Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1623 - War and Peace

“Relax, anyone who wants to rob you will become a dead man!”

Downton always felt that killing those assassins would return to the top of despair.


On top of a legend and the assurance of the God of War, the city owner was full of confidence. As a result, the next morning, a bad news came.

A heavy rain raged through the stormy and rain forest all night, causing a flash flood, and people found the magical capital Feileng Cui for a long time and was washed out.

Adventurers in several nearby cities were completely excited. They carried their bags early and headed towards the rainforest. Although they arrived first, they were very dangerous, but they also had the greatest chance of making money.

“I have prepared my luggage and mounts, and we will leave in the afternoon.”

The lord of the city was so impatient that he had searched for Fei Leng Cui like the sieve of those adventurers, and could not stay at all. There was no way, even if the ban order was issued in the status of the magic council, there would also be adventurers sneaking in.

“Just catch the tail of the first group of horses.”

Downton signaled the city owner to be calm, he thought it was a trap.

“Even if it’s not a trap, you have to kill a bloodstream.”

Saint Lily sighed, “This was the case when my alternate Saint Lady tried it out. Those adventurous adventurers will definitely stir up chaos and profit from it.”

Sure enough, when Downton arrived in the wind-fury rainforest again, the hot and humid summer breeze had already brought a slight **** smell.

There are a thousand people in the city’s team, and one-third of them are the Dragon Slayer. This was simply unthinkable in the era of Downton.

“This concentration of magic power, even if it is a fool, can be mixed up to the judgment level.”

Homer lamented, unfortunately, these adventurers are simply wasting the gift of heaven.

Downton had no time to listen to Homer, and the team entered the rainforest three days later. It began to be attacked by adventurers and continued to reduce staff.

“There must be a lesson for these guys, otherwise the morale of the team will fall below the trough.”

Downton suggested.

“No. Those people were sent by the Magic Council to delay me, don’t worry about them. Hurry up.”

The lord of the city was completely blinded by the ruins, just thinking of getting the spoils quickly.

Late at night, camp.

“What’s in the ruins?”

Sitting by the campfire, Downton held a branch and fiddled with the fire.

“It is said to be an ancient magic spar that can reshape the fate of fate.”

Di Lanxue is very calm.

“what sound?”

Holy Lily interrupted the topic.

Downton frowned, looked up at the sky, and his face changed dramatically. He rubbed and got up, “The enemy attacked, leave the camp quickly.”

Too late, at the moment Downton’s voice fell, the bomb dropped from the sky with a sharp roar.

boom! boom! boom!

Huge flames sprang up, blasts of mud blasted by the shock wave, trees snapped, crackling leaves and branches.

The camp suddenly fell into a mess.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Enchanted bullets form a firepower net and run out of the enchantment of the camp. Was shot on the spot.

“Your Excellency, what should I do?”

A guard ran to Downton, at the moment of approach. He drew his dagger and pierced his heart.


Downton brandished his sword and cut the guard in half.

The three Downton began to be focused on fire.

“Pay attention to protecting yourself, I will solve those people.”

Instructing Di Lanxue, Downton ran deep into the jungle.

In the dark of night, the red trajectory brought out by the bullet is the most striking mark. As for the mirror to stop the water, I don’t know what magic costume these people used. Actually completely blocked the detection.

“The target enters the trap and attacks.”

The head of the Nordic group pressed the throat wheat. give an order.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Hundreds of beams suddenly made a big hit, sweeping Downton.

Eyes of the stars!

Downton’s eyes. Eyes circulate as if the stars are shining brightly, and all the scenes in the dark night are perfectly presented, and at the same time, the Titan Moire spreads all over the body and enters a violent state.

“Is this guy a ghost? Very fast!”

“No, my vision can’t keep up with him, let alone shooting.”

“Call for support, this guy is going to break through the line of defense.”

In the communicator, all kinds of calls sounded together. With the aid of night vision, watching Downton avoiding the light beam easily, the scalp of the group members were all exploded.

This is what humans can do?

“Fire suppression, you Southeast Asian monkeys, do you know what fire suppression is? Who made you smart to aim and shoot?”

Because the Nordic team has the strongest strength, the North Wolf has become the head of several teams. There is no way. The mission goal is too powerful.

After seeing the demise of the Sakura Corps, everyone knew that without cooperation, there was no possibility of victory.

Downton was about to break through the line of defense, and the enemy’s firepower immediately rose rapidly, not attacking the target at all, but covering strike.

“It seems that I intentionally drove me in this direction?”

Downton broke through several times and found that the firepower in the seven o’clock direction was the weakest, so he avoided it consciously.

“The target discovered the tactical intention and attacked immediately!”

Durant, head of the Yankees, shouted.

“Wait a second, the target has not completely entered the trap!”

The North Wolf wants to kill in one blow.

“Fu~ck, if you don’t do it, this guy will run.” Durant scolded, “This guy is very alert.”

