Hell's Academy

Chapter 55: Second Level of Ki Transformation

At the top of a large mountain, A small shrine remained hidden under the Earth until Barabin raised his hand and caused it to reveal itself to the sky.

Watching the gilded dome appear shimmering in the dark moonlight, Howard clutched Jenny's hand, smiling while staring into her eyes.

"Jenny, isn't that beautiful?" Howard said, feeling her warmth causing his heart to somewhat stir. He had to hold her hands every hour for the last ten, and always found her staring into his eyes with a reverence he couldn't understand. "Heh, I never thought I'd see anything like this!"

"Howard, can I bite you again?" Jenny said, opening her mouth and playing with her teeth. "It's almost morning right? It-it'll make tonight more special." Jenny revealed her fangs before finding Barabin touching against her shoulder, instantly causing her to lose focus and fall onto her knees.

Wearing a black dress with blue stockings, Jenny had delineated the place on Howard's body that she most wanted to bite. Staring at his neck, she jumped up before Barabin pressed down on her shoulder, causing her to freeze in place.

"Come on, Jenny. You can wait a few minutes, right?. You'll kill us all if you injure Howard out here." Barabin picked her up and pushed her back into Howard's grasp, "Howard, and Jenny it's time to go somewhere that no one can sense us. Follow me into the Shrine. Reece, Harley, and Kellen, watch the bus."

"Sounds great,' Harley said, yawning and patting Reece on the shoulder. "How many Ki Infected Zombies will appear this time? 100? 10,000?"

"I-I just want to sing. This sucks," Kellen said, air singing into a microphone. "Jenny is also giving me the creeps. Every time she lets go of Howard's hand I can feel her staring into me. Like she wants to roar and knock me off my feet!"

"Too-too much," Reece said, holding her finger to her nose. "We're disrespecting the ancestors by talking so loud in front of a Shrine."

Reece had heard of the lost Shrines before from Annibell, which included twelve buildings. Including the one in front of her, the challenges inside had lost their function, and as such all the treasures inside of them had been absorbed into the Furnace's crust.

However, just because the challenges had disappeared didn't mean they weren't valuable. Each Lost Shrine had dozens of valuable trinkets, treasures, and resources that could greatly amplify their strength.

On the inside of the Shrine, dozens of large towers that had once stood tall now leaned against each other like fallen blocks. Looking to his side, Howard noticed a large painting of a beautiful woman with brown hair that seemed to possess an almost surreal charm. Her eyes looked like they seemed to be touching his body, looking for secrets inside of him.

Pulling Jenny towards him, she instantly jumped, hugging him with all her might as a large tower shattered by a wave of Barabin's fist.

"I brought you two here so that Jenny can suck your blood," Barabin said, pointing at the unique ceiling that shinned silver. "Ki Fluctuations can't exit this building, which means the Authoritarians can't sense Howard. Jenny, get a two days supply. 10 seconds at 1 ml per second. You're into science right?"

"Really? Yay! Howard, It's going to be so great," Jenny shook his hand and rolled up his sleeve with expectation written all over her face. "Barabin, you're really leaving me alone to do this? What if that fire returns? I'm also scared of this place. It gives me the creeps!"

"I have to see if any treasures are easily accessible. I've been looking for something my teacher told me about. A defensive trinket that can be used in situations of great distress. Howard, I'll be right back."

Barabin kicked one wall, causing the walls to splinter in half, and a light to shimmer onto Howard's arm. Holding his arm up to Jenny's hand, he sighed, gently petting her hair as she descended towards him.

Drawing her teeth out of her mouth, suddenly he felt her pierce into his wrist. Feeling her warmth on his arm, Howard couldn't help but brush back her hair.

For some reason, rather than finding Jenny's requirement of his blood a menacing obstacle to be overcome, he found it hilarious. Occasionally, she even slurped his blood while her eyes shimmered brightly like stars.

'This isn't so bad. Having a girl that wants to bite me all the time! I bet some guys would kill for this!'

Howard gently tugged on Jenny's hair to remind her ten seconds were up before he noticed the painting on the wall had slightly began to swing from side to side. Ignoring the strange movement, Howard had no choice but to pull Jenny off his arm as her large fangs tried to dig further and further into his skin.

"Time's up!" Howard pushed Jenny away from him, pointing at the painting. "Heh, Jenny, now that you're done with that. Look at that painting on the wall."

"I-I want more! Please," Jenny stomped the floor impatiently like a child. "Howard, you taste so good? I'll-I'll kiss you on the lips if you want. I-It's a fair exchange right? I wore this dress today just for you."

"I can't do that, Jenny," Howard walked over to the painting and tapped it. "Anyways, At least you're not on fire today right. I tried to calm myself before you drank my blood. I'm glad it helped."

"You-you thought about me today," Jenny blushed, and rushed over to his side, reaching for his hand with a sense of urgency in her movements that were hard to describe. "Howard, I-I just wanted to apologize for everything that I did to you. I mean, when we were kids." Jenny pointed at the painting's background that reminded her of his house, gently clutching his hand as she began to recall those strange times.

When they were younger, Howard and Jenny's father had been friendly enemies. Jenny's father owned a law firm that Howard's father had one time sued for millions of dollars. Hearing about this, Jenny remembered the weeks she spent trying to hurt Howard.

Her plans got so complicated one time, she almost caught Howard in a cage before her mother talked her out of it. Seeing an injury still on Howard's legs, from when she blew up one of the present she got him for his birthday, she couldn't help but frown.

"I-I'm the reason your presents blew up on your 5th birthday. I-I took some of my father's gun powder and put it in a toy soldier that I knew you had to lit with a match," Jenny bowed over and over again while looking into Howard's eyes. "Can-can you forgive me? ARe-are you never going to let me drink blood again?!"

"Heh, it was a long time ago, Jenny. My father never even talked to me. At least you came to my birthdays," Howard smiled, and brushed back her hair. "After I turned 10, you disappeared from my life. I'd get another scar from you if you could!"

"So nice, and your blood is so filling," Jenny turned to the painting, and screamed, "I-I wish it was different! I wish i could go back and do it all over!"

Jenny felt a pang in her stomach before she turned back at Howard and smiled. However, to her surprise, a lady had appeared behind him, holding a large scythe tilting in the air.

"Jenny, what is it?" Howard said, grabbing her hand. "I-I completely and totally forgive you. I mean. If you went back in time, you might not be here with me."

"Am I seeing things?" Jenny blinked and the lady had disappeared, "Howard, we-we should get out of here. I-I think someone's watching us."

"Don't be silly," Howard said, "Barabin will be back in a minute! There is nothing to be scared of." Howard tapped on the floor, causing hundreds of snakes made of fire to slither around the room. Instantly, the space seemed to go from dark to light, illuminating every corner of the space.

Unfortunately, in every corner, hundreds of figures with scythes seemed to be coming alive, walking towards them with an ominous glint in their eyes.

"Hoh, 2nd level of Ki Transformation," A voice appeared from behind Howard, echoing through the chamber and shaking the very foundation of the Shrine. "Let's see what you can do, little Demon King."

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