Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1621 - Witches and Heretics

After squandering the gold coins in the tavern, with the inferior perfume smell of a prostitute, the insignificant warden returned to the prison.

There was no rest, but a visit to the cell, because here, the solemn prison officer felt like a king.

“The king is qualified to judge his people!”

The warden held the leather whip, his hands on his back, and the tall military boots stepped on the floor, making a chilling sound.

The prisoners all shivered and shrunk to the corner. This guy was too vicious. The blackmail and extortion were all light, and the daily beatings made people feel terrified.

“Today, whose voice do you listen to?”

The prison officer liked the screams of the prisoners. He thought it was more exciting than the concert. Suddenly, his footsteps stopped, “Huh? New?”

In prison, Downton sat on the floor and meditated deeply.

Snapped! Snapped!

The warden slammed the jail twice and snarled at Downton, “Hey, ask you!”

“he is……”

The jailer who followed, quickly returned.


The warden waved a whip and pulled it on the jailer’s face. “Did I let you speak?”

In the hallway, there was an immediate silence.

“Open the prison door!”

The disobedience of the people made the prison officer very uncomfortable and had to teach him a meal, “decided, the after-dinner show is yours.”

The jailer didn’t want to be cleaned up by the long-time jailer of the prestige. He quickly found the key and opened the prison door. Anyway, the prisoners wore magic ring handcuffs to prevent them from using magic energy, which was no different from ordinary people.

“Haha, are you so suffocated? I will quickly let you know that those who disobey me have to pay a heavy price.”

Talking. The warden pulled towards Downton’s cheek.

Downton turned sideways and bounced with his hands clenched. Hit the head of the warden.


The warden suddenly burst into blood, and planted it. But without waiting for the landing, Downton’s knee was lifted and pressed against his face.


The warden leaned back and his nose collapsed.

“prison Break!”

The jailer was about to shout, Downton’s whip leg fell on his head, and the other jailer was stupid, carrying the magic power of the magic ring. Ordinary people, how could he turn over the Dragon Warden’s Warden in seconds? Just when he thought that the magic line in the magic ring was broken, something that shocked him even more happened.

Downton’s hands exerted force and clicked, and the magic ring was broken. The relaxed posture was like breaking a fragile cucumber.

You know, this is made of lava and iron, even the strongest Goliath giant can’t do it.

“you you……”

The jailer who had not fainted had finally stunned.

“Where is the interrogation room?”

Downton dragged the warden’s hair out of the prison. Seeing this scene, the prisoners immediately lay on the prison door and gave a huge cheer.

“No money? When did these greedy vampires become good people?”

The dancer also visited prisoners before. Every time, they will be extorted more than a dozen silver coins, and they will be harassed by salted pigs, but today, they don’t need a copper plate.

Soon, the dancer knew the reason. The interrogator in the interrogation room was stripped of his clothes and hung on the torture rack. Several jailers were pumping around him. Take off ~ light on the shirt, all sweat is tired.

“Master. She looks for you!”

The jailer reports.


The dancer didn’t know what to say, and looked at the food in front of Downton. His cell is too comfortable.

“What’s up?”

Downton frowned.

“You know, because of the working relationship, I know a lot of people, so I asked you why you were arrested.”

The dancer is very clever. She knows that with Downton’s wealth and God of War status, she will surely turn danger into danger, so she sells her personal feelings in advance.


Downton was too lazy to expose the little cleverness of the dancer.

“Just the day before yesterday, the Magic Council caught a heresy posing as a virgin, one of the girls you were looking for.”

The dancer explained.

“Where is she now?”

Downton asked.

“I don’t know, but tomorrow I will be tortured in the municipal square and burn the girl!”

The dancer swallowed.

“This is your reward!”

Downton took out a bag of magic diamonds and threw them to the dancer.

“Can I be your maid?”

Wife? Dancers are afraid to think, when Downton’s mistress ~ women are also good.

“Follow me, you will die, obedient, leave here.”

Downton snapped his fingers. In order to protect the dancers, the prison guards’ memories were erased.

“Once, just once.”

The dancer suddenly rushed to Downton, plumping on his face, trying to keep him with his body.

“Don’t make me hate you.”

Downton pushed the dancer away.

“My love is dead before it starts.”

The dancer who was out of the prison looked at the clear starry sky and wept bitterly.

Tang Dun took a full sleep and didn’t get up until three shots a day. The time of the torture was at noon, and it was said that the heretic soul could be wiped out.

“Go for breakfast first!”

Downton walked a few steps, and saw Emma crouching on the side of the road, her face helpless. When she saw him, she immediately became delighted.

“You were acquitted?”

“No, I escaped.”

The honest Downton made Emma suddenly speechless, but the girl was very loyal, in order to repay Downton’s life-saving grace, directly pulled him and ran.

