God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1097

Chapter 1096 Back in time 28

When Ningmeng and Qi Yu went downstairs, the three of Shu Xuewen were already sitting at the table for breakfast.

I don’t know if Shu Xuewen ordered that the butler and other servants had a particularly good attitude towards the two of them today.

The cook even took the initiative to ask Ningmeng and Qi Yu what they wanted to eat this morning.

Ningmeng talked about a few foods that he and Qi Yu liked to eat, and then sat on the other side of the table.

No one spoke. Although the atmosphere on the table was silent, it was a rare meal for Qi Yu and Ningmeng to live together in the Qi family for so long.

After the meal, Shu Xuewen said to Ningmeng: “I just made a phone call and the appointment time with the stylist is ten o’clock in the morning, don’t mind waiting.”

“Don’t mind.” Ningmeng looked faintly: “As long as both parties are not late.”

Sitting on the sofa, Qi Han gathered the newspapers and stood up with a briefcase.

He is going to work now.

When passing in front of Qiyu, he stopped for a moment: “Are you not going to school today?”

Qi Yu nodded slightly and looked up at him: “Pick clothes.”

What he meant was that he was going to choose a dress for modeling with Ningmeng.

But how can this work!

Shu Xuewen looked anxious: “Qiyu, wherever you need to pick a dress, just go with Ningmeng and I.”

“Why?” Ningmeng said pretendingly and curiously: “Isn’t this banquet to let everyone know that the son of the Qi family who has been missing for many years is back? Qi Yu is the protagonist of this banquet, why not let him go? You should pick the most beautiful dress and get the most handsome hairstyle!”

“His dress has already been selected, and when that day, someone will come to the door.” Shu Xuewen pretended to be calm: “Furthermore, the boys’ dresses and hairstyles are so few, there is nothing to choose from.”

Of course Ningmeng knew that Shu Xuewen wanted to separate herself and Qi Yu, but she didn’t let Shu Xuewen go so well: “It’s okay, you can follow along if you don’t choose, in case there are other suitable ones. And we go shopping, he How boring to be at home alone.”

This Lime Meng really came to defeat himself!

Shu Xuewen lowered the corners of her lips and said, “He can follow him to the company today.”

“Yeah. There is nothing wrong with the company today. You can follow along and have a look. Don’t even know where your company is when people ask in the future.” Qi Han on one side answered.

Ningmeng stopped talking, and after exchanging glances with Qi Yu, she watched Qi Yu and Qi Han leave.

Ningmeng sat on the solo sofa and took out her phone to play.

Until nine o’clock, Shu Xuewen answered the phone, and she smiled and said: “Let’s go, go early, so as not to be late.”

She deliberately used what Ning Meng had just said to insulate Ning Meng.

Ningmeng didn’t speak, and got up with her mobile phone in her pocket.

Cayenne drove on the endless road. After driving for half an hour, it had already drove from the city center to the suburbs.

Even on both sides of the road, no one can see anymore.

Shu Xuewen originally thought that Ningmeng would ask her a few words, but she didn’t expect that Ningmeng would be playing with her mobile phone all the way down, as if she was chatting with someone. Regarding the conditions on both sides of the road, she didn’t know if she didn’t find it or didn’t care at all.

Until Cayenne, who had been moving forward, stopped in front of a certain villa.

“Madam, here it is.” The driver whispered.

“Get off the bus.” Shu Xuewen’s words were obviously addressed to Ningmeng.

Ningmeng looked up and saw that it was as remote as a suburb. There were no people to see around the clean road. There were separate duplex villas built around, and each villa was separated from each other by a long distance.

Even Ningmeng has to admit that such a remote place without a camera is simply the best place to commit crimes.

Ningmeng opened the door and got out of the car, and Shu Xuewen stood aside waiting for her rare.

