmen’s eyes immediately solidified, and they couldn’t help swallowing their saliva.

“My wife has seen the gem, and according to the market, it is worth nearly forty thousand lands.” Lehman embraced Downton’s shoulder with a friendly attitude. “Here are twenty thousand gold coins. Emperor’s feed money!”

   Downton nodded, he did not expect Lehman to find money.

   “Boy, so suffocating, I’m optimistic about you.” Lehman turned around and shouted at the servant, “What are you still doing? Don’t hurry to wear a harness to the Black Emperor!”

   “What are you talking about? These gold coins are all his?” Not only Matt, even the five postmen were dumbfounded. As for the other, they were still dizzy on the ground.

   “Is it all yours?” Lehman spit, wondering the origin of the gem in Downton’s hands. He was not a rich man, but why didn’t he blink in the face of 20,000 gold coins?

   “How is this possible?” Matt thought, glaring almost all his eyes.

“Boy, I still have this kind of gemstone in the future, remember to find me!” Lehman tried Downton first, and secondly wanted long-term cooperation. These gems are of good quality. The experienced wife said that after processing it, you can sell a good one. price.

  This is why Lehman trades at the current gem price, otherwise he swallowed it directly, and his straightforward personality does not mean that he will miss the opportunity to make a fortune.

  The servant’s movements were quick. When the Black Emperor was given the title and the water reins, the war horse was a little uncomfortable, but he was quickly appeased.

  Tethered the belt that fixed the saddle under the black emperor’s belly, arranged the position of the stirrup, and the servant led it and walked to Downton.

   “Now it’s yours!” Lyman handed the reins to Downton.

   “He bought this horse?” Although there were already signs, Matt was still lucky, until he saw this scene and completely froze.

  The five postmen also have incredible looks. Over half a month ago, Downton was still a poor man in the same situation as them. Why can he afford a horse now?

   “This must be the goddess of fate kidding!” A postman didn’t believe it and rubbed his eyes, “I must be dazzled.”

  After the servant tied the box containing the gold coins on the horseback, Downton stepped on the stirrup and rode on the saddle.

   “Uncle Lehman, I still have something to do, so I will take a step first.” Downton came to the fore and glanced at Matt, his heels flicked.

   The Black Emperor took a brisk step and trot out of the stable.

  Matt’s face flushed suddenly, he was ready to be ridiculed by Downton, but the other side ignored him. This kind of disregard is more embarrassing than a few words of curse.

“Do you think I don’t deserve to be your opponent? Waiting to see me, I’m going to become a magician, and then I will get back all these humiliations!” Matt stared at Donton with resentment. Secretly swears.

“Are you going to buy a horse?” Lehman looked at Matt’s outfit and sneered. “Take them to another stable, pick up a few lame old horses to let them pick, a bunch of poor ghosts, and even lower-level war horses.” I can’t afford it. It’s a waste of time.”

  Lehman ignored these civilians and continued to walk the horse.

   Xia Feng is like a lover’s hand, with the cool shade of the green between the trees, brushing his cheeks, people can not help but moan.

   Downton rode the Black Emperor, jogging briskly on the tree-lined trail, leaving a crisp horseshoe sound.

   The last clerk valued Downton very much, and some express mails were only reassured by him to come, so Downton took advantage of riding the post office horse, learned equestrianism, and even could do a dressage.

   “Having something to worry about?” Homer hadn’t seen Downton talking for a long time, and Homer projected the text.

“A poor boy suddenly buys a horse and replaces it with you. Won’t he be curious?” Downton took out the magic book and explained the reason. “The morning fog town is not big. I bought a lot of supplies and spread it sooner or later. I am afraid that it will cause Attentive attention.”

   “Or change a town?”

“Among the towns on the border of Sequoia, Chenwu Town is the largest and has the most goods. If you want to buy potions and magic stones, you have to be here.” Downton sighed. “Even if these are gone, I can fool with gems. In the past, but when I rescued the adventure group before, I used to tear the dragon teeth, and that Hanna looks like a heart-thinking master, and I suspect it will be doubtful.”

  The more I recall, Downton finds that he has made more flaws.

“There is no need to worry, you just have to be careful not to be tracked. After entering the dungeon this time, try to collect the remains of the soul, open the portal of the magic book as soon as possible, and then directly use it to travel between the dungeon and the town. Overtaken.” Homer encountered too many dangers and immediately thought of a countermeasure.

   Downton speeded up his horse speed. If he had enough force to crush them, why bother to use it? When he thought of the Robinson trio in the dungeon, he was agonizing.

   entered the town of Morning Fog. Downton didn’t even return home. He went straight to the largest Eugene pharmacy. He didn’t notice that a land ruff who was at the entrance of the town saw him immediately and left ecstatically.

