Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120 Open an era with your own hands (Part 2)

Tai Su shook his head and said, “I don’t know. I have calculated his energy and destiny. Unfortunately, I can’t calculate it. The scourge happened not long ago, and the power of Heaven’s Wrath is too great, the power of the Great Dao. Submerging Tianyu, this not only conceals the general destiny, but also conceals his aura, which makes it impossible for me to figure it out.”

Houtu Jian was cold and silent. In her opinion, no one could be more against the sky than Yan Shisan. Even the invincible person like Yan Shisan died, which made her feel like a dream of Huang Liang!

In the past, Hou Tu Jian Leng was indeed unhappy with Yan Shisan. She had great opinions on Yan Shisan’s arrogance. She always regarded Yan Shisan as a strong opponent. However, she did not know until today that she has never been able to. Contending with Yan Shisan, he has the ability to kill five Dao emperors before he proves the Dao, and it is absolutely impossible for her to do so.

“If he is dead, there is nothing left to say. If he is still alive, he will appear one day.” In the end, Tai Su said this, and then she told Hou Tu Jian Leng and said, “You are ready Come on, go back and say goodbye. I am going to open the fairy gate, if the fairy world is still there, I will take you to the fairy world!”

Houtu Jian Leng didn’t say anything, but was silent.

Taisu only sighed softly in the end. She once wanted to train Yan Shisan to become a fairy king, but when such a thing happened, she could no longer control her. Now that Yan Shisan has no news, she has advanced the schedule of returning to the fairy world.

In Yandi Yuntian, in a secret meeting, Zhu Tingxue, Lan Swift, Lie Jiaoyang, Gu Xiaoman and so on were all present! The atmosphere of the meeting was very solemn. For them, the disappearance of Yan Shisan made their hearts hang high.

“At the Longevity Spring in the Ruins of Mirage, we can already be quite sure that the Avenue Tower has flown away! We have reason to believe that he is still alive!” Zhu Tingxue said in a deep voice.

Back then, Yan Shisan locked his natal treasure town in the longevity spring of the mirage ruins! However, today, the Avenue Tower flew away overnight, and the Four Non-Masters couldn’t catch up with them even if they wanted to chase them!

“According to our agreement with him, if he is still alive, he will definitely come back and will contact us!” Zhu Tingxue said solemnly, “Now, he has not come back, but we believe that he He must be alive! From now on, it seems that something has happened to him, or he is above nine days, or he is so badly injured that he lives on the other side…”

“Then what should we do?” Zhi Miao couldn’t help but asked anxiously: “Should we come out now and try our best to search for his whereabouts.” Long Xing Huaxia

“No—” Zhu Tingxue said in a deep voice: “Tao Ancestor Qi Shi, this era was opened by him, and he opened it for us. We can’t live up to his high hopes! It was a waste of his efforts! Now Tianyu everywhere All the genius giants who are qualified to aspire to the Dao Ancestor are working hard, and there are countless geniuses staring at the source of this one. Dao Ancestor disputes have always been cruel. Now without him by our side, we must rely on ourselves! ”

Having said that, Zhu Tingxue has presided over the overall situation with the posture of the lord of the East Palace. She looked at the women present and said: “If we give up the position of Taoist ancestors to others at this time, we are sorry for his efforts! This life , All the status of Taoist ancestors should belong to us! Princess Taisu has also sent us news. At this moment, she can’t calculate, and we are even more powerless! We need to ascend to Taoist ancestors!”

“But, we can’t ignore him, what if he needs us?” Lie Jiaoyang couldn’t help but said in a deep voice.

Zhu Tingxue nodded and said: “So, this is the time for the Legion Action! Fen Lian is responsible for the search operation. It is time for our private Legion and Guards to patrol the sky. Maybe our Legion can find his whereabouts! We can’t calculate his whereabouts. We only rely on manpower to find him. Our scope is not as good as the Legion!”

“Although we, Emperor Yan Yuntian, have not yet proven the Dao, it is time for us to inspect Tianyu. We are destined to be the overlords of this era, and this era should be controlled by us!” At this time, Zhu Tingxue showed his eyes. In order to be domineering, there must be a disciple, there must be a teacher, Zhu Tingxue today is very similar to Yan Shisan of the year.

“I will preside over the overall situation!” Lan Yuyan said in a deep voice: “Once there is news from him, I will be the first to rush to the scene. You can practice with peace of mind and ask Dao Zu! We can’t miss any Dao Zu position!”

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“You can’t let outsiders know about the search.” Ye Mengqiu also solemnly said to Fen Lian: “The Canggu King is still alive, if they know that he is alive, they will never give up! If he is still alive, or suffer I’m afraid that in Tianyu, the people who want him to die are far more than King Canggu! I’m afraid, there is really news about him, or that he was seriously injured, and the people in Tianyu who want him to die, too That’s a lot! So, let us release the news that he is dead, so that everyone in the world thinks that he is dead! Let the world focus on the Dao Ancestor dispute!”

“I can take care of this.” Fen Lian, who has already presided over the Yan 13th private army today, also nodded solemnly.

