Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 114.2: Good Food (End)

“The prisoners in Star Prison would be forced to get up at the crack of dawn. After washing up, they would each be given a bottle of the cheapest nutrient solution, which, as we all know, tastes very bad, and such a bottle is only enough for one meal.”

“Next, they will need to stcirt their work. The work in star Prison is to transport ore. This planet is chosen as the location for Star Prison because of the large variety of ore that can be found on it. Instruments are used to check each prisoner’s physical fitness and finally, based on that fitness, the prisoner will be given the assignment for that morning.”

“Since they have been tested, it would be easy to see if they are slacking off. And only prisoners who had completed their assignments could get their noon nutrient solution. In the afternoon, in general, they could only start resting after dark. While resting, they would still be supervised by prison guards. You could say that once someone enters Star Prison, they will live like that for the rest of their lives.”


Some of the students let out a gasp of amazement, while others curiously asked, “What happens if they don’t want to work?”

“If they don’t5 work, they won’t get nutrient solutions to drink.” The teacher naturally responded. She looked to the student, who obviously found this cruel, and gently explained, “Tony, you should know that these prisoners have all been through court before they were placed in Star Prison. They would only be sent here if they were found guilty. It may seem like they are doing hard labor to you, but they were sent here because they had committed crimes.”

“It might have been murder, or attempted murder, but only those that have committed serious crimes are sentenced to banishment to Star Prison by the judge. So, children, even if life is hard, never do these harmful things. It’s nothing compared to the never-ending suffering of digging for stones day after day.”

A teenager watched the teacher, who started to describe what ores could be found on Star Prison, and quietly left his friends and slipped over to the girls.

He walked over to a girl in a sports outfit, with a pretty face, a high ponytail and a white, rosy face. She looked like a child who had grown up in a honeypot and was curiously leaning over the side of the airship, peering down through the window.


The teenager tiptoed over with a mischievous smile on his face. He suddenly raised his voice and shouted as he reached the girl.

“George, I don’t think it’s funny.”

Lin Yu knew who was that bored without even looking back. After a lazy reply, she didn’t even look at him.

“Xiao Yu, how do you always know it’s me? “

Unsuccessful in startling her, George sighed a little regretfully and followed suit, leaning over the side of the ship to check out the prisoners moving around underneath, through the long-range vision feature provided by the ship.

Lin Yu smoothly said, “Probably because you’re the only one who’s that childish.”

“No way! I’m only like that to you, okay!”

George was a very handsome teenager, which can be seen from the fact that his facial features were still handsome even though his whole face was about to stick on the ship’s window. He rambled on, and complained, “I really don’t know why Brother Shiheng is always prejudiced against me. Last time, when I went to your house to look for you, he actually lied to me and said you weren’t there. It turned out that I only had to squat at the door for 5 minutes before you appeared in the yard.”

“My Older Brother only said that I wasn’t in my room.”

Lin Yu finally turned her head to look at him and seriously explained, “I was dancing in the studio and was indeed not in my room. So, he didn’t lie to you at all, you were the one who was too stupid to leave when you heard I wasn’t in my room.”

“It’s obvious that he’s deliberately fooling me, otherwise why didn’t he just tell me you were in the dance studio? I mean, Xiao Yu, you’re 17 years old, why is your older brother still keeping such a close eye on you? “

“Because the legal age of adulthood is 18.”

Lin Yu turned to look down again, “My Brother had always told me that I could only accept your advances when I turn 18, but he also said that if I did accept you, he would make a whole pig feast that day.”

George was first pleased and then confused, “A whole pig feast? Why would he do that? But it doesn’t matter, as long as he stops acting like a giant shark beast standing between us, even if he wants to cook a table, I’ll eat it with a straight face.”

“I don’t know what it means, but my Older Brother seems to have associated your name with a little piggy from the moment he heard your name. He even asked me if you had a sister named Peppa once.”

(TNote: RotfL R./.P George...)

George’s brain had been swept away by the news that the girl he was courting would agree to him after she turned 18. He didn’t care about anything after hearing that and easily asked, “Why haven’t I ever heard you ask? I'll answer very carefully.”

Lin Yu: “Because I know you only have one older brother.”

