Hanyu: I Really Have Superpowers

Chapter 404

Chapter 404 The Big Spending Li Zhian!

This time, Li Zhongxun, Li’s father and Li’s mother, really feel distressed…

Mother Li hurriedly said: “Zhian, if you want necklaces and bracelets, buy them when you return to South Korea. Don’t buy them here. The things here are too expensive. Necklaces and bracelets must be terrifyingly expensive.”

Father Li also had a similar idea.

Li Zhian snorted and ignored him. Li Zhongxun was dissatisfied, but he did not continue talking.

Kong Xinya couldn’t help but say: “Zhian, don’t go in, you are still very young, it’s not time to buy expensive jewelry.”

Li Zhian immediately interrupted: “Mom, Oppa said so, let’s go in and have a look.

On the other hand, Li Zhongxun couldn’t help complaining, “Sister, this suit and leather shoes are too expensive!”

Li Zhian: “Let’s go take a look first, if there is something I like and the price is not too expensive, then I will buy it, otherwise I will not buy it.

603 saw Li Zhian constantly busy paying by card, Zheng Xing laughed.

Although dissatisfied, Li’s father and Li’s mother couldn’t stop it. They hurriedly followed into the jewelry store, thinking that they must be very careful, and that Li Zhian should not be allowed to buy too expensive jewelry, which would be too “wasteful” of money.

Although Li Zhian can afford one or two pieces of expensive jewelry with his current financial resources, Kong Xinya would feel distressed if Li Zhian bought it today.

Today’s situation is really special. She is playing in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, USA. Li Zhian is accompanied by Zheng Xing and her family, which makes her in a good mood.

Many women like to be extravagant when shopping, even Li Zhian, this is the same.

When he said this, Li Zhian looked at Zheng Xing.

But Li Zhian also knew that Zheng Xing would probably not agree at the moment. When she was shopping lavishly, Zheng Xing told her.

In Kong Xinya’s heart, Li Zhian is not only an artist she brokers, but also her sister. Out of emotional care, Kong Xinya really doesn’t want Li Zhian to buy jewelry on Rodeo Avenue today.

Kong Xinya is generally convinced by Zheng Xing’s words, and she also thinks what Zheng Xing said at this time makes sense.

Although there are her parents and her agent, she cares about Zheng Xing’s attitude. If Zheng Xing agrees, she will be satisfied and happy. If Zheng Xing disagrees, she will quit.

It was still Rodeo Drive, when Li Zhicong wanted to walk into a famous jewelry store.

Zheng Xing has long known that Li Zhian likes to be extravagant when shopping, but there are only a handful of opportunities to meet them. Even though the two have known each other for more than a year and have been very close, there is almost no such thing as shopping together.

Rao is that Li’s father and Li’s mother have a good impression of Zheng Xing. At this time, he is still dissatisfied with Zheng Xing when he hears these words.

Li Zhian said calmly: “Yes, I want to buy myself a necklace or bracelet.

In just an hour just now, Li Zhian had already spent hundreds of thousands of RMB. Mother Li also saw how expensive the brand-name items on Rodeo Avenue were, but she didn’t want Li Zhian to buy necklaces or bracelets here.

“And you are already 20 years old. When you are interested in precious jewelry, you are a big star, and it is time to own one or two precious jewelry.”

As a result, Zheng Xing actually agreed this time: “Since you want to go in and have a look, let’s take a look, the opportunity is rare, and there is no jewelry store of this level in South Korea.

Although Li Zhian spent a lot of money at once, already hundreds of thousands of RMB, Zheng Xing did not feel disgusted.

Next, Li Zhian bought a few things for himself at the high-end brand-name store on Rodeo Avenue, not forgetting to buy things for Li’s father, Li’s mother, Li Zhongxun, and also for Kong Xinya and Qiu Xiuya.

And Zheng Xing also knows that Li Zhian is not always like this. Her status as a star and her busy schedule determine that she will not go shopping often, and she will not spend so much money on shopping at ordinary times…

Today, Zheng Xing accompanied Li Zhian to go shopping, and when he saw this girl’s lavishness, he felt funny. The funny here is not a derogatory term, but a compliment, which means funny.

Because Li Zhian is indeed a little rich woman with a strong ability to make money, hundreds of thousands of RMB is not a big amount for her.

However, South Koreans are generally stingy and generally give gifts of small value. Even rich people, even if they are close relatives, rarely give gifts of 13 million won at once.

After speaking, Li Zhian took Zheng Xing and walked into the jewelry store first.

However, Li Zhian’s stubbornness and rebelliousness appeared again at this time: “I really want to go in and have a look, I promise, I won’t buy too expensive jewelry!

A necklace of more than 30,000 yuan is considered good for ordinary people, but it is not enough for a big star like Li Zhian.

This brand-name jewelry store is gorgeous and has a very unique architectural style. Walking in the door to see it, you will have a pleasing feeling.


Zheng Xing couldn’t help but say, “Don’t you still want to buy jewelry?”

Mother Li: “Don’t read it. I don’t know you yet. After you go in and read it, you will definitely want to buy it.”

Although she was jealous and distressed, Li’s father and Li’s mother didn’t say anything at the moment, knowing that speaking out would not only embarrass herself in front of Zheng Xing, but also embarrass Li Zhian.

Ask for flower evaluation monthly ticket to urge more reward.

Kong Xinya is not dissatisfied with Zheng Xing, her relationship with Zheng Xing is not as close as Qiu Xiuya’s relationship with Zheng Xing, but she is similar to Qiu Xiuya, admires Zheng Xing very much, and even has a mentality of worship.

Mother Li said embarrassedly: “Mr. Zheng Xing, this is not good…”

She is indeed willing to compromise with Zheng Xing in this matter, and is willing to give up her stubbornness and rebelliousness sometimes for Zheng Xing!

Even if Li Zhi spends the money she earns, Mother Li, as her mother, will still feel distressed when she sees it with her own eyes.

Kong Xinya also knows that with Li Zhicong’s character, since she now has the idea of ​​buying a necklace or bracelet, once she walks into this famous jewelry store, she will most likely buy it!

Both Li’s parents and Li’s mother believed that what Zheng Xing said was justified, but it made sense. They really didn’t want Li Zhian to spend too much money on expensive jewelry in this famous jewelry store.

All I bought were clothes and shoes, and the prices were all expensive, but these things only added up to more than 50,000 yuan. Although more than 50,000 yuan was a lot, compared to the 80,000 yuan I bought for Zheng Xing at once, it was not much. .

80,000 yuan is indeed a lot. According to the current exchange rate, it is 13 million won. With this amount of money, you can buy a decent Hyundai car in South Korea.

Zheng Xing’s words came from the sincerity. He knew that although Li Zhicong had some jewelry, he didn’t have any expensive ones. The most expensive one was a necklace, which was only more than 30,000 RMB.

This necklace was given by an advertiser when Li Zhian participated in an endorsement event.

Depressed heart appeared on Mother Li’s face, and she thought dissatisfiedly in her heart: Hmph, it’s really not a good girl, you haven’t fallen in love with him yet, and I’m your mother, now you just listen to him and not me words?

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