Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1611 - False Patriarch, Silver Hall


The Dragon Eater choked, and subconsciously stopped.

Although the butcher is a chef, but the power is strong, the ingredients he handles are all kinds of super-order Warcraft. It never dreamed that this fierce and evil guy on weekdays would die so simple.

“I must be dazzled.”

The dragon-eater murmured, as his name suggests, he likes to devour the dragon, the predator standing on it, “Yes, I must be dazzled.”

With a roar, the Dragon Eater charged.

Downton and Moria song turned back, and their cold eyes swept away, and they moved away.

For a moment when the other person’s eyes fell on his body, the Dragon Eater was like falling into an ice cave, and he didn’t need to look at it. He also knew that he had a look of despair and fear on his face, just like the giant dragons he had devoured. It was packed with minds, making it inextricable.

Then, this emotion turned into endless anger, because the other party didn’t take care of themselves, which was barely naked.

“I’m going to kill you.”

The Dragon Eater wanted to catch up and prove his strength, but his trembling legs could not get out.

Just a glance, Downton and Moria Song, let this strong Saint O’Hun root in his heart an inexorable fear.

“Wolf King, you go to the d5 area, join the Hohenzollern family, and fight the enemy.”

“Glovert, you detour from the c8 area and sneak attack on the enemy.”

“Your Highness Silver Dragon, the destruction of the pharmacy area, please.”

Downton is like a staff of 100 people at the moment, after summarizing the battle situation, deal with it in time and make the most perfect response.

The modest and polite attitude and accurate and effective arrangement allow even the proud pride and dragons. They also chose to obey.

This is the performance of perfect ability, and it is convincing.

“It’s a military god!”

The heirs of the wealthy are all emotions, a calm head. Coupled with the continuous victory, it will greatly improve the morale of the team.

Said to attack the main peak. But how could it be so easy, so Downton temporarily gave up, and instead took advantage of instant messaging to hang the evil spirit army.

“Under the crown of the Patriarch, the Orc team is completely destroyed, the evil elf team is completely destroyed, and Governor Jackman is in a bitter battle!”

The intelligence officer rushed to the main hall square and made a hurried report. “Each team is looking for support!”

“Support? Where do I send troops to them?”

The false patriarch scolded, and his head hurt. “These wastes, but they are home battles, or Saint Ao Xun, can’t stop a native of the West?”

The intelligence officer dared not talk.

“Let them fire fully, drive the enemy over, and I will annihilate them in the main hall square.”

The Patriarch Patriarch made the arrangement.

The intelligence officer hesitated for a moment. How is it possible to complete this tactical arrangement in the current difficult situation?

“Go quickly. Don’t waste time.”

The false patriarch urged.


The intelligence officer was helpless.

“Shadow of Holy Coffin has not returned yet? How many days will it take?”

If it is deployed in advance, the false patriarch can still be competent, such as on-site command. It was completely his weakness, enough to see the last general, but when he met Downton, it was completely crushed.

Within ten minutes, the intelligence officer came again.

“Death of the Destroyer, Death of the War Master, Death of the Guardian, Destruction of the Fel Defense System.”

The intelligence officer’s words immediately caused a series of exclamations. How long did it take to kill so many holy Aoxun, and the enemy’s strength was too strong?

“Can’t you bring good news?”

The false patriarch would like to strangle the intelligence officer. “What’s going on? Why did you lose so fast?”

“Originally chaotic enemies suddenly seemed to be commanded by a man with the eye of God. They were always able to strike seven or eight times their superior strength to siege us.”

The intelligence officer was helpless.

After learning that the enemy had not attacked the main peak, the hypocritical Patriarch also guessed the purpose of Downton.

“All orders. Follow my command!”

The false preacher’s power can be opened wide, and the soul swings like a tsunami. It sweeps the temple, and at the same time as it finds out the position of the enemy and the enemy, it also starts soul communication and directs the battle.

The advantages in communications have been made up, but there has been a gap in the execution of the subordinates.

The evil spirit army retreated, and the false priest tried his best. However, he was too busy to burn his head, and his heart and brain were exhausted, and he could not restore the decline. He could only watch the fire of his soul extinguish.

“Damn, I must kill you!”

The Patriarch Patriarch roared, “Void Dragon Corps, go to c5.”

“The other party counted.”

Holy Lily shouted.

There are a large number of evil spirit troops, and even high-level leaders, the vain shepherd capital uses them as cannon fodder. After Downton deliberately reduced the number of troops in the headquarters, the vain shepherd sent people to siege.

When the evil **** is asleep, the false leader is the well-deserved first person, commanding the evil **** empire, such a high-powered strong man, will never tolerate failure, so retreating to the main hall square, it will not consider it at all, it only Want to crush the enemy.

In this stalemate war situation, the false patriarch constantly tasted the bitter fruit of the defeat. When he found that the army had lost most of its battle damage and had completely lost its advantage, it suddenly realized that even the intelligence officer had died for a long time. Too.

