Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 51 - Avatars 15

[Liu Meng: ah ah yeah burst Li Cangyun × Yueyilou this pair! ! 】

[Ning’s: Xiao Loumei cry me! goddess! 】

[Lolo: There are clips of Xiaolou and Cangyun at Station B. I have watched it n times, crying to death …]

The topic of “Cangyue couple” has risen on Weibo, and the calls of gluttonous and Li Cangyun far outperformed the other two hostesses.

The audience’s love for this pair of CP also extended to the actors, shouting for Shu Chi and Song Chan together, and also looking for candy in TV series, tidbits, programs, and interviews.

[Jiu Jiu: Ah, ah, ah, Shu Chi looked at A Chan’s eyes so cute! 】

[I want to **** a cat today: the slow eyes on the show always look at A Chan, it ’s so sweet! 】

A Chan and He Xiu were sitting on the sofa. She put her two legs on his lap and swiped the phone.

He Xiu, who never pays attention to entertainment news, deliberately sent Weibo to see news related to Achan, and naturally saw Achan’s scandal.

He frowned inexplicably, squinted slightly, and swiped down the phone to read the comments. Although President He ’s deep expression was also very handsome, A Chan felt inexplicably that his expression was particularly like the one in her WeChat emoticon package, and the uncle in the bus was frowning and squinting at the phone.

Her sudden light laughter interrupted his focus on looking at the phone and looked up at her.

A Chan squeezed beside him and saw that it was the scandal between her and the actor on the screen.

“Don’t care, it’s all fake. And I can’t look down on anyone except you.” A Chan leaned over his shoulder and laughed, “Hey, are you jealous?”

Unexpectedly, He Xiu was very direct, “One point.”

A Chan raised her eyebrows. “In the novel, when the president is jealous, the next step is to shut down the heroine in the little black house except for herself. No one will let her see her.

He Xiu felt that he probably should not buy those books for her.

“I will not restrict you from developing your own business. I will support you for whatever you want to do.”

“Then you are not afraid that I will be run off by the small fresh meat? Will you want to break my leg?”

President He smiled coldly and squeezed her face. “Whoever dares to seduce you, I’ll break someone’s leg; besides me, whoever you like, I’ll also break his leg.”

Wow, she doesn’t sound afraid at all.


With the gluttonous corner of “Cang Cang Ji”, A Chan won the Best Newcomer Award of the year without suspense, and also stood out among the candidates for the best female match, becoming a dark horse at the current film festival.

She has already received several endorsements for snack foods, and has also received a movie script, and the development momentum is very good.

The fashion evening banquet where all the big and small coffee gathered, when the guests took a picture, A Chan’s position was very close to the middle position among the new little flowers.

In addition to the stars of the entertainment circle, there were also some celebrities who wanted to rub a faceless face in the auditorium of the venue, staring at the opportunity to ask the stars for a photo.

The small bowl that used to be on the show with A Chan is also one of those internet celebrities. She was sitting in a very back position with a few little sisters who finally asked for tickets, and looked at the front row far away, the delicate diamond hair accessories behind Achan’s head. The camera that filmed the guest seats displayed A Chan’s beautiful face on the big screen from time to time. She talked with the stars next to Yan Yan with ease.

Xiaowan felt that between her and Achan, like this distant agent, across the distance she could not cross, she could only look at the person who had the same starting point, like two intersecting lines with her, short After the meeting, she gradually pulled the distance further and further away, and the gap was so great that she couldn’t even grow jealous. After all, the two were no longer comparable.

A small internet celebrity asked Achan if he could take a picture together, Achan agreed indifferently.

But as soon as the camera’s front lens was opened, A Chan couldn’t help but reveal the expression of the old man who looked exactly like He Xiu looking at the phone——

Who is this monster whose eyes are as big as a light bulb and whose jaw is sharp enough to stab himself? !

Her frightened expression moved out of the camera. The camera in the banquet hall faithfully recorded this scene.

[Sikang and Mu Nan: Ha ha ha ha Achan was scared by the terrible net red filter: oh! Where is the monster? ! 】

[Abstinence: A ghost: 2333 on the gap between celebrities and internet celebrities. The face of the star itself is already very beautiful, one more point is fat, and one less point is thin, no need to thicken the thick filter. 】

There are a lot of face powder among Achan’s fans, and her dress style at the event was also blown by fans.


Even though A Chan was on fire for a while, the newcomers had a deep foundation and limited works. After all, they couldn’t keep eating the old ones, and they had to have new works.

After the hit of “Mu Cang Ji”, there were a lot of women’s No. 1 film and television scripts looking for her, but A Chan finally took a fancy to the female villain in the movie script.

Agent Lan also agreed with her choice. “Although there are invitations from No.1 Girls, they are basically cliché idols, and there is nothing particularly outstanding.

