Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 35.1

It’s, it’s the man who sold him the explosives! Lin Shiheng knew him!

Father Yun stood up with wide eyes.

Lin Shiheng looked at him with a smile and whispered into the microphone something only the two of them could hear.

“Knowing that you can’t live well, I let him give you a new identity, a new life, and persuade you not to do anything stupid.”

“But it seems that you took this gift for granted.”

Being struck by lightning was not too over the top to describe what Father Yun was feeling.

What he thought was an escape from everyone.

For Lin Shiheng, it was only a joke.

The man even gave him the tools he wanted to kill Lin Shiheng.

Father Yun trembled and shouted, patting the glass uncontrollably.

“It’s you!”

“It’s you! You’re with him!”

The uniformed watchman at the door immediately came forward and snapped, “Don’t make a ruckus!”

“You did this to me!”

“You’re together! You did this!”

Father Yun was pulled out, and the man sitting in front of the window raised his eyebrows. He slowly put down the phone with his slender hand, got up and left.


After going out, he went straight into a car. Yun Xiangyi sat in the copilot’s seat and looked at him slightly sideways, looking silently at him with clear eyes.

The man’s smile grew a little wider on his lips, stretched out his hand and touched her hair.

“He seems very angry.”

Yun Xiangyi’s beautiful brow frowned lightly and said disapprovingly, “Don’t take such a risk next time.”

Lin Shiheng knew that she was talking about him asking someone to give Father Yun fake explosives and then waited for it. The eyes on his white face turned even more gentle.

“It won’t happen again.”

Those who have ugly thoughts towards Yun Xiangyi no longer have the ability to do whatever they want.

When Yun Xiangyi heard his words, she was completely relieved, and her beautiful lips raised slightly, revealing a smile.

“Come on, the marriage has just been announced, and we still have a lot to prepare.”

Yun Xiangyi was stunned. “haven’t you done it all already?”

After all, the two have been planning their wedding for some time.

“No, there’s one more thing I’m not ready for.”

Lin Shiheng smiled at her with a bad smile. “For example, your brother.”


Meanwhile, Zhao Xingguang, who had just finished filming his drama, tiredly took a glass of water handed over by his assistant. With the other hand, he took out his phone and was ready to browse Weibo, to see if there was anything new. ‘Lin Shiheng and Yun Xiangyi announced the wedding date’.

The one who never heard the two people talk about getting married in the near future, Zhao Xingguang: “…”

The disposable cup in his hand was instantly squeezed out of shape.

“Lin Shiheng!”

Although Zhao Xingguang was very dissatisfied with the big tailed wolf who took away his sister, the wedding date had been announced, and the fans on both sides were happily praising it all together. Plus, no matter how unwilling he is, he can only watch the two enter the hall for marriage. In addition, the fans of both sides are happy to smoke together, and no matter how unwilling he is, he can only watch the two enter the wedding hall.

Looking at his sister, who tried on her wedding dress, standing in front of the mirror. Her beautiful face was covered with a happy smile, and Zhao Xingguang felt happy and sour.

“Xiangyi, I’m not saying I don’t approve of your marriage, but isn’t it a bit hasty? How old are you? ”

“And, and…” he racked his brains to think of the reason, “and I’m an older brother, and I’m not even married yet, so it’s not nice for you to get married first.”

“That makes sense.”

Lin Shiheng’s voice came from behind. Zhao Xingguang looked back and saw the boy coming in proudly in a tuxedo.

As soon as he saw the malicious smile on his face, his heart was startled. Sure enough, Lin Shiheng quickly said, “it doesn’t look good for a younger sister to marry one step ahead of her older brother.”

“It would be better for you to find us a sister-in-law as soon as possible. It would look good if elder brother and his sister held the wedding on the same day.”

The one who has always been against him, Zhao Xingguang: “Don’t call me elder brother!”

“Xiangyi and I are legally married. Why can’t I call you elder brother?”

Lin Shiheng smiled at him with an innocent smile, “hello brother.”

Zhao Xingguang: “…”

Ah, why was my sister stolen by this son of a bi**h?


No matter how reluctant he was, he finally held his sister’s hand in front of everyone and walked all the way on the red carpet, to the end where Lin Shiheng was.

There were guests all around, everyone had a smile of blessing on their faces, and even a few journalists, snapping pictures.

The good music sounded, and Zhao Xingguang held his sister’s hand, as if they were children again.

At that time, Xiangyi was a very lively girl, more playful and popular than he was, and always stood up bravely to protect her brother when he was bullied.

Other times Xiangyi was very gentle, it is hard to imagine that such a young child would be so sensible.

