Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Thinking over the secret of cliff (part

“It’s good if you understand.” After Zhu Tingxue finished this sentence, he drifted away.

After watching Zhu Tingxue leave, Yan Shisan took a deep breath. So far, everything is going well, but Zhu Tingxue is suspicious of him! No matter what, he must change something, he must let Zhu Tingxue understand that he has a plan!

Yan Shisan hibernated on the cliff for a month, and did nothing for a month, except for training or training, looking like he had thought about it.

Until a month later, Yan Shisan saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he started to act!

Before that, Yan Shisan had read many idle books in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and compared the topography of Wanyunzong’s mountains again and again. Although time has passed, Yan Shisan has been 100% sure to open the entrance to the ruins. The astrolabe is thinking about the cliff.

At this time, Yan Shisan began to search every side road in the thought cave, hoping to find clues. In his last life, Yan Shisan personally turned and opened the astrolabe of the ruins. He was very impressed with the position of the astrolabe.

But, time has passed too long, and the stars have changed. Back then, he remembered that there were only two fork roads here. However, over the past millions of years, the terrain has changed, and the fork in the year has collapsed. In addition, the disciples of Wanyunzong have opened many stone caves in Siguoya. Therefore, Yan Shi suddenly Three are not sure that the astrolabe is in that fork.

However, Yan Shisan was not in a hurry. He used the simplest, most stupid, and most effective method to search one by one and measure one by one. He couldn’t find it the first time, and continued to search for the second time, but he couldn’t find it. Look for it a third time.

Kung fu pays off. After Yan Shisan’s three-month search and measurement, he finally determined the fork in the astrolabe!

However, the vicissitudes of life, time has passed, and the peak of Si Guo Cliff has changed too much. It is completely different from the time when Yan Shisan came to life. Now Si Guo Cliff has sunk a lot.

Finally, Yan Shisan confirmed the location of the astrolabe, but the original fork road had already collapsed and was buried deep underground. Yan Shisan had no choice but to dig!

Yan Shisan did not dare to be too obvious, and could only do it at night. Yan Shisan was afraid of attracting people’s attention, so he sprinkled the excavated soil on each fork, and sprinkled a thin layer of soil on each fork, so that it would not be so noticeable.

Fortunately, he found a lot of Qiankun bags that day in Mitian Mansion, which made Yan Shisan come in handy. He filled all the Qiankun bags with soil every time, and then carefully sprinkled the soil on the fork road during the day.

After Yan Shisan’s digging, finally digging to the destination, the astrolabe is still there! Seeing the astrolabe again, Yan Shisan was very excited! In the blink of an eye, time passed by, and today, millions of years later, he saw the astrolabe again.

The entire astrolabe is the size of a round table. After cleaning the soil on it, you can see countless ancient texts inscribed on the astrolabe. In the center of the astrolabe, there is a pointer made of precious gold. The astrolabe has a total of eight layers. , Layers of increments are stacked, no matter which layer you turn, the pointer will move with it.

Although the ages have passed, this astrolabe is still intact. This is a treasure, but this treasure cannot be taken away.

The secret of this astrolabe is only known to Yan Shisan! There are eight layers in the astrolabe, and each layer needs to be rotated so that the ancient texts on each layer stay in the designated position. If the ancient texts on one layer are not sorted correctly, the entrance to the ruins cannot be opened.

This astrolabe is the hub of the entire ruins. Without this astrolabe, I am afraid that if you have the power of the sky, you will not be able to forcibly open the entrance to the ruins.

When Yan Shisan was in his last life, he heard from the Tianzun of the Linglong ancient dynasty that the Dayu Gate was built in the ancient times, and their founder was a terrifying being. I heard that the founder of Dayu Gate was A supreme emperor. It has been heard that in the immemorial years, the celestial ancestors roared to the earth. However, the founder of Dayu Gate was still able to laugh at the world and created the extremely powerful Dayu Gate! Therefore, the preciousness of the relics of Dayu Gate is far beyond the imagination of the world.

Back then, the Linglong ancient dynasty was powerful enough. They have countless gods. At that time, their ancient emperor was a half ancestor, invincible, and frightened the stars. Back then, even the Linglong ancient dynasty was as powerful as the Linglong ancient dynasty, and it was difficult to open the entrance to the ruins by storm. .

At that time, Yan Shisan also heard that the ancestor of Dayu Gate was sitting in the depths of the ruins. In order to obtain something, the half ancestor of the Linglong ancient dynasty personally led a team to attack the place of the ancestor of Dayu Gate. However, Yan Shisan did not go to that place, because the attack at that time was too dangerous, and even the Tianzun of the Linglong ancient dynasty had lost several of them!

Yan Shisan looked at the star chart in front of him and couldn’t help being excited. He took a deep breath. He knew that there were many treasures in the ruins, but his goal was the treasures in the ruins, but “Eagle Eye Ancient Secret”!

