Hero’s Creed

Chapter 13 - 0 people cut weapon

   There is a door not far from the bar in the hall. Through it, you can reach the backyard of the hotel, the basement, the well, the warehouse, all there.

   Downton recognized the masters of the voice, Robinson and Piley. He knew that he was far from their opponent now, so he chose to evacuate wisely.

   found a safe room and after confirming the erasure, Downton hid.

   “How long have I meditated?” Downton wrote with a quill pen, communicated with the magic book, and thought about the next action plan.

   “Almost twenty-five hours!” Homer replied quickly, “Because I used magical sources to help you gather magical energy, it took so long to meditate. At your current level, it should be at most three hours!”

   “For so long, I don’t know what happened to Durham?”

  Although he was worried about the safety of his friend, Downton was helpless, and he was just now able to protect himself. If he met a powerful ghoul, he was still dead.

   “In this gloomy underground city, there is no way to judge the time by the sun, except for those moss plants, everything seems to be dead.” Homer lamented, and even wanted to write a sonnet lyric.

   Grunt, Downton’s stomach roared, a sense of fasting came.

   He took out the bread, shattered it, put it in his mouth, moistened it with saliva, and swallowed it.

“You’d better find food as soon as possible, otherwise you will starve to death!” Homer reminded, “You also need water, because of high-intensity fighting, you will consume a lot of water. Those wines can be emergency, but it should be Robinson. The three guarded.”

“The sharpener did not cut the woodworker by mistake. Before that, I had to find a weapon. With bare hands, it was too bad!” Downton looked at the dagger in the leather sheath and sighed. Use long-blade weapons to release, this thing naturally does not count.

   Downton is a downright ghost. He has no spare money to buy weapons, but his sister bought him a scholarship with a dagger in his hand.

   “Where to find? Blacksmith shop?” Homer couldn’t think of another answer, “but there are many undead creatures outside, in your strength, it’s too dangerous!”

   “No, go to your room!”

   “It doesn’t work. At least there are more than 200 rooms in this large hotel. There are too many. Let’s not talk about whether there are adventurers with weapons or not. It’s a waste of time to search.” Homer rejected.

   “We only go to luxury suites. The suites that can live in this luxury hotel are either rich or expensive. Their personal **** must be armed?” Downton had already calculated Homer’s concerns.

  Homer was speechless. It found that he couldn’t keep up with his divergent thinking, a little depressed.

   “Is it not that entering the soul level, you can open the talent? Why am I not?” Downton wondered.

   “Don’t worry, the soul seed is adapting to your body. After the perfect fit, the talent will automatically start. This process is about three days!” As soon as he mentioned the professional field, Homer was immediately full of confidence.

   “Too long!” Downton was disappointed.

   “Anyone who becomes a magician will be born with a unique shield of natal soul, which can be released with intention.” Homer introduced, “It is a shield of magic and physical dual-line immunity, which is very practical.”

  咻, a fist-sized pure white translucent ball emerged, slowly rotating around Downton’s body, like a satellite.

   “Departure, I hope the three Robinson did not go to the luxury room search in advance!” Downton grabbed his backpack and left the room, while recovering the soul shield to maintain it, it needs to consume magic energy.

   Crossed the dark stairs, Downton climbed to the top floor.

The luxury suites of this large hotel are generally built on top. In addition to the wide view, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the entire main city. There is also a feeling that the mountains are small and it seems that the world has been stepped on. Nobles like this tone.

   Disadvantaged, the door shaft is too rusty, the creaking of the door is simply the best attack signal.

  Pushing open the door of the first suite on the left side of the corridor, Downton just stretched his head into the gap between the doors, and a ghoul heard the movement and rushed over quickly.

   “Can kill!”

   Waiting for Homer to finish, seeing that the monster’s relatively ruined body has squeezed into the room and closed the door, he was worried that fighting in the corridor would attract more monsters.

  The killing range of the giant gun is within five yards!

   greeted the ghoul, the Downton came up with a shot, and the magically condensed gun shot at its chest.

   Bang, the sternum of the monster is sunken, the body has a meal, Downton strides forward, twists his waist and swings his arm, the giant iron fist blasts out.

  Boom, the ghoul’s head was squashed and rolled over, and the minced meat and maggots on his body fell to the ground.

“Yes, the head of the head is relatively small. At your level, it is likely to be missed, so that it is passive, it is better to attack the body, prevent it from approaching, and then add an attack.” Watching Downton pounced, gave him to climb up The monster’s last blow, Homer was satisfied, “It’s just a waste of magic power!”

   A plume of purple mist flew from the body and floated into the magic book.

   “What’s this?” Downton had seen the magic book to collect this’fog’ from every corpse he killed before, but he didn’t have time to ask.

