Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 The day of the drug apprentice

Yan Shisan This seemingly lazy stroll is purposeful. The ancient times are too far away. Although the terrain of the mountains and rivers has not changed much, Wanyunzong established a school here, and many places have been changed. Many Dongfu halls have been built, and many places have changed more or less. .

Yan Shisan will take advantage of this wandering effort to map the topography of the relics one by one until they find the entrance.

In the last life, Yan Shisan translated ancient texts for the Linglong ancient dynasty. Once, the Linglong ancient dynasty took him here because this place was a relic in the past.

I heard that this relic was left by a gate called Dayu Gate in the time of the immemorial era. I heard that the Gate of Dayu was incredibly powerful in the immemorial period. It declined until the door was finally destroyed, leaving only a piece of it. remains.

The ancient Linglong dynasty wanted to unravel the secret of becoming immortal. On this site of the Dayu Gate, the ancestral land that was confined by the Dayu Gate was opened. Because Yan Shisan is proficient in ancient Chinese, he was brought here!

Later, Linglong Ancient Dynasty got the thing he wanted, but the other treasures did not move, and the ruins were confined easily.

Yan Shisan had seen the treasures sealed in the world at Dayu Gate, and knew that the treasures were amazing. However, although these treasures were so amazing, Linglong Ancient Dynasty was not tempted, because Yan Shisan knew that the ancient Linglong had a **** treasure. , Is even more amazing, and there is no way to describe the masses, so the Linglong ancient dynasty, who is dedicated to unlocking the secret of becoming a fairy, has no interest in taking away the treasures here.

Yan Shisan also knows that the treasures in this place are amazing, but what he wants is not the treasure, because he knows that in the Wanyunzong site, he can’t swallow this treasure, so he can get the ancient secret of Eagle Eye!

At that time, the founder of Wanyunzong also dug up this relic, but this relic belongs to the ancient times, and was re-banned by the Linglong ancient dynasty in the ancient times. The ancient characters of the ancient era have been lost. Therefore, Wanyunzong was founded. People just dug the surface of this ruin!

Just comparing the topography of mountains and rivers, Yan Shisan was still not sure about the entrance of the ruins at that time. Finally, Yan Shisan moved his mind and entered the Buddhist scripture pavilion on the main peak of Xiayun.

Of course, Yan Shisan currently has no contribution to Wan Yunzong. He cannot read any secrets in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. However, there are many free books Yan Shisan can read. For example, some free books about the mountains and rivers of Eastern Xinjiang. Some miscellaneous books introducing the history of Yunzong, some miscellaneous books about the monastic world… etc. These miscellaneous books that do not involve practice and secrets can be read.

Yan Shisan read a lot of free books in this area. Fortunately, the medicine apprentice is a very leisurely position. Therefore, these days, Yan Shisan is reading free books besides wandering around.

Everyone knows that Yan Shisan’s roots and talents are two wastes in Wanyun Sect. Now, Yan Shisan is not doing business all day long and is idle, either wandering around or reading idle books, which makes the children of Wanyun Sect look down on them. Many disciples. Gossip.

“Such a fool, even if he joins Wanyun Sect, it would be a waste of food. Humph, Fairy Zhu is very kind to let him join Wanyun Sect. He doesn’t even cherish such a god-given opportunity, stepping up his practice, and walking around everyday!” Someone said disdainfully.

“The waste is waste wherever it goes. Even if the heavens gave him a scroll of immortal sutras, he is still a waste! Such a person will only discredit Wanyunzong if he stays in Wanyunzong!”

In a short period of time, Yan Shisan has become the negative teaching material of Wan Yunzong. When some elders warn their disciples, they often say: “Cultivation requires not only talent, but also a hundred times hard work. Don’t be like a panacea. Feng’s Dao roots and talented idiots are the same, idle all day long, not doing business properly. If you are like this, you will be thrown to the Spirit Medicine Peak for the teacher to accompany that idiot.”

Regarding the fact that he became the negative teaching material of Wan Yunzong, Yan Shisan didn’t care at all, because there was one thing that bothered him and made him helpless!

After reading a large number of casual books on Wanyunzong Mountain and River Geography and so on, he has already photographed the topography of the ruins that year. He found the location of the ruins entrance. But now, what makes Yan Shisan difficult is how to get close to the ruins entrance, because , The entrance to the ruins is in the important land of Wanyunzong, and within the sacred land of Wanyunzong’s ancestor land-the main peak of Wanyun! That place is not something he can approach as a drug apprentice.

