Heroine Saves A Gentleman

Chapter 41

Yu Xingzhi is in charge of security arrangements in Kyoto recently, and seems to be busy with some official duties.

He entrusted Zhou Xiaoxiao’s responsibilities during the day to Juan Zi and the intimate girl-in-law Xiaohe in Zhou Xiaoxiao’s hospital.

One day, Juanzi and others were accompanying Zhou Xiaoxiao in the yard to bask in the sun.

Hearing Yu Tong’s voice sounded outside the courtyard door.

Zhou Xiaoxiao’s elder sister-in-law Xiaohe went to Yingmen and saw Yu Tong exploring his head with a probe.

Xiaohe laughed: “Brother Tong, are you looking for your sister Juanzi again?”

Yu Tong touched his head, handed a delicate food box in his hand, and said with a smile, “Sister Xiaohe joked about me again. Ye Hou ate wine with his colleagues at Xinghualou today. It was delicious. Remembering that this was a dish that Mrs. liked to eat, Tete packed a copy and asked Xiao to bring it for her to taste. “

The girl in the courtyard surrounded him and talked eloquently.

“Houye really treats our wife very carefully.”

“My wife’s life is so good, even in the illness, she can hang on the apex of Hou Ye every day.”

Yu Tong gently pulled the sleeves of Juan Juan, and Juan Zi followed him to step outside the door.

“Brother Tong is looking for me?”

Outside, there is a rough-haired woman who buys and buys vegetables every day.

She pushed a wheelbarrow. There was a wooden bucket for vegetables.

Juanzi vaguely remembers that she was a relative of Yu Tong’s family. He nodded at her.

Yu Tong lifted a steamer from the car.

“This is the soup bag of Xinghualou. It’s thin and juicy. I thought my sister would like to eat it, and bought it with a cage. It’s delicious when it’s hot. You can take it and taste it with your sisters.”

Juan Zi followed Zhou Xiaoxiao every day, and often met with Yu Tong, very familiar.

In addition, Yu Tong is smooth and lively.

He doesn’t think Juanzi is fat. In front of Juanzi, she has always been attentive and always brings some delicious snacks from outside to please her.

One to two, there was so much interest between the two.

Juanzi looked slightly red, took the soup bag, and turned in.

The sisters in the courtyard, while joking humorously, opened the steamer.

I saw squatting crystal buns inside, steaming, very cute.

So everyone lifted up and ate.

Xiaohe took a bite of the soup in the bag, it was really delicious, the skin was thin and elastic, and the taste was delicious. Can’t help but eat another.

Suddenly she felt spinning.

Listening to someone yelling,

“Why does this table and chair seem to be turning?”

“Sisters, I feel dizzy.”

Xiao He said with a bad heart, but could not control his hands and feet softened and passed out.

Yu Tong and the rough wife pushed the car into the door.

Then closed the door.

Juan Zi had better physical strength and had not been completely unconscious. She collapsed on the ground and stared at Yu Tong with a pair of eyes.

The woman reached out and gestured around her neck. “This girl sees you, would you?”

Yu Tong looked at Juanzi on the ground and said softly, “No, I can’t hide my identity this time. I can only leave with you. There is no need to create unnecessary sins.”

The woman nodded, and the two lifted up Zhou Xiaoxiao’s sluggish body and asked her to sit in a wooden barrel, pile some leaves on her head, cover the bucket lid, and hang out silently.

But said that Zhou Xiaoxiao’s side is in this world and can’t find the clues of ancient times,

Nothing but help and despair, obediently returned to work in the studio.

This day was walking on the road, and a bunch of gorgeous sunflowers were held in front of her again.

Zhou Xiaoxiao glanced at the person, but said helplessly: “Sergeant Chen, it’s not like your style to fight it.”

Chen Weipan took a step forward, slightly blocking Zhou Xiaoxiao’s way.

He is proud, handsome, with wide shoulders and a narrow waist.

As he top-down and stared with affection, many women were quickly convinced by his publicity.

So for many years, he has always been skillful on the love field,

But this time, an unsure drumbeat sounded in his heart.

The woman in front of her looked at her with a delicately painted face, and her amber-like eyes were full of patience and alienation. Please leave.

Chen Weipan was a little uncomfortable. “School girl, I’m so bad, you don’t even give me a chance.”

“I thought I had made myself clear.”

“No, that’s just an excuse for you to refuse me. You don’t have a boyfriend at all. Not to mention that there are no people named Yu Xingzhi around you, that is our entire city. There are only three named by this name, one is 80 years old, the other 45 The age is a waste collector, and there is another who is only 12. Who is your Yu Xingzhi? “

Those eyes were cold, with a bit of chill, “Abusive power, Officer Chen. You’re a little too far.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao didn’t want to continue entanglement, missed his body, and planned to leave.

“Wait a minute, Xiaoxiao,” Chen Weipan took two steps back, earnestly begging, “I’m serious, you give me a chance, let’s start with friends. Okay?”

Zhou Xiaoxiao smiled: “You have a substandard.”

