Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 79: Kill!

"Hi, what's your name? I am Walter Death from an undead shrine. Would you like to travel with us?" the man who was the leader of the undead shrines group came to the three ladies.

The trio frowned when they saw the group of men walking towards them, but didn't respond.

Walter saw the unresponsiveness of the ladies and cold light flicker in his eyes. He was here just for Rebecca because her talent was as high as him. And in the previous level, she performed rather amazingly. Her fire was one of the strongest he had ever seen.

After observing for some time, he was able to discern that he could use Rebecca's strength for his own use in the later levels. Therefore, he came to the ladies, inviting them to join his team. Furthermore, all the three ladies were extreme beauties; so he wouldn't mind having some fun with them, either.

However, when he saw how uncaring the ladies were towards his offer, he knew that it won't be that easy to make Rebecca join his team. Walter tried to give a bright smile before speaking, "Our team is as powerful as the Life Temple and we could provide you protection."

'If you travel all alone, it won't be easy to reach a higher level, because you will be already covered in wounds before reaching there. And you know it is normal to fight for the treasures when the time for battle arrives, you won't be able to fight your opponents."

"Sorry, not interested," all the three ladies called in unison.

Finally, Walter's expression completely darkened, he couldn't take the arrogance of these ladies any more.

"I am telling you…"

"Didn't they say, no? Don't you know the meaning of no? No means no. so get lost!' Before Walter could say anything more, the voice sounded not far away from them, attracting everyone's gaze.

"How dare you, boy! You got some nerve to talk young master like that!'' Before anyone could respond, a man who was standing behind Walter already made the move. Everyone already knew that Ayaan was with those three ladies. So before things became more complicated, they decided to silence Ayaan.

The punch which was filled with dark energy arrived before Ayaan, trying to smash his head in a single hit. However, Ayaan didn't show any weakness, he just waved his hand and the ground started to shake before forming a sturdy wall in front of him.


When the punch of the man landed on the earth shield, only a simple sound was produced, nothing else. The boy looked at his hand and turned towards the earth shield in shock.

He was a seventh level great mage who had practised death elements to a very high level. However, at this time when he used his punch, it didn't even make a mark on the shield.

"Ho-how is this po-possible? My death punch is an earth level spell which has a strong corrosive ability. So how someone unknown could blocked my attack this easily?' the boy couldn't believe what had just happened. He was in utter shock.

Gradually, the earth shield vanished and Ayaan looked at the man before giving him a pleasant smile. Looking at his evil smirk, the man shivered in fear. However, before he could run away from his death reaper, the tongues of flames engulfed the body of the man.


Before anyone could do anything, a terrifying scream resounded in the sounding. Anyone who heard the scream felt a sudden fear. Nonetheless, it didn't take more than five-second, in turn, the seventh level mage into ash.

Walter looked at Ayaan with visible fear on his face. He looked at his companions before shouting, "We are leaving, now!"

However, his companions were still in a dazed state when they heard his command, they couldn't understand what he meant. And when they realised what Walter said, everyone started to run away.

Though they couldn't even run a few meters when the sudden spikes appeared from the ground and pined a great mage from the undead shrine.


The man who was pinned by the earth spikes wasn't even able to produce the last dying scream before the soul left his body. The blood splattered around, making the scene very gory; the insides of the body as well fell on the ground, making some weak-willed people puke, on the spot.

Although, the death of the single great mage wasn't the end. More and more spikes started to appear and pinned the great mages from the undead shrine. Every single member of the undead shrine ran in all directions, like the herd of the sheep.

Ayaan looked at the bodies which were still hanging on the earth spike emotionlessly. He had taken an oath that no matter who it was, he would never let the person go if he dared to harm his loved ones.

Though Walter and his companion didn't harm the ladies, the only god knew what they would do to them if Ayaan wasn't able to cross the light wall.

At this moment, he looked in the direction where Walter had disappeared. He couldn't see anything other than a vast land of desert, filled with sand. The wind was howling. He didn't try to follow the man, because he knew it would be difficult to find the man in the sandy environment. 

Afterwards, he turned towards the ladies and smiled warmly towards them. If the people wouldn't have seen his cruel side by their own eyes, no one would believe such a harmless looking man could kill without even looking at his prey.

However, at this moment people were even more interested in his spells than him. He had just shown two spells casually and both the spells were capable of killing a great mage in a single attack. No one knew anything about those spells. Therefore, Ayaan became even more mysterious in their eyes.

Though people were giving him greedy looks, no one dared to approach Ayaan at this moment. Only a stupid would dare to provoke someone like Ayaan after watching him killing people like cutting grass.

But if they knew that the spells which Ayaan had used just now we're sky grade and they were the lowest level spells in his arsenal, they would most probably puke the buckets of blood in frustration.

Ayaan reached in front of the ladies with his usual smile. Rebecca didn't have any particular expression, her face was almost emotionless in front of the deaths of so many people. However, Noor and Isobel were frozen on the spot.

The two ladies had seen him fighting in the royal palace, but they didn't think he would kill people like cutting vegetables. They felt as if they were stuck inside some kind of illusion spell which was trying to scare them. But some time later, they had no choice but to believe that it wasn't an illusion.

At this moment, Noor extended her hand and touched Ayaan's handsome face with her soft hands before asking, with a shaky voice, "Ar-are you really my Ayaan?"

"Silly girl, of course, I am your Ayaan," he also reached his hand and cupped the beautiful face of the lady in his hand and caressed her cheeks gently.

Isobel, who was at the side, looked at her sister with envy. 'I also want him to caress me the same way.' suddenly a thought appeared in her head.

"What am I thinking?" her face turned red in embarrassment and didn't realise her voice was audible enough to others.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Noor was just beside Isobel and was able to hear her sister's murmuring. She looked at Isobel with a teasing expression before asking, "Do you also want to be caressed by Ayaan like that?"

"No! What are you talking about? You…" Isobel's entire face turned beet red in embarrassment when she heard Noor's question. At this time, she just wanted to dig a hole and hide inside it.

"Oh.. looks like I was right…"

"Stop it!" Isobel gave her sister a stern look, but Noor just chuckled without replying.

"Cough… alright, let's go. We need to cross this desert or we won't get any goodies." Ayaan coughed and turned towards the vast desert which looked like a desert of the dead.

When Ayaan reached this level he was engaged in the fight with undead shrine's people. Only now he tried to look around and realised that most of the people had already disappeared. Now, only those people were present who weren't confident enough to cross the desert.

Furthermore, no one was able to find anything good in the previous two levels. At first, Ayaan thought it was just bad luck, but now, it seems as if there was no treasure left on this low level. 

However, after thinking sometime, he realised it was normal. They were using this place for such a long time; so it was normal that all the treasures were already gone.

Suddenly, Ayaan's eyes light up. Previously, he wasn't able to confirm if the people from the heavenly palace had a good intention or not. But now, he was sure that they were just using these people as cheap workers for themselves.

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