Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 100.3 The Untouchable Flower in the Criminal Investigation Unit (4)

Once inside the precinct, Shui Wei quickly got to work and followed Lin Shiheng to stand together in front of the aquarium box.

“This one was custom-made to be very dense and strong, similar to a large rectangular box because it had to be suspended in the air and always in contact with water.”

A forensic staff member opened the box and explained to them, “But there was a problem with the design at the time: the box, although solid, had an opening on the front side to enable connection to the outside. Therefore, whenever there was water outside, it would come inside. The interior of the box is slightly sloping, and the further forward it went, the narrower the height.”

“We measured the height inside and the height of the deceased's head. The height of the front side of the box is only less than 3 cm wider than the deceased’s head. This height made it impossible for the deceased even to lean her neck back. It also eliminated the possibility of her avoiding drowning by lifting her neck."

With that, he picked up a notebook next to him, resting it on his hand and tilting it to the left, “The angle was like this. Except for the water in front, everywhere else was dry. The deceased was placed in while still alive, face down, with her hands and feet tied. So, when the water flooded in ...”

The staff member placed his hand flat on the book and slightly raised his fingertips, “She had a bruise on the back of her head. Currently, it’s presumed that the deceased had thought of saving herself before she died. In order not to drown, she had lifted her neck. But it didn’t work, the top was blocked, and she couldn’t elevate her head at all. Instead, because of too much force, the back of her head was bruised by the pressure.”

Shui Wei felt a slight chill down her spine as she listened, “That means she was trapped in this box alive and then drowned?”

“From the looks of things, that’s right."

Shui Wei visually inspected the height of the front side of the box. If it were filled with water and placed on the ground, it would cause a small puddle.

But Zou Mingfang was awake when she drowned in the small puddle.

It was as if she was placed in a small coffin. Because the box was too small, and her hands and feet were bound, even if she tried to save herself, it would be useless.

“Since the killer had subdued her using anaesthetics. they could have killed her in many other ways. But they chose this way, causing so much pain and fear before death. It seems that the killer really hated her."

Lin Shiheng walked around the box and deduced, “But why choose this lighting?”

Shui Wei followed up and asked, “Can you turn it over?”


The staff member called someone, and they turned the box over together.

Shui Wei walked up and carefully examined the place where the deceased’s head should be positioned.

Lin Shiheng stood next to her, “What are you looking for?"

“I was thinking about how the murderer went through so much trouble to get the victim into the box alive, could it really be just to let her drown? If they really wanted to kill her this way, they could just look for a puddle, even if it’s a water basin.”

Shui Wei wrinkled her eyebrows and spoke while lowering her head closer to the box to check, “So, the killer might have another purpose, such as ...”

Her eyes were looked on the front side of the box, “Found it!”

The whole box was made from tempered glass, but it was covered with a layer of wood bark and painted over. Shui Wei imagined Zou Mingfang’s position before her death, having her head looking down with little distance between her eyes and the waterway.

She stared at the tiny gap, so small that it was like a crack in the wood, revealing just a little bit.

“Leader Lin, can you use the flashlight to shine inside?"


Lin Shiheng didn’t ask what she was going to do. He took out his cell phone and switched the flashlight on, opened the lid a little and shined it in.

Shui Wei really saw some light.

She suddenly looked up and couldn’t wait to tell Lin Shiheng, “I can see inside, which means that the deceased could also see out while trapped inside.”

Lin Shiheng also thought of that, and he promptly went to ask the staff member, “Is this box soundproof?"

“It should be soundproof; after all, it’s very dense. We'll test it now."

With the new discovery, when Shui Wei went out with Lin Shiheng, her footsteps were a little relaxed.

She couldn’t wait to share her thoughts with Lin Shiheng.

“The killer took so much effort to knock out the victim and made her drown inside the box. It’s likely to let the victim feel the despair of watching herself die without being able to get help.”

She carefully strung out the timeline, “Zeng Longhai didn’t return to the store all night. According to his habit, he would turn the electricity on and then start mopping when he came back. He would usually place the mop bucket under the light. That means the victim would see him while panicking in the water. Zeng Longhai would be standing right under her.”

“Her hands and legs were bound, so she wouldn’t be able to turn her body or even shout that loudly. Because it was soundproof, Zeng Longhai wouldn’t have heard her. The victim could only try to raise her head, and the water would only drown her mouth and nose a little slower. Perhaps she was still trying to shout until her whole face was covered in water. While her eyes were still open, she could see Zeng Longhai through the small gap.”

Shui Wei had just finished her analysis when she suddenly felt a cold shiver run down her body. She couldn’t help reaching out and rubbing her arm, “Why is it cold all of a sudden?"

Lin Shiheng touched her hand, “Your hand is a bit icy."

“How strange, wasn’t the temperature just right?"

Shui Wei sighed. With Lin Shiheng’s touch, the chill suddenly disappeared, and she didn’t think much about it. Then she concluded, “The killer must have hated the deceased and Zeng Longhai. Whether the killer wanted the deceased to feel the despair of shouting for help, but no one coming to save her or wanted her to feel the pain of shouting for help to Zeng Longhai, to no avail. This is an important point.”

“That’s right."