After Ningmeng got out of the car, she didn’t know if she was humbly, Shu Xuewen took the initiative to explain to Ningmeng: “Which costume master’s home is, I have some friendship with her, and many clothes are bought directly from her. . She is not going to work today, so she just came to her home to do it. Let her match you with a few more suits that suit you.”

Knowing that what Shu Xuewen was telling was a lie, Ningmeng nodded perfunctorily, and didn’t even bother to say what she agreed with.

Shu Xuewen raised her hand and pressed the doorbell, and soon someone came to open the door.

It was the maid in the villa who received the two.

She invited the two in and said that the hostess was changing clothes upstairs and asked Ningmeng and Shu Xuewen to sit on the sofa and wait.

In addition, she brought out some melon and fruit snacks from the kitchen so that Ningmeng and Shu Xuewen could eat while waiting.

“You sit here to eat, I’ll go up and have a look first.” Shu Xuewen eagerly pushed the fruit plate in front of Ningmeng, and then couldn’t wait to go up the stairs.

The fruit that was cut into small pieces was attractive in color, Ning Meng looked down and suddenly raised her lips and smiled.

Shu Xuewen walked up to the second floor, and the door of the first bedroom was opened from the inside. The lady who came out of it was slightly fat, about the same age as Shu Xuewen, and she looked like Jiang Haitong, the owner of this small villa.

Without waiting for Shu Xuewen to speak, Jiang Haitong reached out and pulled her into the room, and asked in a low voice: “Why are you upstairs too? Don’t you sit down and persuade her to eat more?”

Before coming, Jiang Haitong had already talked to Shu Xuewen about the injection of medicine in the fruit.

“I just called, I don’t know if she eats or not. And she never listens to me. I sit there and let her eat and I wonder if it will make her suspicious. It’s better to come and have a look.” Shu Xuewen walked into the room: “She’s already in her mouth, even if you don’t eat, you can still make her dizzy.”

Thinking of the people he had arranged on the first floor, Jiang Haitong didn’t refute Shu Xuewen’s words, but said: “It won’t be so troublesome for her to pass out by herself.”

In the bedroom, heavy curtains were drawn down to block most of the light.

Jiang Yuan, who has not been out for many days, sat in front of the computer and stared at the computer screen unblinkingly. Her focused appearance was like an internet addicted girl who was addicted to the Internet.

When she saw Shu Xuewen, Jiang Yuan called her: “Aunt Shu.”

“It turns out that Yuanyuan is there too.” Shu Xuewen was taken aback, and then she saw Jiang Yuan, who was covered by the computer.

And after walking past, Shu Xuewen noticed that the picture on the computer screen was nothing else, it was the picture of Ning Meng sitting there eating fruit in the living room now.

Originally Jiang Haitong did not want Jiang Yuan to participate in this matter, but Jiang Yuan accidentally overheard the conversation between her and her husband.

Since Jiang Haitong brought Jiang Yuan back from school last time, Jiang Yuan has stayed at home and refused to go to school.

Jiang Yuan’s life has been smooth since she was a child. Now that she has suffered such a big somersault, the person she hates most is Ning Meng.

After hearing the conversation between her mother and father, even if Jiang Haitong didn’t want her to engage in this kind of thing, Jiang Yuan still followed stubbornly.

She already knew that Jiang Haitong planned to buy Ningmeng to the mountain village.

Jiang Yuan didn’t feel how vicious and cruel Jiang Haitong’s actions were, she just felt relieved! I even wish I could see the scene of Ning Meng breaking down and crying after finding out that she was sold to the small mountain village.

Jiang Yuan stared at the picture on the screen.

Jiang Haitong and Shu Xuewen also stood behind her, no one spoke.

Lumian sat on the sofa, eating fruit with a leisurely look.

She ate very slowly. She was eating while playing with her phone. It took a long time to eat an apple. The three people on the screen were distraught.

As time passed, Shu Xuewen and Jiang Haitong felt that if they didn’t go any further, they would be discovered by Ningmeng sooner or later.

But Ningmeng herself didn’t think so.

