Hero’s Creed

Chapter 22 - Knight Slash

In the backyard of the groceries shop, many ghouls’ bodies were lying on the ground, all of them were torn apart by Downton.

   Minced meat and blood stains are everywhere, plus the stench that fills the air, like a slaughterhouse.

   “Will it be too dangerous?” Ceres was worried about Downton’s safety. “Or kill these ordinary ones? It’s not too hard anyway.”

   Celesi has no experience in distinguishing the strength of the enemy, but it doesn’t matter. She can just hold the magic book and Homer will tell her everything.

   “It’s too slow!” Downton took a rag and wiped the armor indiscriminately, wiping off the blood. “Aren’t you tired of killing these fish?”

   These ordinary ghouls have not grown a soul seal in their heads, and they have no way to draw magical energy. They are not even the lowest order.

  With Downton’s current strength, he can easily cut more than a dozen, one-on-one, sincerely without pressure.

   “Indeed, they are too scum and do not constitute a threat at all. Only in the life-and-death fight that will die at any time, the magician can not dare to slack off and devote himself to the battle wholeheartedly, and then hone a powerful combat power.”

  Homer was actually tired of it. It just wanted Downton to take the initiative to see if he had a fearless heart.

   Facts have proved that the courage of the new owner is quite good, less than a day to become a magician, it is necessary to challenge powerful enemies.

   “Inevitably, the dragons in the greenhouse, even the goblins dare to wield tomahawk provocation!” Downton said a proverb from the Western Continent, “Don’t forget that I still have number two!”

   No. 2 seemed to feel that the owner was talking about it, but after looking at it, it was just the face with the skin that had been burnt out.

  Selice attracted the ghoul, Downton started with a confession of the undead, if not successful, then cut down.

   The failure rate is still scary, but the number cannot be made up. After the car has turned over more than sixty ghouls, it finally repented to one.

   Downton named the skinny ghoul No. 2 and also found a suitable armor from the weapon shop and put it on his body.

   “What are you doing?” Ceres saw that Downton had actually lost the torn dragon tooth, but left the shield in his left hand and a Roman dagger in his right hand.

   “I can’t fight with the power of giants that can be used once every ten minutes in my life, right? My martial arts are the most trustworthy!”

   “Get ready!” Homer is very satisfied with Downton’s choice. If you are addicted to powerful magic equipment, you can only become their puppets.

   The dead Banshee cleverly held the demon to her chest and floated out.

On the streets, the ghouls wandered, completely ignoring Celes, and let her easily approach a low-level ghoul.

  Homer released magic detection, a faint blue rune suddenly appeared on the ghoul’s head, and disappeared instantly.

   “It’s it, the soul is first order.” Homer reminded, “Don’t throw away the corrosion technique this time, use the arrow of phosphorus fire, and run after it’s released.”

   “Hmm!” Ceres was nervously dying, and her casting gestures were slightly out of shape. Fortunately, she sang with her soul, otherwise it would definitely cause a pronunciation error.

   “Calm, it can’t catch up with you!” Homer entered the state of mentor again, correcting every error of Celes.

  Although the shadow arrow is powerful, it consumes magic power, the spell is cumbersome, the casting time is long, and Homer cannot look at it at all, so I taught Celes the Phosphorus Arrow.

   In contrast, the Phosphorus Fire Bolt is faster, despite its small power. The time to release one Shadow Arrow is enough to blast three Phosphorus Fire Arrows. If all are hit, the total damage will be more than doubled.

“Low-level ghouls, although they have no wisdom, but have survival instincts, at your level, they are entirely possible to avoid the shadow arrows, then you will lose money. If you change to phosphorus fire arrows, in the same time, you He has three chances to attack, and as long as he hits one, it is an advantage.

   “If you hit first, the general enemy will be at least nervous. This is the pressure. As long as the pressure is maintained, the enemy will collapse sooner or later.”

   “Keep calm, even if you are afraid to die, you will show me a plain expression on your face. In battle, the mentality is very important. A look, even let the opponent touch your reality.”

  Homer projected a large section of text, it is worthy of being a master of combat, and experience is inexhaustible to add. This kind of teaching is enough for any apprentice to be endless in the future.

   A white phosphorous fire appeared in front of Celes, burning, stretching, forming a half-meter long arrow, whistling, and shot at the ghoul.

  The lower-order ghouls sensed the danger and twisted his neck instinctively, but unfortunately Celesis was too nervous, and his quasi-head was poor, and he shot directly.

  Boom, the arrow of phosphorus fire hit the pavement of the bluestone slab, exploding a small coconut-like pit.

  Roared, hoarse intimidation squeezed out of the ghoul’s throat, and a mad dog rushed towards Ceres.

   “Stupid, not allowed to run, continue to attack.” Homer quickly projected bright red characters, “Calculating time is enough for you to shoot another arrow of phosphorous fire, and the closer the distance, the easier it is to hit.