“I will help you too.” Gu Xiaoman said hurriedly.

Hearing Gu Xiaoman’s words, Zhu Tingxue couldn’t help but frowned, and said: “You should go to the immortal world. Princess Taisu has already spread the word. She will take you to the immortal world. Circumstances, we will be able to seal the immortal general! Not only Princess Taisu, but also we are optimistic about you!”

“No—” Gu Xiaoman shook his head and said, “Didn’t we have an agreement with him? Let’s expedition to the immortal world together, and we will march into the immortal world together! If he does not enter the immortal world, I will not enter the immortal world!” The words are sonorous and powerful.

Hearing Gu Xiaoman’s words like this, the women couldn’t help but sigh softly, and their expressions couldn’t help but feel gloomy.

“We must ascend to Dao Ancestor!” At this time, Ye Mengqiu said in a deep voice: “If, as Princess Tai Su said, his whereabouts cannot be estimated for the time being, one Dao ancestor will not work, two Dao ancestors will not work, three Dao ancestors, four Dao ancestors What about the five Dao ancestors? At that time, we will have enough Dao ancestors to join hands. Those of us who are at the peak of the Dao ancestors will always be able to break the secret and calculate his whereabouts, even if he is already above the nine heavens, in the heavens. Above, as long as we become Taoist ancestors, we have the opportunity to calculate his whereabouts!”

“Yes, it’s for us or for him, we must all become Dao ancestors!” Lie Jiaoyang couldn’t help but say.

“We are united, we will be invincible and overcome all difficulties!” At this time, Zhu Tingxue said in a deep voice, and stretched out his hand.

All the women also stretched out their hands one after another, with a pair of hands folded together, which declared their determination!

Yan Shisan has opened a new era, an era that surpasses the brilliant world, and an era in which Dao ancestors will join the world. This opens a new era, whether it is a genius giant or Tianyu’s various sects, as long as they are qualified to ask Dao ancestors. Individuals or sect races are all fighting for the Dao ancestors’ struggle, and they are all prepared to survive the Dao ancestors’ catastrophe!

“Boom–” Just when all the martial arts in Tianyu and Bafang were preparing for the catastrophe of Dao Ancestors, suddenly Tianyu shook, and suddenly, in the center of Tianyu, endless celestial light and billions of celestial lights spewed out. Light up the sky!

“What happened?” Everyone could not help but be shocked, suddenly changed, everyone could not help but stay for a while, they didn’t know where the fairy light came from!

“Xianmen–” The first people to see clearly through the fairy light were the war gods and the demon masters in the life forbidden zone. When they saw this situation, they couldn’t help but be moved. Love is so happy, not too late

At this moment, in the center of the complex cross-heavenly journey across the sky, the fairy palace that has not been opened by anyone has finally opened the fairy gate. Tai Su is like an ancient fairy king standing in front of the fairy gate. , The immortal gate throws out endless celestial light.

Since the disappearance of the immortal world, there have been attempts to open the immortal gate by Dao Ancestor Heavenly King, but they all ended in failure! Today, Tai Su opened the fairy gate, and she took the soil back arrow to cold them, which is enough to show her terrifying and powerful.

“Is there really a fairy world? Can you really open the fairy gate?” Today, the legendary fairy world is no longer a secret, and the ancient half-ancestor quasi-king could not help but tremble.

Since the ages How many people want to enter the fairy world, how many ancestors want to enter the fairy world, for countless people, the fairy world is full of temptations!

For thousands of years, many people have wondered what the immortal world is like. Can the immortal world really be immortal like the legend?

“Rolling-rolling-rolling -” Under the shock of everyone, Tai Su took Hou Tu Jian Leng and they had entered the fairy gate, and the fairy gate closed again!

“The fairy world still exists!” At this time, even the demon masters in the life restricted zone could not help being so excited.

Even the war fairy general couldn’t help but muttered: “If the fairy world ceases to exist, the princess will not be able to bring people in, otherwise, this is a dead end! If the fairy world is still there, we still have a chance to go back again.”

At this time, the **** of war, the demon master, and the others were extremely excited. They couldn’t be as against the sky as Taisu. They were not as strong as Taisu. However, they possessed the Jiuchen Taiyi Pill, the Jiuchen Zhaochen’s Jiuchen Taiyi Pill, Taiyi The exclusive item of the fairy king, with this thing, makes them full of hope for opening the fairy gate in the future, and they are still very sure to open the fairy gate together!

“The fairy world is still there!” At this moment, King Canggu, Immortal General Fire Emperor, Immortal Redeeming, and Immortal Dancao couldn’t help but roar, and they were mad with hatred.

The fairy gate is right in front of them, and the immortal world may still exist. Tai Su opened the fairy gate and entered, which made them believe that the immortal world must still exist.

However, even if the immortal world still exists, they are unable to open it. Their serious injury has not been decades or even hundreds of years, and it is impossible to fully recover. Such a situation makes them mad with hatred. This is all Yanshi. Three caused!

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