Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 53 - Avatars 17

This question asked He Zhengqing.

“What does my brother like … uh …” Facing Ji Chuqing’s look, he didn’t figure out what his brother liked for a long time.

His brother has been an old **** since he was a kid. He has no playfulness or obvious hobbies of his peers at all. He is self-disciplined and boring like a robot. Whether he was in school before, or later took over the business, it is the legendary “children of others”.

He Zhengqing searched the stomach and scraped his stomach, and then barely said a recent preference of He Xiu, “My brother has recently sent a lot of high-end foreign ingredients to air …” But 80% was for Achan, so in other words, his brother liked Is n’t that actually Achan …

“… Is there anything he loves to do?”

“Emmmm … work?” Although he doesn’t necessarily like it, this is what he has done the most in the past.

Qi Chuqing: …

Ji Chuqing was not satisfied with He Zhengqing’s answer at all, half-coquettish and half-tempered. He Zhengqing said that he promised to take her back to visit and meet her before he coaxed her next time his brother was at home.


A Chan was originally a powerful player competing for Y’s spokesperson. After the amazing **** imitated Disney Princess’s video fire abroad, the attention of a sudden rise and even the hot search, almost won the Y’s endorsement without suspense.

In addition to taking photos of endorsements, A Chan also shoots advertisements for Y’s newly launched perfume.

In the design of the advertisement, in order to reflect the mystery and charm of perfume, I chose to interpret the product with the image of a sea monster.

At the beginning, the lens was a deep blue sea covered with starlight, and the background music was a long and ethereal humming of female voices. The lens turned to the surface of the water, and a bottle of gorgeous perfume bottle that seemed to have gathered the stars was slowly sinking.

The camera zooms in farther away, and in the sea where the mysterious dark blue and the brilliant silver brilliance intersect, the beautiful siren swings the fish tail gracefully. Then in the close-up, a slender and beautiful hand gently held the perfume bottle.

In the high / tide part of this picture that brings visual enjoyment, the sea monster is separated from the water, revealing a cold and seductive face, and the seaweed like a waterfall long hair is draped behind it.

Finally the camera zoomed in again, leaving only the distant silhouette of the Kraken. The advertisement, which was only a minute and a half, was very beautiful.

A Chan shot very smoothly. Enchantment itself is one of the basic skills of the Devil’s innate, and has a natural keen sense of how to show the most beautiful posture in front of the camera, showing the charm to the fullest.

The Y family was extremely satisfied with the effect of the filming. When the video was released on the official Weibo, they also specially @Achan, expressed their praise and gratitude.

[Luo Yue: It’s hard to imagine that I read an advertisement a dozen times …]

[Bai Yan: On the face value of actress, I am most satisfied with Achan in the entertainment circle of China! It’s so beautiful! ! ! 】

[Jun Qi: buy buy buy! Even buy a limited-edition poster for gifts! 】

The Y’s house also replaced the photos of Achan Siren at the counter and the posters on the outer wall of the mall. Pedestrians passing by would often stop unconsciously and look twice.

In the two days after it was just hung, there was even a rear-end accident that occurred only because of watching the advertisement of the Y home perfume Siren theme on the LeD advertising screen on the exterior wall of the mall.

On the other side, the filming gradually came to an end. As soon as he killed, A Chan and He Xiu were ready to go abroad for a round of relaxation.

He Xiulin left some company matters that needed to be dealt with. In addition, he had to return to the He family to get some things. He simply brought A Chan back to the He family.

A Chan also brought the traveling suitcase together and waited for the two to leave the He family directly the next day.

“Sir, if you said you came back, let me tell him that he wanted to bring his girlfriend back as a guest and have a meal with you.”

He Xiu nodded indifferently.

He was processing documents in the study room, and A Chan tried several small skirts he had bought before the floor mirror in his bedroom.

A Chan was in a good mood. She put on a skirt, smelled beautiful in front of the mirror for a while, and ran to He Xiu to ask him, “Is this skirt beautiful?”

He Xiu looked up from the document, took a serious look, and nodded, “Good-looking.”

Although the answer was only simple, she did not feel perfunctory at all.

Achan ran back happily, and after a while she changed a skirt, and ran to find the audience to support her. She turned a circle lightly in front of him, her skirt raised, like a blooming flower.

“What about this one?”

“good looking.”

“I think this one is also good, what do you think?”


When A Chanle came to the study again without hesitation, He Xiu looked at her and suddenly sighed, seeming helplessly: “Don’t worry, wait for me to process these documents to satisfy you.”

A Chan: …

No, this is not what she meant.

In the evening, He Zhengqing returned to He Zhai with Ji Chuqing.

A Chan is taking a bath in He Xiu’s bedroom, and He Xiu’s work that should have been resolved in the afternoon, because of a delay, is still in the study.

He Zhengqing knew his big brother’s habits and did not disturb him. Let the servant entertain Ji Chuqing and eat some fruit cushions in the living room, waiting for dinner together at night.

