Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 21.3

Her death was as silent as her life. No one cared about how she died except for her own brother.

After grief, the male lead quickly locked in on the original owner.

After all, he was the one who led him away in the first place.

Originally, he was only thinking about practicing his acting skills. But now, he completely changed his temper, and he would do whatever it takes to climb up.

Just like the little white flower girl in the Gongdou drama who suffered a blow and then grew into a black hearted lotus through grief and pain. The male lead has completely evolved.

The evolved male lead seemed to have opened up. In ten years, he reached a height that no one else could match and successfully found out that the person who killed his sister was the original owner.

He didn’t call the police. If he did, the original owner would either go to jail or be executed. For him, this was too cheap for the murderer who killed his sister.

In the end, the original owner lost his reputation and became addicted to dr*gs. He finally died in pain and reviled by all.

However, the people behind the original owner naturally felt unwilling for him to die that way. After several investigations, they finally found out that it was the hand of the male lead. No matter how high the male lead’s position is, he was still just a little star for them, and they immediately banned the male lead.

However, they do not have the leading role’s halo. They are the ones who ordered the ban, and they are also the ones who broke the company and destroyed the family.

In the end, the male lead not only became an incomparable existence in the entertainment circle, but also established an entertainment company by himself; completely replacing the position of the original owner’s family in the entertainment circle.

Lin Shiheng understood after reading it, his body is not the ultimate big boss, in theory, his family is.

At best, he could be regarded as someone that; if he died, he would bring trouble to the family.

And it is the original owner who sacrifices his soul to release the task.

[Ding! This small world mission: Guards Yun Xiangyi and the company. Side mission: lived to 80 years old.]

Yun Xiangyi is the younger sister of the male lead. Her name was given by the adoptive parents, but the male lead still used his own name from before he entered the orphanage, Zhao Xingguang.

If it weren’t for these two names, even if Zhao Xingguang strongly denied it, others wouldn’t still think they were lovers.

At this point in time, it was just after the original owner had just ran in front of Yun Xiangyi and made a cynical remark.

The three of them are now on the production team, shooting a drama about court politics. This has always been the production team Zhao Xingguang goes to. If there is a suitable role for his sister, he will bring her to the production team. Therefore, after finding out that there is a suitable role for a little princess in the script, he immediately took Yun Xiangyi to audition.

The original owner discovered Zhao Xingguang was not pleasing to his eyes, and entered the production team through the back door in order to hit him in the face.

Of course, according to the plot, it was he who was finally hit in the face.

The person who was putting on makeup for him is still chattering, “Lon-ge, they didn’t provoke you. Why are you doing that to Yun Xiangyi, who is still a little girl?”

Lin Shiheng knows why this guy will be fired soon, according to the plot. As his special makeup artist, he actually helps other people he doesn’t like to talk to. Right now, he had the skills to nag.

He learned from the original owner’s way of speaking and directly spoke in a bad tone, “Didn’t you all make a promise with me? What are you talking about?”

The makeup artist didn’t dare to say a word.

Of course, he knew Lin Shiheng’s promise, but the problem was that he couldn’t do what he promised every time.

Just like the last audition was at 8 o’clock in the morning, the assistant notified the audition was at 8 o’clock, they had to get up early and make up ready at 7: 00. As a result, he was standing at the door with his makeup case and assistant behind him. Lin Shiheng was still asleep.

After that, he got angry and yelled at them. Finally, they didn’t make it to 8 o’clock audition. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have entered through the back door.

Also, just now, look at what Lin-ge did. Yun Xiangyi was eating just fine there. He ran over and poured water all over the table. The rice turned into watery rice, and he didn’t care.

“Er, ah, I’m really sorry, should I will compensate you with a box of rice? I ensure that you will get a more expensive and delicious one this rice.”

At that time, the makeup artist listened to these words and felt very ashamed for Lin-ge. A clear-sighted person could see if he had done that on purpose, as well as that sentence.

What do you mean more expensive and delicious?

Isn’t that obviously pointing to somebody else’s nose and saying that the food was bad and cheap?

They knew, before Yun Xiangyi had her meal, someone asked the crew where the packed lunch had come from. She said it was made by Zhao Xingguang.

Zhao Xingguang made it himself.

