Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 16 - Lure the monk 15

As A Chan said, she then followed Shi Zongbang, seduce him by changing patterns every day.

If you change to any man, you will be flattered by a beauty like Achan, and you wo n’t be able to hold it. Ke Tan was just pampering and helplessly watching her tossing, and his face was always as stable as Mount Tai.

The housekeeper reported to Shi Tan after finishing his work, and suddenly asked, “You seem to be in a good mood recently?”

Shi Tan lifted his eyes and chuckled, not denying it.

The old housekeeper was considered to have grown up with him since he was a child. Since his son shaved his hair as a monk and moved to Jinling Mountain, he was ordered by the old general to take care of him. He can be regarded as a little closer and more familiar than others. .

Once the major general Xu Shaoli, it seems that apart from seeing some of his exposed emotions on the battlefield, most of the time, he seems to be immersed in his own world. Except for reading and practicing martial arts, he does not care about everything. When he is a small bean When he is, he always has a cold face.

Some world friends sometimes bring their children to the General Mansion as a guest. The children saw that the little Xu Shaoli was so beautifully carved that they wanted to play with him, but they were forced to retreat by his indifference.

Except that the second prince of the tiger’s head and the head of the brain ran behind him admiringly, and he got used to it gradually. No one really got any more eyes from him until the cat demon Achan appeared.

The old housekeeper is both worried and so relieved that his little master has paid too much attention to the monster and shows his love for it. At least the little master looks more vivid and popular, no longer like being separated from the whole world, he can never touch his mind.

Becoming a monk and praying for the monks to enter the temple is just a stopgap measure to reassure the Holy One. The old man and his wife are also worried that he is becoming a monk and he is becoming more and more indifferent.

The old housekeeper retreated with a complicated mind.

Shi Tan stayed in the study for a while again, seeming a little absent-minded.

Why didn’t Achan seduce him today?

On the other side, A Chan experienced many days of temptations, but he was frustrated and planned to give himself a day off.


The warm wind blew out the flowers on the peach trees in the Beyond Garden, and the branches and leaves were stripped, and the green peach fruit gradually grew.

The blink of an eye was almost Qixi.

A Chan’s wardrobe has been replaced with a large one, and it is still full of stuff; the makeup case has also been filled with several pieces, and the jewelry cannot be worn.

She cried and hugged Shi Tan from the back, holding the office in front of the book case, “Shi Tan ~ I don’t have any clothes to wear bang bang …”

Shi Tan’s eyes were frustrated with helplessness, “Buy.”

“It’s so nice to explain to you ~” She squeezed next to him and sat down like a fish into his arms. “I heard that the Tanabata lantern will be very busy this time, so you will take me to see it. . “

Shi Tan was unable to continue her work because she was hindered by it. She simply put aside her pen and reached out to hug her to make her lean more comfortably.

“I like you to be cute with you.”

Shi Tan touched her head.

A Chan pulled his hand down with dissatisfaction. “Did you treat me like a cat in your heart again?”


A Chan specially chose new clothes for the Tanabata Lantern Festival, and carefully matched the jewelry and makeup.

Before going out, he reluctantly put on a cat face mask, covering the upper half of his face.

It was still that she specifically told Shi Tan that she must buy something to eat at the lantern festival, and that she had to expose her mouth to eat easily, otherwise he would have wished to cover her entire face strictly.

But when she saw Shi Tan, she was happy.

In order to cooperate with her, Shi Tan also put on a mask. It was the fox mask she picked him that covered her entire face.

After all, the monk went to the Lantern Festival with the United States. After all, the housekeeper prepared a wig for Shi Tan. Putting on her wig and putting on her regular clothes, Shi Tan’s appearance of Ding Shijia’s son really surprised A Chan.

She looked around him a few times, “Wow … you look so pretty …”

A Chan grabbed his hand and pressed it against his chest. “I think my heartbeat is speeding up. Do you like it?”

Shi Tan felt the soft touch of the palm, knowing that she was intentional, but still could not help but tighten her throat.

He drew back his hand, “You’re called seeing it.”

Color / Cat.

Following Achan, he sneaked a wig on his chest.

For the first time, Shi Tan seriously considered whether to keep his hair and become a lay disciple?

They came out early, and the sky was not completely dark. At the beginning of the Huadeng, some street vendors are still preparing.

There are also many people like Shi Tan and A Chan who have come early, and there is already a lot of people coming and going on the street, and the noise is gradually rising.

“The excitement hasn’t started yet, take you to dinner first.”

“it is good.”

Shi Tan had already dispatched people to book the restaurant in the most prosperous area in advance. The windows face the street, and the view is wide, overlooking almost the entire street.

He has booked this whole night private room. After she was tired of shopping for a while, she could come back and sit down comfortably to watch the excitement.

When they finished their meal, there were already pedestrians on the street, and the gong was lively.

A Chan deliberately didn’t eat too much, and pulled Shi Tan downstairs happily.

A Chan had a bunch of sugar gourds in his left hand and a hot osmanthus cake wrapped in lotus leaves in his right hand. Shi Tan carried Achan’s gadgets in one hand and a glass of sugar cane juice in the other.

