Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 37: Capital Doham

Stolux Kingdom, Capital Doham.

In the tranquil environment, a beauty was sitting beside the fountain, which was producing a melodious sound, around the fountain flowers of different kinds could be seen. Moreover, the breeze was continuously flowing, which made her hair dance in front of her eyes.

The girl was looking around the age of eighteen with red hair and beautiful crimson eyes. Although the colour of her eyes was unusual. Nevertheless, it didn't lessen her beauty. On the contrary, it was giving her the alluring and bewitching look.

However, at this moment, a melancholic expression was plastered on her face.

She looked at the vast blue sky and said emotionally with her beautiful voice, "Where have you gone? Why can't I find you?"

There was a longing in her voice — longing for meeting him. However, even after searching for a long time, she didn't find any clue about him.

This lady wasn't anyone else but the first love of Ayaan — Noor!

Previously, when Noor left Ayaan, it was because she felt the presence of some powerful people. Later, she found those people and realised that these were the people who attacked her earlier.

Although Noor knew she couldn't defeat those people all alone, she didn't have any choice but to fight with them. However, when she was on the verge of defeat the people of her kingdom arrived and saved her, but due to fatigue, she fell unconscious.

Finally, when she opened her eyes, she realised that she was already in the capital Doham. Without wasting time, she formed a party to search for Ayaan. Despite that, she couldn't go to search for Ayaan.

Because the king had strictly forbidden her from going outside of the capital. Although she had tried many times to escape from the capital. She got caught every time.

Left with no choice, she asked a favour from her father and told him to search for Ayaan. However, the king never intended to search for him. Therefore, he didn't send anyone to find him. But in front of Noor, he pretended as if he was doing everything, he could.

While Noor was reminiscing her past memories with Ayaan and that last kiss, which she would never forget. A sound of someone's foot resounded from behind her.

However, when she turned around, her expression turned cold as ice. This was her usual look, always pretending cold and emotionless to avoid people. Afterwards, she again sat in her previous position, without giving a man a second look.

After a few seconds later, a handsome man appeared in front of her. He had an arrogant face with a sharp black pair of eyes. It was looking as if there was a violent beast hidden inside this man, ready to jump out at any time.

Despite that, when his eyes fell on Noor, they shined brightly in anticipation. Thereafter, he walked towards her and stood behind her while maintaining the distance of two-meters.

"How are you, Princess Noor?" The man asked like a gentleman, and from his behaviour at this moment, no one would be able to guess the arrogance of this man.

Nevertheless, Noor pretended as she didn't hear the man and continued to appreciate the beauty of the flowers around her.

A cold flashed through the eyes of the man, but he hid it immediately and continued to smile.

Afterwards, he fell silent for a while, then spoke, "I have come today to invite the princess for dinner. I already have the permission of his majesty."

As Noor heard his words, her expression became dark. She knew this man didn't have good intentions but she never expected that even her father would support him.

The man was none other than 'Daniel the Savage'. He was renowned across the Stolux kingdom as the most talented person in his generation. Moreover, he becomes violent and savage when he deals with his opponents; that's was the origin of his name.

At the first time, when he saw Noor, he decided to make her his wife. Thereupon, he did many things to please her. However, his every attempt failed miserably; because Noor never showed any interest in him.

Now, he even asked her father's permission for going out with her. It was clearly a bad sign for her.

Finally, Noor turned around and looked impassively at Daniel. Then, she said, "Sorry, I am not feeling good today, tell the father that I will be resting."

After replying, Noor didn't stay any longer and went towards her bedroom. Daniel stared at her back with cold eyes, he gritted his teeth and spoke, "You have to pay for this humiliation in the future. No matter what you will be mine sooner or later. Then, I will make you moan under me, hmph!"

Thereafter, Daniel as well didn't stay and walked away with a cold face.

Capital Doham, at the entrance…

Ayaan and Rebecca were standing together while holding hands with each other tightly. But Rebecca was wearing a veil on her face to avoid any unnecessary attention.

Both of them looked at the majestic gate of the Capital Doham and found it even larger than the gate of Izhale. On the way to the Capital Doham, Ayaan asked many things about it from Rebecca and realised that the Kingdom Stolux was much more powerful than the Izhale.

Anyways, Caspian kingdom was just a low-grade kingdom. On the contrary, Stolux kingdom's strength was already comparable to the middle-grade kingdoms. Although it sounds like just the difference in a single grade — it wasn't that simple.

Even ten Caspian kingdoms were to attack the Stolux kingdom, they would still be defeated miserably.

Afterwards, Ayaan gazed towards the entrance of the Capital and saw the long queue. It was the middle-grade kingdom. So, many merchants of small kingdoms would come here to do business. Due to that, the Stolux kingdom also benefited greatly and its fame increased even more.

Nonetheless, the duo walked towards the entrance and joined the queue. After waiting for more than half an hour, their turn arrived. When Ayaan reached the entrance, the guard looked at him and asked, "From where did you come?"

"Caspian Kingdom," Ayaan replied without any hesitation. The guard looked at Ayaan a few times before saying, "Two silver for two people."

Ayaan paid two silver without hesitation and entered the gate along with the lady.

Thereafter, a grand view greeted them; the roads in front of them were two to three times wider than the Izhale and even more cleaner.

On both sides of the road, small stalls could be seen arranged in a systematic way. Some were selling the herbs, some unusual materials. There were few stalls selling some weapons and magic wands. But Ayaan didn't pay any attention to any of this and continued to walk.

After crossing those small stalls, the place became less crowded and a two-way road appeared in front of them. Ayaan asked the direction of the inn from someone and went towards the place.

Subsequently, after walking for more than fifteen minutes, many buildings started to appear on both sides of the road. After observing for some time, Ayaan realised that some of them were inns while some were restaurants.

After that, Ayaan went to one of the inns and booked a room for the two of them. Without any drama like the previous time.

However, he had to find another place for staying in the capital. Because he had decided, he won't go anywhere before meeting Noor and he knew that it won't happen anytime soon. The guards of a palace won't let him in the palace or even arrest him for trespassing if he were to act recklessly.

Anyways, Ayaan already had a plan in his mind, he just needed some time for accomplishing the things which he wanted to do. At that time, even the king had to respect him.

After arriving in their room, Ayaan thought about something and said, "You wait here, I will come sometime later and we will have food together."

Before his voice could die down, he was nowhere to be found. Rebecca looked at the gate and shook her head helplessly. She knew that Ayaan was eager to meet Noor, that's why she didn't say anything to him. If she were to stop him from going out at this time it would seem like she didn't want him to find her.

Therefore, she stayed silent and didn't say anything to Ayaan.

At this time, Ayaan appeared in front of the building and looked towards the huge board at the entrance of the building — Stolux Chamber of Commerce.

This chamber of commerce was established by King Alexander Noblesoar. Although Ayaan could go to the other chamber of commerce to buy other things. But he was here for something which other chambers of commerce could not provide.

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