She was holding a few washed strawberries in her hand. Maybe she was a little bored sitting down and waiting, and she got up and looked at the structure of the villa and some furnishings in the hall.

“Why aren’t you dizzy!” Jiang Yuan frowned, and finally couldn’t help but whispered.

But just now when she finished speaking, Ningmeng on the screen suddenly went to the ground. This scene shocked the three of them.

“Is she… fainted?” Jiang Yuan pointed to Ningmeng who fell motionless on the screen.

This is also a coincidence.

So even if Ningmeng fell on the ground motionless, the three of them didn’t look down immediately.

Until a few more minutes passed, after seeing Ningmeng still motionless, Shu Xuewen said, “I will go down and take a look.”

She stepped downstairs, walked to Ningmeng’s side, raised her foot and kicked, seeing that Ningmeng really had no reaction at all, Shu Xuewen raised her head and beckoned to the monitor, indicating that Jiang Yuan and Jiang Haitong could come down.

Jiang Haitong was okay. He only looked at Ningmeng from a distance and went to call the person he had arranged.

But Jiang Yuan, after coming down the stairs, walked straight away in front of Ningmeng.

She lifted her foot and kicked Ningmeng, and sneered: “I really fainted.”

Not only was Jiang Yuan not afraid of doing this kind of thing for the first time, on the contrary, a strong sense of pleasure rose.

It makes people unhappy to see the person who used to push himself high, now lying at his feet like a dead fish, letting him deal with it.

Jiang Haitong called several men in.

They seemed to be familiar with them too, looking at Ningmeng who fell on the ground, their expressions remained unchanged, and they didn’t say a word. They just put Ningmeng into the sack and carried them away.

Although Ningmeng was in a coma, she could still make people see her beauty at a glance.

Jiang Yuan frowned, and for a moment didn’t want them to take Ningmeng away so easily.

But after another thought, many men in the mountains had never seen a woman.

The more beautiful Ningmeng grows, the more worried people will be, and when the time comes… the end will be even more sad.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan’s mood immediately improved, and the trace of unwillingness in her heart disappeared at this moment.

This is not the first time Jiang Haitong has done this kind of thing.

The Jiang family already has a mature road in this regard because of some interests.

After the men took Ningmeng away, Jiang Haitong asked his confidant to clean up the surveillance content in the villa and other things that were easy to leave behind.

After everything was done, Jiang Haitong and Jiang Yuan’s bad mood that had been suppressed for many years finally disappeared. The three of them went out shopping in Shu Xuewen’s car.

But I don’t know, on the other side, someone has been looking for Ningmeng and Qi Yu looking crazy.

The person who first discovered that Ning Meng could not connect was Bo Wenhuan of the Institute.

Before we parted yesterday, everyone agreed to have a celebration banquet together.

After Ningmeng revealed the location of Qi’s villa yesterday, Bo Wenhuan suddenly discovered that Qi Yu and Ningmeng lived not far from his own.

He drove past only a few minutes.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu were still under adulthood, so Bo Wenhuan naturally took the initiative to recruit this task.

And Ningmeng also agreed, and will wait for him at home with Qi Yu.

However, when the appointed time was reached, Bo Wenhuan suddenly discovered that those who were still chatting well in the morning did not reply until noon.

When Ningmeng didn’t get a reply, Bo Wenhuan didn’t care at first.

But seeing the time approaching the scheduled time a little bit, but Ningmeng still did not reply, the text message did not reply, the phone was not answered, and even when the call showed that it was turned off, Bo Wenhuan suddenly became a little worried.

And he also found that not only Ningmeng, but even Qi Yu couldn’t get in touch.

During this time everyone stayed together. Ningmeng and Qi Yu have always been punctual. They are not the kind of people who release pigeons suddenly without saying a word.

However, Bo Wenhuan did not have the residential addresses of Ningmeng and Qi Yu, only knew that they lived in one of the villas.

Bo Wenhuan thought for a while and called other people in the research institute.

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