Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 103.2 The Untouchable Flower in the Criminal Investigation Unit (End)

“The owner of the hair, had long yellow hair, not dried out that badly. This hair must have fallen off not too long ago. maybe within 2 or 3 days."

Feng Kaiyuan clappecl his hands in realisation...

“Zou Mingfang has long yellow hair. She went missing the afternoon before yesterday. So it should be around that time."

Just as they were talking, the few policemen that came with them lifted up the floor.

As they suspected before, part of the floor could open up. As soon as it was liftecl up, the first thing they saw was a large gloomy pit. Further down was the broken lighting downstairs.

“Holy crap..."

Everyone except Lin Shiheng stared at the big hole with gaping eyes.

“If I remember correctly, Zhang Mei rented this place..."

“If she opens up this connecting hole. isn’t she afraid of weight support problems?”

“She killed someone, why would she be afraid of that? “

Zhang Hua's face went pale as he stared in shock at the large hole.

“No, impossible ... impossible ..."

How could it be Sister Zhang Mei? What happened to her...

Lin Shiheng placed the hair in the evidence bag, “Take it back for testing. If it’s really Zou Mingfang’s hair, it’s physical evidence."

“It’s almost time, make the arrest.”

After a few people had surrounded the place with a police line, Lin Shiheng suddenly stopped in his tracks.

“Where’s Zeng Longhai?"

Yuan Fang replied, “I’ve asked pretty much everything and drove him back by myself."

“He and Zhang Mei still live together, right?"

“Yes, the two of them have a superficial relationship. Moreover, they have a daughter in the house and still live together. Only Zhang Mei would occasionally stay at the hotpot restaurant because of her legs."

As he spoke, Yuan Fang’s voice trailed off, carefully watching Lin Shiheng’s gradually sinking complexion.

“Leader Lin, what’s the problem?”

Lin Shiheng stormed forward, “Get to their house immediately. Zhang Mei will most likely go after Zeng Longhai.”

The others quickly realised it.

Since Zhang Mei started her plan two months in advance, using the renovation as a pretext to open up the upper and lower floors, her mind was definitely very meticulous.

The police’s investigation of the hot pot restaurant probably alerted her. Anyway, she had killed a person, and it didn’t matter if there was one more.

Then, Zeng Longhai, who was beside her, a husband with a bad relationship, was likely to be her target.

The police were ready. However, no one expected that when they broke into the couple’s home, the scene would shock everyone.

The living room was covered in blood, and Zeng Longhai was unconscious on the floor, surrounded and covered in blood. It was impossible to tell if he was still alive.

Zhang Mei, the culprit of all that, was sitting nicely on the sofa, holding nail clippers in her bloody hand and patiently cutting off the manicures one by one.

A knife was placed on the coffee table, and it was obvious that this was the weapon she used.

“Don’t movel! Put your hands up!!"

The police immediately pointed the gun at the woman sitting on the sofa, still looking gorgeous and relaxed.

Zhang Mei finished cutting the last of her nails. Seeing the sudden entrance of so many people into the house, there was no panic and frightened look on her face. Instead, she slowly set down her nail clippers and straightened her hair with her bloodied hands under the vigilant eyes of the police.

“I didn’t expect you guys to be so fast."

Zhang Mei was arrested. She was very cooperative throughout, offering no resistance.

Zeng Longhai, who was on the ground, was also sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Fortunately, his wounds weren’t fatal, so they saved his life. Unfortunately, Zhang Mei had severed his ‘little brother' and placed it in the blender. As a result, he would never be a ‘complete’ man again in his life.

Zhang Mei didn’t conceal anything anymore in the interrogation room, perhaps knowing that the tables were turned. Her handcuffed hands were placed on the table and spread very naturally.

Lin Shiheng stood outside and looked in, “She has nothing to fear anymore.”

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

Zhang Mei confessed to how she killed someone.

“That day, she came up to me after work, it was just about to change shift time. There weren’t many customers in the restaurant, and I was the only one at the register, so I tricked her into going to the break room. I gave her a drug I had prepared a long time ago, tied the person up and then opened the board and placed her inside."

“That was prepared a long time ago. I’ve done renovations before, and I know how to open it up. I’ve seen the design of the lighting, and I know that the box can be opened from above after opening the board up. When I said I was helping with the renovation, I was actually letting everyone know that I was renovating this restaurant so no one would suspect the sounds I made when I went to open it up.”

“Zou Mingfang’s height was easy to tell, and it was simple to work out how to place her down there. I was weak, ancl she was healthy, so she never thought I was a threat."

Having said that, Zhang Mei smiled as if she had thought of something funny.

“I planned everything and just waited for her to come to me because I knew that she hadn’t given up on Zhang Hua. She would definitely come and talk to me face to face, for Zhang Hua’s sake, and she would be self-conscious enough to find a place where no one was around, which made it easy for me."

“I informed everyone of the evening gathering to create an alibi and to ensure that Zeng Longhai was the first person to arrive at the restaurant."

Lin Shiheng askecl in a faint voice, “You wanted Zeng Longhai to kill Zou Mingfang with his own hands? “


Zhang Mei aclmitted it cheerfully and even had a satisfied grin on her face.

“Think about it. When Zou Mingfang wakes up, she’ll find herself in a small coffin, in clarkness, unable to move her hands or feet. She could only endure fear and cry for help."

“She would think back to the fact that it was the drink I gave her that caused her to pass out, ancl immecliately afterwards, she would wonder and wonder, ‘Where is this place? Am I being buried alive? Will someone come and save me!?'”

