Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 66 - Ome 9

“But I’m afraid … trouble.” Lin Yuan paused and changed his mouth. “I don’t like to owe human affection. If you are implicated by me, it will be a burden for me.”

A Chan looked at him faintly. Lin Yuan felt that her eyes seemed to have understood his thoughts, and she just wanted to leave quickly. Fortunately, Achan didn’t stop him this time.

The school cafeteria is open all day. Achan went to eat something and received a call from a strange number.

A Chan let the phone ring and let her wipe her mouth unhurriedly before picking it up slowly. “Hey?”

“Hello, is Xia Chan classmate? I’m Jin Huai.”

“Huh, grown up?” A Chan’s tone was pleasant, but she was careless.

“Regarding today’s affairs, our cadres did not handle it properly. I hope you can come over and talk to us in person.”

A Chan deliberately said: “But I am eating.”

Jin Huai’s voice was still polite and did not show a little surprise because A Chan had eaten so early, “Don’t worry, you come over after eating, we will wait for you in the president’s office.”

“Good pit.”

A Chanmo rubbing again went to get a steak and finished eating before passing, anyway, it is not her who is anxious now.

In addition to Jin Huai in the president’s office, the cadre of discipline and several discipline commissioners at that time were also there, with two horsetails standing side by side tremblingly.

“You came.”

“The chairman’s face will naturally be given.” A Chan sat gracefully on the chair opposite the chairman’s desk.

Apart from Achan, Lin Yuan was sitting in the office. Those who had been standing widened their eyes for her bold move.

A Chan looked at herself, “What do you all look at me like this? I thought the grown-up would tell me justice when I came here?”

“I have probably understood the matter afterwards. The cadres of Feng Ji did deal with this matter in a short time. They didn’t know enough about your situation and their attitude was not good. I have just talked to her in this regard.”

Jin Huai’s leadership of the student union relies not only on his superior family background, but also on his personal leadership and charisma. His words are inexplicably convincing.

“For the students of the school, the principle of the student union is to treat them equally. You, Xia Chan, can rest assured that if there are really signs of bad habits, we will be responsible in the end.

Now that you are here, let me talk about the solution for all parties.

Wei Jiao Jiao’s unprovoked provocation is the initiator of the whole matter and should bear the main responsibility. Do you have any comments on this point? “

The double ponytails reluctantly whispered “No.”

“Turn over a thousand words tomorrow for a week of publicity. Since you are playing with Xia Chan in public, then you will go to tomorrow’s high school activity area to apologize to her in public.”

When Shuangmawei wanted to apologize to Achan in public, she felt how proud she was at the time, and how embarrassed she was.

But Jin Huai’s treatment of her is not over yet, “and disqualification for school flight this semester.”

“What ?!” Wei Jiao looked up violently, “but the credits of my flying club …”

“When you were playing tricks on Xia Chan with flying instruments in the video, it seemed that there were some students from the flying society next to you with you?”

“No … no.” Although she purposely brought a few little sisters to cheer on the excitement, if they were involved, they would offend people.

“But they didn’t stop you.”

To Chairman Jin’s eyes, Wei Jiaojiao understood what he meant. If you have to take it seriously, her little sisters who followed the coax can also be said to be accomplices. It is at most a semester of corporate credit, and it is not worth offending several people for this.

“… I know, I admit the punishment, it has nothing to do with them.”

Jin Huai nodded, “You can go back.” Then she turned her eyes to Feng Ji cadres.

The cadres gritted their teeth and apologized abruptly to A Chan: “Before I had a bad attitude, don’t worry about it.”

A Chan just blinked and looked at Jin Huai.

Jin Huai: “Yan Shuang’s character is impetuous, and he is not thorough in dealing with problems. Someone has reacted to similar things with me before, but I think you are an old student in the student union, so I thought to look at it again.

But today, the way you deal with the problem has disappointed me. Perhaps you are not very suitable for the department of discipline. “

“President …!”

“Don’t be nervous, just want to mobilize you / department. Isn’t your relationship with Sister Yin Xue always good, just go to the Ministry of Arts and Arts as an assistant minister.”

The assistant minister seems to be an official position, but it is always just an assistant who does some chores. How can there be a cadre?

But Yan Shuang heard him say this, but the first reaction was a guilty conscience—does the president know that he is biased against Xia Chan because he has a good relationship with sister Yan Xue?

There are also small groups in private in the Student Union, but they are generally not put on the bright side. President Jin specifically pointed out this point, undoubtedly dissatisfied with her.

Yan Shuang did not dare to say anything, “I know …”

“Well, you go to hand over.”

Only Jin Huai and A Chan were left in this office.

Facing A Chan alone, Jin Huai put away the face of the official business and showed a slightly gentle smile.