She looked around as she walked, without breaking the snack in her hand. Take a left mouth and a right mouth. When you are thirsty, you will drink the sugarcane juice in the bamboo tube with release hand.

Passing through a small stall with ferrules, A Chan glanced at the others, and even a bamboo circle in his hand was almost thrown away and could not catch anything.

She put both hands of snacks in Shi Tan’s hands, took out the change from his purse, and took a bamboo ring from the boss.

The boss saw that the guest was a petite and weak girl, and didn’t take it seriously, and laughed: “If the girl is not caught, I will give you a souvenir.”

As a result, A Chan raised her hand, and the bamboo circle went towards the last row accurately, and put it on the biggest miller.

The boss smiled stiffly, then smiled and took out the mill drink.

In the second circle of Achan, one of them wore red rope anklets with small silver bells; the third time she wore a small porcelain doll …

The audience was applauded again and again, but the boss was crying, thinking about how the girl would refuse if she wanted another round.

Shi Tan gave the boss a piece of broken silver while others didn’t pay attention.

The boss froze for a moment and took it over, secretly lamenting that Lang Jun really hurts the lady. Although there are many things in the stall, but they are not valuable things, a piece of broken silver is enough to buy.

There are too many things in Achan’s set, so I simply went to the stall next to it and bought a bamboo basket and put everything in it to let Shi Tan carry it.

Shi Tan was wearing a Jinyi Chinese suit, silently carrying a rustic bamboo basket, letting A Chanle smile at the back while patting him directly on the shoulder.

She also joked: “Or next time I change the cat to go out with you, you will put me in a bamboo basket and carry it hahahaha …”

There are still juggling in front, surrounded by three layers of people inside and outside, A Chan is short and can not see the inside.

She jumped on tiptoe a few times, and felt her waist tight, and Shi Tan lifted her up to hug her up and let Achan sit in his arms.

She hugged Shi Zhan’s neck in one hand and watched the show predominantly, waving the candied fruit in one hand and applauded with other onlookers.

After watching enough juggling, A Chan directed Shi Tan to hug her out of the crowd.

Shi Tan just put her down and came face to face with a family of three. The youngest son was riding on his father’s neck. He was holding a small windmill that hovered and twirled in the wind and was laughing happily.

A Chan immediately turned to look at Shi Tan.

“I want that too!”

It doesn’t matter if Shi Tan, squat down / down to let her ride up, easily carry her up and continue to walk forward.

Achan suddenly became the tallest cub on this street. She happily accepted the line of sight cast around her, and swayed her legs, patting Shi Tan’s wig and shouting “Drive! Drive! ~”

All kinds of palace lanterns at the lantern festival shone the market like daylight. A Chan also raised one in his hand.

After leaving the market, I came to the bank of the Yangliu River. Although the lights were not bright, there were still many tourists.

In addition to the colorful boats on the river, there are many men, women, and women on the banks and bridges.

“Let’s put the river lights on too.”

Shi Tan still had no objection, and bought a pair of river lanterns.

A Chan studied a pair of lovers beside him, and wrote the names of himself and Shi Tan on the river lamp, and also instructed Shi Tan to help himself write a love poem.

Shi Tan coaxed her to be happy, thought about it, and put the river lantern on the river with her.

The two river lights wobbled and drifted away with the current. Numerous river lights converged, and the stars sprinkled on the river, like the stars reflecting the night sky.

This is the time for fireworks. With the first fireworks exploding, the girls whispered excitedly on the bank of the river, pointing at the fireworks and twitter in the night sky.

“It looks good,” A Chan said.

The sound of fireworks and the noise of tourists made Shi Tan lower his head to come closer and listen to her.

Seeing him lower his head, A Chan suddenly said, “You said you want to wait for me to learn to like you, then do you want to teach me?”

The fox mask covered Shi Tan’s expression, only to show her eyes quietly looking at her.

A Chan blinked and suddenly said, “You haven’t given me a Chinese Valentine’s Day gift yet.”

“what do you want?”

“You kiss me.”

Another firework rose into the air and exploded, slowly falling, illuminating the dimly lit riverbank for a moment.

The fox mask on Shi Tan’s face disappeared for a moment, and his eyes could not see the emotion.

He slowly raised his hand and lifted the mask. His face was very gentle under the fireworks.

Perhaps it was at this time that Shi Tan was so beautiful. A Chan felt that she couldn’t look away, as if all the hustle and bustle had gone away, leaving only the fireworks in the sky behind Shi Tan, and a soft kiss that he leaned over and fell.

Apparently very short, A Chan felt that every sense of breath was magnified indefinitely, as if a brilliant firework was in her heart.

Shi Tan straightened up and put on his mask. His look was hidden behind the mask again.

On a beautiful boat with palace lanterns on the river, a young girl stood on the side of the boat and stared at the embankment.

“Princess, the night breeze is on, beware of the cold.” The maid asked her curiously when she saw that she was still watching, “Princess, what are you looking at?”

On the river bank, fireworks fell and dimmed again. She wanted to see his face clearly, but she couldn’t.

“It’s okay, you read it wrong.” The figure and side profile seen at that moment were a bit similar, but the man was obviously hair-blowing, and it should not be him.

Shi Tan clears his heart, and how can he take a woman to the lantern festival and kiss her?

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