God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1085

Chapter 1084 Back in time 16

Mother Jiang and Shu Xuewen rushed to the school.

Jiang Yuan was waiting for them at the school gate.

When she saw Mother Jiang’s figure, Jiang Yuan greeted her instantly, her expression aggrieved: “Mom, you are finally here.”

“What the **** is going on? Your school just called me. You touched classmate porcelain? Is it true?!” After getting off the bus, Mother Jiang changed the anxiety she had received before, and asked with a serious expression. With Jiang Yuan, I just want to hear the truth.

Originally, when Jiang Yuan received a call from Jiang Yuan in the restaurant, Jiang’s mother was very anxious.

It wasn’t until halfway there just now that Jiang’s mother received a call from the dean of Fuhua No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang’s mother also learned from the teaching director what Jiang Yuan had done to Ningmeng.

But how could Jiang’s mother believe it.

The daughter she brought up with great care is obviously smart and temperamental, so how could she deliberately touch porcelain and slander her classmates?

But the dean of teaching would not lie, and he called Mother Jiang not only to let Jiang’s mother know about this matter, but to let Jiang’s mother choose a school to punish Jiang Yuan: to report criticisms and demerits.

After listening to the teaching director, Jiang’s mother was so worried that she was so angry now.

Not to mention, what the director had just taught was heard by Shu Xuewen, who came with him.

If your child does this kind of thing, everyone feels dull on his face.

“…Mom.” Jiang Yuan was startled by the stern look on Jiang’s mother.

“Did you really do it?!” Jiang Mu asked loudly, her expression unbelievable.

“Oh, I didn’t mean it.” Jiang Yuan didn’t mean anything, and she cried directly on her mother Jiang’s shoulder, crying and complaining: “Mom, you don’t know how much she hates…”

Mother Jiang is angry and worried about her daughter.

Especially under Jiang Yuan’s tears offensive, the anger in Jiang’s mother was overwhelmed.

Mother Jiang said angrily: “What the **** is going on? You won’t talk to your family if you are bullied.”

Jiang Yuan sobbed, and whispered to Jiang’s mother about dropping herself from the school flower position.

Jiang’s mother couldn’t believe it, she couldn’t believe that Jiang Yuan was going to fight for such a trivial matter. And what is terrible is that not only did he fail to suppress the opponent, but he could not lose the rice by stealing chickens.

Jiang’s mother wanted to poke Jiang Yuan’s head and ask her if she had water in her head.

“Haitong, don’t get angry. Didn’t the director call you just now? The most important thing now is to go to the principal’s office. It’s normal for a girl to be arrogant. Yuanyuan is still young now. You made a mistake.” Shu Xuewen got out of the car and comforted Mother Jiang.

Jiang’s mother’s name is Jiang Haitong.

Shu Xuewen’s words made Jiang Haitong sober from her daughter’s tears.


The most important thing now is the attitude of the school.

Jiang Yuan is still so young that she will never be remembered. It is also unacceptable to report such a shameful criticism!

If this is spread out, the Jiang family’s face will be lost!

Jiang Haitong hurriedly took Jiang Yuan to the principal’s office.

Shu Xuewen felt that she was here, so let’s take a look together.

Because they called before, the principal and the dean knew that Jiang Haitong would come, so the two waited in the office in advance.

After Jiang Haitong came, the two spoke again and explained the school’s punishment to Jiang Yuan.

Either record it or report criticism.

“Principal Wang, this punishment is too serious.” Mother Jiang smiled: “My father and I originally planned to let her study abroad in two years. If this is remembered, it will not be good for her future life. Ah. And a few days earlier, her dad was still discussing with me that your school was dedicated to Jiang Yuan’s teaching and planned to invest another five million yuan in replacement of learning equipment for your school next semester.”

“Thank you Mr. Jiang for your sponsorship. If you feel that the memory is not good, then you can report criticism.” The dean looked at it with a stern look, raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose, “We have already selected the time, and it will be tomorrow. What happens after the second get out of class in the morning? There is also a penalty announcement, which will be posted for a week.”

Jiang Yuan was standing next to Jiang Haitong.

She did not expect that the school would rather protect the poor student Ningmeng than on her side!

Jiang Yuan bit her lip and looked at her mother anxiously.

These two punishments, no matter which one, she can not accept.

If this is let others know, it will definitely be ashamed. There are also those girls who are in conflict with her. If they knew about it, they would definitely take it to her and laugh at her severely.

Not only Jiang Yuan, but even Jiang’s mother did not expect that she said so bluntly, that the school is so shameless!

Jiang’s mother can be regarded as a patronizing figure in recent years, and will be treated politely everywhere she goes.

The words of the dean of teaching made Jiang’s mother smile, and her expression was slightly sinking: “It seems that the school does not want the five million sponsorship fees.”

“Sponsorship for the school is a sponsorship for the future pillars of the country. This is a public welfare undertaking, and it depends on the individual. When there is a sponsorship fee, all teachers and students of the school will be grateful. If not, don’t force it.” Principal Wang smiled and said. .

Mother Jiang is a violent temper. Principal Wang’s words made her almost unable to control her emotions.

Seeing that Jiang’s mother was about to question Principal Wang, Shu Xuewen, who was sitting next to him drinking tea, quickly pulled her and signaled her not to be impulsive.

Shu Xuewen looked at Principal Wang in a gentle and polite tone: “I don’t know who is the classmate who is in conflict with Yuanyuan? Why don’t we ask her over here, let’s find out more. After all, everyone is underage, and it’s between little girls. , If there is any misunderstanding, it’s good for everyone to make it clear in private, there is no need to make a big noise, and it’s not good for the two little girls. What do you think of President Wang?”

This person speaks much better than Mrs. Jiang.

In a few words, Jiang Yuan’s design to frame each other was described as a small fight between two little girls.

This ability to open your eyes and tell lies is simply incredible.

However, President Wang also knows the identity of Shu Xuewen. Now the wife of the chairman of the Qi Group, and her two sons are also studying in Fuhua No. 1 Middle School.

Last year, the Qi Group also donated a teaching building to the school.

The face that should be given has to be given enough.

Principal Wang smiled and said: “Of course, if it can be solved privately, then everyone will be happy. Director Liu, ask Ningmeng to come to the office.”

The dean nodded and left.

Ningmeng was sitting in the seat by the window and listening to the class. Suddenly she felt someone standing outside the window, and she reached out and tapped on the glass.

Ningmeng turned her head and saw the dean’s face.

Moreover, the dean beckoned her to go out.

Ningmeng was puzzled for a moment. On the contrary, Qi Yu’s eyes were dull, as if she knew something, she took Ningmeng’s hand and whispered, “Maybe someone from the Jiang family is here. You go together.”

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