Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 3 - Lure Monk 2

Zhu Zhizhi hurriedly played round, “My little girl can eat more, laughed, laughed haha ​​…”

“It’s a blessing to eat, the little white girl is blessed …”

Lu Yu was a little worried and said, “Little White Girl is recovering from a serious illness. Is it really okay to eat so much at once?”

“It doesn’t matter, I have a large amount of natural food.”

“Haha, just like the little white girl. You and your sister will come over as often as possible, and I will make it for you.”

Seeing the circle passed, Zhu Zhizhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But the heart demon is eating to Xingtou, the first time to taste the deliciousness of the world, where to eat it willingly?

The demon touched his belly fakely, “Oh, this inattentiveness is really a bit of a panic. I want to eat outside. Sister, you continue to talk, I will come back after a while.”

Sister Lu is not assured, “You are a girl, is it not safe to go out by yourself?” Besides, she was born so beautiful.

“This is at the foot of Jinling Temple. Who dare not make trouble here with long eyes? I won’t go far, rest assured.”

Sister Lu’s brother thinks about it too. Jinling Temple is a national temple. Although there is a high-powered state teacher in the imperial city, the Jinling Temple still respects its status and cannot be replaced. Indeed, no one would dare to commit any wrongdoing near the Jinling Temple, and the demon things are also afraid of the monks in the temple, so they dare not set foot here easily.

Zhu Zhiwei thought that her skinny sister could not sit still, and nodded, “Well, go, be careful yourself.” Be careful not to show the cat’s tail.

Seeing that the older sisters agreed, the older brother Lu said no more.

When the heart demon left the Lu family, he made a superficial blinding method.

The mortals around me along the way, although they can see the demon, but inexplicably ignore her radiant appearance, her sense of existence is minimized, unless she suddenly speaks out, other talents will be surprised I found out that I didn’t notice this person just now.

She dislikes the low-level mana of Cat Demon, and even a blind eye can only make it to this level. You must know that illusion is also a kind of blind eye method. The demon will naturally create illusion. As long as the other party ’s cultivation is not higher than her, she will not escape her illusion.

It’s a pity that she was sealed with mana, and was tightly confined in this body by the rules of this little world. It was only limited by the strength of the cat demon, which was really uncomfortable.

The demon decided to take a bite next, to dispel his depressed mood.

She took a deep breath while standing on the side of the street. Although there are many food stalls and restaurants on the street, it is not difficult for the sensitive cat cat to tell where the most fragrant smell comes from.

The demon smiled with satisfaction, and searched for her favorite fragrance, and finally stopped at the entrance of a stylish restaurant.

The guests in and out of this restaurant are luxuriously dressed, and the carriages are very luxurious. Obviously, the guests who can come here are either rich or expensive. In this way, the devil was dressed plainly, and there were no servants to accompany him, and he walked in with a stern gesture.

But Xiao Er, who was welcoming at the door, didn’t seem to see him, and still greeted the other guests warmly.

The demon kept walking, rushing toward the kitchen after the smell.


Private room in the restaurant.

“Brother Shaoli, I want to see you. It’s really not easy.” The girl in Hua Guanli’s clothes sighed with a smile, and her coquettish tone still carries her natural pride.

The monk sitting opposite her had a cold face, her eyes drooping indifferently, and there was no wave in the face of the beautiful girl’s lasciviousness.

The girl gently supported her cheek with disapproval. “Here is only you and me, and Brother Li is so cold to me …”

She fiddled with a carved silver wine glass in one hand, and the phoenix’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if falling into memory, revealing a little laziness. “At that time, you returned with the triumph of the old general, and the awe-inspiring, heart-pounding and heart-warming look on my horse was still in my mind.

At the beginning of the battlefield, the ruthless General General who made the enemy frightened, and now it really became an innocent monk? I do n’t believe it … “

“It’s all smoke in the past. Today the poor monk was entrusted to come because of the nightmare disease of Her Royal Highness. The elder brother has evacuated as directed by the Princess. The Princess can now talk about symptoms.

“Nightmare’s disease …” Princess Ninghui raised her hand and caressed Yun Yun, seeming indifferent. “I’ve been … at night … Xie Zuo, Master Shi Tan can help me. “While talking perfunctoryly, she wandered to the man’s deep dotted star eyes, the tall nose bridge, the cold and abstinent thin lips, and glanced quietly again. He wrapped Wei An’s body under a plain monk’s robe, and his thoughts ran away.

Shi Tan was still indifferent and still as if he was still indifferent under the hot eyes that were so revealing and provocative.

When Princess Ninghui saw his rock-like oil and salt not going in, she thought that for a long time, no matter how she lowered her infatuation, she couldn’t make him feel irresistible. But to this man, she was patient and hard-pressed, and pressed down her irritability, but her face still showed a trace of displeasure uncontrollably.

Just now the cautious knock on the door sounded. Ning Hui called out and straightened up, “Come in.”

The inner servant dressed in casual clothes flattered, “His Royal Highness, do you want to cook now?”

Ning Hui squinted and raised his chin lazily. The inner attendant understood and turned to signal the entourage behind him.

The maidservants walked in with exquisite Panzhan fish, the order of serving was orderly, and each of them was placed quietly on the table.

“This restaurant Su Zhai is very famous, Master Shi Tan tastes it.”

“The poor monk has used the meal.”

