Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Law Enforcement Hall

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Although I don’t like hitting women, you’ll be the exception!” Ling Xiao edged closer to Liu Yiyi step by step, looking extremely indifferent.

“You… go to hell!”

A sharp dagger appeared in Liu Yiyi’s hand, and she threw herself at Ling Xiao, stabbing it fiercely toward his chest.

Liu Yiyi also had a first tier True Qi Boundary cultivation, but at this moment, in the face of Ling Xiao, her heart was filled with fear.


Ling Xiao adopted the same method by stepping sideways. As Liu Yiyi’s dagger struck thin air, Ling Xiao returned it with a slap on her face.

Instantly, Liu Yiyi’s delicate pretty face swelled and blood was spewed from her mouth. She squealed the moment she was crudely slammed onto the ground.

“Yiyi, let’s attack together and kill him!”

Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi were driven to the edges of their sanity. Their eyes were full of resentment as they stared fiercely at Ling Xiao. This kind of humiliation made them want to go crazy.

At this moment, they knew that they could only rid themselves of this humiliation by ending Ling Xiao’s life.

Swish swish swish!

Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi both slashed their swords towards Ling Xiao. Although the light from their swords shrouded the entire scene, they just could not touch Ling Xiao’s clothes at all. Their attacks were all blank strikes.

Snap snap!

Two slaps were thrown out again. Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi’s faces became more swollen. Not only did more fresh blood spew out of their mouths, but their hairs were a mess. They looked extremely miserable.

The most satisfying thing was not to defeat your enemies, but to humiliate them, hit them, disgrace them, and let their hearts be overshadowed by you forever.

After giving Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi a good beating, Ling Xiao felt that the hatred and resentment deep within his body had completely dissipated, and his soul had finally become one with the body. It was now perfectly integrated and flawless.


Just when Ling Xiao was violently hitting Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi, a cold voice was heard. From the distance came a dozen disciples of Longevity Sect in black.

Each of them had a strong life force and had an ice-cold expression, as their whole bodies emanated with powerful True Qi waves. They were strong masters of the True Qi Boundary.

They were led by a handsome young man with a slender figure, who had an ancient sword strapped to his back. Coldness glimmered from his eyes as he saw Ling Xiao beating Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi.

“Ling Xiao, you’ve beaten your fellow senior brothers and sisters viciously and ruthlessly. In accordance with the sect commandments, your cultivation should be abolished, and you are to be expelled from the sect!”

The handsome young man who yelled at Ling Xiao was Chen Feng, a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall.

All the other Longevity Sect disciples who were surrounding the scene had a fearful look in their eyes when they saw the people from the Law Enforcement Hall.

The disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall held a nightmarish existence in their hearts. Whoever fell into the hands of the Law Enforcement Hall would have an ill fate if not death. Hence, they looked towards Ling Xiao sympathetically.

This time, Ling Xiao was surely finished.


Along with the crisp sound, Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi were slapped again by Ling Xiao before they were sent flying to the ground in front of Chen Feng.

At this moment, the two of them were unrecognizable anymore. Their heads were swollen like pigs’ heads, their hairs scattered, their teeth all broken, and they were coughing up blood from their mouths. They looked extremely awful.

“Who do you think you are?”

Ling Xiao gave Chen Feng a side glance and said very casually, “Presumptuous!”

The other Law Enforcement Hall disciples responded with a loud jeer, and Chen Feng’s eyes darkened too. He felt like his authority had been challenged.

“Senior… Brother Chen… kill him… kill him. He has blasphemed… the matriarch’s statue!” Ling Kun pointed at Ling Xiao with a hateful expression as he mouthed those words indistinctly.

“I’m Chen Feng, a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall. You have blasphemed matriarch’s statue, so bear the consequences!” Chen Feng said coldly, exuding a powerful life force that gushed towards Ling Xiao.

In his view, Ling Xiao was only at fourth tier Pulse Unsealing Boundary, while he was already at sixth tier True Qi Boundary. Although he had no idea what method Ling Xiao used to beat Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi so badly, Chen Feng had faith that he could subdue this Ling Xiao.

