Hero’s Creed

Chapter 29 - Buy a horse

   “What’s going on?” Vieri’s heart suddenly sank, Hannah’s thoughtfulness, and she would never be unconscious.

“A young man who may be a civilian, possesses the martial arts of the Dragon Slayer, the perfect level of a hundred people slashing weapons, and dares to enter the dangerous Crow Ridge cemetery at the first level of the soul. Ha ha, if there are no strange things, do you believe it?” Hannah took out a piece The handkerchief wiped the dirt on the Bailing Staff, “Yes, his magic stone is of high quality, which adds up to a total value of more than 100,000 Jindelan.”

   “His, is the legend true?” Vieri took a breath, and then his face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

   “You mean the legend of the royal tombs buried under the crow ridge of Crow Ridge?” Fanny covered her mouth in shock. “No?”

   “Yes, it must be right, don’t forget the leather armor that he and the ghoul wore. It’s very old, and the style is very old.” Hannah recalled every detail of Downton’s body, and became more and more affirmed.

   “If you want to know the answer, just follow him.” Vieri was eager to try, and he wished to catch up immediately. “This is a blessing in disguise, we are rich.”

   Even a fool knows that a group of tombs represents a wealth of wealth.

“I don’t think it’s possible. If he finds the tomb, he must dig and explore, wasting his time to save us strangers?” Fanny retorted. “If it were for me, I wouldn’t talk to others, in case it was exposed. What about secrets?”

   “There are still some good people in this world.” Vieri turned his mouth towards Hamlet, and the meaning was self-evident.

   Fanny rolled her eyes, yes, isn’t there a knight full of moral cleanliness in front of her?

  Hanna hesitated and the other party rescued the adventure group. It stands to reason that she should not count him, but the tomb group that might exist, so that she can not give up, if it is found, it will bring indescribable benefits to the family.

“I still have reservations, let him get rid of it right? If he knows the identity of Sister Hannah, he must be tangled up like brown sugar.” Fanny grunted her mouth. She has seen too many men.

“If he asks for a return, he will not ask our name, and you have consumed other people’s magic stones, he did not want to compensate!” Hamlet, who has been silent, frowned and refuted, “I hope this matter So far, everyone should find an opportunity to repay his life-saving grace, rather than thinking about inquiring about the tomb.”

   “Idiot!” Fanny was too lazy to take care of Harley, whispered, pouting her lips.

“It’s me wrong!” Hannah smiled bitterly. She didn’t report the full name of Jose Hannah just now, just to worry that the other party knew her family from the surname, and then demanded high compensation, but now it seems that there is no That meaning, “Relax, in the name of my Jose’s parents and daughters, I will repay him more!”

“Bah, I don’t care what you do? Anyway, I want to follow him, an unexplored tomb. What a pity I missed?” Vieri spit, stared at Hamlet, and clenched his sword with both hands, “just now I haven’t counted with you yet. If you insist on taking those injured guys, we won’t nearly die.”

   “They are companions.” Hamlet stared back unwillingly.

“You have a pit in your brain, just because of your morality, do we know that five more people have died? They obviously can escape.” Vieri grabbed Harley’s neckline and pulled him in front of him, Spit on the face spit Mo Xingzi.

  Harley was silent, his eyes staring at the white clouds blossoming sky, his face full of self-blame and confused expression, he did not want to give up his companions, but because of this decision, more people died.

   “I will never team up with you again. Is it not enough to hurt us once?” Fanny also joined the discussion.

   “Enough, shut up.” Hannah looked at Hamlet, hesitated, and then spoke, “The adventure group is on the verge of extinction, and there is no need to continue. Let’s disband it, goodbye.”

  Hannah waited for Harley to respond and turned to embark on her return journey.

   Vieri quickly followed, and after more than thirty steps, a cry of tears broke into his ears.

   “Hey, look, that guy actually cried.” Fanny was like discovering the New World, pulling Hannah’s shirt to make her look back.

  Harley knelt on the ground and thumped the ground with his right hand, venting his powerlessness.

   “Hannah, you can’t be soft-hearted, you have to keep this lesson in mind at all times!” Hannah didn’t look back, her right hand held tightly, her nails almost punctured her skin.

  Compared to Hamlet who didn’t rely on wandering alone, Hannah remembered her father’s teaching. She knew what to do at such times.

   “If you let that Downton know his kindness and reveal the secret, don’t know what will make you depressed?” Vieri sighed, “Although I am sorry for him, but the tomb must be available.”

   “Sister Hannah is awesome. If you change it to someone else, you can’t see these details!” Fanny held Hannah’s arm and rubbed her cheeks on her cheeks. As for the civilians like Downton, they didn’t care about it at all.

  Don’t know that Downton, who was being watched by Hannah’s party, was rushing towards Chenwu Town at this time, thinking about supplying quickly, and then rushing back to the underground city to practice.