“I hate cleaning games, pay attention to them, and protect against impact.”

The North Wolf cursed and pressed the detonator.


A careful tactical nuclear bomb exploded, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The powerful shock wave with a more violent momentum than the hurricane destroyed everything around, and the vegetation within a thousand yards was completely evaporated.

From a high altitude view, in addition to the billowing smoke, there is also a molten magma lake.

“Cough, the target is silent!”

The man code-named Thor held a life detector and searched Downton.

“Head, Southeast Asian monkeys and Nile natives rushed up.”

In the communicator, the teammates shouted anxiously.

“These hybrids, kill them, rush! Chong! Chong!”

Durant took the lead.

“Head, what shall we do?”

The Nordic group is also anxious.


The North Wolf is very cautious.

While still running, the monkey and the indigenous people have already caught fire. They are already dead enemies, and they will not cooperate unless the mission objectives are too strong.

But after a few seconds. The sound of the gun stopped, and a group of members rushed to the edge of the crater. With a shocked expression, he looked down at the man squatting on the ground.

A huge flaming giant, guarding Downton, absorbed all the energy, his clothes were burned, but there was no trace of scars on the body divided by the golden ratio.

“Fu~ck, nuclear bombs can’t die? This guy is a monster!”

Durant spouted drunk.

Downton looked up and glanced. Then ejected, turned into a firebird, and roared.


The North Wolf shouted.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The light beam shot at him, but even hit Downton, he could not cause fatal damage to him.

“Damn nature, withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw, execute the second combat plan!”

The North Wolf notified the whole regiment.

Over there, the camp suddenly became quiet, and the people who escaped looked at the firebird in amazement, like a meteor crossing the rainforest.

“Head of the team. That guy is catching up and can’t get rid of it!”

“Help, I don’t want to die!”

“Go away. You monster, go away!”

In the communicator, there are all kinds of shouts and screams, even through lifeless devices, they can feel the fear of those people.

That was the despair that death came and could not escape.


Downton hit the ground, a huge explosion broke up three enemies, he grabbed one.


Flame spray. Ignite the enemy directly and burn it into a pile of coke. Then hit another.

call out! call out! call out!

The flame crow intercepted and blew up a rainforest. An enemy’s subconscious slowdown revealed that the monster had already caught up.


The enemy’s vision turned, and he saw his bloodless headless body.

“The targets are too close to follow and it is impossible to execute the second combat plan.”

Durant reminded.

“Plan to give up, retreat all, hurry! Hurry!”

The North Wolf is very decisive. Rather than wasting combat power here, it is better to reorganize the offensive. Anyway, there are more opportunities.

The battle stopped, and Downton stood on a thick branch, looking at the direction in which the enemies were leaving, lost in thought.

“Why did the body explode?”

Saint Lily tried to speculate on the origin of the enemy through the spoils, but they all exploded into powder.

Downton shrugged his shoulders.

“Who are those?”

The city chief was angry.

“I don’t know.” Downton gazed at the sight, “but after this battle, we should be able to reach the ruins safely.”

Three days later, the ruins of Feileng Cui appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. This is an unprecedented ruin. All buildings and facilities are full of the future of magic technology.

Manpower is almost eliminated, and every household has a housemaid, a city-wide electric light, and running water. It does not use gold coins, but a magic metal card with the word bank on it.

“Everything here is mine, go and expel those adventurers.”

The lord’s eyes were bloodshot, full of possessiveness.

“You will cause public outrage.”

Downton refused.

“You are above the legend. If they don’t submit, they can only die.” The lord asked, “Don’t forget the contract.”

“Hello, don’t go too far. There is no such rule in the adventure world. If Downton does it, his reputation will stink.”

Holy Lily despised.

“What is fame and profit ratio?”

The lord scoffed.

“Don’t worry about these lunatics, let’s go to the altar!”

Holy Lily pulled Downton away, and the altar was the greatest asset. If you can find the remaining **** consciousness, after refining, it will greatly enhance your strength.

“Target confirmed, enter the temple.”

A young man with short hair was dressed in a camouflage suit and was lying in the grass. “Want to follow up?”


North Wolf ordered.


The young man was about to get up~www.mtlnovel.com~ It felt like someone patted his shoulder. He thought he was a companion, but looking back, he saw Downton’s handsome cool face.

“Hello there!”

At the moment when the youth screamed, Downton greeted him, covering his mouth with a stab and thrusting the dagger into his heart.

The young man’s legs slumped weakly and died.

“Bah, it’s my turn to hunt.”

Downton spit out a cold sip, followed by Di Lanxue’s one, but was a substitute for the potion.

Gradually, the North Wolf discovered that something was wrong, and there was much silence in the communicator than usual, especially those Southeast Asian monkeys who always complained, so they refused to talk rubbish.


The northern wolf woke up and just reminded that a long sword had been cut. (To be continued.)

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