Chen Weipan raised her eyebrows.

Zhou Xiaoxiao turned her fair wrists. “I want to be my boyfriend. There is a first condition. At least I have to walk ten strokes.”

Chen Weipan’s face was black and speechless.

Zhou Xiaoxiao waved to leave, Yu Guang glanced at Chen Weipan and several men came behind him.

With a few murderous faintness on them, the cold hair on Zhou Xiaoxiao’s back was erected.

She was about to remind her that the two black hole muzzles had been aimed at the two.

Zhou Xiaoxiao does not think that he has been exercising for several months and can fight against modernization.

She showed no resistance and was obediently taken into a commercial car with Chen Weipan.

They were rudely pushed into an empty warehouse.

Three men in police uniforms lay on the floor of the warehouse. Their hands were clipped behind their backs, their thumbs were pinched by thin wires, and black tape was affixed to their mouths.

One of them had bleeding on his head and was unconscious. There was a trace of bright red blood left on the ground after dragging.

Chen Weipan’s heart sank. This time, the members of the ad hoc group were arrested except for the leaders assigned by their superiors. Who did it?

He took a closer look at the environment. These people were very professional. The warehouse floor he chose was about 7 meters high. The windows were both tall and narrow. There were petrol barrels around the warehouse. A lot of gasoline was poured on the ground. The air was dangerous. Smell.

Even if the headquarters finds the situation in time, the rescue operation will be difficult.

And the noise of children running upstairs from time to time is either a kindergarten or a private kindergarten.

The environment is very detrimental to the rescue and must be rescued by thought.

At this moment a person walked down the mezzanine stairs of the warehouse.

The man had a thin body, a letter A face, eight eyebrows, and a gloomy face.

When the surrounding puppies saw him, they called him “Tired Brother”.

“Tired old man, it turned out to be you!” Chen Weipan angry.

“Sergeant Chen, it’s not easy to ask you to come.” The tired old man stood at the entrance of the stairs and pointed at Chen Weipan with his smokey fingers. “I have given you face, the inspection team, we are not convergent enough. ? Why can’t you let our brother go? “

“You do such a desolate thing, open a casino, sell poisonous goods, don’t you think that there will be a day of obsession?”

“Since you don’t know anything about it, it’s no wonder I’m cruel and cruel. Even if the dead net is broken, I will at least take you back for me.” The tired old man hated.

He saw Chen Weipan leaning out a delicately dressed woman’s face,

The woman nodded timidly to him: “Tired … Tired brother, can these things not concern me, let me go first?”

“Why is there a woman? Who is she?” The tired old brow frowned. “There was news in the jail. Some bald men were beaten down by a special policewoman. What about that policewoman?”

There was a moustache with a moustache, nicknamed Hu Asan and said, “I don’t know, I don’t know who the special police detachment is, so skillful, I never heard about it.”

Another younger brother said, “Tired brother, this is Policeman Chen’s horse, the owner of a takeaway food store. Police officer Chen was giving her flowers when we met. The timing was good, nobody was on the road, the location was remote, brothers I started. I was afraid she would call the police and had to bring it together. “

“No, no, I’m not his girlfriend, I have nothing to do with him. Let me go back, I will never call the police, say nothing, I swear.”

What Chen Weipan had planned to say was snatched by Zhou Xiaoxiao, and he didn’t know what to take.

Had no choice but to say something: “This matter has nothing to do with her, don’t involve ordinary people.”

The tired old man snorted, grabbed Zhou Xiaoxiao’s collar, and pushed her to the ground. “What’s the matter? Since it’s here, let the brethren take care of it and make Officer Chen happy.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao fell to the ground, wondering if the rope that had tied her hands before was not tight, but it came loose.

However, she was delicate and fragile, clutching the collar of her clothes with a small hand, shivering, and fell in the middle of the crowd, so no one cared about the problem of the rope.

I only heard her startled, “No … no, what are you doing to me?”

Those who stupidly saw the woman’s courage were so small and laughed: “Girl, brothers haven’t wanted to do anything to you yet, you look like we are ashamed that we don’t do anything, hahaha.”

Zhou Xiaoxiao shrank to the ground, pitiful, and kept moving towards the back.

He shook his head desperately, “Don’t come, don’t come, Yamat!”

Several men laughed and circled around her.

Chen Wei Pan was furious. With helpless hands clasped behind him, he could only shout at the tired old man: “Is there something rushing to me, don’t touch her!”

The tired old man knocked him to the ground, “Sergeant Chen! Do you think my tired old man really invited you to be a guest?”

Hu Ahsan stepped forward, stepping on Chen Weipan’s chest, grinning with a moustache in his hand and grinning wryly: “Sergeant Chen, unfortunately your figure is too tall. It is not my dish. Otherwise I am Hu Asan I can come to you, haha. “

Chen Weipan scolded: “Dead guy!”

The abdomen was stomped, and the internal organs were painful and speechless.

Tired old man sneered and said, “Lao Hu, if you can do Police Officer Chen on the spot today, I will give you a bonus, this number!”

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