“Bear the consequences? What are you? The two of them joined forces and plotted to kill me. All I did was fought back to defend myself, yet you decide to lay punishment on me without even finding out whose fault it is? No wonder the Longevity Sect is declining. With people like you guys who can’t even tell right from wrong, people who only know how to view things from a single perspective, how will Longevity Sect ever rise again? I think this so-called Law Enforcement Hall is better off abolished! ” Ling Xiao sneered while he stared directly at Chen Feng. The life force that came from Chen Feng did not affect him in any way.

“Ling Xiao is dead, he even dares to scold the Law Enforcement Hall. Chen Feng will certainly not let him go this time! I don’t know how Ling Xiao suddenly became so powerful to the point where he can beat Ling Kun and Liu Yiyi up, but Chen Feng is not like them. He can’t be compared to those two weaklings!”

“Yes, who knew that Ling Xiao would even dare to blaspheme the matriarch’s statue? The Law Enforcement Hall has even more reason to kill him now!” some of the disciples said pitifully.

“Very well! In that case, I’ll remove you on behalf of the sect!”

Chen Feng smiled angrily as he unsheathed the ancient sword behind him. The sword emitted a fiery blue light, in which its spiritual aura was compelling.

“This is… the spirit tool Green Crest sword? It’s over. No matter how great Ling Xiao’s Longevity Footwork is, he’ll most definitely die now!”

Many disciples were startled upon seeing the Green Crest Sword in Chen Feng’s hands, with slight envy expressed on their faces.

“Infinite Sea Sword Seal!” Chen Feng let out a low-toned cry. The True Qi of his whole body started to billow in waves, and with a tap of his foot, he propelled his whole body into the air. He angled his sword towards Ling Xiao and swung it downwards at him.

The Infinite Sea Sword Seal was an Onyx level inferior martial arts. It was named after the sea’s immense amount of sword intent. With one stroke, the sword light was so overwhelming that it was like torrents, blotting up the sky and gushing through the earth, leaving people with nowhere to scramble for safety.

Chen Feng had noticed the strangeness in Ling Xiao’s Longevity Footwork too, so he resorted to the Infinite Sea Sword Seal.


The sky above them flickered with sword light, which then turned into countless afterimages. The True Qi burst out ferociously, encompassing Ling Xiao and his surroundings wholly.

“Infinite Sea Sword Seal eh? Unfortunately, you haven’t mastered it!”

Ling Xiao lifted his head. His eyes revealed a kind of vicissitude, and a majestic aura began to emanate from his whole body.

It looked like Ling Xiao was about to be devoured by the overwhelming sword light, but at that precise moment, Ling Xiao lightly tapped on his feet. With that, he leaped into the air and then pointed his finger towards somewhere in the sky.

That somewhere was the vulnerable spot of Infinite Sea Sword Seal. Its flaw was glaring.


In an instant, the sword light which covered the entire sky dissipated until it was gone without a trace. It turned out that Ling Xiao’s finger had directly struck the Green Crest Sword, and the sword was flung off Chen Feng’s hands. There was a bewildered expression on Chen Feng’s face as Ling Xiao landed a mighty punch on his face.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One punch from the left, and another from the right; Ling Xiao hit Chen Feng’s body with lightning speed, and every hit was accompanied by a strong force. He directly disarmed Chen Feng’s True Qi nodes, leaving him without any room for resistance at all.

After a while, Chen Feng was beaten like a pig’s head.

“Oh my gosh, is this really the Longevity Punch? When did Longevity Punch become so powerful, that even the Infinite Sea Sword Seal is not its match?”

“Is it possible that the huge trash Ling Xiao was only pretending all this while? Even Senior Brother Chen Feng, who possess sixth tier True Qi Boundary, is not his opponent. How devilish is this kid?”

The crowd of disciples all looked incredibly shocked.

They had originally thought that Ling Xiao’s death was inevitable, but who would have expected such a twist?

After experiencing a moment of shock, the numerous disciples of Law Enforcement Hall started to recover to their senses. Extreme anger and hatred could now be seen glinting in their eyes.

“Brothers, let’s attack together and kill this little beast!” More than a dozen disciples of Law Enforcement Hall rushed towards Ling Xiao.

“This one guy is already trash for me, now comes another whole group of trash!”

Ling Xiao smiled coldly. He took a step before he exhibited both Longevity Footwork and Longevity Punch. His movements and strikes were as elegant as clouds and flowing water; there was just a different kind of beauty to it. Before long, the group of Law Enforcement Hall disciples was also beaten like pig heads.

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