Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Zhu Guangwen (Part 1)

Who? Ren Yanshisan’s courage, suddenly such a voice, also frightened him.

The old voice came again, and he smiled and said: “Interesting, really interesting! Boy, you are a disciple of Wanyunzong, but where do you know so many secrets!”

“You, who are you!” Yan Shisan was terrified all of a sudden. He believed that besides him, there could not be a second person in this world. If this person didn’t come in from outside, could it be here? In this place, there can be no living people, the only possibility is ghosts!

“Why, boy, I think you are brave, now you are suddenly scared?” The old voice said with a smile.

Yan Shisan took a deep breath and stabilized his mind. In the previous life, he followed Linglong ancient dynasty to countless places, no matter how horrible the place is, he has never seen ghosts. There can be no ghosts in this world. It’s not a ghost, it’s a human!

“The junior is curious, how did the senior come in?” Yan Shisan asked after calming his mind.

The old voice said with a smile: “My old bone is really inferior to you boy. You boy has the means to reach the sky and walked in from the ruins in an open manner. I can enter here. It can be said that I have studied this place. It’s been a long time, and it took thousands of years to come in. This place is really unexpected. I’m afraid the Patriarch of the past would be surprised if he saw this place!”

“Senior was born in Wan Yunzong!” Yan Shisan caught the most important information at once, and said in a condensed voice.

“Ha, ha, ha, good boy, really amazing, careful as a hair, no wonder you can open this ruin!” The old voice laughed loudly and said, “Since you can guess that I am from Wanyun Sect, Then guess who I am!”

The other party is from Wanyunzong, so Yan Shisan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Yan Shisan couldn’t help but turn a thousand times in his heart, and said in a deep voice, “Since the predecessor said, this site has been studied for thousands of years. For a long time, one who can live for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, Tao Xing is definitely ascending to the emperor to climb the heaven! The disciples are familiar with the history of Wanyunzong, in ten thousand years, the Wanyunzong did not have the emperor of heaven, at least, There is no…”

“…The nearest person who defends against the sky is the double sage of Wanyun, and the proud pride of Wanyunzong for 100,000 years. The disciple has turned over all the scrolls of Wanyunzong and read all the records of the predecessors of Wanyunzong. In Wanyun In all the sects of the sect, there is no mention of Wanyun’s double saints sitting or dying, nor is there any mention of their disappearance! However, the two masters are no longer in the Banyun sect, and the disciples boldly guessed that the two masters might be alive. , Or one of them is still alive. If you say that among the monks, who can live longer and longer, it must be the alchemist. The alchemist has far more ways to extend his life than other monks! If you don’t mind the disciple’s offense, The kid offended the guess once, and the predecessor is very likely to be Master Zhu, one of the two sages of the cloud!”

“Okay, okay, okay, okay, good boy, I didn’t expect that our Wan Yunzong would be able to produce a talent like you. Although the Taoism is shallow, that is, it is very bold and careful! Good, good, good, it is really true. Great!” The old voice said several good words in one breath.

Hearing such words, Yan Shisan knew that he was right. He grabbed his clothes, bowed his head, and said: “Pull Yun Zong Xiayun’s line of Ling Yao Peak Yao Yi Shi Shi to pay a visit to Master Zu.”

“Good boy, get up.” At this moment, Yan Shisan’s eyes flashed, and an old man had appeared in front of him. The old man Tong Yan Hefa in front of him, although wearing clothes like a medicine farmer, was **** swallowing Yue with both eyes. There is faint chaos brilliance between the closures, this is definitely a terrifying existence!

The old man in front of him is Zhu Guangwen, one of the two sages who shocked the world thousands of years ago, a great master of alchemy!

Zhu Guangwen sat cross-legged and motioned to Yan Shisan to sit down. Yan Shisan did not refuse, and sat down in front of Zhu Guangwen. Zhu Guangwen looked at Yan Shisan carefully, as if he wanted to see Yan Shisan through.

“Good boy, there are so many secrets in your heart.” Zhu Guangwen said slowly.

Yan Shisan was about to speak, Zhu Guangwen stopped and said, “Everyone has their own secrets. This is not surprising. As long as you are loyal to Wanyunzong, this is enough!”

“How did Shizu get in?” Yan Shisan couldn’t help asking. He believes that he is the only one who can open the sky wheel, even if it is the double saints!

Zhu Guangwen smiled, shook his head, and said, “My old bones are really inferior to you kid. You kid walked in openly and opened the legendary sky wheel. Your kid is indeed brave enough to shout. The world, with such courage, I am afraid that the old man Sun of the year is not as good as that!”

The old man Sun in Zhu Guangwen’s mouth is Sun Wudi, one of the two sages of the cloud!

