Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 189: Green Forest

Icy wind blew through the plain land, reaching the towering green and yellow and grey trees. A vast forest laid as far as eyes could see, there seemed to be no end to it. One could hear occasional roars and shrieks and chirps of beasts and birds that embedded even more charm to the forest.

A group of youngsters stood on the hilltop as they admired the scenery. The gust of wind blew by them, and the beautiful locks of four ladies fluttered along with it. Though the forest looked beautiful from afar, they knew how dangerous this place really was, filled with wild and vicious and cruel beasts who waited for them silently, ready to eat every bit of the tender meat on their bodies.

"This is the Green Forest," said Noor admiringly, "It looks beautiful."

"Beautiful, but dangerous, very dangerous," Ayaan replied. "There are many Heaven Rank beasts hidden in this forest, though we are far stronger than before, and there is no need to be afraid of them anymore; the caution is necessary, because carelessness could cause everyone to hurt, so no neglecting."

Everyone nodded after hearing his warning. Though they were stronger than before, they can't be overconfident. The forests are always filled with uncertainties, and no one could determine the dangers hidden within it—and it was even more hard to determine the certainties when the forest as vast as Green Forest stood in front of them.

After discussing briefly, the group walked down the hill towards the green, vast, beautiful and dangerous forest—the forest was quite dense and bushy at the edge. They had to use their weapons to form the path for sometime. But after some struggle the bushes decreased and the large trees became denser. 

Despite that, from time to time, the bushes would block their path, and they had to struggle somewhat, to form a path in front of them. Just like that the journey continued and after an hour later the group encountered their first enemy. It was a leopard, eyes glittered with blood lust, mouth opened to induce fear inside their hearts, revealing vicious fangs to dig into their flesh. However, this poor thing had chosen the wrong prey. Indeed, it was just a King beast, not worthy to stand in front of the group, anymore.

"Let me," when Ayaan was looking at the beast amusedly, an amateur voice came from the side. He turned and saw two innocent eyes looking at him with a cute face, waiting for his answer. Ayaan looked at the beast once more and nodded. Akash grinned from ear to ear when he saw Ayaan nodding in approval.

He tightened his grip over the hilt of his sword and rushed at the growling beast. When the beast saw a tiny figure sprint with a sword at it. The beast roared furiously, as if saying: how dare you lowly humans dared to look down on me? See how I will chew this puny brat.

Though Akash was now quite proficient with his sword and could kill King Beast. Ayaan didn't relax and observed the entire fight, ready to help any time if some mishap happened. However, nothing abrupt happened, and Akash tackled the beast easily and skillfully.

In the end he separated the beasts' neck from its body, and blood pooled out on the ground, scattering all about, but after twitching for some time, the creature's body became cold and still and lifeless, as it should be, without a head.

"Very good," Ayaan praised. "You didn't even use any special technique. With only basic attacks, you have defeated the king beast, while you are only at the high level of the Embryonic Realm."

Akash grinned from ear to ear, hearing Ayaan's praise. After all, Ayaan was his idol. But then he puffed his chest out and said, "I know I am amazing."

Everyone turned towards him, looking deeply. That made him uncomfortable, but then everyone burst into the peal of laughter. Ayaan was definitely his idol, as talented as him, and as shameless as him. The little guy could help but scratch his head, abashed.

"Careful!" suddenly Rebecca shouted, looking behind Akash. Another leopard had appeared, as it tried to attack him from behind. "Let me," suddenly another cute voice sounded, and a fire filled the entire area and an arrow of fire was formed at the fingertip of a compact figure, pointing towards the upcoming beast. And she shot it at the leopard. 



Surprisingly, the arrow didn't sink into the leopard's head but burst. However, what happened afterwards was quite spectacular. As the arrow burst, it did not scatter and faded, but covered the entire beast and burned it into the crispy roasted meat, and the burned smell filled their noses, only seasoning was left. 

Ayaan looked at Ifre, a little surprised. He didn't actually pay much attention to this little girl after giving her the cultivation technique, but she has become very formidable after only a short time. "It was an amazing attack." He praised her, and his feelings were genuine.

The little girl blushed after hearing Ayaan's praise. She lowered her head down and replied in a low voice. "It was Big Sister Leafwhisk who taught me."

Ayaan could not help but glance at Leafwhisk. No wonder the little girl could become so formidable in such a little time. After all, even he and others were taught by Leafwhisk and knew how good she really was. Though she was only a wood elemental cultivator, she had a vast knowledge regarding other elements and fire was no exception.

"She is a talented and hardworking girl. So I taught her a bit," said Leafwhisk, smiling pleasantly towards the little girl.

Ayaan said nothing further. He turned toward Akash. "Did you see what happened just now? The beast was only a King Beast, but no one could detect it, not me (lie) and neither Leafwhisk (lie). You could see how cunning beasts are in this forest. Don't be so careless next time."

"Yes," nodded Akash seriously.

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