Lin Shiheng was still holding his girlfriend’s hand. His hand was clinging, but his face was still calm, “Knowing that the box is soundproof but still placing someone in it, knowing that the box would be filled with water once the electricity was turned on, and being able to place the victim there when no one was around. When we add all those up, there aren’t many people who meet the criteria. We can start a line-up.”

After he finished, he immediately informed the other colleagues to start screening suspects who met these conditions.

As police officers, for the most part, they didn’t only work from 9 to 5. Since there was a murder case, and they needed to look for clues, they could be working overtime. After these few clues were found, they immediately started a line-up.

The results came out when it was completely dark out.

“Leader Lin, there’s only three people that meet the criteria. Zeng Longhai, the owner of Dragon Sea Restaurant, Zhang Hua, the waiter, and Zhang Mei, the owner’s wife.”

“But Zhang Mei had been seriously ill. Her body had been very weak, especially her legs. She couldn’t walk much, and she shouldn’t be able to carry an adult that high.”

Lin Shiheng hummed and said, “We can’t rule out the possibility that there were multiple perpetrators or rule out that someone ordered others to commit the crime. Let’s take it one step at a time.”

“Yes, Sir!”

According to the regulations, they could take people to the precinct and make statements first. The three people were immediately notified and picked up. Everyone who had been busy from mid-afternoon to the evening was finally able to fill their stomachs.

The precinct didn’t allow anyone to bring in food with heavy scents, so the bunch of adult men, and three women, sat in a row outside. They were all carrying a bowl of instant noodles and slurping their meals.

“Hey, didn’t you say that you couldn’t eat spicy food? Why are you eating peppers? Come on, I’ll switch with you. I have this pickled vegetable one; it’s delicious."

“Go away! I don’t eat spicy food, why would I buy peppered food? Just say it, you want to eat mine! Don’t beat around the bush, for goodness sake!”

With the sound of colleagues laughing after a busy day, Shui Wei couldn’t help but look back at the long, empty corridor.

Lin Shiheng didn’t eat instant noodles, so he drank water alone in the office while everyone was eating instant noodles together.

How could he not be hungry after focusing on work for so long?

Thinking of that, Shui Wei lost her appetite. Her fork kept stirring the noodles around, but she didn’t take a bite.

She thought it was better to think about the case.

Was it really like what she imagined? Zou Mingfang could clearly see someone underneath, but no matter how hard she tried to call out, she wouldn’t get a response. And in the end, she drowned while conscious?

Shui Wei was thinking when she suddenly felt a cold wind blowing. The cold made her shiver.

Feng Kaiyuan was holding his bowl of noodles, “Ah, Wei, are you cold? Even if you’re wearing a lot of clothing? Come one, I’ll share some of my sausages with you to nourish your body.”

Thanking him, Shui Wei took the sausage. She picked up her bowl and drank the soup, but the slightly hot noodles didn’t warm her body. However, the cold crept up from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

For a moment, Shui Wei’s face was pale from the cold.

She placed the bowl down, and her teeth chattered, “Why is it suddenly so cold? I’m going to get another layer of clothing.”

“Is it cold?” Feng Kaiyuan stretched out his hand to feel the air in disbelief, “Yes, it’s a little bit cold. The weather is so fickle.”

“Eh Ah Wei, if you’re cold, I remember there’s a jacket in the break room ..."

— Plop.

The sausage in Shui Wei’s hand fell to the ground with a very shallow plop.

Feng Kaiyuan looked up at Shui Wei in confusion. She was standing in front of him with her back to him, “Ah Wei?"

Shui Wei could no longer hear what he was saying.

Her expression was blank, staring ahead in shock.

The corridor, which was empty a minute ago, was suddenly occupied by a woman.

Her body was standing plank straight, with her feet firmly tied with ropes. Her hands were behind her back, her hair dishevelled, and her pale and puffy face was facing Shui Wei.

Shui Wei saw Zou Mingfang, who was clearly dead.

— Tick.

— Tick.

The water that fell from her chin ticked as it dripped to the floor.

Shui Wei’s lips trembled. She froze at the scene and subconsciously took a step back.

As she retreated, the woman who stood there quietly seemed to be blown by the wind. She floated along and followed her.

How, how can...

Watching the pale and puffy face getting closer and closer to her, Shui Wei felt cold all over. Her tongue felt stiff. She wanted to make a sound, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn’t say anything.

Looking at Zou Mingfang, who was clearly coming at her, Shui Wei’s forehead was full of sweat. She desperately tried to move her legs. But the legs that could run ten laps around the playground without even trembling felt numb. No matter how hard she told her brain to move them, she couldn’t move.

No, don’t —


Just as Zou Mingfang slowly approached and drifted up to the office door. the door suddenly opened, directly blocking her.

“Shui Wei.”

The man, who was wearing a white shirt with slightly rolled up sleeves, revealing his long and slender arms, was still holding the handle of the door. Standing in the dim light, he was so good-looking that the whole corridor seemed to brighten up.

“What is it?”

As if he sensed something behind the door, Lin Shiheng slightly frowned and pulled the door back to close it.

In Shui Wei’s eyes, he had stepped into the figure as he closed the door. In just a moment, it disappeared.

After closing the door, Lin Shiheng looked normal. His two longlegs strode over with confidence.

“The temperature is dropping, don’t catch a cold.”

He spoke in a light tone of concern. Under the shocked gazes of the crowd, he shook the jacket in his hands and naturally draped it on Shui Wei himself.

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