Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 12 - Lure Monk 11

The carriage departed in the morning and took a break in the middle before arriving at Xitang County in the evening.

At the beginning, A Chan still raised the window curtain in the carriage with great interest to see the scenery along the way. It didn’t take long to get bored. The whole cat was rolling on the legs.

She was very proficient at releasing cats, and she scratched A Chan comfortably three or two times, and bought her along the way many rare snacks at the foot of Jinling Mountain, which just coaxed her.

Although the rusher had already seen his owner in the Beyond House who had become accustomed to being a cat owner, this trip once again refreshed his understanding of the owner’s cat pet.

The carriage finally stopped in front of a more spacious house in Xitang County, with the word “Li Mansion” hanging at the door.

The servant of Li House had long known that the monks of Jinling Temple were coming, and hurriedly greeted them in. He hurriedly notified the master. During the period, he couldn’t help but looked at the cat in the arms of the monk. Even though the servant thought that the monk was a little strange with a cat, he dared not ask.

It didn’t take long for the hostess of Li House to appear, but the hostess did not see the hostess coming out to treat guests. The other two temporarily lived in Li Mansion. The monk who was in charge of catching the monster also quickly came to the hall.

“Brother Shitan.” The two monks stepped forward to greet and briefly explained the situation.

“The victim was Li Gongzi, who was recently victimized. Fortunately, it was found in time. Not like the previous ones, his body was completely depleted, so he could recover after a while.

This is Mrs. Li’s wife. “

Mrs. Li’s eyes had some subtle light lines, but she was still a beautiful woman, but she was anxious because of her husband’s anxiety. She performed a ceremony dignifiedly, “The monk was tired all the way. I have ordered the next person to prepare dinner. Let the monk use the meal first, let’s elaborate while eating.”

“Lady tells me to release the epiphany.”

Mrs. Li nodded slightly and led the way sideways. “Master Master Tan, please.”

A Chan ate a lot in the car and was not hungry, so she lay on the legs of Shi Tan and listened to them with their ears.

Shi Tan listened most of the time, asking a few occasionally.

“This is roughly the case. The monster is cunning and sensitive. Brother Shitan, do you think there is a way?”

“Li Gongzi is the person who has been in contact with the most goblins recently. There may be a little bit of enchantment on her body. Will it be convenient for me to check it later?”

“Convenient, convenient.” Mrs. Li said slightly anxiously, “Can Master Shi Tan see if I can save my husband? By looking at many doctors and taking a lot of medicine, he is still very weak. Two A master who read it and said that it is destined to damage Yangshou, there is no way to keep it so slowly … But the child is still young, what if the father is lost … How can I a woman, a woman, with such a big family Get up … “She said that her emotions gradually became out of control, and later she couldn’t help herself to cry.

Shi Tan interrupted: “Take me over and see.”

Mrs. Li wiped her tears and took a deep breath to calm down her emotions. “Okay, I’m sorry to trouble you.”

Several people came to the master bedroom, Mrs. Li waved back, and gently opened the door. “Mage please.”

The interior is smoked with a touch of sandalwood, and the furnishings look quite rich. But calligraphy and paintings, antique vases, gilt ornaments, ladies screens and so on are all in different styles, but they are all placed in the bedroom. It can be seen that the host wants to pursue luxury and elegance.

And the owner of the house was lying on the bed dyingly. His face was sallow, his eyes closed tightly, and there was a slight sweat on his forehead.

A Chan looked at it from Shi Tan’s arms. In fact, Li Gongzi looked pretty handsome, but he faced Shi Tan’s face all the time. In contrast, A Chan felt that this Li Gongzi looked just plain.

He was so sick that he couldn’t see it anymore. With only one glance, A Chan buried his head in Shizun’s arm in disgust.

“Master Shi Tan, look at my husband …”

Shi Tan walked to the bed and checked briefly, and he knew that the two brothers’ judgments were correct. “I’m lucky to have the opportunity to take care of myself slowly.”

The first few people who had been in contact with the monster for a long time were almost dried up, and basically could not live for a few days.

The meaning of Shi Tan’s words was obvious. Mrs. Li heard her words and couldn’t stop her from covering her face. She sobbed and her eyes were red with hate. “Mage must catch the monster and avenge my husband … I will be rewarded by the Li family!”

Li Gongzi heard the voice and slowly opened his eyes in confusion, and saw a few monks standing beside the bed. He moved his eyes anxiously to find his wife, and called weakly: “… Cui Niang?”

“Husband.” Mrs. Li sat down on the bed and comfortably covered his hand. “Master, rest assured, several mages will surely catch the monster that hurt you.”

But he didn’t want to, Li Gongzi’s gaze wandered a bit, and he tried to ask Shi Tan, the most powerful aura in the field, “I don’t know how the master seized the moon … what would happen to her after seizing the goblin?”

“Abolished the mana, returned to its original form, and brought it back to the Jinling Temple to make a decision.”

Mrs. Li felt her palms tight, her husband’s hands tight.

Li Gongzi whispered: “Will it, is there any misunderstanding?”

Mrs. Li’s face has gradually cooled down, “What’s wrong?”

“I think Yue’er … is the fairy, she is simple in nature, maybe she doesn’t know what she is doing is harmful to me … or I don’t know the harm is so great, but I can’t help it …”

A Chan rolled her eyes. She really didn’t see that this Li Gongzi, besides having been sucked away by half of her yang, what could make a banshee can’t help but look like she hadn’t released half of her beauty, and her soul and Shi Tan’s dazzling soul power Than, it was also overshadowed with disgrace.

“To this day, you still think about the goblin !!” Madam Li flicked his hand away with anger.

