Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts

Chapter 67: Bewitched

Felix tried to project a scenario from fifty years ago -

A bright, cautious, ambitious young wizard, who stumbled upon Slytherin lore after entering Hogwarts, would have been clever enough to discover that the two shared the same magical gift, the Parseltongue, which pretty much meant there would be a de facto bloodline relationship between the two.

He must have been thrilled to have the same blood flowing through his veins as the noble Slytherin.

No doubt he will try to find the Chamber of Secrets left by his ancestors, which may take years, but with his wisdom and perhaps with the help of some snakes ... In short, he succeeded.

As a descendant of Slytherin, he became the new master of the Basilisk.

He rightfully inherited everything there. For example, a deeper hidden room filled with all sorts of forbidden Slytherin knowledge.

Slytherin especially good at bloodline research, but also hold a number of powerful ancient magic. The key thing is that in those days, dark magic was on the rise, and Slytherin never shied away from studying and using that dark magic ...

The young wizard received the gift of his ancestors, and he secretly digested it all, growing deeper and deeper in the field of magic, and his ambition swelled. Until after being rejected by Dumbledore, he formed an army of Death Eaters and became the dark lord, the talk of the town.


'Can all this be true? Maybe it's just my speculation?' Felix's gaze seemed to penetrate through time and saw the rise of the second generation Dark Lord.

He stared motionlessly at the diary, like a quiet painting in the quiet night.

Who wouldn't want the research material of a legendary wizard who had passed through the Grandmaster class?

''The mere possibility is worth trying.''

''I'm afraid that Voldemort took them away or destroyed them, then it would be bad.''

Felix already had a plan in mind.

'The first step of the goal is to start an exchange, but the Horcruxes surprisingly playing dead ...'

After some thought, Felix quickly constructed a small section of memories and emotions in his mind.

In the new memory, he is still a genius wizard who has achieved outstanding success at a young age, but the difference is that he is extremely conceited and arrogant, and has no doubt that he can control this mysterious diary ...

'The art of lying is nine truths and one lie, I just need to make him misjudge my character and make him think I can be useful to him.' Felix thought to himself.

He opened the diary, picked up a quill dripping with ink, and wrote an impassioned line on it.

"Evil dark magic artefacts, reveal your secrets, or I will destroy you completely!"

After a moment of mental speculation, the mood fell in line, but the message revealed was not appealing enough, so he added another paragraph imitating Lockhart's tone -

"I, Felix Hap, the best graduate of Hogwarts in a hundred years, published three books related to magic and kept in correspondence with hundreds of famous wizards - but I don't hang on that, I didn't get Dumbledore's offer of employment on the basis of my strong connections. "

He stopped his pen for a second, two seconds ...

An extremely subtle regal powerful thoughts swept through, this consciousness did not force through his memory, recklessly read the false information inside, but simply wandered around the periphery, capturing his emotions.

This is something that impressed Felix.

This is what many masters of the Legilimency do, they rarely enter someone's mind crudely to check their memories, rather they perceive the other person's emotions at the moment, supplemented it with their own rich experience so that they can unknowingly get the information they want.

Under Felix's watchful eye, the ink on the diary is absorbed into it.

He waited patiently, and sure enough, a line of text emerged from the diary.

"Hello, Felix Hap."

The line lingered for a few seconds and quickly disappeared, and a new line of writing appeared -

"I am not some dark magic artefact, that little wizard misunderstood me, someone else actually opened the Chamber of Secrets."

Felix hooked the corners of his mouth as he simply wrote, "Who is it?"

"I can show you."

A dazzling white light poured out of the diary, and Felix felt his body being pulled as if he was going to fall in the next second.

He quickly closed the diary.


After a few seconds of pause, he opened the diary again.

The soul in the diary froze a little, and he slowly typed a question mark.

Felix wrote on it: "Don't think I'm one of those unreliable little wizards, I'm a genius Slytherin and won't fall for your tricks easily!"

There's a full pause of more than ten seconds before another line of text appeared on the diary.

"You are indeed cautious enough, Felix Hap, but I am really not a dark magic artefact, I graduated from Slytherin like you, and in a way, I am your senior. Fifty years ago, I was the one who caught the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets."

Felix smiled with satisfaction, this is exactly the impression he wanted to give the Horcrux, an arrogant and self-absorbed, but at the same time shrewd Slytherin image at the same time.

So, don't try to fool him with some cheap stuff.

Next, the diary took nearly half an hour, painstakingly writing thousands of words to make clear the events of fifty years ago.

Seeing the handwriting on the diary getting lighter and lighter, Felix thoughtfully put a few drops of ink.

"The murderer who opened the Chamber of Secrets was Rubeus Hagrid." Finally, the diary concluded.

"And how do you explain taking control of the little wizard in the school?" Felix asked a sharp question.

A large paragraph quickly emerged from the pages of the diary.

"The Chamber of Secrets was reopened ..."

" Rubeus Hagrid was not imprisoned in Azkaban, he remained at the school as a forbidden forest guard. The danger never went away, and as I expected, this year something finally went wrong. I tried to give a warning, but the little wizard named Draco Malfoy wasn't interested in it; instead, he was more interested in watching the fun. I had to control him to try and find out what Hagrid had been doing to commit the crime."

The diary wrote in an emotionally filled tone, "Even though I am only a memory, the determination to safeguard Hogwarts has not changed. I am still a member of Hogwarts and have an obligation to stop this from happening."

Felix wrote in his diary, "Is everything you said true?"

"Of course, I was raised in a Muggle orphanage, unlike those pureblood families whose arrogance is practically soaked to the bone. You can check out the prize showroom at Hogwarts, there should still be my trophy there."

"Sounds like it's true." Felix wrote, but under the occulamency, he couldn't help but a curse, you have scanned me seventeen times, really believe I won't notice it?

"Because all this originally is genuine, you can investigate as much as you can, but time is short, the next attack could happen at any time. My suggestion is to write to the Ministry of Magic in secret and ask them to take Rubeus Hagrid away temporarily."

"You want me to snitch?" Felix wrote "angrily".

"No, it's just a test. Believe me, if you take him away, the attack will stop immediately." A seductive line appeared in the diary, "When this is over, you will come forward and enjoy the honour you deserve, I think, a medal of the Order of Merlin - in the name of the brave man who ended the attack of the Chamber of Secrets!"

"But please also keep me a secret for the time being; there is someone at the school who shelters Hagrid, and if he were to discover my presence, he would not hesitate to use me as a scapegoat. This is my only request until everything comes to light, you can do whatever you want."

Felix paused for a moment and wrote on it, "I'll think about it."

He then took out an exquisite box from the suitcase in the corner of the office and put the diary inside.

A complex rune pattern flickered away.

After completely isolating the diary from the outside world, Felix looked back on the exchange of words he had just had in the silent office and sincerely exclaimed with admiration -

"Spoken as if it were true."

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