Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 181: Summoning

In the fog, over the frozen lake, the jackals completely ignored and jumped towards their king. Ayaan looked at the disabled Jackal King and the frenzied beasts all about in confusion, surprise and bewilderment. 

"They want to claim leadership of the pack," exclaimed Leafwhisk. "In magical beasts there are hierarchies as well, and only the strongest jackal could be the king among the jackals. So all of them want to kill the jackal king, to prove that they are strongest."

Ayaan and others understood what was going on, so they wanted to kill the beast, to claim its post, heh? So what has it got to do with me? Ayaan smirked at the thought and gestured towards his companions with his hand.

The group slowly slipped away when the internal fight was going on between the beast. Those who wanted to kill the beast king fought and slaughtered many, many jackals opponents. The blood pooled down and puddled under the stiff corpses of the beasts.

After getting out of the range of the beasts, and when they were out of their sights, only then, the group sighed in relief and stopped for a time to get some rest. Ayaan looked at the unconscious Rebecca and felt grateful and painful at the same time—painful because it was his duty to protect them, but it was her and others who protected him, frequently.

Grateful because in very hardship they became his hands and fought alongside with him, never complained, showed no dissatisfaction, and that is why he felt even more guilt towards them. 

He looked at the worn out expressions of everyone and sighed. Only strength would solve his problems, without strength he wouldn't be able to live for long and his woman had to protect him. As his thoughts reached there, his hand clenched tightly and his knuckles cracked and turned red, as veins popped on his hand. 

At this moment, Leafwhisk took out a potion from her space ring and passed to Ayaan. Ayaan looked at her in confusion. "What is this?" He took the veil of potion and looked at it curiously, though he knew it was potion he didn't know what kind of potion.

"It will let her recover fast." She replied. "Last time I used my strongest attack and had to wait quite a few days to recover, so I was collecting herbs all this time and made this recovery potion from those herbs. It would do a fine job and let her recover quickly."

"Oh," Ayaan mumbled. He displaced the stopper from the veil and placed it on Rebecca's red lips, and let it flow in her mouth drop by drop.

After that the group waited at the same place, Rebecca took around half an hour to recover. She looked around with wide blue eyes. "Did it work? Did we escape?"

Ayaan caressed her soft cheek gently. "Yes, darling, your attack worked."

Rebecca looked at Ayaan in confusion at first, but then her face turned red because Ayaan never called her darling, only this time. She dropped her head down in embarrassment and to avoid eye contact with others.

Everyone chuckled when they saw her expression. Ayaan looked around, then frowned. "Does anyone know where we are and in which direction we should go?"

"Uhh…" everyone opened their mouth to speak, but no word came out of it, because no one knew where they were after checking their location. There was no specific map for Snow Lake, after all. 

Even if there was a map, it wouldn't help the situation—because there was no sun over their heads, neither was there any moon—the fog covered the entire Snow lake, even the sky was obscured and hidden from their eyes. No star could be seen, and no one knew the directions.

Ayaan saw everyone shaking their heads and felt a terrible weight on his heart. How the hell would he escape from this ice field, now? At this time when everyone was thinking the solution, a squeak sounded from his arms.

"What?" he looked at Rebecca in confusion.

She looked around in confusion and didn't know what to say. "I feel as if something is calling me." Her voice was filled with confusion. She herself didn't know why she would feel such a feeling.

Everyone looked at her, waiting for her to elaborate. Though she didn't know how to elaborate the summoning she felt. "What kind of call?" in the end Ayaan asked when no answer came from Rebecca.

"I don't know. I feel as if something is there that wants me there. Though I don't know what it is." She replied. Though her voice wasn't so confident, anyway, Ayaan believed her, and so did others. No one doubted Rebecca was playing pranks or trying to con them; this was the trust that they built after going through many battles. It could not be shaken by this easily.

"Alright," Ayaan stood, holding Rebecca in his both hands in a princess pose and said. "Let's go check it out what this thing is, maybe it is something good, but if it is something dangerous, just escape. Don't fight, because there are many dangers here, we need to preserve our energy."

Everyone nodded when they heard his words. No one knew if this was a chance for Rebecca, or the trick of some unknown magical beast hidden inside this foggy and icy Snow Lake. Anyway no one knew the way, and they could not just stand at the same place for all eternity, after all; they needed to walk to escape from this Snow Lake.

Ayaan carried Rebecca on his back and everyone else walked—even Ifre and Akash—though Akash was shivering due to freezing cold. But he did not ask anyone's help, because he did not want to become a burden for anyone. Ifre was different, she had become a fire element cultivator, and she could control the body temperature inside her body. She felt nothing and paced easily with everyone else with her tiny legs.

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