“Okay, at 17 years old, let’s put aside the early love issue for a moment. The teacher has said that we have to write a review for this visit, and I hope the title of your review is not [why George’s sister is called Peppa] when you get there.”

“Yes, yes, my little princess. You know, I’ll do anything you ask, as long as you ask for it.”

“Don’t call me little princess, only my brother can call me that.”

Below, prisoners were mining ore in the most primitive way.

In fact, the officials could have used high-tech tools to mine the planet if they had wanted to, but they built the Star Prison for their original purpose, to punish these criminals for their heinous crimes.

If the ore was mined out at once, how can they be punished? What’s more, keeping the prisoners in constant labor during their waking hours did reduce the probability of the criminals causing trouble.

It’s just that reducing didn’t mean stopping it. By the time lunchtime rolled around, the chef in the ship above, who was said to have studied with the 311 Group, was directing his young apprentices to cook a gourmet meal.

Even though it was cooked in a larger pot, the taste wasn’t affectecl at all.

Watching a group of young students eat with satisfaction, the chef stood at the window contentedly and wiped his freshly washed hands.

Right below them, those prisoners don’t get such good treatment. No matter how the prison guards change their diet according to outside changes, what they ate was always the cheapest nutrient solutions with the worst taste.

The most painful thing was that when they were eating nutrient solutions that was difficult to swallow, the scent of food came from the air.

Wang Renyi, who was filling his mouth with nutrient solution, sniffed. Even though he was full, he still couldn’t resist touching his stomach.

It smells so good.

This was a scent that he had never smelt, even before he was locked up in Star Prison.

Did one of the prison guards bring in a gourmet meal from Blue Star?

He wasn’t the only one who smelt the scent. The prisoners around him were getting restless, trying to sniff the air. Even if they knew they couldn’t eat it, they still wanted to satisfy their cravings by smelling it.

Looking up, there was no prison guard eating any delicious food. It wasn’t until someone spotted the source of the scent, “It’s coming from above!”

The group looked up to the ship, which was not too far from the ground. The smell of the food was coming from the ship, and even though it was partly blown away by the high altitude and the wind, the good sense of smell of the Blue Star people was still allowing them to clearly sniff it out.

“I think it’s another study visit.”

“Damn, those brats are eating well. All they have to do is go to school in peace each day. and they get to eat such delicious food.”

“What’s the use of being jealous? Didn’t you get arrested for kidnapping a little kid in the first place? If you hadn’t kidnapped them, you’d be out there eating and drinking right now.”

“What the hell are you talking about!!! Didn’t you chop off someone else’s leg to get in yourself!”

The argument over the scent didn’t last long, the exercise really didn’t leave them much energy to make a scene. So, after a few words, they all unwillingly returned to their seats.

Wang Renyi was still looking up, looking at the ship above.

He thought of his own son.

Although he was stingy with others, he was very good to his own son. After all, he was of his own blood. Even if he couldn’t control his oppressive temper sometimes, he didn’t take his anger out on his son, and bought him whatever he wanted.

His son was as hot-tempered as he was at a young age, but he was smart. He never took it out on his parents, but on Lin Yu, and Wang Renyi didn’t care. It was normal for children to fight, and even if Lin Yu actually got into any kind of accident, he could just tell the Minor Protection Council that it was just the kids playing around.

He fancied the scene where his son was filial to him. Instead, during the court ruling, he was looking smelly and filthy from a scuffle with his wife, he saw his son.

Wang Renyi had no close relatives, and now that he and his wife were both in jail, his son had to be sent to an orphanage. He had heard of the poor environment in the orphanage, so he was a little worried that his spoiled son wouldn’t fare well in an orphanage.

So, he told the judge that he wanted to take his son with him to Star Prison, which wasn’t uncommon. However, it still had to be in accordance with the law. There was a school in Star Prison, but the students there, although they received the same education as the students outside, had to stay in the school until they reached adulthood.

However, the good news was that the parents who brought their children to Star Prison had a chance to visit once a month. Although it was short and they were still under the supervision of the prison guards, this monthly visit was enough for innocent children to receive love from their parents.

Then, his 5-year-old son shouted out in court.

“I don’t want to suffer with Dad!”

“Being in an orphanage is still better than going to a horrible place like Star Prison.”

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