Yan Shisan did not immediately activate the astrolabe, opening the entrance to the ruins. He wanted to activate the astrolabe. That was a breeze. He had done it once in the previous life, but it is not difficult to do it again now. However, for Yan Shisan, the time had not come yet, so he opened the entrance to the ruins. How could he miss such a grand event? So, he waited and thought about it.

Yan Shisan covered the dug deep hole with a stone plate, and then sprinkled mud on it, and then treated it as if nothing had happened, and continued to stay thinking about the cliff.

After finding the astrolabe, Yan Shisan was truly relieved. At this time, he let go of his hands and feet, and rushed with all his strength. He wants to break through the spiritual pond realm as soon as possible and rise to the heart field level!

When I was thinking about the cliff, Yan Shisan’s spiritual pond realm had already reached the Dzogchen level. However, he designed Xu Ming and the others with all his heart at that time, and couldn’t sink his mind to rush through the barrier. Now Yan Shisan’s heart is determined, and he is open to it, and started to rush through again and again, failing again and again, but Yan Shisan is not discouraged, failed, started from scratch, once again gather blood and accumulate Real blood hits the bottleneck.

The effort paid off. After Yan Shisan failed time and time again, finally, Yan Shisan ushered in a big harvest on this day. Yan Shisan heard a loud “bang”, and his heart was shaken, and the whole was shaken. The heart sea is like a big tsunami. In the spirit pool, real blood spews like a stream of fountains. The real blood sprayed is lingering with musk, and the blood above the spirit pool turns into a huge whirlpool, as if there is This huge and abundant vitality was stirred like a giant stick.

“Boom, boom, boom…” Amidst the earth-shaking waves, Daoji emerged from the tumbling blood above the spiritual pond! I saw that the entire road foundation was nine acres in size. The entire road foundation seemed to be made of blue bricks. Every inch of the road foundation had criss-cross patterns. Upon closer inspection, the criss-cross road patterns were intertwined into a huge one. The image of Xuanwu!

This is the foundation of Yan Shisan, built by ancient Xuanwu secrets, this is the most fundamental foundation of a monk, and this is also the first step to the sky, the sea of ​​mind!

Daoji, there is another name, that is Xintian! On the road foundation, paving the road soil, or sowing the soil, can form a heartland.

Heart Field, it is the first stop of the heart sea to life soul. At the same time, it has another function, that is, planting blood medicine!

Heart field, like descent, has heredity. There are two kinds of inheritance in Xintian, one is the inheritance of the soil or the soil, and the second is the inheritance of the blood medicine.

For example, if one of your ancestors has reached the state of the heart field, or a higher state, his heart field is covered with earth or soil, or his heart field is planted with blood medicine, then his descendants have a certain chance of inheriting it. Blood medicine or soil or soil.

Blood medicine and soil are indispensable for monks! This is not only one of the foundations of the monks, but more importantly, it can also greatly enhance the monks’ combat effectiveness or various mysteries.

Blood medicine, different from elixir, elixir, is the material used to refine the giant spirit pill, and the blood medicine is a kind of living and spiritual thing, it is a kind of spiritual thing. .

If the blood medicine is born outside, it must be in a place where it needs to be able to grow! Of course, if the conditions are better, the soil is better! Blood medicine can not only grow outside, but also grow in the heart! The blood medicine from the outside can be transplanted into the heart.

Of course, it is planted on the heart field. If you want to stimulate the magic of blood medicine, you must plant it with soil. Generally speaking, the blood medicine planted in the heart field lives with the monk, lives and dies together with the monk, and when the monk dies, the blood medicine also dies! Except for the legendary immortal will flee after the monk died, the other blood medicines all lived and died together with the monk.

However, there is still a certain chance that the blood seed or root system will be passed on to the offspring of his master. This has become the inheritance of a certain blood medicine in the hearts of some offspring.

The inheritance of blood medicine has a big advantage. A monk’s heart can only grow one blood medicine, but if you can get heredity, in addition to the main medicine you planted yourself, you can also get three genetic blood medicines at the same time. This is the beauty and wonder of heredity!

There are three types of blood medicines, namely, the three types of blood medicines for cultivating vitality, invigorating qi, and Jinchuang. Of course, in addition to the three most common types of blood medicines, there are other rare and mysterious blood medicines.

There are blood medicines planted in the heart field. What magic is there? The magic and benefits of this are what drives the monks crazy.

For example, if you are in the heart sea realm, but you have the blood medicine of the spirit pond realm, when you practice, you will stimulate the blood medicine. You practice for a day, but with the help of the blood medicine of the spirit pond realm, you will get the blood medicine of the spirit pond realm for one day. The effect can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, as your Taoism becomes stronger, you will continue to work hard to replace higher-level blood medicines and transplant the previous blood medicines!

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