She seldom cries, and almost every time she cries, it was because Zhao Xingguang was bullied and cried bitterly.

The last time he saw her crying helplessly was when she was taken away by the couple.

Zhao Xingguang cried, she cried too.

He even wanted to say, ‘don’t go, stay! Stay with brother!’

No matter how bitter it was, he would grow up, protect her, and become her support.

But in the end, he couldn’t say anything to make her stay.

No matter how weak the children in the orphanage were, they grew up faster than those from ordinary families.

Zhao Xingguang knew that this was the best thing for his sister.

They have a good living environment. You can tell at a glance that the parents have received a good education.

They should really like her.

After all, his sister is so nice.

Little Zhao Xingguang hid in the quilt and cried silently while biting the quilt.

Tears wet the pillow and made it uncomfortable to lie down.

He didn’t mind ignoring these things, he only thought about it.

This was a good thing for his sister.

But later, he saw the Xiangyi who was disliked.

They didn’t treat his sister well, and even did that kind of thing when she was young and unable to resist.

Zhao Xingguang picked her up.

He took care of her like how his sister took care of himself when he was a child.

But he hasn’t done enough.

In the end, it was another man who cleared all the shadows for her.


Zhao Xingguang walked on with red eyes, but he didn’t cry.

Just whispered to Yun Xiangyi, who was wearing a beautiful wedding dress next to him, “have a good life, if he bullied you, you have to tell me.”

Yun Xiangyi believed that Lin Shiheng would not bully herself, but looked at her brother, who was about to cry, and nodded gently.

“Yes, I will.”

Zhao Xingguang hands Yun Xiangyi’s hand into Lin Shiheng’s palm.

“Protect my sister.”

It is rare for Lin Shiheng to be serious, but he solemnly promised.

“I will protect Xiangyi, all my life.”

“I hope you’ll keep your word.”

Zhao Xingguang tried to look serious, but the red corners of his eyes betrayed him.

Finally, he came down and watched the two take the oath and watch them exchange diamond rings.

From then on, his sister was really someone else’s.

He really wanted to beat up Lin Shiheng… kuh.

Zhao Xingguang wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, thinking about the last time Lin Shiheng could easily lift him from the ground when he couldn’t move, and silently dismissed the idea from the bottom of his heart.

Let’s watch carefully.

It’s best if he can treat Xiangyi well. If not, even if he can’t beat him, he will try his best to protect Xiangyi.


Lin Shiheng didn’t give Zhao Xingguang a chance to beat himself up.

Since the couple got married, the wayward little prince always went home to Yun Xiangyi as if he had suddenly turned into a sheep.

He followed whatever she said, and never said a heavy word to her.

What fans like to talk about most about the two is that Lin Shiheng is like a little sticky candy after getting married. Generally speaking, if Yun Xiangyi is going to act in a drama, her husband is bound to appear in the show too.

Even if it was an all-female script, he will go in and play a passer-by role.

Very vivid interpretation of what is called ‘every-moment-want-to-stick-together’, such an outstanding way of abusing single-dogs.

Zhao Xingguang was jealous at first, but when he was just being habitually jealous, he remembered that this elder brother had not met the in-laws, and he was immediately annoyed.

As for parents, Yun Xiangyi once went to meet them with Lin Shiheng. Lin Shiheng was in a single-parent family, so his father dotes on him, and the meeting went very smoothly. According to Yun Xiangyi, the father is a very kind person, and he is very satisfied with his daughter-in-law, but he can’t attend their wedding because there is a delay between the wedding and a very important meeting.

At first, Zhao Xingguang thought that this was an excuse, and that the other party didn’t like his sister. After all, how important can a meeting be? He was relieved to hear from Yun Xiangyi that Father Lin suggested whether they could get married earlier or postpone it.

But after all, this wedding is an agreement with fans, and some true-love-fans had even paid out of their own pocket, tickets to fly to the wedding, in order to see their idol get married.

When you think about it, you would sigh because of Lin Shiheng’s impulsive behavior.

As soon as this guy succeeded in proposing marriage, he immediately went through the yellow calendar on the spot, found a recent date, and made an announcement. He was rushing ahead and didn’t even stop for a moment.

(Tnote: Yellow Calendar/ Huangli [黄历]= is a Chinese divination guide and almanac. It consists primarily of a calendar based on the Chinese lunar year.)

Why are you in such a hurry? Can’t you discuss it with your family first?

Are you still afraid that he, the elder brother, would stop it? Is he, Zhao Xingguang, they type of person who would do such a thing?

The one who could really do such a thing, Zhao Xingguang, was aggrieved.

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