Yan Shisan smiled and sat calmly, waiting for Zhu Guangwen to speak.

Zhu Guangwen smiled, and finally sighed softly, and said: “I can enter this place, speaking of it, and it is also the credit of the ancestor. Back then, the faction was built on this site, and he also knew that there was a huge amount of money in the site. Treasure, but I have been suffering from not being able to find the entrance to open the ruins!”

“The ancestor has never given up on this site. His old man has been thinking about it for a long time. In order to be able to enter the site, his old man can be said to have worked hard and thought of many ways. Even for this site, his old man is even far away. Traveling around, collecting the remaining ancient characters and immortal inscriptions, I want to learn the immortal inscriptions of the ancient times. Unfortunately, that era is too far away from the era of Taoist ancestors. Especially in the ancient Suzhen Mountain era, Suzhen Taoist ancestors once ordered all ancient borrowings to be burned. Therefore, in the later generations, the immortal texts of the ancient times are basically lost!” Zhu Guangwen said, shaking his head.

“The ancestor also understands, I’m afraid that this road will not work. His old man thought for a long time, and finally he came up with a method. The Supreme Emperor of Dayu Gate sat in the deepest part of this world, and he was invincible. The emperor, owns the Supreme Dao. When he sits and transforms, the world changes, how terrifying, even if he personally refines a piece of world, I am afraid that there will be void cracks under the Dao Tribulation! Therefore, Dao Shi wanted to borrow a treasure , Do not enter the ruins, but directly enter this world from the void cracks that may exist!”

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“His old man succeeded.” Yan Shisan said quietly when he heard this. In fact, this method was also thought of in the Linglong ancient dynasty. However, this method was too time-consuming. What’s more, the Linglong ancient dynasty was confident to open the ruins, so this method was not used.

“His old man is only half succeeded. His old man has spent countless thoughts and finally found the treasure. However, at that time, his old man’s life was not long and could not make a trip, so let it go.” Zhu Guangwen said: “In fact, later on. Many of the ancestors of this sect did not give up, and they all wanted to visit this place. The place where the Supreme Dao Emperor sits and turns is too precious. However, I have been searching for the void and cracks that may exist in this piece of heaven and earth! I am also researching. After thousands of years, finally, by a coincidental opportunity, I searched for this void crack. I seized this fleeting opportunity, sacrificed the treasure, and rushed in. In the end, I came here as I wished. A piece of heaven and earth!”

Having said this, Zhu Guangwen smiled bitterly, and said, “You can come in, but you can’t get out. There have indeed been void cracks in this world. This is caused by the Dao catastrophe. Unfortunately, we don’t have it in the Wanyun Sect. This kind of tribulation cracks, so I can come in, but I can’t go out.”

“Now that the ruins are open, the master can go out anytime.” Yan Shisan said.

Zhu Guangwen laughed, appearing in a particularly good mood, and said: “I can show up at any time, and now my old bones don’t want to go out. This world is a place where the Supreme Dao emperor sits, and there are many mysterious and mysterious things. I stay and explore slowly!”

Yan Shisan wanted to speak, but stopped again. Although this piece of heaven and earth is extremely precious and full of secrets, it is also extremely dangerous at the same time. Back then, the Linglong ancient dynasty could perish several gods in this place!

But a character like Zhu Guangwen, once a decision is made, he cannot be changed by such a junior!

Zhu Guangwen seemed to see Yan Shisan’s thoughts, smiled, and said, “You don’t have to worry about this. Without absolute certainty, I won’t enter the place where the Supreme Dao Emperor sits! This world is very wide. There are many other places that are enough for me to explore. What’s more, even if I die here, there is no regret. It is a great honor to be buried with the Supreme Dao Sovereign!”

Hearing Zhu Guangwen say this, what else can Yan Shisan say?

“Good boy, I belong to the Zhu family, do you have descendants?” Zhu Guangwen asked this question suddenly.

Yan Shisan said truthfully: “Yes, Senior Sister Zhu is, she is the first genius of Wan Yunzong.” With that, he told Zhu Guangwen about Zhu Tingxue’s situation.

“Okay, okay, my old eyes are really right. That little girl is a descendant of my Zhu family. I don’t have to say Daogen or talent. Hey, this is much better than old man Sun.” Zhu Guangwen said with a smile. .

Yan Shisan couldn’t help but wonder, and asked, “Master, can you see the outside scene?”

“I have a treasure. Although I can’t watch Yunzong, I can watch some places of the ruins. I know what happened these days.” Zhu Guangwen said.

Yan Shisan understood at this time why Zhu Guangwen praised himself for being so bold. Without him, what happened in the past few days, I am afraid that his old man can see innocently.

“Boy, give you a great mission.” Zhu Guangwen said seriously.

. m.

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