Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 46

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Team Fight

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“Let’s go over there.” Lu Feng nodded and agreed.

Although someone was standing guard, he didn’t dare to fall asleep. At most, he could sleep deeper than a person. Lu Feng’s stamina only recovered to 93%.

I believe that Lihua Luochanai is in a similar state. Even if Lu Feng is standing guard, it is probably not too much for her to rest alone.

After all, they were people who didn’t know each other, so they were somewhat embarrassed.

At around 5 o’clock in the afternoon, Lihua Luochanai almost went to the periphery. Today is the last night. When the Buddha dawns, you don’t need to come here again. Now it’s just right to wait near the exit.

Lu Feng wanted to make use of all his time and still go to Ghost Kill for the treasure chest.

However, after several hours in a row, he found nothing. When he reached a valley, there was another movement in front of him. This was the sixth time he had encountered other people in battle.

Although there are a lot of people, the forty or so people thrown into this mountain are actually very scattered. Relatively speaking, the first two days are the easiest to meet other people.

Since the third day, he has only met Lihua Luochanai.

Lu Feng went to the place where the sound was made. If he was an aboriginal, he could grab the monster without hesitation, and he could also get a thank you.

However, after arriving there, Lu Feng was stunned.

“Are the players in the same group fighting against each other?”

But I saw two women fighting in the valley tens of meters in front of me. Isn’t that the only female player among the people who followed the Ghost Killing Team route this time.

The violent beautiful girl Yueyingshan who kicked my wife Zenit down the mountain road, and another girl with ponytails, are currently fighting fiercely.

This is not to say that people in the same group will never have infighting, but those in the same group generally have the same interests, or in reality, the relationship is OK, or there are more powerful things to maintain.

Lu Feng knew that the two were friends.

But a few days after entering the dungeon world, and one of the main quests has not been completed, the same group began to fight infighting, but it was relatively rare.

Surprisingly, Yue Yingshan holds a large shield in her left hand and a sun blade in her right hand.

The infinite world is not a game, the attributes are the reflection of the human body, the natural strength and physique of women are weaker than that of men, and the sword and shield flow is MT, no matter how you look at it, it is not suitable for women.

The ponytail girl only has a sun blade, but her swordsmanship is so good that she can almost easily resolve Yueyingshan’s swordsmanship, and she also makes fierce attacks from time to time, so Yueyingshan has to be defended with a shield.

Moreover, the body of the girl with ponytail also emits a flame halo around from time to time, and if she is attacked by the flame halo, she will be injured.

Yue Yingshan was almost suppressed, but her shield was very strong, and her body would be covered with ice from time to time, dispelling the opponent’s flame halo, so she was stunned and persevered, but failure seemed to be doomed.

“Three skills?”

Lu Feng originally wanted to show off immediately, but he also wanted to at least get another treasure chest on the last night.

As for the disputes between players, he is not in the mood to care. The ghost knows what other people are fighting for. Of course, he will not interfere with nothing, even if the other party is Yue Yingshan and the two of them.

But when he found out that Yueyingshan might have three skill slots, he was still a little curious, so he planned to continue to watch the battle for a while.

After all, like him, people with three skill positions are too uncommon, and knowing more about the opponent is also something every player must pay attention to.

Lu Feng just made a judgment, the ponytail girl slashed out with a sword, and a faint light surrounded the blade.

Yue Yingshan’s swordsmanship is actually very general. She relies on the shield and the strange ice possession. It is possible that she does not have so many potential points allocated to the three skill slots.

In the face of that fierce blow, Yue Yingshan’s sun blade was no longer able to handle it, so she could only block with her sword.

With a ding sound, the sun wheel knife was divided into two.

This knife came down and directly cut off the sun wheel knife, which is obviously a unique trick.

Holding half of the sun blade, Yue Yingshan lost her battle strength, possessed a large shield, quickly retreated, and left several meters, and then she threw away half of the sun blade.

The ponytail girl did not immediately pursue.

“Shanshan, don’t blame me, I can’t help it.” The ponytail girl seemed to be about to cry, trying to suppress her emotions. The situation was a bit strange.

“Feng Xiaojuan, thank you for taking you as my confidant and taking care of you like this since I was a child.”

Yue Yingshan was obviously very angry. She stretched out her hand, and the cold air rose near her wrist. In an instant, the cold air condensed into a long sword.

It seems that this is her skill, and swordsmanship is probably not. Lu Feng suddenly remembered that Yue Yingshan’s swordsmanship was good, it was not a skill, it was learned by himself, just like Lu Feng’s throwing knives and firearms.

Yueyingshan does not have three skill slots.

In reality, including in the dungeon world, the skills learned by the player can be used, but there is no way for the infinite world to recognize it as a skill, that is, outside the power system of the infinite world.

Of course, there will be no restrictions. The premise is that you can learn it yourself, and some are also very efficient.

“Even if I don’t care about myself, I can’t ignore my parents. I’m sorry, Shanshan, I have to kill The girl with the ponytail gritted her teeth and suddenly stepped on the ground and swept forward. .

The sun blade and the ice sword hit together.

The Frost Sword did not break.

“Stop joking, even if you kill me, you will go to a military court and deliberately murder your colleagues. If you are someone like me, you will be sentenced to death. How do you explain to your uncle and aunt? How do you deal with those classmates you know? .”

Yueyingshan shouted angrily.

“Infinite World Law” is “Infinite World Law”, but they are the people who play the game bureau. There are rules and regulations inside the game board, similar to the management system of the army. This is the murder of colleagues, not the murder of a certain player.

Although in the game management bureau, the bottom players are also in the state of herding sheep, because the dungeon world is too complicated, the place is even more closed, and some things can’t be managed. But it would be different if she died, and she would definitely investigate further, and even take extraordinary measures.

Deliberately murdering a colleague on the same team is a serious crime, and the death penalty is inevitable.

“Who knew I killed you.” Feng Xiaojuan shouted.

“Who knows? I’m dying of laughter, will my Yue family let you go? You think you can retreat so easily, don’t be so stupid, Yue Tailan will use you as a pawn, and use it as a **** that will give up when it runs out, you Do you understand?”

Yue Yingshan scolded: “You kill me, you have to die no matter what.”

Feng Xiaojuan suddenly stopped attacking, took a few steps back, and suddenly stood a little unsteady under her feet.

“You don’t understand. Not only Yue Tailan wants to kill you, but the Wang family also wants to kill you. Now you understand, I won’t go to a military court.”

Feng Xiaojuan gritted her teeth and said, “I may escape the catastrophe, and I may indeed be thrown away as a chess piece, but at least my parents will be fine. In any case, you are going to die, otherwise I will die, my parents Also dead.”

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