Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 41.1

In the future, the matter of a chicken may be passed lightly, even if the evidence was conclusive because the price of a chicken is not high; however, as it happened in the current era when stealing even a needle required strict sentencing, a chicken was enough for someone to stay in prison for several years.

When Old Lady Lin became confused, the three officers frowned and directly explained about the crime of false accusation.

“It’s not a false accusation. Why haven’t I heard of this before? Are you trying to fool me with this little bastard?”

“The crime of false accusation was released together with the anti-crime task recently. If you don’t believe us, you can confront us back at the public security office.”

Once she heard about going back to the public security office, Old Lady Lin directly took a big step back, with a full face of trepidation. “I’m not going. I didn’t falsely accuse Lin Shiheng of forcing me to give those three chickens. He really forced me!”

One of the officer’s veins twitched on his forehead. “With so many witnesses, the matter has essentially been decided. If you admit to it earlier, you can be given a lighter punishment on account of your old age, but if you persist in not admitting and cause more losses to our public security office, the sentence will become heavier.”

Old Lady Lin’s mind had been distracted for a while. “How can you guys be like this? I’m not the one who broke the law, I’m not the one who stole. Lin Shiheng is a ruffian, everyone in the village knows that. He also stole money, a large sum of money! Even if he didn’t force me to give him my chickens, he still isn’t anything good.”

As she spoke, her eyes suddenly turned to Widow Zhang, “Didn’t you say you saw it?”

“You tell them. Tell them that Lin Shiheng stole money, didn’t you say he had a lot of money?”

Widow Zhang had long felt something was wrong when the villagers came out to defend Lin Shiheng. Now, with a pale face, she was thinking of ways to get herself off the hook.

The moment she heard Old Lady Lin’s words, she felt her vision turned black, wishing she could slap her in the face so that she would just shut up and not speak again.

It only took a few words from those guys and she just went and admitted it.

Whether Old Lady Lin admitted she falsely accused, Widow Zhang didn’t care. But she did care about how she would go to prison. She was now at the age where she should be enjoying happiness in old age, how could she be sentenced just like this?!

Originally, as long as Lin Shiheng was proved to be a thief, she would not be considered falsely accusing someone. She just didn’t expect Old Lady Lin to be so disappointing. It was just a few words from other people. If she would just bite the bullet and don’t admit it, then wouldn’t it be done already? But she just had to shift the topic back onto her own head.

Watching as everyone’s eyes fell on her at the same time, Widow Zhang turned pale and faltered out a few words, but still didn’t manage to say anything after a long while.

Things have become like this, the three officers were also full of anger. Now that the country has launched an anti-crime operation, the public security office was already short of manpower, but to ensure the safety of the personnel, they still insist on dispatching in groups of three. This was why they barely had any time left to rest. For example, today, if Widow Zhang hadn’t dragged Old Lady Lin out, they would even have to spend a night in this unfamiliar countryside.

It would be fine if it was really for some criminals, but it just so happens, the person of interest was not guilty of anything. It was just two people making false reports for personal grudges.

To dislike someone to the point of trying to send him to death…

Just because of their evil thoughts, the three of them meandered all the way to the village and had to stay for such a long time.

The three public security officers looked at each other. “Since the old lady admitted that she made false accusations, she will be taken back to the public security station by our colleague first. As to how to she will be sentenced, that will have to wait until the procedures are completed by the superiors.”

“As for this lady, we will ask a colleague to go to the city and ask the bakery owner about the source of Mr. Lin’s money. Whether it was a false accusation, our colleague will come back tomorrow morning to clarify.”

“Tonight, we’ll have to wrong you two and have you rest under our supervision for the time being.”

After saying this, they no longer paid attention to the incredulous Old Lady Lin and the pale-faced Widow Zhang, instead, discussed and decided to have one of them take the elderly Old Lady Lin back to the county and go to the city’s bakery to find out what was going on.

The three finished their division of labor and soon separated.


Lin Shiheng was very cooperative and followed one of the public security officers. Before leaving, he turned to look at the pale-faced Widow Zhang who kept asking if it would be all right if she just withdrew the accusation.

She was trembling the entire time, obviously very frightened.

“Wait a minute, Comrade.”

He smiled at the officer. “Can I go have a word with her? I want to ask her why she hates me so much.”

The public security understood and nodded. If he was falsely accused by his aunt’s mother-in-law, he would also like to figure out why.

The relationship was already so distant. Was it worth it?

Lin Shiheng carefreely walked to the front of Widow Zhang.

“I also want to call you Grandma. Usually, our two families don’t have many interactions, but they also didn’t have many quarrels. Yet you still hate me so much, so much that you want to send me to prison?! Although I haven’t been to prison, I’ve also heard of what kind of place it is! You have to work every day, eating three bland meals, and you may even be bullied by people who had been there longer. I’ve heard it’s a type of life that is worse than death!”

