Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 154: This Kid..

Alex watched as a small metal arm came up from under the bed and was stationed over his body. At the top of the arm was a weird disk shaped object that seemed to be aiming directly over his heart. After a few seconds, it changed places to his stomach. Like this, the arm went all over Alex's body. It seemed to be scanning every part of his body. After some time, Nana walked forward to Alex and asked, "do you feel weird in any way? If not, we will continue this." Her tone was extremely soft.

Alex shook his head and spoke, "I feel nothing like that, you can continue." He put his thumbs up and smiled.

Nana looked a tiny bit confused and nodded. She turned towards where Sir Fire and the other scientist stood and walked away from the bed. Sir fire looked at Alex and spoke, "You're doing good so far Alex, Just keep on staying as still as possible. We'll be scanning you with some more instruments." Alex nodded when he heard Sir Fire. 

'Kid… This body scan is really a weird thing. And the system that is attached to you is even weirder… The scanning machine should have given you nausea and a slight headache as it was sending direct short bursts of photons towards your body. This shouldn't have done that big of damage to your body but feeling nothing is also something that would be of concern for them. As, that kind of shows that your body doesn't have photons that reacted to it. But the thing here is that the system just decided to nullify any effects of the photon. It was asking for permission to not allow the photon to even enter your body but I had to reject it. Imagine how they would react if the scanner wasn't working on your body.' Hades seemed to be impressed by the System's powers.

'That means, things like radioactivity, Poison, or anything foreign won't ever work on your body. The system will just nullify every bad effect of your body just like nothing… To think that the legends of that body were correct… Without even noticing it, you obtained a body that's even more powerful than the effects of the black cube you absorbed… It seems like things are making more sense to me now that I saw more powers of this system… I'll explain to you once you have the right to obtain this information… Until, then, Do as you've been doing till now, grow more powerful.' He explained slowly. 

Alex nodded and replied, 'I understand…' He was sick of hearing that he wasn't powerful enough to learn. It seemed like Hades was always teasing Alex, he would seem like he understood something new or something interesting but never give it to Alex, only small hints which made Alex curious. However, Hades would only reply saying that he wasn't powerful enough to learn it. It was a repeating pattern that Alex could do nothing about just nod and aim to be more powerful.


Hana waited outside of the small hut in the forest. "To think that he was here before me and took everyone out… but at least I got more information… But still, I expected that scientist to be here, my information seems to be slightly wrong, or at least, the scientist might have changed laboratories after hearing that I took out one of their bases." She spoke to herself. 

"However…" Hana said as she looked at the broken black mask in her hand. "It seems like there are more of those Black Masked men in that association… And that scientist is directly affiliated with them for him to be protected by them… by the looks of it, Those black masks are At least Mid to High tier A ranked awakened… And with those serums, They could battle with S ranked Awakens without a problem… This would cause a problem for me as well, they could match me if they have a higher intensity serum with themselves, Just like the one that Scar was hiding as soon as he saw me." Hana thought back to Scar, the man who she met with just a few minutes ago under the hut. 

Scar had a small cylinder shaped object hidden in his jacket. "He underestimated my eyes and didn't expect me to see what he was hiding under that jacket of his… I could clearly see a serum holder, It's size was larger than the ones that those thugs were using so it seems like these black masked enemies can go against me on a one on one if they were to take it… Be it for a small time but the thought is extremely scary." Hana knew her own strength and she knew that there were not many people on the planet that could go on a proper battle with her. 

So, the thought of a few people with the help of Serums could easily match Her strength was a frightening one for Hana. However, she still had confidence in herself. "I can't fear anyone in this world… Except for one guy, no one here could match me so I don't need to worry, Only need to aim for strength." Hana looked as a helicopter slowly landed nearby. 

"I might need to stop my hunt for a week or so, I need to get a tiny bit stronger, can't risk those serums getting the better of me." She seemed to have made up her mind on getting more powerful. 

A few soldiers ran towards the hut and saluted Hana. "Ma'am, You may leave for your other work, We'll take care of the rest here!" A soldier roared when he saw Hana. 

Hana nodded and spoke coldly, "Okay. The ones here are alive but knocked out, However, The ones underground through the hatch in the first room are… In pieces, so The BIO team will need to care for it. I'll be gone now." She said as she slowly walked towards a second helicopter that just landed nearly in a field.

The soldier looked at Hana in shock and looked at his buddies, "it seems like, after some time, The Cold Queen has shown her deadly side once again. If she means we'll need to call the Bio team, then the basement of this place will just be blood and guts… As expected of someone who is known as the most dangerous Awakened in the country." He was impressed and in fear. No one wanted to Mess with Hana if she was angry and no one knew how powerful she was. 

"I remember hearing that she was close to losing a match with Sir Gold in a spar session. My brother was a guard in the arena so he could see it but what he told me was scary. She won but Gold seemed to be close to defeating her… after that, Hana disappeared for a small time and the next time they battled, Gold wasn't even a huge deal for her to fight against… At least in a close environment, Gold does have a slight disadvantage in fighting inside of buildings due to fear of breaking the building." The man explained. 

The prior soldier nodded and spoke, "For someone like her, all we normal humans can do is nod and follow orders… Such a pretty face but such a scary person" He laughed.


Alex got up and woke his shirt and coat. He noticed Sir Fire staring at him while he put the guns under his coat. "Alex.." Sir Fire spoke.

"Is there a problem?" Alex answered.

Sir Fire shook his head and spoke, "No, I was just curious about those guns of yours… I didn't even notice them under the coat, they looked like they grew as soon as you picked them up and then shrunk a tiny bit once you tried to attach it to your coat… Now that you have your coat on, I can't even see any bumps that could be caused by the guns… It's almost like they're changing sizes according to your need."

Alex laughed awkwardly and answered, "Well, you could say it like that. These guns aren't made from my ability.. You could say that I found them… I don't know about it that much but you are correct, If I think of them shrinking, They do shrink a tiny bit and when I think of them growing a bit, they grow… However, it isn't like they become super small or super big. It's just my powers doing that work." He answered.

Sir Fire nodded, He seemed to be wanting to ask for a closer look but Alex gave a serious look towards Sir Fire which he understood clearly, 'This Kid… His body is weird and he has weird weapons… That technology could be very helpful to us but looking at him, I already know he is going to say no if I ask for them… Whatever, I can't ask for everyone's things like that anyways. I'll let my temptation go away this time."

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