God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1071 Back in time 3

This bicycle belongs to Ban Hongcai, but it is only over ten inches. Even if Qiyu is a child now, he can still ride it.

Qi Yu stepped **** his bicycle and set off in the direction of Ningmeng.

Wang Rongfang’s house is relatively remote, and there are no other neighboring villagers nearby.

So just now, even if Wang Rongfang was yelling, no other villagers heard it.

On the contrary, Qiyu ran into many villagers on the way out of the village.

Qi Yu doesn’t remember these villagers anymore, but these villagers all know his situation. He looked at his eyes full of pity and sympathy, and asked him where he was going.

Qi Yu casually found a reason to prevaricate.

Until Qiyu was about to go out of the village, a villager reminded him: “My baby, don’t take the road in Hexi Village. There was flooding and mudslides over there during this period. The road over there was blocked. Let’s go over Bay Village.”

Qi Yu was shocked after hearing this.

He remembered that Ningmeng had said that her family seemed to be crushed to death by the collapsed houses because of the mudslide.

Moreover, after recalling the direction of Hexi Village, Qi Yu found that that direction was where Ningmeng was!

Qiyu thanked the villagers, and then hurriedly drove towards Hexi Village.

Although Ningmeng was in a good state of life, Qi Yu couldn’t guarantee that Ningmeng was in such a dangerous place and there would be no accidents.

There are dozens of miles from Qiyu to Hexi Village, and because of the recent heavy rain, the dirt road that was not easy to walk was wet by the rain, it was wet and slippery, and there were many small puddles and small stones on the road. , It’s harder to go.

Qiyu rode his bicycle all the way, and almost fell into a puddle several times.

But he couldn’t take care of this. Although he felt that Ningmeng was not dangerous, he found that Ningmeng had always been in the same place and hadn’t moved.

Qi Yu is very afraid that the result will be what he thinks…

Qi Yu rode all morning and finally arrived at Hexi Village.

Outside Hexi Village, the police put up a warning strip and a road sign indicating that the road was impassable. From a distance, Qiyu could still see the presence of a policeman in the village.

Qi Yu’s heart tightened and speeded up again.

After arriving at the entrance of the village, his bicycle could no longer be ridden. Qi Yu jumped out of the bicycle, threw the bicycle aside, and rushed in.

Yu Guang, the other policeman who was discussing the matter, noticed the kid and turned his head and shouted, “Hey, where is this kid from? Stop it! This is not where the kid should be!”

Qi Yu turned a deaf ear and ran in quickly, but the policemen chasing him were all left behind by him.

In this mudslide, the landslide was so serious that almost the entire village was buried in it.

At a glance, it was all in ruins.

Looking at the pile of ruins in front of him, Qi Yu almost didn’t kneel down directly.

He could feel that Ningmeng was under the ruins.

Standing in front of a ruin, Qi Yu sensed the specific location of Ningmeng, then walked aside and threw the stone aside.

The police rushed over and almost fainted watching Qi Yu kneeling in front of a ruin while digging a stone with his bare hands.

He looked at Qi Yu for a long time, and seemed to be unbearable: “Son, stop digging.”

Almost half a month has passed since the mudslides, and the bodies of people in this village… have all been found.

The rescue operation has ended, and these policemen are staying to deal with the follow-up.

However, Qi Yu turned a deaf ear.

He could feel that Ningmeng was here!

Other police officers noticed Qiyu, thinking that Qiyu could not accept the fact that his family was absent, they stepped forward and persuaded Qiyu a few words.

“Either dig with me or don’t talk.” Qi Yu turned his head and glanced at these people, his eyes indifferent: “My sister is still down there.”

Qi Yu’s cold eyes directly shocked several policemen into speechlessness.

Don’t look at Qiyu as a young person, but his movements are very fast.

Even though his little hands were dripping with blood, he didn’t stop his movements, and he didn’t even slow down at all, as if he didn’t feel any pain.

The police officers standing next to them finally couldn’t help it.

One of them stood up and said: “Enough is enough, kid, if you are not going, I will just carry you and go.”

When the words fell, he really strode forward, reaching out to pull Qiyu.

Qi Yu paused, turned his head to look at the police officer, his brows were full of impatient being disturbed.

A dull voice sounded.

It was like the sound of a rock hitting the ground.

Qi Yu was taken aback for a moment, and could no longer pay attention to the police, and immediately increased the speed in his hands.

The sound just now, although short, was very loud.

Not only Qi Yu heard it, but also the police officer behind him who wanted to carry him away.

The police officer’s expression changed, unbelievable.

Is there really one person in there?

Just when he thought about it, Qi Yu had already removed two big rocks.

Saw the hole supported by the stone slabs inside.

“Mengmeng?” Qi Yu shouted inside.

Inside, the little girl’s joyous and childish voice came out immediately: “Yes, it’s me! I’m here!”

Now, Qi Yu dug harder.

Moreover, several policemen nearby all stepped forward to help.

Qi Yu was allowed to dig by himself before because they felt that there was no one here anymore.

But now that they know that there is still a survivor in it, how can they die!

The police grabbed the mouth of the cave and asked Ningmeng inside: “Hey, hello? Can you still hear it? How is your health now? How many people are there?”

Ningmeng heard that it was not Qi Yu’s voice, but still replied: “I am the only one. I am curled up now, my body is not injured.”

This is really gratifying. After a few police officers observed the entrance of the cave, they quickly went to get rescue tools.

Qi Yu carefully moved the rocks outside, talking to Ningmeng while moving.

Ningmeng knew that Qi Yu was doing this to soothe her emotions, looked up at the tiny light above, and looked forward to the meeting with Qi Yu during the round.

When Ningmeng just woke up, she found herself trapped in it.

As for she didn’t move at the first time, it was because there were a lot of memories in her mind.

All are her own memories.

Although Ningmeng also remembered some of them one after another before, it was not complete.

The memory that emerges in my mind now is complete.

After Ningmeng sorted out her memory, she found that Qi Yu had already approached her position.

And 001 also reminded her in her mind that she shouldn’t borrow the power of the system to go out now.

Because there are many police officers outside here, if she goes out, she will definitely make some noise.

She was a little girl who crawled out of the rubble a few meters deep, unable to convince the crowd.

So Ningmeng waited for Qi Yu to come and find her.

It’s just that while waiting, Ningmeng didn’t do nothing.

She asked 001 to give her a small iron tree, and started to enlarge the space around her.

Not only did she feel more comfortable, but it also reduced the difficulty for everyone to rescue her.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the hole was dug so that it could accommodate one person.

The original plan of the police was to put a policeman in with a rope and carry Ning Meng up.

But Ningmeng said that she still had the strength to grab the rope by herself.

Then, using the lowered rope to tie himself into a little frog’s Lemon Meng, was slowly pulled out.

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