Hellbound Heart

Chapter 58 Punishment

Elle gasped as Sebastian splayed his large hand over the curve of her behind. It was so demeaning having her husband bend her over his knees before proceeding to give her sharp stinging slaps on her derriere! Well, that was what she was supposed to think. r

However, Elle did not know what was going on with her brain. Did she somehow got the wires hooked up wrongly today before leaving the palace? It must be it, right? If not, why was she responding in the total opposite of what she was supposed to be doing? Why on earth was she even feeling the slightest bit of excitement from this 'punishment' that Sebastian was meting out?!r

Lost in her own contemplation, Elle had not noticed that Sebastian had seen how she was no longer focusing on him fully. Thus, he raised his hand and brought his palm down on her butt cheeks again.r

Another loud sound echoed within their otherwise silent room. r

It was then followed by a short shriek from Elle. She jerked again at that slap. Struggling to get away from his weird way of punishing her, Elle used both hands to push against his legs and kicked both her legs hard. She was hoping that it would cause him to relent and release her. Who knew…r

"Are you trying to excite me more, Izabelle?" his sudden whisper flowed into her ears. Sebastian had leaned over and pressed her down with his upper body weight, while his warm hands clutched hard on one cheek, sending her freezing into shock. "Not that I mind it. In fact, I'd like to see how you do it." And a beguiling chuckle fell from his lips.r

"N-no…!! I… I'm just–" Elle stammered but her voice trailed off. She did not know what she wanted to say. All she was aware of was that a large hot object was poking at her upper abdominal area! She suddenly felt a gush of warmth flooding her body and a heavy lethargy sinking into her womanly place. She could not help but rub her knees together awkwardly in that position Sebastian was keeping her in.r

Mortified of what was happening to her body, Elle turned her head back and glared at him through thick lashes that were wet due to tears. However, she knew that those were not tears of fright. Instead, they were tears of embarrassment from her wanting him to do something more to her so badly even when he was treating her this way. Upset with herself, she bent her head into his lap and bit down on his thighs. Hard! r

"Sss– !!" a sudden hiss escaped Sebastian's lips and his arms that had kept her pinned down loosened. Elle took this opportunity to escape from her forced restraint in facing downwards. r

Sitting up, she came face to face with Sebastian. She could see the tinge of surprise at what she did reflected on his handsome face, now made even more enticing as she was barely a couple of inches away. No, she needed to put more distance away between them!r

Just as she pushed herself up off him, in the hopes of making a full escape from this man she called her husband, he suddenly shot his arms out and wrapped them around her waist and pulled her back again into his embrace. As she was not expecting this and had been taken aback from his speedy reactions, she fell back into his lap and the first thing she registered in her mind was the feel of his throbbing hot length against her bottom. r

She blushed hard at the thought of how she literally had slammed her butt down on his covered manhood. Though she was so embarrassed she was wishing the floor would open up and swallow her whole, she still could not help but enjoy the sizzling tingle that started from their point of contact and spread through her whole body. r

"Sebastian… please…" Elle pleaded as she peered at him through lowered lashes due to embarrassment. Not knowing that by doing that, it would only arouse the predatory instincts that were barely subdued within Sebastian.r

Sebastian nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. r

"Please what? Hmm? Izabelle?" his dark and mellow voice rumbled out. And it surrounded her like a warm comforter, making Elle feel warm and comfortable.r

Oh, dear lord in heaven! Did he just purr? What was… just what in the world had happened to this man? Why had he suddenly made a one-eighty?! Just a couple of seconds ago he was still in punishing mode, but now here he was, behaving so gently and lovingly!r

No… he was just trying to seduce her! NO!! She must not give in and fall for his tricks!r

"Please! Let… go…" Elle squirmed in his hold, trying her best to get out of his embrace that was more like a trap to her.r

However, Sebastian's arms were like iron bars. No matter how much she squirmed, pushed or pulled, she could not get out of his hold. He continued nuzzling his face into her neck. And Elle could feel his soft lips brushing – back and forth – against the sensitive skin of her neck. He also kept inhaling – giving her a ticklish sensation when the air rushed between his nose and her skin – and exhaling – sending warm and moist puffs of air – while he was doing that. r

An intense feeling of ecstasy flooded through her, and Elle could feel her muscles trembling with the effort of fighting back the want of just giving in and melting into a puddle in his arms. r

The fight was real! But the pleasure was all the more tangible! A small moan escaped her lips while she was distracted. Sebastian of course, heard it and tightened his hold on her slightly.r

She forced herself to bite down on her own tongue. A sudden pain lanced through her as a sweet tangy liquid filled her mouth. She was afraid something else might end up coming out from her lips. Therefore, she had no choice but to do this to stay focused. To stay sane.r

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