Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 35.3

Yun Xiangyi was really happy all the time.

During her pregnancy, Lin Shiheng took good care of her. Even if he hired a nanny and a babysitter, he still studied about pregnancy very seriously.

Until the birth, Yun Xiangyi didn’t suffer much pain.

She gave birth to a pair of twins safely.

They were also a pair of brother and sister.

Lying on the bed, watching Lin Shiheng carefully touch the little finger, the corners of Yun Xiangyi’s lips rose.

“I will protect them.”


At the Full Moon Celebration, Zhao Xingguang gently teased the two little guys, his eyes full of tenderness.

(TNote: According to Chinese custom, when a baby turns one month old, a ceremony is held to celebrate her first full month of life [the Chinese term translates as “full moon” or “full month”]. The babies are formally introduced to the extended family and friends.)

These two children reminded him of himself and his sister.

He failed to protect her when she was a child.

But he can protect her two children.

“No, I’ll do it by myself.”

Lin Shiheng squeezed into the best position for watching the babies, with a silly father’s smile on his face, showing off and taking a vigilant look at Zhao Xingguang.

“Of course, my children need me to protect them as a father!”

“Brother, don’t you feel ashamed that Xiangyi and I both have children but you’re still a single-dog?”

Zhao Xingguang: “…”

No matter when and where, Lin Shiheng always made people want to strangle him.

But he also had to admit that even though Lin Shiheng was very unlikable to him, he was completely gentle to Xiangyi and his two children.

As the two children grew up, the whole entertainment industry knew that they were Lin Shiheng’s precious treasures.

The biggest treasure was of course his wife, Yun Xiangyi.

Lin Shiheng, the Devil, was watching his three treasures, happily enjoying his life which has always been carefree.

Men feel that Lin Shiheng is a typical winner in life, while women feel that Yun Xiangyi is simply soaked in a honey jar.

Fans yelled at the couple every day, almost crying with envy.

Of course, there are fans who thought that Lin Shiheng, a fun-loving person, isn’t very good-natured.

Although he was handsome and rich now, most people in the entertainment industry would gradually be forgotten when they get old.

Right now, you treat money like water, and playing around; Wait until you are old, and it would be your time to suffer.

They were also rational fans. Every time they see Lin Shiheng buy some luxurious thing, they had to try to persuade him to not be too extravagant, and think more about the future of his family. But there were too many comments, and they would often be drowned out by the comment-army before they could hold on long enough.

Until one day, Mr. Lin fell ill and was admitted to hospital, because he could no longer work in the company. There was a mole inside Yuguang, so Lin Shiheng returned to Yuguang, as an heir, to take Yuguang into his own hands at rocket speed. He integrated all Mr. Lin’s industries, and set up the Ai Yi Group. Fans were shocked.

[Idol, how come you never said you were a rich second generation?]

[And Idol, wouldn’t you be embarrassed to name it Ai Yi Group? So simple and crude.]

(TNote: Ai = Love, Yi = from the name of his wife.)


When interviewing Lin Shiheng, a reporter showed him these comments and asked him what he thought of it.

“Why did I never mention it? You never asked.”

“If someone had asked me; ‘is the chairman of Yuguang your father?’, I would have answered very honestly, ‘Yes, it is my father.'”

“The name of the Ai Yi Group is indeed me, expressing my feelings to Xiangyi. Why didn’t I name it after the name of my two children? Well, first, I think the names my father chose are too ugly. Second, she is my partner who would accompany me all my life.”

“When the children grow up and take over the Ai Yi Group, I wouldn’t mind if they wanted to change the name later. Anyway, after such a long time, many people should know that I love my Xiangyi.”

Reporters: “…”

Enthusiastic fans: “…”

That’s a simple and rude answer.

[Why does this idol always give such a divine reply?]

The most amazing thing had yet to come.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Shiheng was going to return to his rich life and become the big boss of Ai Yi Group, he hired a CEO and transferred the management power of such a large group directly to this CEO.

Then, holding shares, he continued to eat, drink and have fun with his wife and children.

People who didn’t guess the plot right again: “…”

Sure enough, it’s in line with the behavior of the Big Devil, Lin Shiheng.

In any case, he integrated all the industries, and also made people see his means. Although the CEO was divided a small part of the shares, but he also knew that if he had a crooked mind, he absolutely cannot fight Lin Shiheng. So now, he has been working conscientiously for the Ai Yi Group.

Lin Shiheng is responsible for meeting everyone when he needs to, he can easily continue to be happy.

Perhaps it was because of his happy-go-lucky attitude that he was still handsome when his family celebrated his 90th birthday in the ward.


According to his daughter, even if he was old, he was still a handsome grandfather.

The hidden wounds on Yun Xiangyi’s body have been thoroughly taken care of by a famous psychologist specially found by Lin Shiheng, unlike Father Yun, who died after he was released from prison because of physical injuries and refusing to work, there was no pain in her body when she was old.

It’s just that she was still old. A few days ago, an autumn rain caused her to catch a cold. It was not something easily cured. Lin Shiheng was also infected with a cold. Two elderly people were lying in the ward together.

