Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 35 - Love Gu 13

Poor Qi alone spent a few days in the messy hall.

Hong Yao finally couldn’t help seeing. She stood outside the temple and asked a few times, but Qiongqi didn’t respond.

Hong Yao gritted his teeth, and his heart traversed, so he dared and walked in.

Qiong Qi sat on the throne, motionless, like a lifeless sculpture.

“… poor man?” Hong Yao whispered anxiously.

Although Qiong Qi didn’t give her half a look, she knew he could certainly hear it. She knelt down under the main seat with her robe, “Hong Yao is willing to share his worries for the adults!”

Pang Qi slowly lifted his eyes and looked at her with little emotion.

Hong Yao bowed his head respectfully, “The flower demon has been impure from the beginning and has been plotting for a long time. The deception is first, the betrayal is second, and the crime cannot be tolerated!

She looked up scorchingly, and looked straight into his eyes, “If the adult can’t give up, let me come. As long as she dies, you won’t suffer anymore …”

It seemed that there was something that touched Hong Qi in Hong Yao’s words. He moved his fingers and said nothing for a while.

But his momentum was even more unpredictable, causing Hong Yao to bow his head nervously and tighten his body.

For a long time, I heard his cold voice sound: “The dogs seal the country and reincarnate on the top of the mountain.”

Hong Yao was stunned for a moment, then rejoiced and bowed her head in response: “Hong Yao must not disappoint him!”

After Hong Yao went out, Shuyan appeared.

“You really decided?”

Poor and silent default.

Shuyan showed a complex look, seemed to be relieved, and seemed to sigh.

“Then I will ask Hong Yao to bring her body back. You haven’t dissipated the poison, just use her body’s tears to clean the poison once.”

“No need.”

“… what?” Uncle Yan’s face was incredible, “Aren’t you?” “You are not detoxifying?”

“No need.”

He didn’t want to owe her.

And this poison will always wake him up, don’t give up trust easily, and stop being deceived and fooled by others.

“No … don’t be mad at it. The Six Realms in Tears of Flowers now find such a plant, but there is no second one! If you regret it later, you can’t …

“I have decided.”

Shuyan stopped talking for a long time before throwing his sleeves indignantly, “Ah, no matter, just do it with you.”

Anyway, there is no way for him to change Pang Qi’s decision. He can’t break his mouth and shove it like feeding a baby boy? He can’t beat it.

Maybe it’s just because the love gu is unsolved now. When the love gu is unleashed, he might change his mind. The flower demon had already been contaminated with a strange atmosphere, and no one would dare to move it, and he would wait until he changed his mind.

Shuyan also left, leaving only one poor man in the hall.

He raised his hand numbly and pressed it against the painful heart.

As long as she died, he wouldn’t hurt anymore.

all fake.

Her feelings for him are false, and so are his feelings for her.

As long as the love Gu is resolved, everything will be back on track.

Fang Qi summoned his subordinates to take the wine, and in the lonely deserted hall, he drunk the spirits in the glass.


A Chan lay in the shade of the tree, with a big leaf on her face, and a hairy grass swaying boringly in her hand.

It’s been several days, and Pang Qi still didn’t come to pick her up.

If the mountain is far away, do n’t look at Qiongqi who brought her to swish a few times. If you let her go back, it does n’t have to be long.

She was bored, but suddenly heard the sound of breaking the sky. Achan was trained by Pang Qi to make her aware that something was wrong, and she quickly turned to avoid.

“… It’s you?” A Chan threw away the hairy grass and watched Hongyao alertly.

“Don’t you think that people here will be strange?”

“Why are you here?”

Hong Yao laughed lowly, and the laughter became more and more mad, and finally a twisted and happy grin was formed on his face. “What do you think? Apart from Qiongqi, who else knows you are here? He asked me to kill you.”

Rather than killing A Chan in a hurry, she teased her leisurely, wanting to appreciate her desperate struggle.

If it was before, A Chan would not believe her in half a sentence. But now Qiongqi’s unpredictable nature is cold and hot … I can’t guarantee it.

And it was not normal to leave her in the air for the past few days without picking her up.

Although Ah Chan played drums in his heart, his face remained calm. “Do you think I will believe you?”

Hong Yao paced slowly with a magic instrument. “It seems that you can’t see the coffin without tears.”

She endured watching Achan for so long, and now it was finally a time of shame. The overall situation has been decided. If she doesn’t show off to this **** before she dies, how can she relieve her resentment?

“Anyway, you are going to die. I might as well tell you that I will replace you soon.”

“Replace me?”

“Replace you as a poor sweetheart.”

“Hah …” A Chan couldn’t hold back and sneered instantly.

Hong Yao was annoyed by her reaction, “You are just relying on love Gu, if there is no love Gu, you are nothing!”

A Chan raised her eyebrows recklessly. “It turns out that you are playing this abacus … kill me, and give him a new love.

He has already made a move, do you think he will give others the chance to be guilty? “

“You don’t have to worry about it. I’m back to Yunshan now, and no one doubts me. As time goes by, I can always find opportunities.”

A Chan’s voice was unpredictable, “Do you really think that Qing Gu has such a great effect?”

“Huh, wouldn’t you want to say that Pang Qi really loves you?”