The square in front of the main hall was empty and sent by him.

“Everyone, you can go to the main peak!”

Downton roared, and the exploding army’s heated battle roar immediately sounded in the communicator.

A team of expeditionary forces continually merged while running, and finally, like an irresistible torrent of annihilation, hit the gate of the temple.

In the front square, a gentle middle-aged man is standing there. Behind him is a hall gate with a height of thousands of kilometers.

“Dirty mice, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

The false patriarch sneered.


Downton glanced at the middle-aged man, then stared at the side, behind the Goliath orc, hiding two girls.


Yilian lowered her head and moved it out, her eyes dodged.

“Who asked you to bring Serei’s ribbon?”

Downton was mad. “Even if you are crazy, you still have to bring her?”

“Don’t blame Elaine, I insisted on following.”

Fortunately, the Death Banshee who had not been found quickly stood up and pleaded.

“Forget it. This is their choice.”

Rosicky did not blame Elaine, but looked at Juliet. “It’s this girl…”

“Sister Juliet, are you back? I miss you so much!”

Little Walnut lay on Downton’s back and greeted the maid enthusiastically.

Di Lanxue and Xia Luo’s eyes turned, too, and Juliet took a step back.

“Haha, is this a good move? I let her break into the Temple of Despair, and then I detected the deployment, otherwise I don’t know when it will be delayed.”

Downton gave a gleeful expression.

“It’s worthy of being the **** of war, plan and move!”

“It turns out you already have a plan.”

“Be convinced by mouth!”

This is not bullshit. It is a sincere admiration.

Juliet looked at Downton and cast her grateful eyes, tears flowing.

“Alas, Downton is still so gentle.”

Saint Lily ridiculed, “How do people dislike this kind of man?”


Di Lanxue nodded, looked down at Dunton’s eyes, full of love, and then she stood up, “You go to kill the evil god. The false priest, give it to me.”


The ignorant Patriarch, who had been neglected, was about to make a splash, and heard this. Suddenly stunned, followed by anger, “Who do you think you are?”

“Princess of the Twilight Empire…” After half a sentence, Di Lanxue changed his tongue, “No, Downton’s fiancee!”

“Wait, this battle is mine!” Licha, the king of the lion’s heart, stood up. “The reinforcements of the Evil Army should arrive soon. We must fight for time.”

“I stay too!”

Tessie stood up, and no one doubted that Lionheart was a timid war. Instead, he worried that he could not beat the false patriarch, you know. This old monster that has survived for tens of thousands of years.

“Stop arguing, let their brothers stay, and others attack the hall.”

Holy Lily urged, “Also, according to the records of the jihad, this hall is filled with the power of evil spirits, even the Holy Aoxun, will be completely demonized after fifteen minutes and become a puppet who obeyed it, so , Everyone must fight.”

While the saint spoke, the prince of flames commanded by her had begun to bless the people with various divine arts, and the holy aura haunted for a time.

“I hate this kind of breath.”

The false patriarch broke out, and a circle of black lightning spread.

Richard wielded a sword to block.


“Your opponent is me!”

Richard intercepted.

“Then please, let’s go!”

Downton was not a hypocritical person, and he rushed to the temple door.

After blasting through the gate, the first stepped into the temple. This is the first merit of a great book. The handsome man of the Dupont family rushed out and drew his sword.

“let me do it!”


DuPont’s sword is also an epic weapon, but at the moment of touching the temple door, he was blackened by the power of the evil spirit, and he himself was caught by the suddenly extended tentacles extending from the temple door and pulled into it.

Just a blink of an eye, it turned into a statue solidified on the temple door.

Now, people finally know why the sculptures are so vivid on the door of the temple. Many people subconsciously slowed down.

The Downton guys never stopped.

“let me do it!”

Walnut came out, brandished a warhammer, and bombarded with violent attitude.


The whole hall was shaking, the turbulence of energy was rushing, and the strongest mystery of the Downton people also hit it.


The hall door opened slowly~www.mtlnovel.com~ There was a white bloom overflowing.

“Go away!”

The Patriarch Patriarch was anxious and mighty power broke out, but was stopped by Taixi Feng and Li Cha. He could only watch Tang Dun and Di Lanxue lead the team into the hall.

“Don’t be afraid, even if you die in battle, the people will remember us!”

“Let life turn into a meteor, gorgeous burning!”

“For the western land continent, glory will last forever and fight forever!”

Everyone shouted a ferocious battle roar, and rushed into the hall without turning back, especially the timid, guilty heart, to make up for with death.

Then, as soon as I stepped through the hall gate, my vision changed and was filled with a piece of silver and white. This unprecedented scene shocked them deeply.

It’s Downton, there is a feeling of deja vu! (To be continued.)

ps: The last battle started!

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