  The Robinson trio would not give Downton too much time. Once he was found to be alive, it was definitely an endless pursuit.

   The nearest horse farm from Chenwu Town is twenty miles away, close to the North Valley Logging Field. The owner, Lehman, is a retired officer. In addition to being grumpy, he is a good person.

   Lehman often contacted his comrades-in-arms, and delivered letters and parcels more often. Once in a while, he found that as long as the mail brought by Downton was kept intact, it would be kept intact. Even if a few more silver coins were added, he had always been named to let him be specifically responsible.

   Downton greeted his servant, and after walking a few steps, he saw Lehman riding a super-heavy black horse, running like a gust of wind on the circled racetrack.

   ran three full laps, and Lehman slowed down the speed with unwillingness, letting the mount take a brisk step and ran over.

   “Hah, how did our Westside First Postman have time to hang out at my little place?” Lehman teased Downton and touched the horse’s neck. “How? Are you interested in riding a circle?”

  Due to Downton’s serious attitude towards mail, Lehman has always had a good sense of him, and wanted to let him work on the horse farm, but he did not agree.

   “Uncle Lehman, I’m here to buy a horse.” Downton’s mouth overflowed with a smile, “You are willing to let me ride the black jack?”

   “Of course not.” Lehman laughed and stroked Black Jack’s mane affectionately, just like his family.

   This stout man in his forties is so straightforward, he never hides anything in his heart.

“But you are an exception, how about it? Have you changed your mind, come to work with me? The salary I said last time is doubled.” Lehman looked at Downton, although he was far from the battlefield, but his two His eyes were still sharp like a blood-drenched steel knife.

   “Sorry, Uncle!” Downton was very embarrassed, but still refused. He had heard some rumors about Lehman. It was not very good. He didn’t want to get entangled with Uncle.

   “Forget it, everyone has their own ambitions.” Lehman sighed, such a good talent, it is a pity to give up, “Go, take you to see the horse!”

   The stable has a very wide area, and the length alone is 200 meters, which makes the breeding horses up to 100!

   In order to keep out the cold at night, the stables are covered with bedding grass. Although the horse dung is cleaned very cleanly, it still has a strong smell of feces.

   Lehman was used to this environment, and even took a deep breath, full of intoxication.

   On the stables separated by fences on both sides, stood a horse with a tall head, and the combed hairs were smooth and neat, and they looked superb.

   “Did you pick it up?” Lehman is always proud of his horse. “If you are ready to send a letter ride, choose a good endurance.”

“No, I want that kind of racing horse, sprinting fast.” Downton buys horses in addition to travel, mainly to prevent ghouls from chasing, they can throw them in the shortest time and enter the hotel. Portal.

   “Then, this horse is only five seconds slower than Black Jack’s lap!” Lehman walked a few steps, pointing to a maroon horse to show Downton, introducing its advantages.

   “Uncle, besides Black Jack, which is the fastest horse here?” Downton didn’t want to delay the time. Black Jack is Lehman’s sweetheart, and certainly not sold, then he can only return second.

   “Of course it is the Black Emperor.” Lehman led Downton to the largest stable, and by looking at this treatment, he knew its extraordinary.

   “How come your name is the same as those famous horses?” Downton smiled. Both Black Jack and the Black Emperor are well-known mounts, and their owners are all successful big names.

“Hey~www.mtlnovel.com~ sounds handsome.” Lehman grabbed a handful of grass and put it in the manger. “Look, it’s tall, with a beautiful neck, and it’s full of elasticity, riding it. , Even the most difficult journey will become enjoyment.”

   The black horse spurted a nose, and its huge eyes looked at Downton.

   “I want it!” Downton reached out his hand and stroked his back, just a glance, he fell in love with the black emperor.

   is covered with long, swollen muscles, every trace is full of strength, but it does not look bloated, but the lines are smooth and well-proportioned.

   The black emperor simply shook his head and stepped, which would make the mane shake and reveal a gentle temperament.

“Although it’s a crossbreed horse, but its excellence is beyond doubt… uh, what? I bought it?” Lehman said, spitting, and when he heard Downton’s words, he suddenly got stuck and looked at him stunned. He, “What did you say you bought?”

   “I said this horse, I bought it.”

   Black Emperor seemed to know that he had a new owner, sticking his tongue out, and licking Downton’s face.

“This horse is worth 20,000 jindran, are you sure?” Lehman’s original intention was just to take Downton to appreciate the war horse, and find someone to share the joy of raising his horse. I don’t think this teenager can afford it at all. A postman is just a joke.

   Downton is also known among those young postmen, in other places, it is a poor boy worthless.

   “OK!” Downton nodded solemnly, and a corner of his mouth overflowed with an arc, “Uncle Lehman, don’t worry, pay in cash!”

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