A boyfriend cooked specially for his girlfriend, a hearty and loving lunch. As a result, Lin-ge directly went up and stir up a mess and left the girl without food. He was not even ashamed to belittle it.

He doubted that Zhao Xingguang only robbed Lin-ge of his role once, but were mortal enemies.

The makeup artist held back for a while. Seeing the perfectly looking man in the mirror with his eyes closed, cooperated very well to make up himself. He couldn’t hold back after all. He couldn’t help but say, “Lin-ge, I think you should apologize to Yun Xiangyi later. I’ll record it for you when you apologize, so that you won’t be shadily gossiped about again when it comes out on the internet in a few days.”

Lin Shiheng closed his eyes and said calmly, “Black is black, and real gold is not afraid of fire. Even if they try hard to blacken me, I am still a well-behaved teenager.”

Makeup artist: “…”

He always knew that Lin-ge was shameless, but he took a few days off and then came back. Lin-ge’s shamelessness was greatly increased.

He was hired at a high salary, and has been working with him since his debut. He has a clear idea of what makeup and skin type Lin Shiheng is suitable for, and his makeup is finished quickly.

“Lin-ge, done.”

Lin Shiheng opened his eyes and saw himself in the mirror a little more heroic and composed than when he first saw himself. Looking at the face like this alone gives him a feeling of vigorousness and self-respect.

He is going to play the role of the Emperor; this makeup is really suitable.

Lin Shiheng boasted, “your salary is not for nothing.”

“That’s…” makeup artist was praised immediately smiled “I have been studying, Lin-ge, you can rest assured that with this makeup, it would absolutely make your acting go up by one flight of stairs.”

As he said that, his hand unconsciously landed on the shoulder of the man in the black dragon robe. As soon as he put it there, he heard a magnetic voice with majesty and a little anger.


The makeup artist shook his hand off and was scared into a cold sweat.

He foolishly turned his head and twisted his eyebrows to look at his Lin Shiheng, and for a moment he thought he had really seen an Emperor who did not allow others to be presumptuous.

“Lin, Lin-ge…”

His voice trembled, and the next second, the man who had just been covered with dignity and oppressive aura giggled, and the familiar public face reappeared, leaning back. Looking at the stunned makeup artist, he laughed impolitely and said, “the courage of a chicken.”

When the makeup artist was ridiculed by him, he realized that Lin Shiheng was just acting. He relaxed and squeezed a smile out. “Lin-ge, your acting skills are getting better and better.”

Oh my God! He scared me to death!

Lin Shiheng seemed to have long been accustomed to such praise, so he stood up and yawned, “The next time you praise someone, can you use another word to praise them? I don’t like it at all.”

Makeup artist: I’m just a makeup artist…

Just when he was speechless, the door opened from the outside and a young-looking man came in at a brisk pace. As soon as he saw Lin Shiheng had just put on his make-up, he was immediately anxious “Oh, my little ancestor, how are you getting it done? This robe is not fastened. They have been urging several times outside. If you go on like this, before the show is finished you would have to tell people you got in because of the higher-ups.”

(Little ancestor/xiǎo zǔzong [小祖宗] = it’s a term meaning respect like saying ‘young master’ but more of a friendly joking kind of way, it could also be used to ridicule someone who acts high and mighty.)

Lin Shiheng showed no concern for his anxiety.

“The people outside have been saying I got in through the back door for so long. Besides, I already got in through the back door.”

“Ancestors, er… don’t be effusive at this time, ok?”

The assistant went round and round in a hurry. “If you do this every day, several blisters are going to form in my mouth.”

Lin Shiheng expressed fearlessness. “That’s chili on your mouth. Who made you love chili so much? ”

When he saw him, he seemed to be in such a hurry that he wanted to cry. Because the man who drew his eyebrows was especially calm, he raised his eyebrows and stood in front of the makeup artist with open arms. “All right, change the clothes for me.”

The make-up artist: “…”

This little ancestor is addicted to acting, isn’t he?

As luck would have it, time was running out, and he really had to get started. Under these conditions, the assistant almost couldn’t wait to jump. Lin Shiheng stood there with no hurry, as if saying ‘I am the emperor’, and asked the makeup artist to tie up his clothes.

When they went out, the director’s face was not looking good.

