Go Alone

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Burning fire

Falling into the fire pit, the flames rose directly and burned Ye Yu. Ye Yu wanted to turn over and avoid him in horror, but found that Huo Kang had a mighty force, and he literally pulled him down.

The flames swept through his body, Ye Yu only felt that his whole person was ignited, and flames burned out of his skin, and a biting pain swept through his body.

He was burned, Ye Yu’s crazy driving force wanted to extinguish the flame. But at this time, I found that the flame was very strange, it turned green when it burned on him, and it didn’t scorch him, but the whole body was burning red.

“Cao Feiyu, you died terribly before your lifetime, I will burn a ghost with ghost fire to serve you!” Cao Feiyu was still crying, and dropped a few more paper money.

The flames burned even higher. At this time, Ye Yu realized that these paper money were extraordinary. There were indistinct lines on them. The burning lines were ignited, and bursts of flames rushed directly into Ye Yu’s body.

Ye Yu’s whole body was ignited, but he had never directly burnt to death and scorched, but flames spurted all over his body, and the burning Ye Yu screamed.

The flame burned, and the pain hit his body. Ye Yu felt a burning sensation all over his body. The pain entered the bone marrow and was extremely uncomfortable.

Ye Yu couldn’t help but think of a sentence, ‘Burning the flames on the body’. Ye Yu felt this way at this time, his painful face was distorted.

Ye Yu saw that after he was burned, there was really a phantom being burned out, and this phantom was exactly the same as him. It’s really like a ghost.

Cao Feiyu continued to throw paper money into the fire, and the flames burned in. Ye Yu felt that his bones and blood had been ignited, and there was a burning sensation in any part of his body, which made him feel unbearable pain.

But this was just the beginning. In Cao Feiyu’s howling and crying, as the flame burned, Ye Yu realized that it wasn’t just his body that started burning.

Ye Yu felt that his soul had also been burned, and Ye Yu could no longer bear it. The burning of the body has already made him to collapse, and now the soul is also being burned, the pain of the soul is directly affected in the depths of the spirit, and the intensity is more than a hundred times stronger than the body.

“Old guy…you…ah…ah…” Ye Yu yelled, but without a few words, he wailed in pain and couldn’t keep on cursing.

Ye Yu’s entire face was distorted, his blue veins were surging, and his body was convulsing, curled up and looked incredibly hideous, he was suffering unimaginable pain.

Ye Yu couldn’t hold it anymore, his teeth clenched and rattled.

Ye Yu madly drove the power in his body, trying to relieve this pain, but this still couldn’t relieve him of the slightest pain.

Ye Yu clenched his fists tightly, his pupils bulging out, he was rolling in pain constantly in the fire, and in the end he didn’t even have the strength to roll. The whole person was burnt and could only pant there, like Paralyzed there.

It’s strange to say that Ye Yu was paralyzed there, and he could only breathe. He noticed that the pain had eased quite a bit.

This made Ye Yu overjoyed. At this time, Ye Yu realized that the raindrops in the soul was actually flowing through his body autonomously. It was like pouring water over. Although the flames were still burning, the raindrops were nourishing and being burned. Soul and body.

The fire is still burning, but the raindrops are also flowing, nourishing him like a spring breeze and drizzle.

Although Ye Yu still feels uncomfortable, this uncomfortable one must be the same as before.

Ye Yu couldn’t escape the fire, he just lay there, letting the flame burn him, the raindrops flowed, and Ye Yu’s twisted face gradually returned to normal.

“Huh!” Chi Bufaan didn’t know when he came in, and looked surprised at Ye Yu who was still burning in the fire. “This kid doesn’t shout or scream under the ghost fire?”

“Who is he?” Cao Feiyu stopped crying, looking at Ye Yu who was being burned by the flames, and asking if Chi was not fat.

Chi Bufaan knew that his master would be slightly normal after crying, otherwise he would not dare to come in: “Hey, a fool who wants to worship you as a teacher!”

Cao Feiyu was a little surprised. He glanced at Ye Yu and saw that Ye Yu was still burning in the flames: “It is something to be able to be burned for so long without fainting!”

“Nine Profound Yin Lei didn’t kill him either!” Chi Bufang replied.

Cao Feiyu looked up and down Ye Yu, and suddenly grabbed the paper money. His finger touched the paper money. The texture of the paper money suddenly changed. The whole paper money turned into golden paper money and then threw it directly into the field.

Cao Feiyu was shocked when he saw this scene: “This will be deadly!”

The previous paper money, although the fire burned the body and the ghost fire burned the gods, but at most it was suffering from great suffering. The burned people were languid, but they couldn’t burn the dead.

But the golden paper money is much more domineering and ferocious, it can really ignite the soul, and the soul and body may really be burnt clean.

Chi Bufaan doesn’t want this guy to die. If this guy is burned to death, it will be him and the big brother who are tortured.

But when Cao Feiyu was surprised, even though Ye Yu’s body trembled a few times, he quickly returned to normal, but he was able to bear it for life without even screaming.

“Huh!” Chi Bufaan became more and more surprised, he could bear the golden paper money?

Cao Feiyu didn’t care about this, he threw handfuls of golden paper money directly into it, and one handful of them connected, burning out a golden flame, completely submerging Ye Yu.

Ye Yu was lying there peacefully. He was running wildly at this time. The raindrop vision was so powerful that he could resist the fire.

Ye Yu thought that his raindrops were shaped by enjoying reincarnation in one day. Ye Yu became more and more curious about enjoying reincarnation in one day. What exactly did he bring to himself? Not only is it not afraid of the nine-yin xuan thunder, but now even this ghost fire that can burn the soul can resist.

Cao Feiyu kept throwing the golden paper money in, but Ye Yu lay there peacefully.

“How did he do it?” Cao Feiyu looked at Ye Yu in surprise. He understood the flames of the paper money. He directly burned the flesh and soul, and let your strength be locked in and burned, and you would have to suffer unimaginably. Torture.

I don’t know how many times he and the beautiful painter have experienced it, but each experience is like hell, but this kid can bear the golden paper for the first time, and he is not afraid.

“It’s really weird!” Chi Bufang rolled his small eyes, and then he laughed.

When all the paper money was thrown in, Cao Feiyu’s eyes also circulated on Ye Yu, with some doubts and thoughts on his face.

This world is not the one who has not endured the burning of golden paper. Painted Beauty and Chi Bu Fat can also be able to carry it now, but they can’t do anything that can withstand it like this.

This kid obviously couldn’t bear it at first, his body was convulsed, why suddenly he became so calm to bear it?

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