In addition to how to approach the entrance of the ruins, another thorny issue bothers Yan Shisan. That is how to open the ruins. It is impossible to open the ruins with his alone power. You must borrow the power of others, but how to borrow others. How can you prevent others from doubting yourself?

Yan Shisan pondered for a long time, without a complete plan in his heart, making Yan Shisan a little helpless.

On this day, the hopeless Yan Shisan went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion again, wanting to read the idle book about the history of the Yunzong, hoping to find a way to implement his own plan.

Yan Shisan met Zuo Hua as soon as he entered the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

“Brother Zuo is there?” Seeing Zuo Hua, Yan Shisan greeted him enthusiastically. It can be said that Zuo Hua is the only person in Wan Yunzong who is close to him, and the only person who will not laugh at him.

“Heh, I happen to be here to return the secret book. What are you doing?” Zuo Hua was also very happy to see Yan Shisan. He is now an official disciple of Baibao Hall, the main peak of Xiayun.

“It’s boring on the mountain, so, find some free books to kill the time.” Yan Shisan said with a smile.

When Zuo Hua heard Yan Shisan’s words, his eyes brightened and he said: “Are you bored? Or, tomorrow we will go out for a walk. Tomorrow is our day in Yunzongfang City. I happen to have a vacation one day. Ha, he, my teacher, you gave me a flying sword and want to try it. Are you afraid of falling down? Oh, if you are not afraid, we will taste the flavour of flying tomorrow?”

Not long after Zuo Hua got Feijian, he also wanted to try Feijian. He didn’t have any good friends in Wanyunzong, so he encouraged Yan Shisan to go with him.

“Okay—” Yan Shisan was unable to do anything. It would be good to take this opportunity to go out and get some air.

When Yan Shisan was chatting with Zuo Hua, Xu Ming walked in. Xu Ming saw Zuo Hua, his eyes condensed, and he walked over and said to Zuo Hua, “Junior Brother Zuo, why haven’t you been to the main peak for so long? Talk to brother?”

When the disciples in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion saw Xu Ming, they were silent. Most of the disciples stood aside. Xu Ming was the disciple of the chief of the office, Jia Xinming.

The disciples in Xia Yunfeng understand that those who do not take refuge in Xu Ming’s line will be hit. In Xiayun’s main line, many disciples rely on Xu Ming’s line. Not all disciples are willing to give to others. They were running dogs, but Xu Ming’s backer was Min Ying, one of the seven elders of Wan Yunzong, a disciple of Xia Yunfeng, and had to take refuge in them.

“I—” Zuo Hua stayed in Xiayun’s main line for so long, and of course he understood what Xu Ming was. He had no choice but to say: “Brother Xu, I, my master passed a technique to test me, and his old man said If, if I didn’t practice well, don’t follow him. Recently, I, I practiced hard and forgot to visit my senior.”

Xu Ming wanted Zuo Hua to take refuge in him, but Zuo Hua didn’t like Xu Ming and didn’t want to take refuge in Xu Ming.

“So, Junior Brother Zuo is really busy, should I visit you in person?” Xu Ming’s eyes were sharp, revealing a fierce light.

The backer behind him is incredibly big. On the main peak of Xiayun, which third-generation disciple does not hold his thigh? Zuo Hua has recently reached the realm of Lingchi and is worthy of being wooed. Otherwise, he wouldn’t even take a second look.

Zuo Hua’s honesty does not mean that he is stupid. He can also hear Xu Ming’s threats. For a while, he is helpless.

At this moment, there was a cough, and a man came from outside. This man had a Chinese character face, his eyes closed, and there was a cold light, and his Taoism was not weak.

He approached and said to Zuo Hua, “Zuo Hua, you are here too. When I go back to the province, you have been transferred to Baibaotang. By the way, you haven’t got the grade you put on me last time. Go back and come to me.”

“Yes, yes, Lord Tang Xiang, I will get it right away.” Zuo Hua said hurriedly like an amnesty.

At this time, the middle-aged man seemed to have only noticed Xu Ming, and said with a smile: “Junior Brother Xu is here too. My provincial relative just came back, and just brought back a bottle of good tea. Would you like Junior Brother Xu to come to my cold house? !”

“I have something else, next time.” Xu Ming gave Zuo Hua a cold look, snorted, turned and left.

After Xu Ming left, Zuo Hua breathed a sigh of relief. The middle-aged man said calmly, “Let’s go.”