“While I was singing happily, she was crying for help. While I was drinking and chatting, she was weeping in despair and suffering all night. How scared she must be...”

Her tone grew happy and excited, like a small child who had been given a gift, smiling without shame.

“Having already accepted that she might be trapped inside, suddenly! She would see a bright light."

Zhang Mei smiled happily, her eyes bright and frightening, “For Zou Mingfang, it was the hope of life. She would desperately shout as she tried to get someone to save her."

“But all she got was a little bit of water spilling in."

“Zeng Longhai used to put the mop bucket under the lights, and he would stand underneath and slosh the mop. Zou Mingfang could see him, of course. She would desperately call out his name, hoping that Zeng Longhai could hear it, to save her. But, it’s no use. Zeng Longhai couldn’t hear her. He was just mopping the floor like normal when in fact, above, the woman he loved the most was drowning in water, slowly dying."

The corners of Zhang Mei's mouth rose to an unnatural curve. She eagerly looked at the people sitting across her ancl softly and enthusiastically asked, “Don’t you think it’s great?"

Lin Shiheng met her eye to eye, his magnetic voice faint, “I don’t think so.”

The smile on Zhang Mei's face gradually fell down. She leaned back on the chair again, mockingly saying, “Yes, you’re just an officer. To you, it’s just a case.”

“Why kill her?"

Seeing that Zhang Mei didn’t answer, Lin Shiheng coldly asked, “Because Zhang Hua likes her but doesn’t like you? Or because Zeng Longhai likes her more than you, his wife?"


Zhang Mei’s eyes are full of disdain, “They aren’t worth killing for."

“Zou Mingfang is pregnant."

When these words came out, Shui Wei’s pen, used to take notes, paused slightly. She looked up at Zhang Mei with a little surprise in her eyes.

Zhang Mei, however, didn’t notice her glance, still lost in her own world. She spoke with indignation...

“It doesn’t matter how Zeng Longhai plays out there. I don’t care who he likes or wants to feecl, but he shouldn’t have gotten a child!!!"

“Before I got sick, my assets were several times more than Zeng Longhai’s. After I got sick, I was hospitalised and couldn’t afford to take care of my business, so I handed it over to Zeng Longhai. I didn’t realise that he was so stupid and caused my business to suffer repeated setbacks. By the time I got well, my originally good situation was all ruinecl by his stupidity!”

“Zeng Longhai was concerned about his own restaurant, opened branches continuously and set his eyes on Zhongyuan City. I followed along at that time, but I didn’t think that my business was still getting worse and worse. On the contrary, Zeng Longhai’s business flourished."His attitude changed when

“When a man has money, he has confidence. He used to have money too, but because I had more assets than him, he inevitably had to respect me. When my assets shrank because of illness ancl I couldn’t take care of my business as diligently as before.”

When Zhang Mei said that, there was no sacl expression on her face but ridicule and disdain, “He started seeing one woman after another, taking them to hotel rooms behind my back. At first, I was sad and disappointed. Later, when he had a physical examination, I founcl that it was difficult for him to get someone pregnant, so I let him go."

“If he plays with women, why can’t I play with men? Anyway, Zeng Longhai only has one child, my daughter. In the future, everything will belong to my daughter.”

Lin Shiheng asked, “Do you think Zou Mingfang is pregnant with Zeng Longhai’s child?"

Zhang Mei coldly smiled, “Either she thinks that, or she is pregnant with Zeng Longhai’s child."

“I always knew about Zeng Longhai’s fancy for Zou Mingfang, and I didn’t have any intentions of doing anything about it. I’ve lived with him for so long, don’t I know what kind of personality he has? However, the more he dicln t get what he wanted, the more he would cherish it. But, he would get bored of anything he easily got and wouldn’t even take it seriously."

“When Zhang Hua told me that he liked Zou Mingfang and didn’t want to be with me, I was a little angry, but I knew Zhang Hua too well. He was shy and cowardly, so if I scared him a little bit, he would come back to me. I didn’t expect that Zou Mingfang would go and seduce Zeng Longhai for Zhang Hua."

Thinking about that incident. Zhang Mei’s eyes were filled with murderous intent.

“Before, she kept rejecting Zeng Longhai, and I thought she was really steaclfast and unyielding, but I didn’t think she would sleep with Zeng Longhai so easily merely to get a man.”

“In her eyes, I’m dependent on Zeng Longhai. As long as I lose Zeng Longhai, I’ll lose everything. She didn’t think about it. According to Zeng Longhai’s character, if I really depended on him for everything, how could my position as Mrs Zeng be stable? “

Lin Shiheng listened patiently as Zhang Mei finished before asking, “Where clid you get the confirmation that Zou Mingfang was pregnant with Zeng Longhai’s child?"

“I heard it with my own ears.”

Zhang Mei continued to sneer: “The day before Zeng Longhai brought Zou Mingfang to the house, the woman herself came to me and told me about it. I knew that she had deliberately allowed me to hear those words in order to force me to let go of Zhang Hua."

“She said she was pregnant ancl didn’t want to be a mistress anymore. Zeng Longhai, that stupid pig, agreed without hesitation, saying he would divorce me and that he was transferring his property and promised to marry Zou Mingfang in style."

“I can tolerate Zeng Longhai looking for a woman outside, and I can tolerate this woman being Zou Mingfang, but I absolutely can’t tolerate him wanting a divorce and dividing his property to another bastard child that hasn’t even been born yet!!!”

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