His tone was very angry as if he was questioning just why Widow Zhang wanted to send him to such a place. But right now as they were facing each other, Widow Zhang could clearly see the gloating in Lin Shiheng’s eyes.

He was not questioning her at all but mocking her.

Mocking that Widow Zhang will soon go to such a place.

“But I’ll have to disappoint you. I haven’t done anything. So of course, I wouldn’t be sent into prison, but you, I’m afraid, will have to go to jail for false accusations. In fact, it’s also good, just now, didn’t the public security comrades say that the lowest term was only three years? Maybe you’ll be lucky and will just get a three-year sentence then come out. I just hope that after you come out, next time, you won’t make this kind of mistake again.”

Speaking until the end, Lin Shiheng’s tone cooled down and he turned back. Walking to the side of the public security officer who was in charge of watching over him, “Comrade, I’m ready. Let’s go.”

The public security gave a sympathetic look at this person who was maliciously reported by his relatives and took him away.

At the original spot, only Widow Zhang still stood there blanked out, her head filled with what Lin Shiheng had just said.

A hellish place like that, she actually has to stay there for at least three years?

No, she can’t!

It absolutely cannot be like this!

Widow Zhang was so flustered that she could hardly stay standing. Her only thought, and hope, was that Lin Shiheng’s source couldn’t be verified.

She saw it herself, such a large sum of money, how could Lin Shiheng have earned it himself?

Deep down in her heart, she didn’t dare to think about what she would do if Lin Shiheng really had earned it himself…


This night was destined to be a long one for the villagers.

Many of them were tossing and turning, unable to sleep soundly, their minds still wondering whether or not Lin Shiheng had earned that money.

For the majority of the people who had changed their minds about Lin Shiheng, of course, they hope that he really did earn that money. But when they heard the amount, they felt that such a large sum of money was too exaggerated if it was really earned by selling watermelon juice and cakes as Lin Shiheng said.

When Mother Lin came back and heard about this incident, her legs went weak. Fortunately, she believed that her son would never do anything like stealing. She could only take care of the public security officer and her son all night with perturbed yet inexplicable confidence.

Because her son, who no one knew whether or not he would be sentenced, was still here, Mother Lin had no time to think about her mother-in-law’s arrest. And when the old Lin family came to find them, she just closed the doors and refused to see them.

This made the old Lin family, who was certain that Mother Lin, who had a soft and amiable character, would agree to help them intercede if they simply asked a little, begged a little, and cried a little, run right into a wall.

They shouted at the door for a while but didn’t get a response. So they could only shake their head and sigh, then head back home with a worried face.

In fact, even they, who came to plead for mercy, couldn’t understand how Old Lady Lin could do such a thing, slandering her own grandson.

When Old Lady Lin drove Mother Lin and Lin Shiheng out before, they had chosen to watch from the sidelines because it was actually beneficial for the rest of them. But now that Old Lady Lin has been arrested, what was affected was the reputation of the entire old Lin family.

Without saying anything else, just by walking outside right now, the glances from the entire village was already not quite right.

Originally, they thought of coming to plead with the soft-hearted Mother Lin, but even she, who was always the easiest to talk to, had suddenly changed her temperament.

As they walked along, they couldn’t help blaming each other.

From why they scolded Lin Shiheng with Old Lady Lin when she was distressed about the three chickens, all the way back to why they didn’t stop her when she wanted to kick out her recently widowed daughter-in-law and Lin Shiheng, who had just lost his father. How would they still live in the future like this?


Ke Jialing just came back as it was turning dark, originally she had planned to help out at her parents’ stall tomorrow and then meet her lover, but she didn’t expect that when she came back, she hears about this matter

In a moment of panic, she gripped her school bag, her slender fingertips straining to the point of whiteness, her face slightly paled, her voice a little shaky. “So, how is it now? Has he been taken away?”


Mother Ke was wiping the table when she heard this sentence. She only thought her daughter wanted to gossip. She replied, “Lin Shiheng? He hasn’t been arrested, he is currently being guarded by a public security officer at home until the public security officer who went to the city finds out what happened and comes back tomorrow. He will definitely be released if the money was from a proper source.”

“Then there’s that Widow Zhang. If Lin Shiheng really stole the money, she would definitely be released. But if he didn’t steal the money, she would probably be taken to prison. I heard that the sentence is at least three years. Why do you suppose she can’t just be nice? Why report Lin Shiheng ah? We are all from the same village, even if you see the money, can’t you just think well of people? She just had to say that someone was stealing. Even if it really was stolen…”

“He wouldn’t steal money.”

Ke Jialing tightly grabbed the bag in her hands, her crisp voice blurted out without even thinking after hearing this sentence.

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