God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1087

Chapter 1086 Back in time 18

Until the two mothers and daughters got in the car, the panic on Jiang Yuan’s face finally showed up: “Mom, what should I do now. Ningmeng won’t really hand the court summons to me? That way I will be laughed to death. .”

“Are you afraid now? Why didn’t you know you were afraid when you did this thing before! It’s a small thing for you to be laughed at, and it’s a big deal to lose the face of the Jiang family!” Jiang Haitong was also a little more sober at this time, but still right Jiang Yuan’s expression hates that iron can’t make steel.

Although Jiang Haitong spoke harshly in front of Ningmeng just now, in fact, both of them knew in their hearts that if this lawsuit really fought, Jiang Yuan would definitely lose.

After all, Jiang Yuan is just a girl who is still in high school. Even if she is a little cautious, she has seen too little world. Listening to Jiang Haitong’s words, Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but sob and cried.

Jiang Haitong was upset by her crying, and said angrily: “Don’t cry, call your dad first and see what he says.”

Jiang Yuan was still flustered, and when she heard Jiang Haitong’s words, she asked her to call and talk to Father Jiang.

Jiang Yuan stopped crying, wiped her tears, and said: “Aren’t we going home now, and we will talk to Dad after we get home.”

She said that because she didn’t know how to talk to Father Jiang. But Jiang Haitong thought that Jiang’s father was busy at work, and calling him at this time would only affect his office.

Jiang Haitong nodded, reluctantly agreeing with Jiang Yuan’s words.

The car returned to its previous quietness.

On the other side, Shu Xuewen, who was also sitting in the car, suddenly disappeared from the relaxed expression on her face after getting in the car.

Qi Yu’s face appeared in Shu Xuewen’s mind over and over again. Shu Xuewen opened the phone album and clicked on one of the photos.

This is a chronological black and white photo of a tall man sitting on a sofa and smiling at the camera.

The man is not only handsome in England, but also extremely temperamental.

However, these are not the reasons for Shu Xuewen to open him.

The reason why Shu Xuewen clicked on this photo was that the man in the photo seemed to be the youth version of Qiyu!

He and Qi Yu, their appearances are as high as eight points similar.

The man on the screen is Shu Xuewen’s own brother.

It was also after his suicide that everyone knew that such a rich, talented and gentle man had been depressed for many years.

Shu Xuewen frowned when thinking of Qiyu’s birth in an orphanage.

Her elder brother died only two or three years, and when her elder brother died, he was already in his thirties.

If Qi Yu is her elder brother’s child, in terms of age, it is the same.

Shu Xuewen knew that this idea of ​​her was a little absurd, but she still couldn’t help thinking about it.

Until more than ten minutes later, Shu Xuewen called the assistant.

“Assistant Liu, go find someone for me…”

Whether it is Shu Xuewen or Liu Special Assistant, both of them despise their identities from the Qiyu Orphanage.

So when Liu Tezhu went to investigate Qiyu’s identity, he didn’t even conceal it.

However, Liu Te helped the front foot to enter the orphanage gate, and someone at the back foot told Qi Yu about the matter.

“It’s okay, let him check it.” Qi Yu spoke to his subordinates.

After hiding for so many years, he didn’t want to hide anymore.

Because of Qi Yu’s indulgence, Liu Tezhu quickly found out Qi Yu’s identity.

Shu Xuewen looked at the results of the investigation presented by Liu Te’s help, her expression was shocked and her face paled.

She originally thought it might be her nephew’s person, but in the end it was her biological son? !

The results of the investigation were written with the help of Liu Te. Naturally, I know what it means.

Liu Tezhu said: “This may…not necessarily be true. It is better to get the other party’s hair with follicles or blood, and go to the hospital for a paternity test.”

“Leave this to you to do.” Shu Xuewen tried her best to control her inner emotions, and then exhorted: “Don’t be known by anyone until there is no result.”

Liu Tezhu nodded and left, leaving only Shu Xuewen in the office.

Shu Xuewen took the results of the investigation and looked at it carefully.

Seven years ago, the youngest son was seriously ill, and the family went for blood and bone marrow tests. Only then did she know that her eldest son was dropped.

But it is a pity that when she sent someone to the small town in the maid’s hometown, her eldest son who had been dropped was no longer there.

Even if she didn’t give up afterwards, she sent someone to that small town, but there was still no whereabouts of him.

Even the local police believed that he might have been abducted by traffickers.

It was not until there was no hope at all that Shu Xuewen withdrew those people back.

After knowing that the eldest son they had raised for so many years was not their own biological son, Shu Xuewen and Qi Han did not drive the counterfeit back, but they moved each other’s accounts out the first time.

The Qi family’s huge fortune cannot be left to an outsider.

At that time, there was a lot of trouble about the relocation of residence. Almost half of the people in Beijing knew about the disappearance of the Qi family.

At the beginning, there would still be talks about this in front of her, but now so many years have passed, no one has talked about this in front of her for a long time.

Except when the younger son is in poor health, Shu Xuewen occasionally thinks about the elder son who is living and dead. The rest of the time, I still won’t think of it.

Shu Xuewen thought for a while, then called Qi Han.

Although Liu Tezhu has not yet done a paternity test, Shu Xuewen has an intuition that Qiyu is her biological son!

Qi Han answered the phone and heard this from Shu Xuewen’s mouth, his expression shocked: “Are you sure that is our son?”

“I have asked Liu Tezhu to find a way to get his hair or blood. Although the paternity test has not been done yet, the time when he came to the orphanage and the time when he left the small township in the past kissed.” Shu Xuewen said calmly: “Moreover, he and my brother look seven points similar. When I saw him today, I even thought he was the illegitimate son of my brother who was living outside.”

Qi Han somewhat believed Shu Xuewen’s words, but felt that this matter could not be concluded so hastily.

He opened his mouth and said: “Let Liu Te help get it quickly, and I will also send Assistant Wang to contact him. Then he will do a paternity test in the old Guo hospital, and keep it confidential.”

Shu Xuewen: “Okay.”

In the afternoon, Liu Tezhu got a few hairs from Qi Yu.

Assistant Wang contacted the hospital immediately, but even if there was Qi Han’s friendship and relationship, the paternity test would take three days at the earliest.

Both Shu Xuewen and Qi Han were a little anxious.

And Qi Yu was also secretly waiting for the result.

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