Although the role of Shen Shuangbai is a villain, the character image is very visible, and the script and director are also reliable. It is a good opportunity for you to turn to the big screen. “

A Chan just thought that the character was interesting. A glamorous and cunning femme fatale who turned the male lead and all the people in the right way, it sounded like it sounded.

“Tian Luo Jian” is a costume martial arts movie, telling the story of Yin Yuan, a chivalrous man who is by nature and romantic, and searching for the martial arts to Bao Tian Luo Jian with his friends. Various suspicious cases are carried out throughout, and the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss in the play is not revealed until the end.

Shen Shuangbai, played by A Chan, is the boss behind the scenes.

At the beginning, she appeared in the image of a weak, weak, martial arts, and poor medical woman, and was rescued by the protagonist and his team.

Although Shen Shuangbai was suspected during this period, the protagonist camp’s repeated attempts were all resolved by her superb acting skills and scheming, and even the guilty pity for the protagonist’s heart.

Coupled with Shen Shuangbai’s beauty and charm, the male host’s romantic heart began to swing indefinitely between the female host and Shen Shuangbai. After the female host’s suspicious precautions against and repelled by Shen Shuangbai, she even gradually turned to Shen Shuangbai.

During the development of the plot, the fog was heavy, and the audience could not directly see that the role of Shen Shuangbai was wrong, and gradually showed signs until the end of the development.

It wasn’t until the last room in the Treasure Cave where the Tianluojian was placed that Shen Shuangbai revealed his identity as a big boss to **** the Tianluojian.

But no matter how cunning the villains, the final victory is of course the protagonist.

The ending Shen Shuangbai miscalculated and besieged the cliff. Clouds and mist lay beneath the cliff, and the turbulent waves underneath could not be seen. Even if the sea is below, at such a high distance, such dangerous seas with rugged reefs and turbulent waves may be difficult to survive if you jump down.

There is no escape.

Facing the decent crusade and the male host’s painstakingly persuading her to turn back, Shen Shuangbai seemed very calm.

She put away the mask of softness and kindness, and gazed arrogantly and sarcastically at the circle of decent and decent warriors. She seemed to see through the eyes of the people, and the indignant condemnation weakened.

In the end, she looked at the complex-looking actor Yin Yuan and said quietly, “You were looking for Tian Luo Jian in the first place, hoping that it would be used by the bright and true swordsman, not by the evil person. “

She still smiled with a calm and strategic mind, and in the desperate desperate situation did not harm pride and elegance. “But there is no pure heart in this world that will never be contaminated with filthy lusts. Your expectations are destined to fall through.” Her beautiful voice was filled with sighs of nothingness.

Someone shouted next to him: “Witch! Hugh was so nonsense, hand over Tian Luo Jian!”

“Hand over Tianluojian, maybe you can spare your life!”

Shen Shuangbai lightly brushed Tian Luojian’s sword without lifting her eyes, and smiled softly, “Oh, hand it over … who will give it to you?”

As soon as this remark came out, the people in the surrounding martial arts were silent for a moment, and then looked at each other’s eyes, and they no longer had to work together to encircle the enemies of Shen Shuangbai.

The male protagonist Yin Yuan and his two confidant friends saw the change in the atmosphere of the decent side, showing disappointment and dignity.

Shen Shuang’s white mouth twitched with a long, unexpectedly long smile, and looked up to Yin Yuan. “As long as Tianluojian exists in this world for a day, its battles and conspiracies will never stop. However, let me help you one last time.”

“Demon, what do you want to do!” Someone around was nervous.

Shen Shuangbai jumped out of the mountain cliff and fell into the abyss with the Treasure Sky Luojian, which made Wulin mad.

“Frost white!”

Ah Chan ate potato chips and turned the script, and the chips fell on the script.

“How do I think that in the end is the victory of the villains?”

He Xiu also glanced at the script, and he wasn’t very happy. “How do you play the role ending so badly.” Finally died.

“It’s impressive to show people the destruction of beautiful things.” A Chan bites the potato chips carelessly. “Especially as beautiful as me, it is absolutely unforgettable.”

He Xiu was so cute because of her narcissistic look, and took a kiss at her face.

A Chan suddenly thought that she would enter the crew to film in a few days, and she had less time to sleep with the president. In these days, she had to sleep enough.

“By the way, I read a presidential novel a few days ago, and I was interested in a plot.”


“It’s the overbearing president and his petite secretary in the office …”

He, overbearing president, Xiu: “I really can’t take you.”

A Chan: When you say such seemingly helpless words, would you first look forward to collecting the faint eyes in your eyes?

A Chan: “Your office is too far, just make up in the study.”

“it is good.”

After a while, from the door of the study that was not completely closed, there was a whisper of Zisuo and a whisper of the lover.

A Chan: “I like how you pull your tie.”

He Xiu: “I like the way you tie your tie …”

The author has something to say: President He, why do you wear Pinru’s clothes

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