“Zhengqing, can I visit the house?” Before He Zhengqing would take her to visit, she immediately said: “You are also tired, just sit and rest for a while. I will see if I see it. Yes, just take a look outside. I feel your home is really big! “

He Zhengqing watched the football game replayed on TV intently, and he was undoubtedly there. “Oh … Don’t go on the third floor. My brother’s study is on the third floor. He should be in the study now. He doesn’t like to be disturbed.”

Ji Chuqing listened, his eyes flashed dimly, and his mouth responded happily.

Two servants are preparing dinner in the kitchen, and the other is decorating the dining room with flowers and cutlery.

At the beginning of the season, Qingqing lightened her steps and went upstairs.

Quietly in the hallway, only the sound of the TV from the living room downstairs faintly came up. She stopped at the left of the stairs on the second floor and looked around to make sure that there was no one else, before lifting the skirt and walking up the stairs.

At the beginning of the season, Qingqing felt a little nervous, but more faintly excited.

The door of the study on the third floor was half open, and there was light. She approached cautiously, swept the figure of He Xiu inside, and her heart jumped, and at the same time when she was upset, a trace of fiery heat also rose up.

He Xiu was probably tired from his work. He was leaning on a valuable leather chair with his eyes closed. He wondered whether he was taking a nap or closing his eyes to refresh himself.

Whether he is really asleep or not, this is a good chance to get his attention right. She dared into the room, and the study carpet engulfed her footsteps.

At the beginning of the season, Qingqing carried her coat and tried to cover him with a look of concern. He Zhengqing eats her very much.

Her mother used to work in the He family and knew more about the situation of the He family. When the two brothers were very young, their parents barely left home and gave their children to the nanny.

After He Xiu grew up able to take over the business, the irresponsible parents even flew up and flirted around the world. Except for the money spent, they could hardly think of contacting their sons.

People who grow up in such a lack of love environment, even if the surface seems inaccessible, they desire to be cared for. He Xiu is indeed a lot harder than his brother, but only to find the right way. Persistently boiling the frog in warm water can always capture his atrium.

She took the most tender and caring gesture and covered her coat with him …

When He Xiu slept beside Achan, he was always very heavy. To what extent?

Even if Achan sleeps in the middle of the night and feels hot, he can’t wake up at all by kicking him. With his instinct, he can bring Achan back and touch the remote control to turn on the air conditioner. I don’t remember the next day. .

But besides being beside Chan, he was alert and quiet. So as soon as the coat touched a corner of his clothes, He Xiu immediately opened his eyes. Because he always wakes up very early, and never falls asleep in front of outsiders, basically no one knows that he woke up with a temper tantrum when he woke up. Of course, A Chan’s remarks are different.

He didn’t even see who he was in front of him, and he directly twisted the man who sneaked in front of his eyes and stretched his wrist in front of him.

“Ah–!” Ji Chuqing screamed, and had to lean back with his strength, and the whole person knelt down, really embarrassed. The coat also fell to the ground.

There was no sleepiness in He Xiu’s eyes.

“what are you doing?”

Ji Qingqing sweated coldly, both painful and chilly in his eyes. “I, I … just wanted to help you cover your coat, no malicious …”

He Xiuquan was motionless and dropped her wrist. He knew that she was the one brought by He Zhengqing, and he had given him a face, otherwise he would have sent her to the police station.


The boredom in his eyes and the disdain revealed in his speech and action showed that she was self-righteous about her charm and mentality. At this moment, she seemed to be beaten back to her original form, from the bright and beautiful female star, back to the daughter of the humble concubine.

At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the day when she and her mother left the family with their burdens on their backs, and could only leave the room vainly under the eyes of other servants watching the lively gloating and scorn.

Ji Chuqing felt particularly ashamed.

Achan heard the movement at this time and came in with a probe at the door. “What’s wrong?”

Not only did Ji Chuqing not get any favors from He Xiu, but Achan saw this embarrassing scene. At this time, when she heard her voice, she could not help but stiffen her head, let her hair cover her face, and wished to deceive herself Face buried in the ground.

“Where is this man from?”

Ji Chuqing gritted her teeth, got up and bowed her head, rushed out. She was grabbed by A Chan and pulled her collar back.

“Hey, what are you running? I think you look a little familiar.” A Chan forced her to look up with disgust. “Why don’t you see the acquaintances, Ji Chuqing?”

Ji Chuqing seemed to be torn off her last face, raising her eyes red and glaring at her.

He Xiu could not care what she just wanted to do, but when she saw her staring at A Chan, she made a cold, unpleasant cry, “Pay attention to your eyes.”

At the beginning of the season, Qing Qing’s eyes flickered slightly, realizing that she was impulsive, unwillingly withdrawing her gaze and dropping her eyes, but she still couldn’t help but stuck her neck to Achan, her face somber.

“I just seemed to hear someone screaming …” He Zhengqing heard the voice coming to the third floor and saw Ji Chuqing with Achan’s ugly face under his hand. He was surprised: “Chuqing, why did you come here?”

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