A Chan didn’t argue with her about this issue. She quietly took a small object from Lingfu and pinched it in her palm, and asked, “You said that Qiongqi wants to kill me, so I must make me understand?”

Hong Yao smiled triumphantly, slowly and patiently, one by one. “It’s all about blaming yourself for being too rampant and high-profile. The news that an unnamed flower demon has been extremely favored by a fierce beast has spread all over the world, and the heavens naturally know it.

You have obviously got such a strange trust, and you have left Yunshan to play around. You have a lot of opportunities to send messages to the Celestial Realm, but you have n’t communicated with the Celestial Realm for more than half a year. “

“You turned to heaven.”

Hong Yao was unabashed at this time, “Yes, the fairy king of Heaven Realm believed that you had been attracted by the countless benefits given by Pang Qi and betrayed him, so he found me.

Oh, do you think that as long as you do n’t betray Pang Qi, no one knows about your murder with him before, can you sit back and relax?

Xianjun of course wanted to prevent you from turning to the poor, so she left her hand and recorded the picture of your original plot on the memory stone. Anyway, Poon Qi can probably guess who is counting him behind his back, but he is too lazy to worry about it, and it doesn’t matter if he knows that it is done by Heaven.

But it is not so easy for you to let go. “

“I’m afraid it’s more than that.” In this way, Qiongqi didn’t want to kill her.

“Because you‘ betrayed ’him, and passed the news of his weakness at the full moon to Heaven.”

A Chan pinched the memory stone and said righteously: “I never betrayed Qiqi, it’s you! You told the world!”

Do you think only you have a memory stone?

The emperor’s illegitimate child gave her a lot of small things to record before she came to Qiqi.

“Ha ha ha ha ha … what about then?”

A Chan made grief and indignation: “Aren’t you admiring the poor, how can you do such a thing!”

“Oh, who told him to toast instead of eating fine wine, deserve it! Why, do you feel bad?”

Haha … Then I might as well tell you, when I use love Gu to captivate him, then use the same way to scorn his feelings, trample on his dignity, let him lick my feet like a dog! “

Looking at Achan’s angry expression, Hong Yao was very open-minded, and felt as if he had really done the humiliating thing he had imagined for Qiong Qi. She threw the Xuan Gang whip with satisfaction. “Okay, I should have finished talking, let’s die!”

A Chan jumped backwards, and the vines rose to block Hong Yao’s whip. But the vines did not have the tenacity of the magic weapon after all, and they broke off. But at the same time many vines appeared on the ground to block her offensive.

A Chan’s tricks are tricky, the angle of action is tricky, the vines still have a hook, and even leave a slight blood mark on Hong Yao’s face.

Hong Yao’s impression of A Chan still stayed before she left Yun Shan. She thought it would be easy to solve her. Unexpectedly, she was still a bit difficult.

She touched the blood on her face, her expression darkened, and then she shot even more fiercely.

A Chan was as flexible as a loach, and walked the red Yao Yao to the mountain, leaving a fine wound on her with a vine barb. But the wound was so small that it did not hurt Hong Yao, but angered her.

However, even though A Chan’s body skills are extremely good under poor training, he can’t keep up with Hongyao after all, and he gradually loses support.

A Chan also had a fire in her heart, and she scolded the poor in her heart.

what? I thought I had betrayed, and if I didn’t ask me, I would rush to kill it, I thought you would be relieved as soon as the love Gu was solved, right? She was very angry.

OK, I satisfy you.

A Chan cut off the perception of this body, even if the flower demon’s body was seriously injured by Hong Yao, he didn’t have any feelings, just blindly desperately attacked.

Despite the victory, Hongyao was timid in the face of her lifeless play.

In the end, Hong Yao finally found a chance and hit A Chan with a hard blow.

A Chan flew out of the whole body, hitting the trunk of the oldest tree on the top of the mountain agreed upon with Qiong Qi, and rolled down weakly.

Hong Yaoping gasped and walked towards her step by step.

“Run, you run again.”

A Chan spit out a blood, but instead of showing the desperate expression that Hong Yao was expecting, he smiled instead.

“You can still laugh when you die … until I peel off your face and cut your body to feed the monster on the mountain!”

A Chan mobilized spiritual power.

Hong Yao sarcastically said: “Your body has been ruined to look like this, still want to dying? You …” She suddenly stiffened.

“Ban Qi taught me a trick,” A Chan smiled and coughed up blood again, “Today you will try it”

As her voice fell, Hong Yao felt pain in the flesh and blood, and there seemed to be something crawling in her body. She could even hear the sound of piercing the meridians of the body.


A Chan gave birth to spirits planted in wounds everywhere in Hongyao, with barbed vines running down her skin and muscles, piercing into her odd meridians, crawling along the meridians to Dantian, and being cruel in her Stirring.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ggahah with a terrible look, Hong Yao twitched his body on the ground, twitching his body, he might as well die.

This flower demon’s body has reached its limit. A Chan exhaled a breath, his eyes gradually lost the vivid color, and urged mana’s hands to fall to the ground. And one of the hands was holding something empty.

The flower demon’s flesh is dead, Achan floats out of the body and hides to the side to wait for Qiqi’s arrival.

The author has something to say: If there is no such love Gu, two people will definitely he

Falling in love also requires harmony between the people and the world. The acquaintance of the two starts with a conspiracy.

The right person did not meet at the right time.

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