   Cerise’s character was timid and weak. Seeing the harsh tone between the lines of the words of Homer, the cry of grievances made me cry, but he dared not to escape and stubbornly released the magic.

  Boom, the second phosphor fire arrow was shot, and the ghoul dodged, but the arrow was too fast, hitting its right rib, and brought out a gap.


   The huge font immediately ran out, and Celes, as amnesty, turned and fled to the grocery store.

The low-level ghouls are fast, but they can’t catch the dead banshee with the talent of floating. The light spirit is like a gusty posture. The perfect is like a gorgeous dress dance. Besides, even if you can’t jump, you can go up. Empty, this is Homer’s confidence.

   Cerise was dizzy by Homer training, plus she hadn’t been attacked by ghouls before, so I forgot that there was this way of coping.

   “Downton, it’s coming!” Ceres burst into the backyard with tears in her face, shouting anxiously.

   Downton waved himself a glory of Hercules, and immediately ran to the door, gradually accelerating.

  The iron boots stepped on the ground and made a booming sound.

   Downton did not look at Celes, who had passed by, and stared closely at the door.

   called, the ghoul sprang in with a smelly whirlwind.

   The two sides approached instantly, less than three meters away, Downton could even see the wormhole in the ghoul’s teeth.

   “Go die!”

   Downton slammed the ground with his right foot, and suddenly broke out, raising his right arm, blocking the shield in front of him.

   Bang, the ghoul bumped up.

   Downton felt a shock, and a huge impulse was uploaded from the shield, which caused the chest cavity to be shaken and couldn’t help wanting to cough.

  Tang Dun sighed, left pedaling to stop the body to be knocked back, holding the Roman dagger in his right hand, slashing towards the ghoul.

   Giant beheaded!

  Blade, the magical energy poured in, and the dagger immediately flashed a dark red luster, like a thunder, slashing towards the ghoul’s head.

   is worthy of being a low-level ghoul. As soon as his body is biased, he evades the attack, and at the same time his right claw quickly swings towards Downton’s body.


   Downton raised his shield to block, and the claws caught Mars on the metal, rubbing out the harsh noise.

   “Giant tramples!”

   Downton raised his right foot and stepped on the ground violently, centering on the foothold. The ground appeared a web-like crack, then collapsed, and the stones flew.

   The ghoul immediately stood unsteady, lost his balance, and waved his second paw.

   No. 2 finally ran over, hitting the paw on the body of the ghoul, wearing a set of heavy armor, which slowed it down a lot.

   Downton once again slashed the giant. The short sword first cut off one of the ghoul’s arms, followed by continued slashing, cut in from the chest, and split its body in two.

  Bang, bang, the ghoul fell on the ground and screamed, but without the ability to move, it was no longer dangerous.

   Downton made up the knife, chopped off the ghoul’s skull, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief. A phosphorous arrow rubbed his back and shot him over, and immediately put him out of a cold sweat.

   “Yes, I’m sorry!” Ceres knew she had made a mistake, hiding behind a decaying tree, only one eye was exposed, and she looked down at Donton timidly.

   “It’s okay.” Looking at the pitiful expression of the death succubus, Tangdun dare to get angry, but also hurry to comfort her.

“You don’t need to help, this is Downton’s battle.” Homer learned Celace and flew to Downton’s side. “Your courage and attack opportunities are well grasped, but are you stupid? Actually sprinting with all your strength. The ghouls are struggling, do you want to break your arm? Or visceral shock? If you were just hit and flew just a moment, then you will be passive in a moment.”

  Magic projection text, fortunately it can’t speak, otherwise Downton will definitely be spitting. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

“Wearing an armor, like an iron can, you can take a few claw shots, why are you in a hurry?” Homer pointed to Downton’s shortcomings. “And try to keep it quiet. Fortunately, this is the backyard of the grocery store. Not close to the street, or you have to attract other ghouls.”

   “Got it, extract the remains of the soul!” Downton nodded and was humbly taught. “How can this soul have to have three or four?”

   “Six!” Even if the magic book is broken, it has the ability to load soul power, saving Downton the trouble of buying soul stone.

   “So much? Fortunately, there was no explicit price tag for the soul of low-level ghouls, otherwise I would just die.”

   Downton was fortunate that even the remains of ordinary ghoul souls contained different sizes of soul power. Homer had negotiated and chose the smallest.

   “Hmm, folks, I am the wise Master Homer!” Homer is very proud. At first, everyone was in a hotel, surrounded by ghouls. Naturally, the price was set according to their soul wreckage.

“It’s profitable. If measured by common standards, these 1,500 souls are equivalent to 500. So few bought a dragon-slayer magic art, which I thought was expensive.” Downton took a rest while Writing exchanges, “The **** god, really is cheap, no, generous.”

   “Are you trying to say cheap?” Homer projected a Downton’s head and looked at him with a look of contempt.

   “Let’s fight!” Downton opened the conversation, but he was thinking about it. How can he let the gods sell one get one free?

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