Yan Shisan, Zuo Hua, and a middle-aged man went down to the main peak. On the way, through Zuo Hua’s introduction, Yan Shisan learned that this middle-aged man was called Tang Xian, the incense master of the Foreign Affairs Hall, and was in charge of Xiayun’s main pulse medicine apprentice. Matters with lay disciples. In the past, he was also Zuo Hua’s immediate boss.

“Thank you Uncle Tang.” After getting off the main peak, Zuo Hua hurriedly thanked Tang Xian. When Zuo Hua was still a drug apprentice, Tang Xian took good care of him.

Tang Xian nodded and said, “You can hide for a while, and you can’t hide for the rest of your life. I will help you once, and it is impossible to help you a second time. Are you planning to seek refuge in Hall Master Jia?”

Zuo Hua hesitated, and said, “I, I, I don’t like people in Hall Master Jia and his line.”

“Then I can’t help you.” Tang Xian shook his head. Then he looked at Yan Shisan and said, “You are a new apprentice in Lingyao Peak, right? My provincial relative just came back and didn’t greet you before. From now on, I will be your immediate boss. Come to me if you have anything to do. “After speaking, he left.

“Lord Tang Xiang is a good person. I used to be at Lingyao Peak and took good care of me.” After Tang Xian left, Zuo Hua said to Yan Shisan.

“Which side is he on?” Yan Shisan couldn’t help asking.

Zuo Hua shook his head and said, “I don’t know, but he and Hall Master Jia are far from each other in this line.”

Zuo Hua and Yan Shisan talked for a while, and then they broke up. The two of them agreed on a time to go to Fangshi tomorrow.

The next day, Zuo Hua arrived early, joined Yan Shisan, and headed to Fang City. Zuo Hua had just gotten Feijian soon, so he was very excited. He pulled up Yan Shisan and flew into the sky. Zuo Hua was not familiar with maneuvering at first, but he lost the other. Finally, Yan Shisan taught him some skills and became proficient.

Although Yan Shisan did not have flying treasures himself, in his last life, he was captured by Linglong Ancient Dynasty for translation, and he went to many places with Linglong Ancient Dynasty, and the number of flying treasures he had sat on was not counted, and he manipulated flying treasures. He is more familiar than Zuo Hua.

Yan Shisan and Zuo Hua rushed to Fang City by flying swords. After a short time, they saw Fang City. It was very lively. From time to time there were flying treasures flying by in the sky. There are all kinds of flying treasures. There are flying swords, flying wooden horses, bamboo eagles, and many low-level flying treasures. Because this is the Xiaofang City festival on the Wanyun sect, most of the third generation disciples of the Wanyun sect come to join in the fun.

Shifang is not much different from the mortal market. Today is the day to go to the market. Except for some shops in the market, UU reading www. There are many street stalls in uukanshu.com, because this is the market at the foot of Banyunzong Mountain, so the shops here are all opened by Wanyunzong.

And the people who set up street stalls here are all kinds. There are disciples of Wanyunzong, some disciples of the nearby small sects, some are casual cultivators, and some foreigners who may pass by here.

No matter who it is, no one dares to mess around here. After all, this is the site of Wanyunzong, very close to the seven main peaks of Wanyunzong.

Yan Shisan and Zuo Hua walked between the market. They saw a wide range of goods. There were all kinds of goods. Some disciples of Wan Yunzong sold the extra giant spirit pills they had produced, and some of them casually repaired them. Take out the elixir that you dug out for sale! Some people even sell flying treasures, cosmic bags, or carry-on shelters, and so on.

In the market, there are endless shouts. Many street stalls are open to attract buyers, and some people put their things on the ground, stay there, silently, and they like to buy or not. appearance.

“Come on, come on, the blood medicine of the Heart Sea Realm just dug up is absolutely fresh, look, the roots still have Dao soil, the blood medicine of the Heart Sea Realm, you can’t find it, come and buy it. ”

“Good things, good things, the great spirits of a hundred years of life, the indispensable medicine for refining the great spirit pills, this is the great spirit that has just been captured, there is no half-thread damage, the blood is strong, and it is definitely the best to make medicine. Good quality. The price is cheap, don’t miss it.”

“Flying bamboo eagle, a flying treasure in the realm of Lingchi, a must-have item for housebreaking, escape and life-saving, come and buy it, there is only this one, if you miss it, there will be nothing.”


All kinds of shouts are endless, and there are all kinds of goods, such as those with big mouths, some who do not know the goods and sell them at low prices, and all kinds of…

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