Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 24.1

Zhao Xingguang opened his mouth and began to scold “You shameless…”

“Hey, weren’t you the one who asked to replace me just now?”

Zhao Xingguang: “…”

Yes, he took the initiative.

But he felt even more angrier.

When Zhao Xingguang found a reason for his anger, he noticed that tears had fallen on his sister’s face again. So, he forgot to blame Lin Shiheng and hurriedly stepped forward to “Xiangyi, what’s the matter? Did kicking the bench hurt?”


Yun Xiangyi bowed her head and wiped away her tears. She glanced at her brother, who had concern all over his face, and whispered in a hoarse voice, “I’m fine, I’m just acting.”

Oh, it’s acting!

Zhao Xingguang relaxed. He had been practicing with his sister all the time. Naturally, he knew that she was better in acting than others. Sometimes it took a long time to snap out of it.

Thinking that she had finished filming today, he carefully guarded Yun Xiangyi and said, “Why don’t you go to inside and have a rest first? I have two more nights to film, let’s go out to eat when the filming is finished.”

Yun Xiangyi has always been reluctant to refuse him. She nodded and followed Zhao Xingguang to the room. He just looked back at Lin Shiheng who was still standing there before leaving.

Seeing her looking over, Lin Shiheng held out his hand and gave her a wave, moving his mouth to say ‘meet later’ without making a sound.

She didn’t know why, but her mind suddenly calmed down.

Lin Shiheng has always kept his word. He said that he would definitely compensate for milk tea, and he did compensate the milk tea. It was only because he didn’t want Zhao Xingguang to get too proud, that he directly asked his assistant to send someone to buy boxes of milk tea and distribute them to the entire production crew.

Artists who are not short on money certainly won’t care about the money for these cups of milk tea. But to those little cannon fodders and staff, Lin Shiheng is very generous.

At that time, everyone didn’t pay attention to it or say a word of thanks. After all, it was quite normal for the leading actor to invite them to eat and drink. Lin Shiheng also specially served milk tea that day. He wandered around in front of Zhao Xingguang and invited him to drink together.

Zhao Xingguang, a man with moral integrity, can drink his enemy’s milk tea.

Absolutely not!

Lin Shiheng then quite shamelessly started a live broadcast.

This old trick is still very useful for Zhao Xingguang.

In the end, he was very humiliated and received Lin Shiheng’s milk tea with a smile during a live broadcast. He also brought out a smile that was in line with the people’s expectations. He thanked Lin Shiheng, the ‘beloved idol’, for willing to buy him milk tea. He was flattered and very happy.

Everyone took this milk tea as this guy wished. Zhao Xingguang thought Lin Shiheng could turn off the live broadcast, but he didn’t.

He just opened the live broadcast and said in a very careless tone, “It doesn’t matter, the whole cast got some.”


There’s a whole crew. Why are you broadcasting live?!

And the thing that made Zhao Xingguang feel Lin Shiheng was even more shameless is that; Lin Shiheng knew that he wouldn’t let him give Yu Xiangyi some milk tea. So, he gave her one so openly on live broadcast!

How could he let Yun Xiangyi refuse in front of such a large audience?

Can you?

Zhao Xingguang could only gnash his teeth and watch Lin Shiheng let the assistant shoot the live broadcast. Shiheng sat beside his sister with a good temper and talked nonsense about the origin of milk tea and milk tea raw materials for half an hour.

Looking at Zhao Xingguang, who wanted to hit him but didn’t dare to hit him with the camera on, Lin Shiheng still smiled and waved at him, “do you also want to talk about milk tea ingredients’? Come here.”

Who wants to talk about milk tea ingredients’?!

If it weren’t for the camera, he would have poured his milk tea directly on Lin Shiheng’s face.

However, in front of the camera, he still has to carry his smile and act as a gentle person. Holding milk tea with mirth and squeezing between his sister and Lin Shiheng, listening to him talk. The origin of milk tea from the legendary rulers of China.

Impatient to wait until the end of the live broadcast, Zhao Xingguang stood up with a full face of gloom. Seeing that few people around him were not recording or anything of the sort, he directly tore off his smile and asked, “Lin Shiheng, why do you have to be shameless?”

“What are you saying?”

The cheeky man sat on the bench, as if he had not heard Zhao Xingguang scold himself, and answered with a smile, “I am shameless, but this face could always bring in money.”

Zhao Xingguang: “…”

He walked over to his sister and looked at the person in front of him while gnashing teeth.