   “This is the best stone skin potion. As long as you have twenty-eight gold coins, I will die.”

   Old Eugene glanced down at Downton, and after quickly evaluating his purchasing power, he stopped paying attention and continued to sell stone skin potions towards the three mercenaries.

   “What? Excessively expensive? Tell you, this is a defensive agent designated by the military. You can’t buy it elsewhere.”

   Old Eugene has a face full of flesh and is less than one meter five in height, plus fat fat, wearing a robe, looks like a top.

Everyone in the town said he had dwarven blood, but old Eugene didn’t become a blacksmith, but he was a stunner with a low-level potionist qualification. As for his son, little Eugene, his reputation spread all over the Sequoia border. Dozens of towns are more famous than the mayor.

  Businessman Robinson is the goal of the younger generation’s struggle, because everyone knows that as long as they work hard, it is possible to catch up with him, but little Eugene, everyone has no mind at all.

  Robinson, compared to Little Eugene, is like the stones and diamonds on the ground, with an insurmountable gap.

  The official member of the Royal Society of Pharmacists, this is the title of Little Eugene, and it also proves his status and value. Even if the mayor saw him, he had to deal with it carefully.

“Liar? You don’t want to inquire about my son’s identity. Real royal pharmacist. Without this qualification, can I get this kind of top-level pharmacy?” Old Eugene spit, his face disdainful, “No Buying and pulling down, there are many people who know the goods anyway, and they have to sell out of stock within two days.”

  The three mercenaries were so excited that they bought five bottles of stone skin potions at a high price.

  After taking this medicine, within ten minutes, the surface of the skin will become a hard stone to enhance defense.

   “Welcome again!” Old Eugene squeezed the gold coin, blew it, put it in his ear, heard a buzzing tremble, and then stuffed it into the money box with satisfaction.

The store is lined with rows of red painted wooden shelves, displaying a variety of bottled medicines. Under the sunlight through the window, they show different colors. It seems that there is a very high-end, Very mysterious feeling.

   Downton stood in front of a bottle of potion and saw that the liquid inside would condensate into the shape of a swimming fish from time to time. He could not help admiring again and again, and wanted to learn magic potion more and more.

   “Hey, don’t touch it, it’s broken, you’re not enough to sell it!” Old Eugene glared at Downton and sat back on the recliner. He didn’t even think about it.

   He has seen too many such ghosts, and he came in because of curiosity. Not to mention the medicine, he can’t even afford medicine residue.

   Old Eugene’s criticism in the town has always been bad, loves money, likes to brag, and looks down on anyone.

   Downton was worried about being scolded, so his arms hung down on both sides of his body, but he still could not avoid it.

   “I want to buy a magic stone.”

Downton walked to the counter, and old Eugene’s eyelids didn’t lift. “Downton, I know you, a little postman. I heard that they still call you the Fox of the West. It’s really big talk. Do you know who Little Eugene is? “

   “I want to buy a magic stone.” Downton repeated the sentence again.

   “My son, the noble royal pharmacist, is more aristocratic than the aristocracy, the Fox of the West? What is it!” Old Eugene felt that only his son was the best, and everyone else was a fool.

   Downton frowned, enough to pinch a sea crab~www.mtlnovel.com~Buying a magic stone? Give, five hundred gold coins! “Old Eugene reached out and found a magic stone the size of a fingernail from under the recliner. He threw it on the counter and casually quoted a high price. “No money?” Get out! “

   Downton didn’t speak and went straight out of the pharmacy.

“Bah, the redneck still wants to buy a magic stone, don’t control it!” Old Eugene glanced down at Downton’s back and spit out a spit in disdain. After thinking about it for a while, he left the town and moved to a big city settle down.

   “The town is full of country gangsters, and there is a smell in the air. When I go to the main city, I will go to the best pub and play the most beautiful dancer!”

  Old Eugene was dreaming, and he saw a big box passing through the door with the sound of wind breaking, smashed in quickly, slammed, hit the wall and shattered.

  Lala, the wood chips were flying, Huang Chengcheng’s gold coins and mercury were pouring down the floor, sprinkling the floor, under the sun, dazzling, like a gold carpet.

   “Are these enough?” Downton stood at the door, tossing five gems in his hand. They glowed gorgeously in the sunlight.

   Listening to the wonderful sound of the continuous collision of gold coins, looking at the five luxurious gems, old Eugene’s mouth wide open, like a toad pinched by his body, both eye bubbles almost protruded.


  PS: Last week, our results were very good, and it was the third. Thanks to Zhujun for his strong support,

  Monday is here again, and you have to make the list, so brothers, throw your recommendation ticket hard and keep it covered with uninterrupted firepower!

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