“Several mages have already said that the shameless goblin has harmed many people, so you still treat her as a pure fairy daughter!” Mrs. Li hated her husband for being caught by the goblin. , But still spoke for her, she wished to wake him by pointing at his nose.

Li Gongzi whispered, still unwilling to say something, Mrs. Li saw him like this, even more angry, clenched his teeth, scolded and asked: “I haven’t asked you yet, you have been on the books one after another. Where are the hundreds of silvers that I took away? “

Li Gongzi was dumbfounded, evading his eyes and speechless.

“That’s a half-year’s entry in our shop! You are covered in lard and you spend it on her!” Mrs. Li cried and threw him on him, but she didn’t dare to use too much force. However, Li Gongzi’s body was very weak, and he was still overwhelmed.

The two monks hurriedly stopped Mrs. Li, and Li Gongzi coughed weakly while covering his chest.

Shi Tan was impatient for a long time, and it was even more unpleasant to see Li Gongzi’s stupid and incomprehensible appearance. His speech was fast and his tone was indifferent. For the rest of his life, he will be weak and sick, and a minor illness in the eyes of others may kill you. Where else do you think there might be a misunderstanding? “

Li Gongzi was stunned and looked at Mrs. Li in disbelief to prove it.

Mrs. Li was originally afraid of stimulating Li Gongzi. She intended to wait for a while to recuperate, and then told him this matter slowly. But now her husband’s performance made her very chilly. For a while, she didn’t want to bother to hide, and nodded tiredly.

“No … how is it possible …” Li Gongzi turned hard to support his upper body with his elbows, praying to several monks, “Master, Master, you must have a way, right, you save me … Money is not a problem, you don’t Is it specializing in this kind of thing, there must be a way, right? “

Shi Tan was too lazy to care about him again, holding A Chan and turned to find clues in the room.

A monk said: “It’s not that we don’t help. If we get poisoned by poison, there is still a way to solve it, but too much yang loss damages our body … can only be brought up slowly.”

Ignoring the entanglement there, Shi Tan searched for a while, then suddenly walked to a corner, opened the embroidered carpet above, and buckled the floor tiles.

“Empty?” Seeing his movements, the two monks couldn’t care about Li Gongzi, who refused to accept reality’s begging, and walked over to see him.

Shi Tan pulled out his dagger to pry open the floor tiles, revealing a narrow hole.

Shi Tan used a tactic, and the remaining evil spirits gathered from the underground caves, and fell on his palm. His keen sense of demon spirit and control of the spell made the two monks sigh.

Shi Tanning watched for a moment, “No wonder you never catch it, the rabbit runs of course.”

“Is it a rabbit demon?”

“Well. There are still other tunnels dug out in the House of Cunning Rabbits.” Shi Tan gently shook his hand, waved the demon spirit in his palm, and turned his head to ask Li Gongzi, “Do you have any personal objects of the rabbit demon?” ? “

Li Gongzi cooperated very well this time, “There is one, in the third drawer of the cabinet, is a jade pen she gave me, I don’t know if it will work …”

Mrs. Li immediately took it out to Shi Tan. A glimpse of Yu Pei was also engraved with the words “This heart does not move”, and her face was a bit ugly.

Shi Tan took it and played twice, and the jade pendant in his hand slowly faded away the glory of the jade stone, and finally became a crumpled thing.

“this is……?”

“Dried radish.” Shi Tan twisted it and distinguished it. “Brabbit’s blindfold.”

Li Gongzi’s expression was a bit embarrassing.

The precious and important love token was a dried radish. A Chan felt very funny, so she snickered in the arms of Shi Tan.

Shi Tan was also funny looking at her, and raised her hand and pressed her head.

“Mr. Shi Tan, when you go to catch the demon, do you want me to let the people in the house take care of your loved cat …”

“No need.” Shi Tan opened his eyes and said nonsense, “This is my domesticated spirit cat that can help me catch the demon.”


Early the next morning, Shi Tan took Achan out to catch the rabbit demon.

The rabbit demon probably ran many times under the monk’s hands, and felt that there was no fear. Even if he knew that the monks were still hunting for her, he still didn’t leave Xitang County, and directly chose a target to start.

But it was Shi Tan who shot this time.

In order to avoid hurting innocent people, Shi Tan did not want to start in a crowded place. After discovering that the rabbit demon didn’t face her immediately, but like a cat and a mouse, she ran away with her and ran away behind her. The further away, the more slippery.

Finally, after the rabbit demon ran into the unmanned mountain forest, Shi Tan finally stopped her.

The rabbit demon was hit hard by the spell and fell to the ground in awkwardness.

Along the way, Shi Tan drove the rabbit demon to run in one direction. Whenever she missed, he released the spell and hit it, forcing her to escape in the direction he designed.

So at this time, in addition to the last wound, there are scattered wounds on the rabbit demon. The wounds and blood stains against a white dress made her look even more miserable.

The rabbit demon concealed the fear and annoyance in his eyes, and raised his head pitifully, trying to use his own means to seduce other men to finally fight.

This rabbit demon does not look so beautiful, at best it is beautiful, in A Chan’s eyes, it is a very tasteless look.

But her slightly reddish eyes seemed to cry or not to cry; a bit of cherry lips and gnawed teeth biting, it seemed innocent enough, but still mixed with some kind of shameless and lethargic mood, no wonder so many men planted On her.

A Chan snorted. Shi Tan Chengtian was immobile with her old monk who was beautiful and beautiful in her prosperous age, she didn’t believe that he could still think about this little girl.

The rabbit demon looked up at Shi Tan timidly and tried to show his most attractive posture. But under serious injuries and tension, he was careless and failed to stabilize the human form.

With a bang, two long, fluffy rabbits emerged from the black hair above his head.

The author has something to say: A Chan :! ! ! There is hostility!

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