“Go, hide first, and then I will find a way to send you away.”

Emma is out.

“Take me to the municipal square?”

Downton happened to be missing a guide.


Emma couldn’t keep up with Downton’s thoughts.

No witch appeared for a long time, so as soon as I heard that the torture was going to be executed, people all over the city were excited and flooded the street early.

The prison car carrying the heretics appeared as a cross, and the witch was trapped in large letters. If it were usual, people would definitely throw all kinds of debris. Enjoy the thrill of Ling ~ humiliating others, because the torture is a grand carnival. But today, no one dared to start.

Because the witch is so beautiful. And the temperament is holy and ethereal, like a lily that is not stained, anyone who sees her eyes will feel ashamed.

“Everyone can see clearly, this is the witch’s ability to confuse others. Don’t be fooled.”

The magister responsible for escorting the Holy Lily shouted indignantly.

“Yes, burn her to death!”

“Let the heretics die!”

“Kill her!”

The people were stirred up and threw the eggs and vegetables to Shengli. But the moment these debris approached her, they were all blocked by an invisible barrier.

“Damn heresy!”

The Magister doesn’t think that this is the refuge of the goddess.

The Municipal Plaza, a crowd of people, the scaffold is a huge pile of wood, and the Holy Lily is placed on it.

The torch burned.

“Burn her!”

Do not know who opened the head, the cries soon rang out.

“You must not be impulsive.”

Emma discouraged and clutched Downton’s sleeve tightly. If Downton robbed the execution ground, it would be against the entire Baigang, the Magic Council, and the Light Flame Holy See, and there would be no place to stay.

“I know!”

Downton motioned Emma to rest assured.

“Time is up. Execution!”

At the order of the Magister, the guards threw the burning torches into the woodpile.


Greased scaffold. Suddenly ignited, the flame soared into the sky.

“Burn heretics, long live the Magic Council!”

The Magister yelled.

The people also shouted, but after two sounds, a huge thunder blasted loudly, overshadowing all the sounds.

The weather, which was originally clear and blue, was instantly violently windy and covered with clouds, and a heavy rain began.


The heavy rain lasted only a few minutes. When the fire was extinguished, it stopped. This scene made everyone stunned. Staring at the witch like a monster.

“This is magic, come here, change firewood!”

The Magister looks terrible.

“Hey, this farce, it’s time to end.”

Downton teleported and appeared on the scaffold, shattering the handcuffs of Saint Lily, “Are you okay?”


St. Lily leaned on her forehead, weak and weak.


The Magister yelled, “Guard, take them!”

“How did you get caught?”

Downton didn’t think that these miscellaneous fish could catch Holy Lily alive.

“When I woke up, I found myself caught.”

Saint Lily was helpless. The hallowed virgin, who was crowned as the witch, was also drunk.

Thousands of archers appeared on the streets and houses, surrounded by scaffolds, and fired.

It is worthy of the richest Nesreal era. Even ordinary archers use magic burst arrows, even if the dragon comes in person, they must take off a layer of skin.


A circle of ripples undulated. Thousands of arrows shot densely, as if held by a large invisible hand, directly resting on the spot.

The same is true for the second and third waves.

call out! call out! call out!

Hundreds of magic shots followed, only to be blocked by Downton’s liquid mass.

“It’s too late to surrender now, otherwise the Magic Council will let you die without corpses!”

The Magister threatened.

“Are you mentally ill? You will die if you surrender or not. How do you say I choose?”

Downton complained angrily, “You read too many magic books, are you stupid?”


The people were worried about being injured accidentally and wanted to leave the Municipal Plaza as soon as possible, so there was a shovel, and then it rose to trample.

“Please calm down!”

Holy Lily spreads aura of tranquility.

“The efficiency is too slow.”

Downton raised his right foot and kicked the ground violently.


It seemed like a major earthquake, the victory of the aura burst, everyone seemed to be struck on the head by a siege hammer, and then stood unsteady and fell to the ground.

Even the archers standing on the roofs of the buildings around the square were affected. For a moment, there was silence.

“Look, it’s quiet!”

Downton shrugged his shoulders~www.mtlnovel.com~ The only one who was still standing was Emma. She seemed to see the gods down there. She looked down at Downton and stomped her feet. After death, is this the realm of God of War?

“It seems we have guests!”

Before Sayuri said anything, bullets were shot at them, and at the same time, three waves of people sprang from the house where they were hiding, and the fire broke out.

Da da da!

The gunshots were fierce.

“Be careful!”

Downton reminded, “These guys are weird, and their weapons can ignore our shields.”

A man wrapped in a black coat, the messenger’s long knife, obviously in the style of the Eastern Continent, teleported in front of Downton, pulling out his knife and angering.


Sound waves hit people! (To be continued.)

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