If it is an ordinary girl, after seeing the cold and authoritative side of him just now, and then facing his kind smile, it will probably be a little flattered. After all, it is a handsome young boy who looks like a handsome son, or a character in the school. I would like to ask which girl can put a friendly cold face on him?

“To be honest, if I am in your position, I will make the same choices as you. Of course, I may not be able to jump as high as you.” His tone was as relaxed as a close friend. Unconsciously relax.

A Chan smiled.

“But have you ever thought about it, in case you fail to accurately land on her flying machine? What if the height falls like that? There are also many innocent classmates next to you. If the aircraft runs out of control and hits people, what do you think? Ever? “

Seeing A Chan’s emotions seemed calm and there were no signs of resistance, Jin Huai continued: “You have nothing wrong with resisting Wei Jiao Jiao, just failing to take into account the safety of yourself and the students around you needs to be taken care of. Her flying weapon You ca n’t carry extra people, and you still have to punish for dangerous driving. Do you have any objections? “

A Chan smiled softly, “How does the president want to punish me?”

The girl’s eyes were pure, her smile was beautiful, and she seemed to have inadvertently spoken slightly ambiguous words. In the face of such a stunner, it is difficult for the young people who are on the top of the blood to be imaginative.

However, Chan was intentional.

The fox boy was very cunning and clever, but he always showed a calm and gentle gentleman, so she couldn’t help but want to tease him to see his face change.

From Achan’s entry into the office to the present, the noble son, who seemed unshakable when facing her at a close distance as a weapon, finally moved her eyes slightly.

But only for a moment.

“Clean the logistics office of the Student Union for two weeks after school, and the school sister with the logistics department outside will take you to identify the place.”

“Oh.” A Chan quickly lost interest in him, and said a few words before leaving to follow her sister to the logistics department.

The school sister in the logistics department seems to have a good personality, and she talked to Achan along the way, “Wow, school girl, you look really good! Real people look better than the photos in the forum!”

She looked around and moved closer to Achan. “If your jump is really awesome, how high is the requirement for leg muscle strength and balance ability! Really give us a long face! That group of spiritualists It’s worth 25.8 million to look down on our physical training, this time I can laugh at them for a whole year! Hahaha! “

The elder sister went to Achan for a while and said what the president said. After listening, she said with emotion, “It’s worthy of being the president. The president has always treated the students of any family, or spiritual or physical students, fairly. “” It is not difficult to see the recognition and respect for the boss in charge.

A Chan just smiled, undecided.

After this incident, some sloppy people really stopped a lot, and the negative / face posts about Achan on the forum were also deleted by the administrator. Her campus life seemed to return to calm.

However, A Chan was not satisfied with such calmness, and her heart for trouble was never silent.

She was panicked when she was stopped from physical training classes and was stopped by Lin Yuan’s half-brother on the way back to class, but she smiled in her heart.

When watching Ayuan fight that day, she hand-marked the “Lin Shao”. The hints that controlled his dream these last two days finally arrived.

“If you want to climb the Lin family, it’s useless to find the wild species.” Lin Jiaxue is definitely staring at A Chan and looking up and down offensively. “And I can give you this opportunity. It’s much better to follow me than to follow him. “

In the other classroom, some students who had a good relationship with A Chan heard the news and hesitated and told Lin Yuan.

“My friend just sent me a message that she saw Xia Chan being taken away by your brother … by Lin Shao and his friends. It seemed that she was going to the small terrace of the gymnasium …”

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yuan had changed his face, and suddenly stood up and overturned the stool, and the wind rushed out likewise.


A Chan sat on the edge of the terrace on the second floor, and behind him were a bunch of dandy teenagers. She wobbled her legs boringly and waited for Ayuan to come.

The playground at the bottom was surrounded by a lot of lively classmates. The schoolgirl who took her to the logistics department last time saw her and hurried over to ask her what happened.

A Chan pointed to the back, “Lin Jia learned that a few of them blocked me on the terrace and wanted to move my foot, and I was subdued.”

“Uh, why don’t you come down?”

“They locked the door, and the key just didn’t know where it fell.” The key was thrown by her into the drain.

A few dudes were so packed that they did n’t dare to squeak. The problem was that they felt beaten to death by her. !

“Then don’t move, I’ll find someone to move the ladder!”

“Achan ?!” Lin Yuan ran quickly and was shocked to see Achan sitting on the outside edge of the terrace, but he was relieved to see her intact.

“Ayuan, you are finally here!”

“Achan, don’t be careful …”

Achan didn’t wait for him to finish talking, so he got up and leaped towards him.

A Yuan’s mind was blank for a moment, and she picked her up without thinking.

A Chan had long known that his physique was stronger than his physical fitness, and he was not worried that he could not touch her and jumped into his arms happily.

She hugged him tightly, “I’m holding you! You can’t run now!”

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