She flashed angrily on her face, then suppressed it, barely squeezed out a smiley face: “I went to Jinling Temple three times and five times to see the meeting, Master Shi Tan didn’t make excuses. Today, it is hard to give me a face to be invited to accompany me Unwilling to eat together? “

“The poor monk came here to be spoken by the empress dowager to observe the nightmare for the princess.”


The maid next to him was putting down the last dish, and Shi Tan ignored Ning Hui’s cold face, watching the last dish’s eyes move slightly, as if discerning something.

Suddenly, he stood up and said, “enchanted.”


“Protect the princess.”

“Yes … yes, protect Your Highness!” The inner servant was bluffed with the stern look of Shi Tan, and hurriedly called the guard outside the door.

After Shi Tan said, he turned and left the room in a big step. The princess rose up suspiciously to keep up, and was stopped by the inner waiter’s face.

Shi Tan’s brother Kong Chan had been waiting outside the door, seeing that Shi Tan strode the meteor out of the room, leaving behind the scene of chaos in the house, Kong Chan quickly caught up with his footsteps, and followed him a little ignorantly, “What’s wrong with this?” ? “

Shi Tan didn’t speak, and went straight to the back kitchen.

Although he seemed to pay attention to the suddenly discovered demon spirit, he was not worried that the little demon who broke into the restaurant would hurt anyone. Just because the demon spirit is so clean and weak, you do n’t have to look at it, you know that it must have never done evil, and probably no demon is so stupid enough to run to the foot of Jinling Temple to hurt people.

If it weren’t for the slightest demon spirit, he wouldn’t find it unless he was very sensitive.

The back kitchen of this restaurant is very spacious. A few cooks are busy. When they see two monks suddenly breaking in, they are surprised to stop the work at hand.

Shi Tan was very handsome and beautiful, and his temperament was very cold and full of the demeanor of the world. When several chefs came over, Shi Tan unconsciously gave way.

The next two guards hurried over and entered the kitchen. Several cooks looked at each other, wondering what was happening in front of them.

In the innermost part of the kitchen, a woman is squatting in front of the stove and learning to eat with the food placed above. She turned her back to the crowd, her waist was slim and slim, her fingers were white and tender, but the speed of eating was definitely not slow.

Strangely, everyone except Shi Tan didn’t seem to notice the woman in the kitchen.

In the back kitchen of the restaurant, Xiao Er came back and forth to pick up dishes, and it was normal for people to come in and out. The demon was intoxicated, and he didn’t take it seriously when he heard someone coming in again.

Shi Tan did not hurry to step forward and stared at the sight, only to see that the gas behind the woman gradually showed shape in the void, condensing into a long-haired white cat with blue eyes.

Shi Tan Wannian’s cold and indifferent gaze made a slight movement, and slowly stepped forward quietly, as if afraid of disturbing the banshee.

The demon didn’t even notice that someone was approaching step by step, but when he went to the table to get enough food, he couldn’t help but glimpse a figure in front of him, and the shadow of the man had covered her head.

The demon was shocked, this man actually came behind her without her perception? !

She had a bad heart, and when she turned around, she saw a bald monk. She quickly turned into a prototype, and wanted to use the petite and flexible cat body to escape.

Unexpectedly, her neck tightened, her vision gradually increased, and finally she was turned around, facing a bald head at close range.

The whole cat’s fur was blown up, and Tongren erected in fright in the eyes of the round cat.

The rest of the kitchen only noticed that the woman in front of the stove was always there. Why didn’t they notice at all? It becomes a cat in a blink of an eye? !

The woman had been turning her back to everyone before, turning around and being blocked by Shi Tan’s tall body, so no one but Shi Tan saw her face.

“Demon … monster!” A cook exclaimed, and the rolling pin in his hand fell on the chopping board.

“Hey? Is there actually a cat demon?” Kong Chan also wanted to raise his hand to touch and was escaped by Shi Tan.

“I took the monster back to deal with it, so I left.”

Kong Chan’s eyes glared, and he quickly took hold of him, glancing at the two guards who didn’t dare to step forward, making sure they couldn’t hear them, and then whispered: “The princess came to the temple in two days to see you, you shy away Not to mention, this time is the will of the Empress Dowager, you just go away and look back at how we explain!

Princess Ninghui is now the daughter of the emperor’s favorite, and is the heart of the queen mother, even if we are monks, but we can’t offend Tianjia! “

Shi Tan ’s expression remained unchanged, “Brother Trouble tells me that Princess Ninghui ’s eyes are clear, and there is no evil spirit in her body. If you still have a nightmare, you can try to read the Buddhist scriptures and be quiet.” He added another thought, “Section Want to get fit. “

Kong Chan glanced at the cat demon in his hand and looked at him with a headache. “You came out to catch this cat demon, wouldn’t you just want to make excuses?”

Shi Tan glanced back at him without avoiding it. He was not guilty when he was said.

Kong Chan sighed tiredly.

Shi Tan looked at the two guards who were still at the kitchen door, “This cat demon is extremely cruel and very dangerous, and staying here may scare the princess. The poor monk must immediately take the demon away, and Brother Kongzen will give me the princess for me. Description. “

“Yes Yes.”

Shi Tan left with his heart demons. Kong Chan looked at his willful back, and secretly vomited in his heart: What is cruel and extremely dangerous? If he just got close, didn’t he feel the enchantment at all? It’s really hard for you to find this little bit of anger.

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