However, thinking about Lin Shiheng bringing money into the crew, and how much money the crew spends and how much money they need; he endured and beard it, and did not open his mouth to rebuke.

Lin Shiheng had to hold props in his hand, a book to show that the ancient Emperor has certain cultural background in addition to his love of war.

The book is now in the hands of the assistant. It was not until the Director announced that he was ready to start shooting that Lin Shiheng was given the book.

In other people’s eyes, this scene shows that Lin Shiheng is really domineering, arrogant and can’t afford to suffer.

It’s just to get a freaking book! He needed an assistant to help him with it for quite a while. No wonder the Director always wants a body double.

But, when they thought about the fact that he brought money to the group; even if this has been in their hearts for a while, no one dared to sound it out.

He can bring money into the group. There are either people or money behind him, and they can’t afford to offend it. What’s more, Lin Shiheng is notoriously narrow-minded and likes to take revenge.

Wasn’t it Zhao Xingguang who accidentally robbed him of a role last time? Even now, he has been holding grudges and is still sparing no effort to suppress others.

However, Zhao Xingguang is also fierce. Being suppressed by such narrow-minded person as Lin Shiheng, he didn’t remain unknown. Instead, he became even more brave. According to the current situation, it seems that he will soon have a place in the entertainment circle.

But to say that this Lin Shiheng is shameless enough to suppress the unsuccessful Zhao Xingguang, he even went to suppress somebody else’s girlfriend. Just now, in front of so many people, he made Yun Xiangyi’s meal look like crap, and he also said such things.

To be honest, Yun Xiangyi not directly throwing the watery food on Lin Shiheng’s face, could be regarded as having a good temper.

To sum up, being hated by a guy like Lin Shiheng; who is narrow-minded and resentful, and the others behind him, is definitely a disaster.

Therefore, although most people don’t like him in their hearts, they still boast about Lin Shiheng colorfully when they talk about him to the media. But at least no one will speak ill of him, so every time Lin Shiheng reveals something bad, his livelihood would be bullied endlessly by anti-fans.

You see, the anti-fans are certain that he is using his background to bully newcomers.

Faithful fans say that — [my Shiheng is just a big player with too many bodyguards. He has so many fans to protect himself. What’s wrong with that? The newcomer also said on the program last time that Shiheng is a very kind person and takes good care of him. Oh, I know. You must want to taint our Shiheng. Bah rubbish!]

Because his fans were ruthless and go around biting other stars, Lin Shiheng can be said to be feared by everyone in the crew.

After a scene was filmed, Lin Shiheng, who was feared by everyone, went to the Director with the script to discuss the plot. The Director’s ugly face grew better with their discussion.

“Yes, that’s what I think.”

“Yes, why didn’t I think of it? add it in.”

After a discussion, under surprised eyes of everyone– the Director, who had hardly smiled since the filming started; walked over and patted the devil incarnate; Lin Shiheng, on the shoulder, letting him have a rest.

What about the devil, Director?!

People said that he hated Lin Shiheng, who entered through the back door.

Under the shocked and disbelieving eyes of others, Lin Shiheng sat back in his seat and craned his neck to look around.

Just as everyone was curious about what he was looking at, the man in dark black robes eyes lit up and his mouth tilted.

Such a nice smile couldn’t be good!

Sure enough, under everyone’s eyes, Lin Shiheng ignored the assistant’s obstruction and swaggered to Yun Xiangyi, who was sitting quietly under a tree while reading the script and drinking milk tea delivered by Zhao Xingguang.

“Yun Xiangyi.”

He called out and took the milk tea from the delicate-looking girl when she looked up at him in confusion.

“It looks good, let me try.”

Sure enough.

When the assistant covered his eyes in pain, the people around him looked at Lin Shiheng with disdain.

He bullied somebody else’s girl.



Yun Xiangyi still maintained the posture of holding milk tea, a pair of clear eyes looked at the person who was ready to drink in front of her, the elegant brow frowned, “No.”

Her voice was very clear, explaining very seriously, “this is given to me by Xingguang.”


Rejected, the Devil King Lin’s face did not look good. After a stiff reply, he took a sip and handed it over.

“I’ll give it back to you.”

The people around: “…”

The pain on the assistant’s face has turned into grief.

It’s over. It would be on the news again.

Why does this little ancestor always target others?

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