   “Soul remains!” Homer added, “It contains soul energy and can repair my soul origin!”

   “Isn’t it the original offering?”

   Downton has no fuss. Soul energy is also a kind of magical energy, and it is one of the most mysterious magical energy. Many gods are particularly fond of sacrifices.

  The gods of the Western Continent are generous, as long as you can offer sacrifices that satisfy them, you can get the dream of God’s gift.

  The time and dragon of time and order, the artifact of the Lord of War, the lucky green leaves of the goddess of fate, etc., are all top-level gods, enough to make any king on the continent crazy.

   “Use this kind of thing as a sacrifice, the gods will not sweep the end of their eyes.” Homer’s poisonous tongue, “If you do it, you will swear in the heart, don’t come to sacrifice, and waste time!”

  Tang Dun could not help but the masters who can get sacrifices for sacrifices are all big figures. In the eyes of Homer, they are worthless.

   There was a rotten smell in the room, very pungent.

  Ignored Homer’s chatter, Downton quickly searched.

   There was a skeleton lying on the ground, apparently it did not become a ghoul, its clothes were rotten, and some gold coins were scattered around.

   Downton found a suitcase in the closet and opened it. The brilliant light almost blinded his eyes, and the inside was full of gold coins and gems.

   “If you can bring it back, don’t say that the Falnia blood horse is enough to buy a small manor!” Downton closed the box, threw it back in the closet, and continued searching.

   For Downton, who can’t go, they have no use except adding extra weight and consuming physical energy.

   “Is this magic equipment?” Downton took a ruby ​​ring from the skeleton’s finger. As a poor civilian, he really had never seen a magic outfit.

   “No, it’s a luxury. The dagger in the waist is the type of magic circle engraved. As long as the magic energy is input, it should be able to stimulate a war-level magic.”

   Downton happily picked up the one-foot dagger, wiped the dust off his sleeve, infused magic power, and nothing happened.

   “What’s going on?” Downton puzzled and waved the dagger again.

   “This dungeon has been buried for at least three thousand years, and even the rough maintenance has not been done. Do you think the magic array carved on the dagger will be intact?” Homer sneered.

  Throw away the rusty dagger, Downton continues to hunt for treasure.

   Half an hour later, he searched five luxury suites, and found that the most was gold coins, as well as a pendant, a mechanical pocket watch, with a defensive cube array imprinted on it, which should be used by the rich to defend themselves.

   is just the erosion of the long years, which has made them broken.

   The only valuable harvest is probably a rusty knight sword pulled from the corpse. Downton estimated that it could not be cut five times and would break.

   “Don’t be discouraged, wait for me to absorb enough soul energy, and after repairing some sources, you can open the space for war and take all of them away!” Homer comforted Downton, worried that he would be hit.

   “Space props?” Downton was delighted and quickly asked.

   Metal ore veins with space attributes have always been scarce, and it is extremely difficult to mine. Coupled with the need to make upset space space magicians for space equipment, such equipment has always been expensive and basically priceless.

   “Don’t compare me to those garbage space props, I’m Lord Homer!” Homer was very dissatisfied with Downton’s statement.

   “How much to absorb?” Tang Dun eagerly tried, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com wanted to kill the ghouls immediately.

“There are about a thousand such ghouls!” Homer estimated. “It should be possible to open a war space enough to hold two reloaded rhinos. Your efforts, the more I recover, the more open space. The bigger!”

“Are you kidding me? One thousand? How long? How long? Before I kill them all, I will become a corpse first!” Downton couldn’t help rolling his eyes. “That’s not an ant, just put it in a pot of boiling water, just It can kill a large part, that is a ghoul that eats people!”

“Well, if you get me the complete soul of a dragon, I can directly open a small battlefield-sized war space, enough to squeeze a thousand ghouls!” Homer was depressed, and was looked down upon by a commoner If you want to restore your full power, you must be scared to death!

   “You should quickly recover to the point where you can listen to me directly, always writing, it’s too much trouble.” Downton put away the quill pen and ink bottle and pushed the next door open.

   In the dim living room, a battle axe lay quietly on the ground, exuding a light blue light, like a star in the night sky.

   “Tomahawk?” Surprise climbed onto Downton’s cheek. Even if he was stupid, he knew that after thousands of years, with a magic light weapon, it is definitely not an ordinary product!

   Downton lost his calmness for the first time and rushed in quickly. He wanted to pick it up and appreciate it. He didn’t notice that on the ceiling, there was a large spider web covered by the roof.

  A black blood spider comparable to a pure-blooded horse with twelve huge compound eyes, staring at its prey, following the spider silk, approaching quietly from the ceiling!

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