Obviously, he can’t trifle with Lin Shiheng.

This guy! As long as a live broadcast is on, he can’t do anything, only humble himself and do as Shiheng says.

Before, when Lin Shiheng robbed roles because of all kinds of tricks he did, Zhao Xingguang would laughed at him behind his back, he only does such little tricks…

But now, he is the miserable victim.

It would be fine if Zhao Xingguang was the only one who was cheated, but he didn’t know what Lin Shiheng’s purpose was in getting close with his sister.

Can’t stand it. Absolutely can’t stand it.

After much deliberation, Zhao Xingguang decided to admit he didn’t understand it.

Lin Shiheng smiled and looked at Zhao Xingguang’s gritted teeth in front of him. After several expression changes, he finally fixed his frame on a humbled face and said, “I was wrong about that role before.”

Bah! If Lin Shiheng said before the audition that he must play the role, who would dare to rob his role? Zhao Xingguang definitely has to hide as far as possible.

“You did so many things before, I was angry too.”

Trash, villain, only pulls out tricks from behind. How could he have the ability to correct himself?

“Now I apologize to you, what happened between us, that’s the end of it. Okay?”

Endure, endure, for the sake of Xiangyi, he can!

The assistant who was standing on one side was surprised. Lin Shiheng had done no less before. As a result, the man abruptly resisted and refused to say anything. Every time they met, he still looked at him disdainfully.

Just sending a milk tea, would unexpectedly bow his head.

Lin Shiheng was not surprised by Zhao Xingguang’s bow. He looked up haughtily like a real Emperor and waved “Ok, since you apologized, I am magnanimous and won’t dispute with you.”

Zhao Xingguang was almost exasperated by the shameless tone of the man in front of him.

If Lin Shiheng was magnanimous, there would be no petty people in the world!

It happened that now he still had to endure the impulse of vomiting blood and squeeze out a smile on his face. “Yes, then, is this thing over?”

“All in the past?”

Lin Shiheng looked surprised. “Of course, it’s over, isn’t it?”

“What? Do you think I will hate you because of this little thing? What kind of person do you think I, Lin Shiheng, am? My broad-mindedness is not just talk.”

Zhao Xingguang: “…”

Assistant: “…”

You didn’t take it seriously, and you’re still looking for trouble!

You didn’t take it seriously, but I was ridiculed in the face several times!

Who would believe it even when you say it out loud several times?

“By the way, I think you didn’t seem to like drinking milk tea very much just now. Why didn’t your information say anything about it?”

After saying the words that made the corners of their mouths twitch, Lin Shiheng changed the subject again.

Zhao Xingguang was not sure what he was going to do, thinking that since he had already said that the problem was over, he considered and replied, “I don’t like eating sweet things, but I’ve taken milk tea advertisements.”


Lin Shiheng suddenly realized, “then you sent Xiangyi milk tea because she likes to drink it?”

Zhao Xingguang held back and nodded.

“if it’s all right, isn’t it time for you to put on makeup? They are about to shoot.”

“No hurry, no hurry. ”

Lin Shiheng smiled with a hostile face and turned his head to Yun Xiangyi behind Zhao Xingguang. “Xiangyi, I’ll send you milk tea every day.”

Yun Xiangyi looked at him with a small smile and nodded her head.

She is very fond of Lin Shiheng, who never looks at her with strange eyes.

Lin Shiheng finished, and under Zhao Xingguang’s ‘what do you want to do sending special milk tea for my sister?’ expression, he added, “I will also send it to you, my fanboy-brother.”

Zhao Xingguang: “…”

It’s like, he knows he can’t drink, but obviously perfect guy in front of him, was asking for a beating. He glanced up and down, adding “it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to drink.”

“Anyway, I will broadcast it live. Stars who have taken milk tea advertisements are not willing to drink milk tea delivered by his idol. It should be regarded as news.”

Zhao Xingguang looked blankly. “Didn’t you just say you didn’t care about what happened before, and that you were broad-minded?”


Lin Shiheng readily admitted with a smile “I don’t care about what happened before, but now, I can remember you for the rest of my life.”

“If you are not happy, I am happy.”

He was still smiling and didn’t wear the majestic dragon robe; But when he looked at Zhao Xingguang with such a smile, Xingguang felt a chill on his back.

In a daze, Zhao Xingguang looked at the guy who has always acted arrogantly. Shiheng swaggered out of there with his assistant.

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