Their condition suddenly worsened, and Yun Xiangyi’s mind was already a little blurred, but she still remembered that her husband’s birthday was coming in two days, so she insisted on celebrating his birthday.

The children knew that their physical condition wouldn’t last long, and no matter how important it was, they rushed to the hospital with their children, grandchildren and even their great-grandchildren, to celebrate their father’s birthday.

The family happily lit birthday candles in the ward and sang birthday songs together. Lin Shiheng was very happy and reached out to cut the cake with a smile.

Yun Xiangyi leaned against the hospital bed and looked at the room full of children and grandchildren, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

“Xiangyi, eat cake.”

No matter what it was, Lin Shiheng always gave her the first one.

Yun Xiangyi’s hands were too weak to move, so he fed her. Seeing that she had eaten, Lin Shiheng asked softly, “is it sweet?”


Yun Xiangyi ate the cake, and felt the sweetness deep in her heart.

She whispered, “I’m sleepy.”

The handsome grandpa held out his hand, touched her face and said softly, “go to sleep if you are sleepy.”

“I’m sorry.”

Yun Xiangyi could feel her spirit passing away in her body, and she kept her eyes half open, trying to keep herself awake. “This time, I’m going first.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Lin Shiheng kissed her eyebrow, in a soft voice: “I’ll be right there.”

By the time he got up again, Yun Xiangyi had closed her eyes.



The ward burst into tears.

Half an hour after the death of the veteran artist Yun Xiangyi, her husband died, they were together. It is reported that the two have been together for nearly 70 years, never shying away, and loving each other all their lives.

Even in death, they wouldn’t let each other wait a moment longer.


Yun Xiangyi’s interview about death was broadcast as a memoir.

Inside, the beautiful girl, who looked so beautiful 60 years ago answered with a smile.

“Death? This is a very heavy topic. I am not afraid of death. What I am afraid of is to face it alone when I die. If I can have my favorite person at my side before death, even when everyone is hustling and bustling, I won’t be afraid of death. This should be easy to achieve. When you are old, you will die. Then, just let everyone come and see me.”

The reporter asked, “then when you get old, who do you hope would leave first? You or your husband?”

Mentioning Lin Shiheng, Yun Xiangyi’s smile was sweeter, her white fingertips pointed to the table. “My husband is very courteous to me. Every time he has something good to eat or use, he would give it to me first. I hope that death will be the same, but it must be painful to think that I would be the one left behind, so it would be nice if we could go together.”

In the comment section, this article got the most comments.

She is really happy. Only with such happiness can she leave with peace of mind, even in the face of death.

[Ding, task completed. Please host choose 1. vacation, 2. to continue the mission.]

[Continue the mission.]


Lin Shiheng stood in front of the mirror, blurred his memory and turned to leave.

With People walking to-and-fro in the noisy street, Lin Shiheng mingled in the middle, he fixed his eyes on the girl who was sitting on the street selling fish.

She was beautiful and white, wearing a simple ponytail, revealing a slender neck, bowing her head slightly, examining the fish in the large basin where the fish were placed.

The dead ones were picked out and put on the plastic sheeting on the floor, and after putting it there, she stared at it for a long time, and didn’t withdraw her eyes until she confirmed that the fish was indeed dead.

When she finished the work, she wiped her hands, picked up the books on one side and read it attentively. She obviously liked to study.

This is the mission goal of the world, Ke Jialing.

Her parents are both fishermen, and she is a student, studying in a nearby high school. Because her parents worked all day and night, her father was sick but had no time to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Ke Jialing came to sell fish for them today, so that her mother could accompany her father to see a doctor.

Lin Shiheng watched for a few seconds and finally walked toward her.

Ke Jialing was burying her head in a book when she saw a guest out of the corner of her eye. She looked up to greet him warmly and saw the face of the person in front of her.

Under a pair of eyebrows slightly picked up, were sharp facial features with sharp edges and corners. Although the clothes were very shabby, and messy hair, they still didn’t hide his handsome appearance. Their line of sight met up with sparks.

Her face instantly turned red.

Lin Shiheng stooped down regardless of his image, just hanging around with a cigarette in his mouth.

He asked, “why are you setting up the stall today?”

Ke Jialing’s white little face had become red for a long while. She grasped the book in her hands, at a loss. She hardly dared to look straight at Lin Shiheng. Her eyes gleamed weakly and replied, “my father is not feeling well. My mother accompanied him to the hospital.”

“Is your father sick with something serious?”

Ke Jialing shook her head carefully. “I don’t know yet, I have to wait for them to come back.”

“Okay, when they came back you tell me. I’m usually… around these streets.”

As Lin Shiheng said that, he stood up and waved to a man eating a bowl of noodles in the distance. “Lao Liu, come over.”


The man who looked like a hoodlum immediately rushed up and bowed to Lin Shiheng. “Shi-ge, what do you want me to do, do you want the fish in this stall?”

He asked, and before Lin Shiheng could answer, he turned to Ke Jialing with a fierce look. “Don’t you have eyes?! Why aren’t you hurrying up?! Give Shi-ge the biggest one!”

Lin Shiheng slapped him on the back of the head.

“Do you think I am that kind of person?”

“This is your sister-in-law! Greet her.”

“You’re the one that doesn’t have eyes! ”

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